# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.33 2012/07/17 09:35:09 jasper Exp $ REGRESS_TARGETS = test-compile-0 test-link-0 test-install-0 \ test-run-0 test-link-1 test-install-1 test-run-1 \ test-link-2 test-link-3 test-link-4 \ test-link-5 test-link-6 test-run-2 test-run-3 \ error-1 error-2 error-3 test-alternate-0 \ test-implicit-0 test-run-4 test-implicit-1 \ test-help error-4 error-6 test-bond test-implicit-2 \ test-Wc test-Xcompiler stupid-gdb pthread-0 pthread-1 \ pthread-2 test-o-0 COMPILE_TESTS = compile-mode-0 compile-mode-1 compile-mode-2 \ compile-mode-3 compile-mode-4 compile-mode-5 \ compile-mode-6 compile-mode-7 compile-mode-8 \ compile-mode-9 compile-mode-10 compile-mode-11 \ compile-mode-12 compile-mode-13 FAILING_TARGETS += error-0 .include .if defined(NOPIC) FAILING_TARGETS += static-arch-fail .else REGRESS_TARGETS += version-override-0 version-override-1 error-5 \ ${COMPILE_TESTS} prefer-static linkception-0 \ release-0 release-1 trip-0 FAILING_TARGETS += test-all-static .endif REGRESS_TARGETS += ${FAILING_TARGETS} compile-tests: ${COMPILE_TESTS} LIBTOOL ?= /usr/bin/libtool DEST = ${.OBJDIR}/dest/usr/local DEST2 = ${.OBJDIR}/dest2/usr/local DEST3 = ${.OBJDIR}/dest3/usr/local WEIRD = a++b.weird NOTWEIRD = a__b_weird test-compile-0: ${OBJLA} test-link-0: liba.la test-link-1: p1 test-run-0: p1 ./p1 test-link-2: liba0.la liba1.la test-link-3: p2 test-run-2: p2 ./p2 test-install-0: ${DEST}/lib/liba.la test-install-1: ${DEST}/bin/p1 test-run-1: ${DEST}/bin/p1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DEST}/lib ${DEST}/bin/p1 test-run-3: ${DEST}/bin/p2 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DEST}/lib ${DEST}/bin/p2 test-run-4: p2 ${LIBTOOL} --mode=execute p2 test-help: ${LIBTOOL} --help > /dev/null # affects sysutils/nut test-all-static: s1 file ${.OBJDIR}/.libs/s1 | grep 'statically linked' s1: c.lo liba.la ${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o s1 c.lo -la -all-static error-0: liba.la # this should error out (not absolute directory) if ${LIBTOOL} --mode=install cp liba.la dest; then exit 1; fi test-bond: dummy3.c # one single instance of -o @if ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile cc -c -o dummy3.lo -o 7 dummy3.c; then exit 1; fi dummy.c dummy2.c dummy3.c: @touch $@ dummy2.lo: dummy2.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile --tag=disable-shared --tag=disable-static ${CC} -c -o dummy2.lo dummy2.c error-1: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile --tag=notatag ${CC} -c -o dummy.lo dummy.c 2>&1|fgrep -q "ignoring unknown tag" error-2: dummy.c if ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile --tag=@ ${CC} -c -o dummy.lo dummy.c; then exit 1; fi error-3: dummy.c if ${LIBTOOL} --mode=foo ${CC} -c -o dummy.lo dummy.c; then exit 1; fi error-4: dummy.c # libtool -mode=... is an invalid option @if ${LIBTOOL} -mode=compile ${CC} -c -o dummy.lo dummy.c; then exit 1; fi error-5: libbad.la fgrep -q "library_names=''" libbad.la || exit 1 error-6: # implicit mode detection failure: libtool foo @if ${LIBTOOL} foo; then exit 1; fi prefer-static: dummy2.lo if fgrep -q .libs/dummy2.o dummy2.lo; then exit 1; fi test-alternate-0: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} compile ${CC} -c -o dummy.lo dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} comp ${CC} -c -o dummy.lo dummy.c test-implicit-0: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} ${CC} -c -o dummy.lo dummy.c test-implicit-1: liba.la mkdir -p ${DEST2}/lib ${LIBTOOL} install liba.la ${DEST2}/lib/liba.la test-implicit-2: liba.la mkdir -p ${DEST3}/lib ${LIBTOOL} install -c liba.la ${DEST3}/lib/liba.la version-override-0: