intf = "lo0" developerhosts = "" employeehosts = "" altq on lo0 cbq( red ecn ) bandwidth 10Mb qlimit 100 tbrsize 5000 queue { std http mail ssh } queue std bandwidth 10% qlimit 1 cbq( default ) queue http bandwidth 60% priority 2 cbq( red borrow ) { employees developers } queue developers queue employees bandwidth 10% queue mail bandwidth 10% priority 0 cbq( red ecn borrow ) queue ssh bandwidth 20% cbq( borrow ) { ssh_interactive ssh_bulk } queue ssh_interactive priority 7 queue ssh_bulk priority 0 qlimit 60 block return out on lo0 inet all queue std pass out on lo0 inet proto tcp from to any port = www keep state queue developers pass out on lo0 inet proto tcp from to any port = www keep state queue employees pass out on lo0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = ssh tos 0x10 keep state queue ssh_interactive pass out on lo0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = ssh tos 0x08 keep state queue ssh_bulk pass out on lo0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = smtp keep state queue mail