# $OpenBSD: Client.pm,v 1.3 2014/08/18 22:58:19 bluhm Exp $ # Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Alexander Bluhm # Copyright (c) 2014 Florian Riehm # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; package Client; use parent 'Proc'; use Carp; use Fcntl; use Data::Dumper; use YAML; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::Handle; use AnyEvent::Strict; use Packet; use Tun 'opentun'; my $tun_number; my $area; my $hello_interval; # Parameters for interface state machine of the test my $ism_mac; my $ism_ip; my $ism_rtrid; # Parameters for ospfd under test my $ospfd_ip; my $ospfd_rtrid; my $handle; my $check; my $wait; my $cv; my @isms; sub handle_arp { my %arp = consume_arp(\$handle->{rbuf}); my %ether = ( src_str => $ism_mac, dst_str => $arp{sha_str}, type => 0x0806, ); $arp{op} = 2; @arp{qw(sha_str spa_str tha_str tpa_str)} = ($ism_mac, @arp{qw(tpa_str sha_str spa_str)}); $handle->push_write( construct_ether(\%ether, construct_arp(\%arp)) ); } sub handle_ip { my %ip = consume_ip(\$handle->{rbuf}); unless ($ip{p} == 89) { warn "ip proto is not ospf"; return; } $ip{src_str} eq $ospfd_ip or return $cv->croak( "ospfd src ip is $ip{src_str}: expected $ospfd_ip"); my %ospf = consume_ospf(\$handle->{rbuf}); $ospf{router_id_str} eq $ospfd_rtrid or return $cv->croak( "ospfd rtrid is $ospf{router_id_str}: expected $ospfd_rtrid"); $ospf{area_id_str} eq $area or return $cv->croak( "ospfd area is $ospf{area_id_str}: expected $area"); if ($ospf{type} == 1) { handle_hello(); } else { warn "ospf type is not supported: $ospf{type}"; } } sub handle_hello { my %hello = consume_hello(\$handle->{rbuf}); my $compare = sub { my $expect = shift; if ($expect->{dr}) { $hello{designated_router_str} eq $expect->{dr} or return "dr is $hello{designated_router_str}: ". "expected $expect->{dr}"; } if ($expect->{bdr}) { $hello{backup_designated_router_str} eq $expect->{bdr} or return "bdr is $hello{backup_designated_router_str}: ". "expected $expect->{bdr}"; } if ($expect->{nbrs}) { my @neighbors = sort @{$hello{neighbors_str} || []}; my @nbrs = @{$expect->{nbrs}}; "@neighbors" eq "@nbrs" or return "nbrs [@neighbors]: expected [@nbrs]"; } return ""; }; my $error = $compare->($check); return $cv->croak("check: $error") if $error; print "check hello successful\n"; my $reason; if ($wait) { $reason = $compare->($wait); } if ($reason) { print "wait for hello because of: $reason\n"; } else { $cv->send(); } } my $ism_count = 0; sub interface_state_machine { my %state = ( dr => "", bdr => "", pri => 1, ); # increment the ip address and router id for each instance of ism my $ip_number = unpack("N", pack("C4", split(/\./, $ism_ip))); my $ip = join(".", unpack("C4", pack("N", $ip_number + $ism_count))); my $rtrid_number = unpack("N", pack("C4", split(/\./, $ism_rtrid))); my $rtrid = join(".", unpack("C4", pack("N", $rtrid_number + $ism_count))); $ism_count++; my $hello_count = 0; $state{timer} = AnyEvent->timer( after => 3, interval => $hello_interval, cb => sub { my %ether = ( src_str => $ism_mac, dst_str => "01:00:5e:00:00:05", # multicast ospf type => 0x0800, # ipv4 ); my %ip = ( v => 4, # ipv4 hlen => 20, tos => 0xc0, id => $hello_count++, # increment for debugging off => 0, # no fragment ttl => 1, # only for direct connected p => 89, # protocol ospf src_str => $ip, dst_str => "", # all ospf router multicast ); my %ospf = ( version => 2, # ospf v2 type => 1, # hello router_id_str => $rtrid, area_id_str => $area, autype => 0, # no authentication ); my %hello = ( network_mask_str => "", hellointerval => $hello_interval, options => 0x02, rtr_pri => $state{pri}, routerdeadinterval => 4 * $hello_interval, designated_router_str => $state{dr}, backup_designated_router_str => $state{bdr}, neighbors_str => $state{nbrs}, ); $handle->push_write( construct_ether(\%ether, construct_ip(\%ip, construct_ospf(\%ospf, construct_hello(\%hello)))) ); }, ); return \%state; } sub ism_set_state { my $state = shift; my @states = ref($state) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$state : ( $state || () ); for (my $i = 0; $i < @states; $i++) { $isms[$i] ||= interface_state_machine(); %{$isms[$i]} = (%{$isms[$i]}, %{$states[$i]}); } } sub runtest { my $self = shift; $| = 1; ism_set_state($self->{state} || {}); foreach my $task (@{$self->{tasks}}) { print "Task: $task->{name}\n"; $check = $task->{check}; $wait = $task->{wait}; my $timeout = $task->{timeout}; my $t; if ($timeout) { $t = AnyEvent->timer( after => $timeout, cb => sub { $cv->croak("timeout after $timeout seconds"); }, ); } $cv = AnyEvent->condvar; $cv->recv; ism_set_state($task->{state}); } print "Terminating\n"; sleep 1; } sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; $args{logfile} ||= "client.log"; $args{up} = "Starting test client"; $args{down} = "Terminating"; $args{func} = \&runtest; my $self = Proc::new($class, %args); return $self; } sub child { my $self = shift; $area = $self->{area} or croak ref($self), " area id missing"; $hello_interval = $self->{hello_intervall} or croak ref($self), " hello_interval missing"; $ism_mac = $self->{mac_address} or croak ref($self), " client mac address missing"; $ism_ip = $self->{ospf_address} or croak ref($self), " client ospf address missing"; $ism_rtrid = $self->{router_id} or croak ref($self), " client router id missing"; $tun_number = $self->{tun_number} or croak ref($self), " tun device number missing"; $ospfd_ip = $self->{ospfd_ip} or croak ref($self), " ospfd ip missing"; $ospfd_rtrid = $self->{ospfd_rtrid} or croak ref($self), " ospfd router id missing"; my $tun = opentun($tun_number); $handle = AnyEvent::Handle->new( fh => $tun, read_size => 70000, # little more then max ip size on_error => sub { $cv->croak("error on tun device $tun_number: $!"); $handle->destroy(); undef $handle; }, on_eof => sub { $cv->croak("end-of-file on tun device $tun_number: $!"); $handle->destroy(); undef $handle; }, on_read => sub { my %ether = consume_ether(\$handle->{rbuf}); if ($ether{type} == 0x0800) { handle_ip(); } elsif ($ether{type} == 0x0806) { handle_arp(); } else { warn "ether type is not supported: $ether{type_hex}"; } $handle->{rbuf} = ""; # packets must not cumulate }, ); } 1;