#	$OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2002/01/04 22:40:04 art Exp $

# To run full regression tests you just need two steps:
# 1. make depend
# 2. make regress
# A normal "make" is not necessary and will simply do the same thing
# as "regress" (possibly with more bugs). This allows us to include
# compilation as a part of the regression test.
# To get a log of test results set the REGRESSLOG make variable to
# a log file, use an absolute path.
# To skip the really slow tests, set the REGRESSSKIPSLOW variable.

# missing: libexec bin usr.sbin share games gnu

SUBDIR+= etc bin include lib sbin sys share usr.bin

regress: _SUBDIRUSE


.include <bsd.subdir.mk>