#!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 # end of new fragment overlaps old one # |>>>>>----| # |--------| # If the tail of the current framgent overlaps the beginning of an # older fragment, cut the older fragment. # m_adj(after->fe_m, aftercut); # The older data becomes more suspect, and we essentially cause it # to be dropped in the end, meaning it will come again. import os from addr import * from scapy.all import * dstaddr=sys.argv[1] pid=os.getpid() payload="ABCDEFGHIJKLOMNO" dummy="01234567" packet=IPv6(src=SRC_OUT6, dst=dstaddr)/ICMPv6EchoRequest(id=pid, data=payload) frag0=IPv6ExtHdrFragment(nh=58, id=pid, m=1)/str(packet)[40:56] frag1=IPv6ExtHdrFragment(nh=58, id=pid, offset=1)/(dummy+str(packet)[56:64]) pkt0=IPv6(src=SRC_OUT6, dst=dstaddr)/frag0 pkt1=IPv6(src=SRC_OUT6, dst=dstaddr)/frag1 eth=[] eth.append(Ether(src=SRC_MAC, dst=PF_MAC)/pkt1) eth.append(Ether(src=SRC_MAC, dst=PF_MAC)/pkt0) if os.fork() == 0: time.sleep(1) sendp(eth, iface=SRC_IF) os._exit(0) ans=sniff(iface=SRC_IF, timeout=3, filter= "ip6 and src "+dstaddr+" and dst "+SRC_OUT6+" and icmp6") a=ans[0] if a and a.type == scapy.layers.dot11.ETHER_TYPES.IPv6 and \ ipv6nh[a.payload.nh] == 'ICMPv6' and \ icmp6types[a.payload.payload.type] == 'Echo Reply': id=a.payload.payload.id print "id=%#x" % (id) if id != pid: print "WRONG ECHO REPLY ID" exit(2) data=a.payload.payload.data print "payload=%s" % (data) if data == payload: exit(0) print "PAYLOAD!=%s" % (payload) exit(1) print "NO ECHO REPLY" exit(2)