#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "regress.h" #include #define SNMP_HOSTNAME "" #define SNMP_PORT "161" #define SNMP_R_COMMUNITY "public" #define MIB_SNMP_V3 MIB_SNMP, 1 #define MIB_SNMP_USM MIB_SNMP_V3, 1 #define MIB_SUBAGENT_V3 MIB_SUBAGENT_SNMP, 1 #define MIB_SUBAGENT_USM MIB_SUBAGENT_V3, 1 #define SNMPMODULES 1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3 #define SNMPUSMMIB SNMPMODULES, 15 #define USMMIBOBJECTS SNMPUSMMIB, 1 #define USMSTATS USMMIBOBJECTS, 1 #define USMSTATSUNKNOWNENGINEIDS USMSTATS, 4 #define BER_OID(...) (struct ber_oid){ {__VA_ARGS__}, \ (sizeof((uint32_t []){__VA_ARGS__}) / sizeof(uint32_t)) } enum snmp_application { APPLICATION_IPADDR = 0, APPLICATION_COUNTER32 = 1, APPLICATION_GAUGE32 = 2, APPLICATION_UNSIGNED32 = 2, APPLICATION_TIMETICKS = 3, APPLICATION_OPAQUE = 4, APPLICATION_NSAPADDR = 5, APPLICATION_COUNTER64 = 6, }; enum snmp_exception { EXCEPTION_NOSUCHOBJECT = 0, EXCEPTION_NOSUCHINSTANCE = 1, EXCEPTION_ENDOFMIBVIEW = 2 }; enum security_model { SM_USM = 3, SM_TSM = 4 }; struct usm { char engineid[32]; size_t engineidlen; int engineboots; int enginetime; char username[33]; }; union securityparams { struct usm usm; }; #define MSGFLAG_AUTH (1 << 0) #define MSGFLAG_PRIV (1 << 1) #define MSG_NOAUTHNOPRIV 0 #define MSG_AUTHNOPRIV MSGFLAG_AUTH #define MSG_AUTHPRIV (MSGFLAG_AUTH | MSGFLAG_PRIV) #define MSGFLAG_REPORTABLE (1 << 2) #define MSGFLAG_ALL (MSGFLAG_AUTH | MSGFLAG_PRIV | MSGFLAG_REPORTABLE) struct headerdata { int32_t msgid; int32_t msgmaxsize; int8_t msgflags; enum security_model msgsm; char engineid[32]; size_t engineidlen; char contextname[256]; }; int32_t snmpv2_send(int, const char *, enum snmp_request, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, struct varbind *, size_t); int32_t snmpv3_get(int, int, struct headerdata *, union securityparams *, int32_t, struct varbind *, size_t); int32_t snmpv3_send(int, int, struct headerdata *, union securityparams *, enum snmp_request, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, struct varbind *, size_t); int32_t snmpv3_usm_send(int, int, struct headerdata *, struct usm *, int32_t, struct varbind *, size_t); void snmpv3_usm_discovery(int, int, struct headerdata *, struct usm *); void snmpv3_encode(int, struct ber *, struct headerdata *, union securityparams *, struct ber_element *); void snmpv3_usm_encode(int, struct ber *, struct usm *); struct ber_element *snmpv3_decode(int, void *, size_t, struct ber_element *, struct headerdata *, union securityparams *); void snmpv3_response_validate(int, int, struct headerdata *, union securityparams *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, struct varbind *, size_t); void snmpv3_usm_decode(int, void *, size_t, void *, size_t, struct usm *); struct ber_element *snmp_recv(int, int, void *buf, size_t *); struct ber_element *snmp_pdu(enum snmp_request, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, struct varbind *, size_t); struct ber_element *snmp_varbindlist(struct varbind *, size_t); struct ber_oid *snmp_oid2ber_oid(struct oid *, struct ber_oid *); struct ber_element *snmp_data2ber_element(enum type, union data *); unsigned int smi_application(struct ber_element *); char *smi_oid2string(struct ber_oid *, char *, size_t); char *smi_print_element(struct ber_element *); struct ber_element *v2cmps(struct ber_element *, const char *); void snmp_pdu_validate(struct ber_element *, enum snmp_request, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, struct varbind *, size_t); void snmp_v3_usm_noauthpriv(void) { struct sockaddr_storage ss; struct sockaddr *sa = (struct sockaddr *)&ss; socklen_t salen; int snmp_s, ax_s; uint32_t sessionid; struct varbind varbind = { .type = TYPE_NULL, .name = OID_STRUCT(MIB_SNMP_USM, 1, 0), .data.int32 = 1 }; struct headerdata hd = { .msgid = 0, .msgmaxsize = 0, .msgflags = MSG_NOAUTHNOPRIV | MSGFLAG_REPORTABLE, .msgsm = SM_USM }; union securityparams params = { .usm.engineidlen = 0, .usm.engineboots = 0, .usm.enginetime = 0, .usm.username = "noauthpriv" }; int32_t requestid; char buf[1024]; size_t n; ax_s = agentx_connect(axsocket); sessionid = agentx_open(ax_s, 0, 0, OID_ARG(MIB_SUBAGENT_USM, 