pass in quick on enc0 fastroute all pass in quick on enc0 fastroute inet all pass in quick on enc0 fastroute inet6 all pass out quick on tun0 route-to tun1 all pass out quick on tun0 route-to tun1 from any to pass out quick on tun0 route-to tun1 from any to fec0::1 block in on tun0 dup-to tun1: proto tcp from any to any port = 21 block in on tun0 dup-to tun1:fec0::1 proto tcp from any to any port = 21 pass in quick on tun0 route-to tun1 from to pass in quick on tun0 route-to tun1 from fec0::1/64 to fec1::2/128 pass in quick on tun0 dup-to tun1: from to pass in quick on tun0 dup-to tun1:fec1::2 from fec0::1/64 to fec1::2/128