# test router priority with one interface state machine (ism)
# ospfd has prio 1, ism of the test has prio 2
# test that ospfd gets bdr (does not work), ism gets dr

use strict;
use warnings;
use Default qw($area $tap_number $ospfd_ip $ospfd_rtrid);

our %tst_args = (
    ospfd => {
	conf => {
	    areas => {
		$area => {
		    "tap$tap_number:$ospfd_ip" => {
			'router-priority' => '1',
    client => {
	state => {
	    pri => 2,
	tasks => [
		name => "receive hello with dr bdr, ".
		    "enter $ospfd_rtrid as our neighbor",
		check => {
		    dr   => "",
		    bdr  => "",
		    nbrs => [],
		state => {
		    nbrs => [ $ospfd_rtrid ],
		name => "wait for neighbor in received hello",
		check => {
		    dr  => "",
		    bdr => "",
		wait => {
		    nbrs => [ "" ],
		timeout => 5,  # 2 * hello interval + 1 second
		name => "we are 2-way, wait for dr and ".
		    "bdr $ospfd_ip in received hello",
		check => {
		    nbrs => [ "" ],
		wait => {
		    dr => "",
		    bdr  => ""  # XXX should be $ospfd_ip
		timeout => 11,  # dead interval + hello interval + 1 second
