# pf on PF must have these rules in the regress anchor pass to { $PF_IN/24 $PF_IN6/64 } allow-opts pass to { $RT_IN/24 $RT_IN6/64 } allow-opts pass to { $ECO_IN/24 $ECO_IN6/64 } allow-opts pass to { $RDR_IN/24 $RDR_IN6/64 } allow-opts pass in to $RDR_IN/24 rdr-to $ECO_IN allow-opts tag rdr pass out nat-to $PF_OUT allow-opts tagged rdr pass in to $RDR_IN6/64 rdr-to $ECO_IN6 allow-opts tag rdr pass out nat-to $PF_OUT6 allow-opts tagged rdr pass in to $RTT_IN/24 allow-opts tag rtt pass out route-to $RT_IN@$PF_IFOUT allow-opts tagged rtt pass in to $RTT_IN6/64 allow-opts tag rtt pass out route-to $RT_IN6@$PF_IFOUT allow-opts tagged rtt