liba9.la fgrep -q "liba9.so.4.2" liba9.la version-override-1: lib${WEIRD}.la fgrep -q "lib${WEIRD}.so.5.6" lib${WEIRD}.la static-arch-fail: @echo "Some tests are not run on static architectures" @exit 1 compile-mode-0: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -c dummy.c|tee out0 @fgrep .libs/dummy.o out0|fgrep -q -- -fPIC @fgrep -q ' dummy.o' out0 @if fgrep ' dummy.o' out0|fgrep -q -- -fPIC; then exit 1; fi compile-mode-1: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile --tag=disable-shared ${CC} -c dummy.c|tee out1 @if fgrep -q .libs/dummy.o out1; then exit 1; fi @fgrep -q ' dummy.o' out1 @if fgrep ' dummy.o' out1|fgrep -q -- -fPIC; then exit 1; fi compile-mode-2: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile --tag=disable-static ${CC} -c dummy.c|tee out2 @fgrep .libs/dummy.o out2|fgrep -q -- -fPIC @if fgrep -q ' dummy.o' out2; then exit 1; fi compile-mode-3: dummy.c # can't disable both, will keep static ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile --tag=disable-static --tag=disable-shared ${CC} -c dummy.c|tee out3 @if fgrep -q .libs/dummy.o out3; then exit 1; fi @fgrep -q ' dummy.o' out3 @if fgrep ' dummy.o' out3|fgrep -q -- -fPIC; then exit 1; fi compile-mode-4: dummy.c # can't disable both, will keep static ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile --tag=disable-shared --tag=disable-static ${CC} -c dummy.c|tee out4 @if fgrep -q .libs/dummy.o out4; then exit 1; fi @fgrep -q ' dummy.o' out4 @if fgrep ' dummy.o' out4|fgrep -- -fPIC; then exit 1; fi compile-mode-5: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -static -c dummy.c|tee out5 @if fgrep -q .libs/dummy.o out5; then exit 1; fi @fgrep -q ' dummy.o' out5 @if fgrep ' dummy.o' out5|fgrep -- -fPIC; then exit 1; fi compile-mode-6: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -static -prefer-pic -c dummy.c|tee out6 @if fgrep -q .libs/dummy.o out6; then exit 1; fi @fgrep ' dummy.o' out6|fgrep -q -- -fPIC compile-mode-7: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -static -fpie -c dummy.c|tee out7 @if fgrep -q .libs/dummy.o out7; then exit 1; fi @fgrep ' dummy.o' out7|fgrep -q -- -fpie @if fgrep ' dummy.o' out7|fgrep -- -fpie|fgrep -q -- -fPIC; then exit 1; fi compile-mode-8: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -static -prefer-pic -fpie -c dummy.c|tee out8 @if fgrep -q .libs/dummy.o out8; then exit 1; fi @fgrep ' dummy.o' out8|fgrep -q -- -fPIC @if fgrep ' dummy.o' out8|fgrep -- -fPIC|fgrep -q -- -fpie; then exit 1; fi compile-mode-9: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -shared -c dummy.c|tee out9 @fgrep -q .libs/dummy.o out9 compile-mode-10: dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -shared -prefer-non-pic -c dummy.c|tee out10 @fgrep .libs/dummy.o out10|fgrep -q -- -fPIC compile-mode-11: dummy.c # -shared + -static -> static ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -shared -static -c dummy.c|tee out11 @if fgrep -q .libs/dummy.o out11; then exit 1; fi @fgrep -q ' dummy.o' out11 @if fgrep ' dummy.o' out11|fgrep -q -- -fPIC; then exit 1; fi compile-mode-12: dummy.c # -shared + -static -> static ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -shared -static -prefer-pic -c dummy.c|tee out12 @if fgrep -q .libs/dummy.o out12; then exit 1; fi @fgrep ' dummy.o' out12|fgrep -q -- -fPIC compile-mode-13: dummy.c # -static + -shared -> configuration error if ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -static -shared -c dummy.c; then exit 1; fi test-Wc: ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -c -Wc,-DA,-DB ${.CURDIR}/d.c test-Xcompiler: ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -c -Xcompiler -DA -Xcompiler -DB ${.CURDIR}/d.c stupid-gdb: @${LIBTOOL} --config|fgrep -q 'objdir=.libs' linkception-0: e.lo # check that linking with libX11 works, which is funny to do # since -lX11 brings in -lxcb, BUT -lxcb wants some other stuff # afterwards ! ${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -o e -L/usr/X11R6/lib e.lo -lX11 test-link-4: e.lo @if ${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -o e -L /usr/X11R6/lib e.lo -lX11; then exit 1; fi # check that -x c works with libraries linking test-link-5: liba4.la # but not with programs !!! test-link-6: e.lo @if ${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -o e -x c e.lo 2>/dev/null; then exit 1; fi test-o-0: e.lo @if ${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -oe e.lo; then exit 1; fi pthread-0: e.lo liba2.la @${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -o e e.lo -la2|tee out.13 @fgrep -q -- -pthread out.13 pthread-1: e.lo liba2.la @${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -pthread -o e e.lo -la2|tee out.14 @fgrep -q -- -pthread out.14 @if grep -q -- "-pthread.*-pthread" out.14; then exit 1; fi pthread-2: e.lo ${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -o e -pthread -pthread e.lo |tee out.15 @fgrep -q -- -pthread out.15 @if grep -q -- "-pthread.*-pthread" out.15; then exit 1; fi release-0: liba3.la test -f .libs/liba3-0.so.0.0 || exit 1 release-1: ${DEST}/lib/liba3.la @test -h ${DEST}/lib/liba3.so.0.0 @test `readlink ${DEST}/lib/liba3.so.0.0` = liba3-0.so.0.0 trip-0: dummy.c a.lo b.lo rm -f .libs/libtrip.so.10.5 mkdir -p lib1 ${CC} -shared -o lib1/libtrip.so.10.5 dummy.c ${CC} -shared -o lib1/libtrip.so.10.10 dummy.c ${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -o libbogus.la -Llib1 ${SOPTS} a.lo b.lo -ltrip if test -e .libs/libtrip.so.10.5; then exit 1; fi #weird-shit-1: a.lo # ${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -rpath /usr/local/lib --export-symbols a.def -o liba2.la a.lo # ${DEST}/bin/p1: ${DEST}/lib/liba.la ${DEST}/bin/p2: ${DEST}/lib/liba0.la ${DEST}/lib/liba1.la # basic framework to build/link stuff SOPTS = -version-info 0:0:0 -rpath /usr/local/lib LIBS = a a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 bad a9 ${WEIRD} PROGS = p1 p2 OBJ_a = a.lo b.lo a_OPTS = ${SOPTS} OBJ_a0 = a.lo a0_OPTS = ${SOPTS} OBJ_a1 = b.lo a1_OPTS = ${SOPTS} -la0 OBJ_a2 = a.lo b.lo a2_OPTS = ${OPTS} -pthread OBJ_a3 = a.lo b.lo a3_OPTS = ${a_OPTS} -release 0 OBJ_a4 = a.lo b.lo a4_OPTS = -x c ${a_OPTS} # libbad has a bogus rpath option OBJ_bad = a.lo b.lo bad_OPTS = --version-info 0:0:0 --rpath /usr/local/lib OBJ_a9 = ${OBJ_a} a9_OPTS = ${a_OPTS} LIBS_ENV = liba9_ltversion=4.2 OBJ_${WEIRD} = ${OBJ_a} ${WEIRD}_OPTS = ${a_OPTS} LIBS_ENV += lib${NOTWEIRD}_ltversion=5.6 OBJ_p1 = c.lo liba.la LINK_p1 = c.lo -la OBJ_p2 = c.lo liba0.la liba1.la LINK_p2 = c.lo -la1 # stuff to compile/link/install everything .SUFFIXES: .lo .c.lo: ${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${.CURDIR}/$*.c .for p in ${PROGS} $p: ${OBJ_$p} ${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o $@ ${LINK_$p} .endfor .for t in ${PROGS} ${DEST}/bin/$t: $t mkdir -p ${DEST}/bin ${LIBTOOL} --mode=install cp $t ${DEST}/bin/$t .endfor .for t in ${LIBS} ${DEST}/lib/lib$t.la: lib$t.la mkdir -p ${DEST}/lib ${LIBTOOL} --mode=install cp lib$t.la ${DEST}/lib/lib$t.la .endfor .for l in ${LIBS} lib$l.la: ${OBJ_$l} ${LIBS_ENV} ${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o $@ ${$l_OPTS} ${OBJ_$l} .endfor CLEANFILES += ${PROGS} s1 *.c *.o *.lo *.la .libs/* lib1/* out* CLEANFILES += ${DEST}/bin/* ${DEST}/lib/* ${DEST2}/lib/* ${DEST3}/lib/* .PHONY: ${REGRESS_TARGETS} regress compile-tests .include