1), __func__); agentx_register(ax_s, sessionid, 0, 0, 127, 0, OID_ARG(MIB_SNMP_USM, 1), 0); salen = snmp_resolve(SOCK_DGRAM, hostname, servname, sa); snmp_s = snmp_connect(SOCK_DGRAM, sa, salen); requestid = snmpv3_get(snmp_s, 1000, &hd, ¶ms, 0, &varbind, 1); n = agentx_read(ax_s, buf, sizeof(buf), 1000); varbind.type = TYPE_INTEGER; agentx_get_handle(__func__, buf, n, 0, sessionid, &varbind, 1); agentx_response(ax_s, buf, 0, NOERROR, &varbind, 1); snmpv3_response_validate(snmp_s, 1000, &hd, ¶ms, requestid, 0, 0, &varbind, 1); } socklen_t snmp_resolve(int type, const char *hostname, const char *servname, struct sockaddr *sa) { struct addrinfo hints, *res; socklen_t salen; int error; if (hostname == NULL) hostname = SNMP_HOSTNAME; if (servname == NULL) servname = SNMP_PORT; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = type; if ((error = getaddrinfo(hostname, servname, &hints, &res)) != 0) errx(1, "getaddrinfo(%s, %s): %s", hostname, servname, gai_strerror(error)); memcpy(sa, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); salen = res->ai_addrlen; freeaddrinfo(res); return salen; } int snmp_connect(int type, struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen) { int s; if ((s = socket(sa->sa_family, type, 0)) == -1) err(1, "socket"); if (connect(s, sa, salen) == -1) err(1, "connect"); return s; } int32_t snmpv2_get(int s, const char *community, int32_t requestid, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { return snmpv2_send(s, community, REQUEST_GET, requestid, 0, 0, varbindlist, nvarbind); } int32_t snmpv2_getnext(int s, const char *community, int32_t requestid, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { return snmpv2_send(s, community, REQUEST_GETNEXT, requestid, 0, 0, varbindlist, nvarbind); } int32_t snmpv2_getbulk(int s, const char *community, int32_t requestid, int32_t nonrep, int32_t maxrep, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { return snmpv2_send(s, community, REQUEST_GETBULK, requestid, nonrep, maxrep, varbindlist, nvarbind); } struct ber_element * snmpv2_build(const char *community, enum snmp_request request, int32_t requestid, int32_t error, int32_t index, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { struct ber_element *message; if (community == NULL) community = SNMP_R_COMMUNITY; message = ober_printf_elements(NULL, "{dse}", 1, community, snmp_pdu(request, requestid, error, index, varbindlist, nvarbind)); if (message == NULL) err(1, NULL); return message; } int32_t snmpv2_send(int s, const char *community, enum snmp_request request, int32_t requestid, int32_t error, int32_t index, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { struct ber_element *message; struct ber ber = {}; void *buf; ssize_t buflen, writelen; while (requestid == 0) requestid = arc4random(); message = snmpv2_build(community, request, requestid, error, index, varbindlist,nvarbind); if (ober_write_elements(&ber, message) == -1) err(1, "ober_write_elements"); buflen = ober_get_writebuf(&ber, &buf); if ((writelen = write(s, buf, buflen)) == -1) err(1, "write"); if (writelen != buflen) errx(1, "write: short write"); if (verbose) { printf("SNMP send(%d):\n", s); smi_debug_elements(message); } ober_free_elements(message); ober_free(&ber); return requestid; } void snmpv2_response_validate(int s, int timeout, const char *community, int32_t requestid, int32_t error, int32_t index, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { struct ber_element *message, *pdu; char buf[100000]; size_t buflen = sizeof(buf); message = snmp_recv(s, timeout, buf, &buflen); if (community == NULL) community = SNMP_R_COMMUNITY; snmp_pdu_validate(v2cmps(message, community), REQUEST_RESPONSE, requestid, error, index, varbindlist, nvarbind); ober_free_elements(message); } struct ber_element * snmp_recv(int s, int timeout, void *buf, size_t *buflen) { struct pollfd pfd = { .fd = s, .events = POLLIN }; struct ber ber = {}; struct ber_element *message; ssize_t n; size_t ntot = 0; int ret; again: if ((ret = poll(&pfd, 1, timeout)) == -1) err(1, "poll"); if (ret == 0) { if (ntot == 0) errx(1, "%s: timeout", __func__); errc(1, ECANCELED, "%s: unable to decode message", __func__); } if ((n = read(s, buf + ntot, *buflen - ntot)) == -1) err(1, "snmp read"); ntot += n; ober_set_application(&ber, smi_application); ober_set_readbuf(&ber, buf, ntot); if ((message = ober_read_elements(&ber, NULL)) == NULL) { if (errno == ECANCELED) goto again; errx(1, "%s: unable to decode message", __func__); } *buflen = n; if (verbose) { printf("SNMP received(%d):\n", s); smi_debug_elements(message); } ober_free(&ber); return message; } int32_t snmpv3_get(int s, int timeout, struct headerdata *hd, union securityparams *params, int32_t requestid, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { return snmpv3_send(s, timeout, hd, params, REQUEST_GET, requestid, 0, 0, varbindlist, nvarbind); } int32_t snmpv3_send(int s, int timeout, struct headerdata *hd, union securityparams *params, enum snmp_request request, int32_t requestid, int32_t error, int32_t index, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { struct ber ber; void *buf; ssize_t buflen, writelen; if (hd->msgid == 0) hd->msgid = arc4random(); if (hd->msgmaxsize == 0) hd->msgmaxsize = 484; if (requestid == 0) requestid = arc4random(); if (hd->msgsm == SM_USM) snmpv3_usm_discovery(s, timeout, hd, ¶ms->usm); snmpv3_encode(s, &ber, hd, params, snmp_pdu(request, requestid, error, index, varbindlist, nvarbind)); buflen = ober_get_writebuf(&ber, &buf); if ((writelen = write(s, buf, buflen)) == -1) err(1, "write"); if (writelen != buflen) errx(1, "write: short write"); ober_free(&ber); return requestid; } void snmpv3_usm_discovery(int s, int timeout, struct headerdata *hd, struct usm *params) { struct ber_element *message, *pdu; struct ber_oid oid; struct ber ber; struct headerdata hdd; union securityparams sp = { .usm = *params }; void *buf; char rbuf[1024]; size_t rbuflen = sizeof(rbuf); int8_t msgflags; size_t buflen, writelen; char oidbuf[1024]; struct varbind vb = { .type = TYPE_COUNTER32, .dataunknown = 1 }; hdd = *hd; hdd.msgid = arc4random(); if (params->engineidlen == 0) { hdd.msgflags = MSGFLAG_REPORTABLE; sp.usm.username[0] = '\0'; } else if (hd->msgflags & MSGFLAG_AUTH && params->engineboots == 0 && params->enginetime == 0) hdd.msgflags = MSGFLAG_AUTH | MSGFLAG_REPORTABLE; else return; pdu = snmp_pdu(REQUEST_GET, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0); snmpv3_encode(s, &ber, &hdd, &sp, pdu); buflen = ober_get_writebuf(&ber, &buf); if ((writelen = write(s, buf, buflen)) == -1) err(1, "write"); if (writelen != buflen) errx(1, "write: short write"); retry: message = snmp_recv(s, timeout, rbuf, &rbuflen); hdd.msgflags &= ~MSGFLAG_REPORTABLE; pdu = snmpv3_decode(s, rbuf, rbuflen, message, &hdd, &sp); if (params->engineidlen == 0) { vb.name = OID_STRUCT(USMSTATSUNKNOWNENGINEIDS, 0); snmp_pdu_validate(pdu, REQUEST_REPORT, 0, 0, 0, &vb, 1); memcpy(params->engineid, sp.usm.engineid, sp.usm.engineidlen); params->engineidlen = sp.usm.engineidlen; if (hd->msgflags & MSGFLAG_AUTH) snmpv3_usm_discovery(s, timeout, hd, params); } ober_free(&ber); ober_free_elements(message); return; } void snmpv3_encode(int s, struct ber *ber, struct headerdata *hd, union securityparams *params, struct ber_element *pdu) { struct ber_element *message; void *sp; size_t splen; switch (hd->msgsm) { case SM_USM: snmpv3_usm_encode(s, ber, ¶ms->usm); break; default: errx(1, "%s: unsupported securityModel %d", __func__, hd->msgsm); } splen = ober_get_writebuf(ber, &sp); if ((message = ober_printf_elements(NULL, "{d{ddxd}x{xse}}", 3, hd->msgid, hd->msgmaxsize, &hd->msgflags, sizeof(hd->msgflags), hd->msgsm, sp, splen, hd->engineid, hd->engineidlen, hd->contextname, pdu)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); ober_free(ber); *ber = (struct ber){}; ober_set_application(ber, smi_application); if (ober_write_elements(ber, message) == -1) err(1, NULL); if (verbose) { printf("SNMP send(%d):\n", s); smi_debug_elements(message); } ober_free_elements(message); } void snmpv3_usm_encode(int s, struct ber *ber, struct usm *params) { struct ber_element *sp; *ber = (struct ber){}; ober_set_application(ber, smi_application); if ((sp = ober_printf_elements(NULL, "{xddxss}", params->engineid, params->engineidlen, params->engineboots, params->enginetime, params->username, strlen(params->username), "", "")) == NULL) err(1, NULL); if (ober_write_elements(ber, sp) == -1) err(1, NULL); if (verbose) { printf("USM params send(%d):\n", s); smi_debug_elements(sp); } ober_free_elements(sp); } struct ber_element * snmpv3_decode(int s, void *buf, size_t buflen, struct ber_element *message, struct headerdata *hd, union securityparams *sp) { struct ber_element *pdu; int32_t version, msgid, msgmaxsize, sm; char *msgflags, *spstr, *engineid, *name; size_t msgflagslen, spstrlen, engineidlen, namelen; int class; unsigned int type; if (ober_scanf_elements(message, "{d{ddxd$}x{xxe}", &version, &msgid, &msgmaxsize, &msgflags, &msgflagslen, &sm, &spstr, &spstrlen, &engineid, &engineidlen, &name, &namelen, &pdu) == -1) errx(1, "%s: ober_scanf_elements", __func__); if (version != 3) errx(1, "%s: invalid version", __func__); if (msgid != hd->msgid) errx(1, "%s: unexpected msgid", __func__); if (msgmaxsize < 484 || msgmaxsize > 2147483647) errx(1, "%s: invalid msgmaxsize", __func__); if (msgflagslen != 1 || msgflags[0] != hd->msgflags) errx(1, "%s: invalid msgflags", __func__); if (sm != hd->msgsm) errx(1, "%s: unexpected security model", __func__); if (engineidlen < 5 || engineidlen > 32) errx(1, "%s: invalid contextEngineID", __func__); if (hd->engineidlen != 0) { if (hd->engineidlen != engineidlen || memcmp(hd->engineid, engineid, engineidlen) != 0) errx(1, "%s: unexpected engineid", __func__); } else { hd->engineidlen = engineidlen; memcpy(hd->engineid, engineid, engineidlen); } if (namelen > 255) errx(1, "%s: invalid ctxnamelen", __func__); if (strcmp(hd->contextname, name) != 0) errx(1, "%s: unexpected context", __func__); switch (sm) { case SM_USM: snmpv3_usm_decode(s, buf, buflen, spstr, spstrlen, &sp->usm); } return pdu; } void snmpv3_usm_decode(int s, void *buf, size_t buflen, void *spstr, size_t spstrlen, struct usm *usm) { struct ber ber = {}; struct ber_element *sp; char *engineid, *username, *authparams, *privparams; size_t engineidlen, usernamelen, authparamslen, privparamslen; int32_t engineboots, enginetime; ober_set_application(&ber, smi_application); ober_set_readbuf(&ber, spstr, spstrlen); if ((sp = ober_read_elements(&ber, NULL)) == NULL) errx(1, "%s: ober_read_elements", __func__); if (verbose) { printf("USM params received(%d):\n", s); smi_debug_elements(sp); } if (ober_scanf_elements(sp, "{xddxxx}", &engineid, &engineidlen, &engineboots, &enginetime, &username, &usernamelen, &authparams, &authparamslen, &privparams, &privparamslen) == -1) errx(1, "%s: ober_scanf_elements", __func__); if (engineidlen < 5 || engineidlen > 32) errx(1, "%s: invalid msgAuthoritativeEngineID", __func__); if (engineboots < 0 || engineboots > 2147483647) errx(1, "%s: invalid msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots", __func__); if (enginetime < 0 || enginetime > 2147483647) errx(1, "%s: invalid msgAuthoritativeEngineTime", __func__); if (usernamelen < 0 || usernamelen > 32) errx(1, "%s: invalid msgUserName", __func__); if (usm->engineidlen == 0) { memcpy(usm->engineid, engineid, engineidlen); usm->engineidlen = engineidlen; } else { if (usm->engineidlen != engineidlen || memcmp(usm->engineid, engineid, engineidlen) != 0) errx(1, "%s: unexpected engineid", __func__); } if (usm->engineboots == 0 && usm->enginetime == 0) { usm->engineboots = engineboots; usm->enginetime = enginetime; } else { if (usm->engineboots < engineboots) errx(1, "%s: engineboots decremented", __func__); else if (usm->engineboots == engineboots) { if (enginetime < usm->enginetime - 150 || enginetime > usm->enginetime + 150) errx(1, "%s: enginetime out of window", __func__); } else { if (enginetime > 150) errx(1, "%s: enginetime out of window", __func__); } } if (strcmp(username, usm->username) != 0) errx(1, "unexpected username"); } void snmpv3_response_validate(int s, int timeout, struct headerdata *hd, union securityparams *sp, int32_t requestid, int32_t error, int32_t index, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { struct ber_element *message, *pdu; char buf[1024]; size_t buflen = sizeof(buf); hd->msgflags &= ~MSGFLAG_REPORTABLE; message = snmp_recv(s, timeout, buf, &buflen); pdu = snmpv3_decode(1, buf, sizeof(buf), message, hd, sp); snmp_pdu_validate(pdu, REQUEST_RESPONSE, requestid, error, index, varbindlist, nvarbind); ober_free_elements(message); } void snmp_timeout(int s, int timeout) { int ret; struct pollfd pfd = { .fd = s, .events = POLLIN }; if ((ret = poll(&pfd, 1, timeout)) == -1) err(1, "poll"); if (ret != 0) errx(1, "%s: unexpected snmp data", __func__); } struct ber_element * snmp_pdu(enum snmp_request request, int32_t requestid, int32_t error, int32_t index, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { struct ber_element *pdu; if ((pdu = ober_printf_elements(NULL, "{tddde}", BER_CLASS_CONTEXT, request, requestid, error, index, snmp_varbindlist(varbindlist, nvarbind))) == NULL) err(1, NULL); return pdu; } struct ber_element * snmp_varbindlist(struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { struct ber_element *vblist, *prev = NULL; struct ber_oid oid; size_t i; if ((vblist = prev = ober_add_sequence(NULL)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); for (i = 0; i < nvarbind; i++) { if ((prev = ober_printf_elements(prev, "{Oe}", snmp_oid2ber_oid(&varbindlist[i].name, &oid), snmp_data2ber_element(varbindlist[i].type, &varbindlist[i].data))) == NULL) err(1, NULL); } return vblist; } struct ber_oid * snmp_oid2ber_oid(struct oid *oid, struct ber_oid *boid) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < oid->n_subid; i++) boid->bo_id[i] = oid->subid[i]; boid->bo_n = oid->n_subid; return boid; } struct ber_element * snmp_data2ber_element(enum type type, union data *data) { struct ber_element *elm; struct ber_oid oid; switch (type) { case TYPE_INTEGER: elm = ober_add_integer(NULL, data->int32); break; case TYPE_OCTETSTRING: elm = ober_add_nstring(NULL, data->octetstring.string, data->octetstring.len); break; case TYPE_NULL: elm = ober_add_null(NULL); break; case TYPE_OBJECTIDENTIFIER: elm = ober_add_oid(NULL, snmp_oid2ber_oid(&data->oid, &oid)); break; case TYPE_IPADDRESS: if ((elm = ober_add_nstring(NULL, data->octetstring.string, data->octetstring.len)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); ober_set_header(elm, BER_CLASS_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_IPADDR); break; case TYPE_COUNTER32: if ((elm = ober_add_integer(NULL, data->uint32)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); ober_set_header(elm, BER_CLASS_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_COUNTER32); break; case TYPE_GAUGE32: if ((elm = ober_add_integer(NULL, data->uint32)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); ober_set_header(elm, BER_CLASS_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_GAUGE32); break; case TYPE_TIMETICKS: if ((elm = ober_add_integer(NULL, data->uint32)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); ober_set_header(elm, BER_CLASS_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_TIMETICKS); break; case TYPE_OPAQUE: if ((elm = ober_add_nstring(NULL, data->octetstring.string, data->octetstring.len)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); ober_set_header(elm, BER_CLASS_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_OPAQUE); break; case TYPE_COUNTER64: if ((elm = ober_add_integer(NULL, data->uint64)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); ober_set_header(elm, BER_CLASS_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_COUNTER64); break; case TYPE_NOSUCHOBJECT: if ((elm = ober_add_null(NULL)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); ober_set_header(elm, BER_CLASS_CONTEXT, EXCEPTION_NOSUCHOBJECT); break; case TYPE_NOSUCHINSTANCE: if ((elm = ober_add_null(NULL)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); ober_set_header(elm, BER_CLASS_CONTEXT, EXCEPTION_NOSUCHINSTANCE); break; case TYPE_ENDOFMIBVIEW: if ((elm = ober_add_null(NULL)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); ober_set_header(elm, BER_CLASS_CONTEXT, EXCEPTION_ENDOFMIBVIEW); break; default: errx(1, "%s: unsupported type: %d", __func__, type); } if (elm == NULL) err(1, NULL); return elm; } unsigned int smi_application(struct ber_element *elm) { if (elm->be_class != BER_CLASS_APPLICATION) return -1; switch (elm->be_type) { case APPLICATION_IPADDR: case APPLICATION_OPAQUE: return BER_TYPE_OCTETSTRING; case