# Copied from Net::LDAP's t/common.pl - perl licence # # BEGIN { $SERVER_EXE = '/usr/sbin/ldapd'; $SERVER_TYPE = 'ldapd+ssl+ipc'; undef $SERVER_EXE unless $SERVER_EXE and -x $SERVER_EXE; # fallback for the host to connect - needs to support IPv4 & IPv6 $HOST ||= 'localhost'; # Where to put temporary files while testing # the Makefile is setup to delete temp/ when make clean is run $TEMPDIR = "./temp"; $PASSWD = 'secret'; $BASEDN = "o=University of Michigan, c=US"; $MANAGERDN= "cn=Manager, o=University of Michigan, c=US"; $JAJDN = "cn=James A Jones 1, ou=Alumni Association, ou=People, o=University of Michigan, c=US"; $BABSDN = "cn=Barbara Jensen, ou=Information Technology Division, ou=People, o=University of Michigan, c=US"; $PORT = 6640; @LDAPD = ($SERVER_EXE, "-r", "./temp", "-f", "./nldapd.conf", "-s" , "./ctrlsock", "-dv"), $LDAP_VERSION ||= 3; mkdir($TEMPDIR,0777); die "$TEMPDIR is not a directory" unless -d $TEMPDIR; } use Test::More; use Net::LDAP; use Net::LDAP::LDIF; use Net::LDAP::Util qw(canonical_dn); use File::Path qw(rmtree); use File::Basename qw(basename); use File::Compare qw(compare_text); my $pid; sub start_server { my %arg = (version => 3, @_); return 0 unless ($LDAP_VERSION >= $arg{version} and $LDAPD[0] and -x $LDAPD[0] and (!$arg{ssl} or $SSL_PORT) and (!$arg{ipc} or $IPC_SOCK)); note("@LDAPD") if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; my $log = $TEMPDIR . "/" . basename($0,'.t'); unless ($pid = fork) { die "fork: $!" unless defined $pid; open(STDERR, ">$log"); open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR"); close(STDIN); exec(@LDAPD) or die "cannot exec @LDAPD"; } sleep 2; # wait for server to start return 1; } sub kill_server { if ($pid) { kill 9, $pid; sleep 2; undef $pid; } } END { kill_server(); } sub client { my %arg = @_; my $ldap; my $count; local $^W = 0; my %opt = map { $_ => $arg{$_} } grep { exists($arg{$_}) } qw/inet4 inet6 debug/; if ($arg{ssl}) { require Net::LDAPS; until($ldap = Net::LDAPS->new($HOST, %opt, port => $SSL_PORT, version => 3)) { die "ldaps://$HOST:$SSL_PORT/ $@" if ++$count > 10; sleep 1; } } elsif ($arg{ipc}) { require Net::LDAPI; until($ldap = Net::LDAPI->new($IPC_SOCK)) { die "ldapi://$IPC_SOCK/ $@" if ++$count > 10; sleep 1; } } elsif ($arg{url}) { print "Trying $arg{url}\n"; until($ldap = Net::LDAP->new($arg{url}, %opt)) { die "$arg{url} $@" if ++$count > 10; sleep 1; } } else { until($ldap = Net::LDAP->new($HOST, %opt, port => $PORT, version => $LDAP_VERSION)) { die "ldap://$HOST:$PORT/ $@" if ++$count > 10; sleep 1; } } $ldap; } sub compare_ldif { my($test,$mesg) = splice(@_,0,2); unless (ok(!$mesg->code, $mesg->error)) { skip($mesg->error, 2); return; } my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new("$TEMPDIR/${test}-out.ldif","w", lowercase => 1); unless (ok($ldif, "Read ${test}-out.ldif")) { skip("Read error", 1); return; } my @canon_opt = (casefold => 'lower', separator => ', '); foreach $entry (@_) { $entry->dn(canonical_dn($entry->dn, @canon_opt)); foreach $attr ($entry->attributes) { $entry->delete($attr) if $attr =~ /^(modifiersname|modifytimestamp|creatorsname|createtimestamp)$/i; if ($attr =~ /^(seealso|member|owner)$/i) { $entry->replace($attr => [ map { canonical_dn($_, @canon_opt) } $entry->get_value($attr) ]); } } $ldif->write($entry); } $ldif->done; # close the file; ok(!compare_text("$TEMPDIR/${test}-out.ldif", "data/${test}-cmp.ldif"), "data/${test}-cmp.ldif"); } sub ldif_populate { my ($ldap, $file, $change) = @_; my $ok = 1; my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new($file,"r", changetype => $change || 'add') or return; while (my $e = $ldif->read_entry) { $mesg = $e->update($ldap); if ($mesg->code) { $ok = 0; Net::LDAP::LDIF->new(qw(- w))->write_entry($e); print "# ",$mesg->code,": ",$mesg->error,"\n"; } } $ok; } 1;