#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $OpenBSD: scatman,v 1.2 2001/01/29 02:05:50 niklas Exp $ # # scatman - find turds in mantrees # tchrist@perl.com use strict; my ($Manpath, $Debug); parse_opts(); MANTREE: for my $tree (split /:/, $Manpath) { debug("chdir($tree)"); chdir($tree) || die "cannot cd to main tree $tree: $!"; # XXX: doesn't handles openbsd recursive mandirs yet MANDIR: #for my $mandir ( grep { -d } <{man,cat}*> ) { my @mandirs = grep { -d } <{cat,man}*>; while (@mandirs) { my $mandir = shift @mandirs; my $was_catted = $mandir =~ /^cat/; debug("chdir($tree/$mandir)"); chdir("$tree/$mandir") || die "cannot cd to subdir $tree/$mandir: $!"; my($dirext) = ($mandir =~ /^(?:cat|man)(.*)/); my($ext, @pages); local *MANDIR; unless (opendir(MANDIR, ".")) { die "$0: can't opendir . while in $tree/$mandir: $!\n"; } MANPAGE: while (my $file = readdir(MANDIR)) { next MANPAGE if $file =~ /^\.\.?$/; my $path = "$tree/$mandir/$file"; if (-l $file) { my $target = readlink($file); debug("readlink on $path -> $target"); unless (-f $target && -r $target) { print "$path: bad symlink ($target)\n"; } next MANPAGE; } if (-d $file) { push @mandirs, "$mandir/$file"; next; } unless (-f $file) { print "$path: not a plain file\n"; next MANPAGE; } unless ($file =~ /\./) { print "$path: doesn't smell like a manpage to me\n"; next MANPAGE; } unless ($file =~ /\.${dirext}\S*(\.(gz|Z))?$/ # get a real man dang you! || ($was_catted && $file =~ /\.0/) ) { print "$path: strange extension for this directory\n"; } my $openspec = ($file =~ /\.(gz|Z)$/) ? "gzip -dc < $file |" : "< $file"; local *FH; debug("open $openspec"); unless (open(FH, $openspec)) { warn "can't open $openspec: $!\n"; next; } my($saw_TH, $saw_DOT, $over_struck); local $_; MANLINE: while () { $saw_DOT += /^['.]/; $saw_TH += m{ ^ [.'] # ' unlikely but possible \s* # optional white space (?: TH # -man version | Dt # -mandoc version ) \b }x; if (/^['.]\s*so\s+(\S+)/) { my $link = $1; my $sofile = $link =~ m#^/# ? $link : "$tree/$link"; # not $mandir! debug("$path: so's to $sofile"); unless (-f $sofile && -r $sofile) { print "$path: bad solink: $link\n"; } close FH; next MANPAGE; } if (!defined $over_struck) { $over_struck++ if /(.)[\b]\1/; } close FH,last if $saw_DOT && $saw_TH; } close FH; if ($saw_DOT) { unless ($saw_TH) { print "$path: missing title macro\n"; } } else { if ($over_struck) { my $wish = "$tree/cat$dirext/$file"; print "$path: this catpage should be in $wish" unless $path eq $wish; } else { print "$path: doesn't look like nroff, maybe ", `file $path 2>&1` =~ /: (.*)/, "\n"; } } } } } sub debug { print "[ @_ ]\n" if $Debug; } sub usage { print STDERR "@_\n" if @_; die "Usage: $0 [ -h ] [ -d ] [ [ -M ] [ manpath ] ]\n"; } sub run_help { my $pager; unless ($pager = $ENV{PAGER}) { require Config; # lint happiness. blech. $pager = $Config::Config{'pager'} || $Config::Config{'pager'}; } $pager = "/bin/cat" unless has_cmd($pager); if (has_cmd("pod2man") && has_cmd("nroff") ) { { exec("pod2man $0 | nroff -man | $pager") } # lint happiness warn "exec of pod2man | nroff | $pager failed: $!"; } if (has_cmd("pod2text")) { { exec("pod2text $0 | $pager") } # lint happiness warn "exec of pod2text | $pager failed: $!"; } # sucks to be you! if (eval q{ require Pod::Text; 1; }) { open (STDOUT, "| $pager") || die "no pager $pager: $!"; # this forces a wait on child if needed sub END { close(STDOUT) || die "cannot close STDOUT: $!" } Pod::Text::pod2text($0); exit 0; } # it REALLY REALLY REALLY sucks to be you! open 0 or die "$0: cannot open myself: $!"; $/ = ''; while (<0>) { last if /__(END|DATA)__/; # must be careful here } print <0>; exit; } sub has_cmd { my $cmd = shift; for (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) { my $path = "$_/$cmd"; return $path if -f $path && -x _; } return; } sub parse_opts { ARG: while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ s/^-(?=.)//) { OPT: for (shift @ARGV) { # getopts is for wimps m/^$/ && do { next ARG; }; m/^-$/ && do { last ARG; }; s/^d// && do { $Debug++; redo OPT; }; s/^M(.*)// && do { $Manpath = $1 || shift @ARGV; next ARG; }; m/^(h|-help)?$/ # stupid fsf broken crappy excuse for real manpages && do { run_help(); exit; }; usage("unknown option: -$_"); } } if (@ARGV) { usage("Manpath set, but arguments remaining") if $Manpath; usage("Too many arguments") if @ARGV > 1; $Manpath = $ARGV[0]; } else { $Manpath = '/usr/share/man'; } } __END__ =head1 NAME scatman - find turds in mantrees =head1 SYNOPSIS B S<[ B<-h> ]> S<[ B<-d> ]> S<[ [ B<-M> ] [ I ] ]> =head1 DESCRIPTION The B program locates things in man directories that shouldn't be there. It looks for stray files, catpage installed where manpage belong, non-troff files, troff files without proper title macros, wrong symbolic links, wrong C<.so> links, manpages installed with odd extensions, and unreadable files. The B<-d> flag adds debugging. The B<-M> I flag is there for compatibility with other manly programs. The B<-h> flag prints this manpage and exit. You cannot lose this manpage. No more whingeing! =head1 SEE ALSO man(1), man(7), mandoc(7), cfman(8), noman(8) =head1 RESTRICTIONS This program has only been tested on the Redhat operating system. =head1 AUTHOR Tom Christiansen =head1 HISTORY Version 1: 24 October 1999