match on lo0 inet proto tcp from port = 1024 to any port = 80 match proto tcp all match proto tcp all match proto tcp all match in proto tcp all match in proto tcp all match in proto tcp all scrub (reassemble tcp) match in proto tcp from to any match in proto tcp from ! to any match in inet proto tcp from to match in inet proto tcp from to match in inet proto tcp from to match in inet proto tcp from to match in log on lo0 proto tcp all scrub (min-ttl 25) match in log on lo0 inet6 proto tcp from (lo1000000) to 2000::1 match in log on lo0 inet6 proto tcp from (lo0) to 2000::1 match in log on lo0 proto tcp all match in log on lo1000000 proto tcp all match in on lo0 proto tcp all match in on lo0 proto tcp all scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp all scrub (max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp all scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp all scrub (no-df) match in on lo0 proto tcp all scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 inet proto tcp from (lo0) to any match on lo0 proto tcp all scrub (max-mss 224) match out proto tcp all match out proto tcp from any to ! match out proto tcp from any to match out log on lo1000000 inet proto tcp from any to scrub (no-df max-mss 224) match proto tcp all scrub (random-id) match proto tcp from any to any port = 80 match in proto tcp from to any port = 80 match in proto tcp from ! to any port = 80 match in inet proto tcp from to port = 80 match in inet proto tcp from to port = 80 match in inet proto tcp from to port = 80 match in inet proto tcp from to port = 80 match in log on lo0 proto tcp from any to any port = 80 scrub (min-ttl 25) match in log on lo0 inet6 proto tcp from (lo1000000) port = 80 to 2000::1 match in log on lo0 inet6 proto tcp from (lo0) port = 80 to 2000::1 match in log on lo0 proto tcp from any port = 80 to any match in log on lo1000000 proto tcp from any port = 80 to any match in on lo0 proto tcp from any port = 80 to any scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any port = 81 to any scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any to any port = 80 scrub (max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any port = 80 to any scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any port = 80 to any scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any to any port = 80 scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any to any port = 81 scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any to any port = 82 scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any port = 80 to any port = 80 scrub (no-df) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any port = 80 to any port = 80 scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any port = 80 to any port = 81 scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any port = 81 to any port = 80 scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any port = 81 to any port = 81 scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 proto tcp from any to any port = 83 scrub (no-df min-ttl 15 max-mss 224) match in on lo0 inet proto tcp from (lo0) port = 80 to any match on lo0 proto tcp from any to any port = 80 scrub (max-mss 224) match out proto tcp from any to ! port = 80 match out proto tcp from any to port = 80 match out log on lo1000000 inet proto tcp from any to port = 80 scrub (no-df max-mss 224)