APPLICATION_COUNTER32: case APPLICATION_GAUGE32: case APPLICATION_TIMETICKS: case APPLICATION_COUNTER64: return BER_TYPE_INTEGER; default: return -1; } } char * smi_oid2string(struct ber_oid *oid, char *buf, size_t len) { char digit[11]; size_t i; buf[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < oid->bo_n; i++) { snprintf(digit, sizeof(digit), "%"PRIu32, oid->bo_id[i]); if (i > 0) strlcat(buf, ".", len); strlcat(buf, digit, len); } return buf; } char * smi_print_element(struct ber_element *root) { char *str = NULL, *buf, *p; long long v; struct ber_oid o; char strbuf[BUFSIZ]; switch (root->be_class) { case BER_CLASS_UNIVERSAL: switch (root->be_type) { case BER_TYPE_INTEGER: if (ober_get_integer(root, &v) == -1) goto fail; if (asprintf(&str, "%lld", v) == -1) goto fail; break; case BER_TYPE_OBJECT: if (ober_get_oid(root, &o) == -1) goto fail; if (asprintf(&str, "%s", smi_oid2string(&o, strbuf, sizeof(strbuf))) == -1) goto fail; break; case BER_TYPE_OCTETSTRING: if (ober_get_string(root, &buf) == -1) goto fail; p = reallocarray(NULL, 4, root->be_len + 1); if (p == NULL) goto fail; strvisx(p, buf, root->be_len, VIS_NL); if (asprintf(&str, "\"%s\"", p) == -1) { free(p); goto fail; } free(p); break; case BER_TYPE_NULL: if (asprintf(&str, "null") == -1) goto fail; break; default: /* Should not happen in a valid SNMP packet */ if (asprintf(&str, "[U/%u]", root->be_type) == -1) goto fail; break; } break; case BER_CLASS_APPLICATION: switch (root->be_type) { case APPLICATION_IPADDR: if (ober_get_string(root, &buf) == -1) goto fail; if (asprintf(&str, "%s", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)buf)) == -1) goto fail; break; case APPLICATION_COUNTER32: if (ober_get_integer(root, &v) == -1) goto fail; if (asprintf(&str, "%lld(c32)", v) == -1) goto fail; break; case APPLICATION_GAUGE32: if (ober_get_integer(root, &v) == -1) goto fail; if (asprintf(&str, "%lld(g32)", v) == -1) goto fail; break; case APPLICATION_TIMETICKS: if (ober_get_integer(root, &v) == -1) goto fail; if (asprintf(&str, "%lld.%llds", v/100, v%100) == -1) goto fail; break; case APPLICATION_OPAQUE: if (ober_get_string(root, &buf) == -1) goto fail; p = reallocarray(NULL, 4, root->be_len + 1); if (p == NULL) goto fail; strvisx(p, buf, root->be_len, VIS_NL); if (asprintf(&str, "\"%s\"(opaque)", p) == -1) { free(p); goto fail; } free(p); break; case APPLICATION_COUNTER64: if (ober_get_integer(root, &v) == -1) goto fail; if (asprintf(&str, "%lld(c64)", v) == -1) goto fail; break; default: /* Should not happen in a valid SNMP packet */ if (asprintf(&str, "[A/%u]", root->be_type) == -1) goto fail; break; } break; case BER_CLASS_CONTEXT: switch (root->be_type) { case EXCEPTION_NOSUCHOBJECT: str = strdup("noSuchObject"); break; case EXCEPTION_NOSUCHINSTANCE: str = strdup("noSuchInstance"); break; case EXCEPTION_ENDOFMIBVIEW: str = strdup("endOfMibView"); break; default: /* Should not happen in a valid SNMP packet */ if (asprintf(&str, "[C/%u]", root->be_type) == -1) goto fail; break; } break; default: /* Should not happen in a valid SNMP packet */ if (asprintf(&str, "[%hhu/%u]", root->be_class, root->be_type) == -1) goto fail; break; } return (str); fail: free(str); return (NULL); } void smi_debug_elements(struct ber_element *root) { static int indent = 0; char *value; int constructed; /* calculate lengths */ ober_calc_len(root); switch (root->be_encoding) { case BER_TYPE_SEQUENCE: case BER_TYPE_SET: constructed = root->be_encoding; break; default: constructed = 0; break; } fprintf(stderr, "%*slen %lu ", indent, "", root->be_len); switch (root->be_class) { case BER_CLASS_UNIVERSAL: fprintf(stderr, "class: universal(%u) type: ", root->be_class); switch (root->be_type) { case BER_TYPE_EOC: fprintf(stderr, "end-of-content"); break; case BER_TYPE_INTEGER: fprintf(stderr, "integer"); break; case BER_TYPE_BITSTRING: fprintf(stderr, "bit-string"); break; case BER_TYPE_OCTETSTRING: fprintf(stderr, "octet-string"); break; case BER_TYPE_NULL: fprintf(stderr, "null"); break; case BER_TYPE_OBJECT: fprintf(stderr, "object"); break; case BER_TYPE_ENUMERATED: fprintf(stderr, "enumerated"); break; case BER_TYPE_SEQUENCE: fprintf(stderr, "sequence"); break; case