#!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 # send a ping6 packet with routing header type 0 # the address pointer is at the final destination # hide the routing header behind a fragment header to avoid header scan # we expect an echo reply, as there are no more hops print "send with fragment and routing header type 0 to the final destination" import os from addr import * from scapy.all import * pid=os.getpid() eid=pid & 0xffff fid=pid & 0xffffffff payload="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" packet=IPv6(src=LOCAL_ADDR6, dst=REMOTE_ADDR6)/\ IPv6ExtHdrFragment(id=fid)/\ IPv6ExtHdrRouting(addresses=[OTHER_FAKE1_ADDR6, OTHER_FAKE2_ADDR6], \ segleft=0)/\ ICMPv6EchoRequest(id=eid, data=payload) eth=Ether(src=LOCAL_MAC, dst=REMOTE_MAC)/packet if os.fork() == 0: time.sleep(1) sendp(eth, iface=LOCAL_IF) os._exit(0) ans=sniff(iface=LOCAL_IF, timeout=3, filter= "ip6 and dst "+LOCAL_ADDR6+" and icmp6") for a in ans: if a and a.type == ETH_P_IPV6 and \ ipv6nh[a.payload.nh] == 'ICMPv6' and \ icmp6types[a.payload.payload.type] == 'Echo Reply': reply=a.payload.payload id=reply.id print "id=%#x" % (id) if id != eid: print "WRONG ECHO REPLY ID" exit(2) data=reply.data print "payload=%s" % (data) if data != payload: print "WRONG PAYLOAD" exit(2) exit(0) print "NO ICMP6 ECHO REPLY" exit(1)