BER_TYPE_SET: fprintf(stderr, "set"); break; } break; case BER_CLASS_APPLICATION: fprintf(stderr, "class: application(%u) type: ", root->be_class); switch (root->be_type) { case APPLICATION_IPADDR: fprintf(stderr, "ipaddr"); break; case APPLICATION_COUNTER32: fprintf(stderr, "counter32"); break; case APPLICATION_GAUGE32: fprintf(stderr, "gauge32"); break; case APPLICATION_TIMETICKS: fprintf(stderr, "timeticks"); break; case APPLICATION_OPAQUE: fprintf(stderr, "opaque"); break; case APPLICATION_COUNTER64: fprintf(stderr, "counter64"); break; } break; case BER_CLASS_CONTEXT: fprintf(stderr, "class: context(%u) type: ", root->be_class); switch (root->be_type) { case REQUEST_GET: fprintf(stderr, "getreq"); break; case REQUEST_GETNEXT: fprintf(stderr, "getnextreq"); break; case REQUEST_RESPONSE: fprintf(stderr, "response"); break; case REQUEST_SET: fprintf(stderr, "setreq"); break; case REQUEST_TRAP: fprintf(stderr, "trap"); break; case REQUEST_GETBULK: fprintf(stderr, "getbulkreq"); break; case REQUEST_INFORM: fprintf(stderr, "informreq"); break; case REQUEST_TRAPV2: fprintf(stderr, "trapv2"); break; case REQUEST_REPORT: fprintf(stderr, "report"); break; } break; case BER_CLASS_PRIVATE: fprintf(stderr, "class: private(%u) type: ", root->be_class); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "class: (%u) type: ", root->be_class); break; } fprintf(stderr, "(%u) encoding %u ", root->be_type, root->be_encoding); if ((value = smi_print_element(root)) == NULL) goto invalid; switch (root->be_encoding) { case BER_TYPE_INTEGER: case BER_TYPE_ENUMERATED: fprintf(stderr, "value %s", value); break; case BER_TYPE_BITSTRING: fprintf(stderr, "hexdump %s", value); break; case BER_TYPE_OBJECT: fprintf(stderr, "oid %s", value); break; case BER_TYPE_OCTETSTRING: if (root->be_class == BER_CLASS_APPLICATION && root->be_type == APPLICATION_IPADDR) { fprintf(stderr, "addr %s", value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "string %s", value); } break; case BER_TYPE_NULL: /* no payload */ case BER_TYPE_EOC: case BER_TYPE_SEQUENCE: case BER_TYPE_SET: default: fprintf(stderr, "%s", value); break; } invalid: if (value == NULL) fprintf(stderr, ""); else free(value); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (constructed) root->be_encoding = constructed; if (constructed && root->be_sub) { indent += 2; smi_debug_elements(root->be_sub); indent -= 2; } if (root->be_next) smi_debug_elements(root->be_next); } struct ber_element * v2cmps(struct ber_element *message, const char *community) { int version; const char *mcommunity; struct ber_element *pdu; if (ober_scanf_elements(message, "{dse}$", &version, &mcommunity, &pdu) == -1) err(1, "%s: ober_scanf_elements", __func__); if (strcmp(mcommunity, community) != 0) errx(1, "%s: invalid community (%s/%s)", __func__, mcommunity, community); return pdu; } void snmp_pdu_validate(struct ber_element *pdu, enum snmp_request request, int32_t requestid, int32_t error, int32_t index, struct varbind *varbindlist, size_t nvarbind) { int32_t mrequestid, merror, mindex; int class; unsigned int type; struct ber_element *mvarbindlist, *varbind; struct ber_oid moid, oid; struct ber_element *value; char oidbuf1[512], oidbuf2[512]; size_t i; if (ober_scanf_elements(pdu, "t{ddd{e}$}$", &class, &type, &mrequestid, &merror, &mindex, &varbind) == -1) err(1, "%s: ober_scanf_elementsi", __func__); if (class != BER_CLASS_CONTEXT || type != request) errx(1, "%s: unexpected pdu type", __func__); if (mrequestid != requestid) errx(1, "%s: unexpected pdu requestid (%d/%d)", __func__, mrequestid, requestid); if (error != merror) errx(1, "%s: unexpected pdu error (%d/%d)", __func__, merror, error); if (index != mindex) errx(1, "%s: unepxected pdu index (%d/%d)", __func__, mindex, index); for (i = 0; varbind != NULL; varbind = varbind->be_next, i++) { if (ober_scanf_elements(varbind, "{oeS$}", &moid, &value) == -1) err(1, "%s: ober_scanf_elements", __func__); if (i >= nvarbind) continue; snmp_oid2ber_oid(&varbindlist[i].name, &oid); if (!varbindlist[i].nameunknown && ober_oid_cmp(&moid, &oid) != 0) errx(1, "%s: unexpected oid (%s/%s)", __func__, smi_oid2string(&moid, oidbuf1, sizeof(oidbuf1)), smi_oid2string(&oid, oidbuf2, sizeof(oidbuf2))); if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_UNIVERSAL && value->be_type == BER_TYPE_INTEGER) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_INTEGER) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); if (!varbindlist[i].dataunknown && varbindlist[i].data.int32 != value->be_numeric) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_UNIVERSAL && value->be_type == BER_TYPE_OCTETSTRING) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_OCTETSTRING) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); if (!varbindlist[i].dataunknown && ( varbindlist[i].data.octetstring.len != value->be_len || memcmp(varbindlist[i].data.octetstring.string, value->be_val, value->be_len) != 0)) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_UNIVERSAL && value->be_type == BER_TYPE_NULL) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_NULL) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_UNIVERSAL && value->be_type == BER_TYPE_OBJECT) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_OBJECTIDENTIFIER) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); if (!varbindlist[i].dataunknown) { if (ober_get_oid(value, &moid) == -1) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); snmp_oid2ber_oid(&varbindlist[i].data.oid, &oid); if (ober_oid_cmp(&oid, &moid) != 0) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_APPLICATION && value->be_type == APPLICATION_IPADDR) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_IPADDRESS) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); if (value->be_len != 4) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); if (!varbindlist[i].dataunknown) { if (memcmp(value->be_val, varbindlist[i].data.octetstring.string, value->be_len) != 0) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_APPLICATION && value->be_type == APPLICATION_COUNTER32) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_COUNTER32) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); if (!varbindlist[i].dataunknown && varbindlist[i].data.uint32 != value->be_numeric) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_APPLICATION && value->be_type == APPLICATION_GAUGE32) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_GAUGE32) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); if (!varbindlist[i].dataunknown && varbindlist[i].data.uint32 != value->be_numeric) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_APPLICATION && value->be_type == APPLICATION_TIMETICKS) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_TIMETICKS) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); if (!varbindlist[i].dataunknown && varbindlist[i].data.uint32 != value->be_numeric) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_APPLICATION && value->be_type == APPLICATION_OPAQUE) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_OPAQUE) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); if (!varbindlist[i].dataunknown && ( varbindlist[i].data.octetstring.len != value->be_len || memcmp(varbindlist[i].data.octetstring.string, value->be_val, value->be_len) != 0)) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_APPLICATION && value->be_type == APPLICATION_COUNTER64) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_COUNTER64) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); if (!varbindlist[i].dataunknown && varbindlist[i].data.uint64 != value->be_numeric) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_CONTEXT && value->be_type == EXCEPTION_NOSUCHOBJECT) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_NOSUCHOBJECT) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_CONTEXT && value->be_type == EXCEPTION_NOSUCHINSTANCE) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_NOSUCHINSTANCE) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else if (value->be_class == BER_CLASS_CONTEXT && value->be_type == EXCEPTION_ENDOFMIBVIEW) { if (!varbindlist[i].typeunknown && varbindlist[i].type != TYPE_ENDOFMIBVIEW) errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } else errx(1, "%s: unexpected value", __func__); } if (i != nvarbind) errx(1, "%s: unexpected amount of varbind (%zu/%zu)", __func__, i, nvarbind); }