#!/usr/bin/perl # $OpenBSD: run.pl,v 1.11 2017/06/22 20:17:22 bluhm Exp $ # Copyright (c) 2017 Alexander Bluhm # Copyright (c) 2016 Reyk Floeter # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use IO::Socket::INET; use Net::Pcap; use NetPacket::Ethernet; use NetPacket::IP; use NetPacket::UDP; use Crypt::Random; use Switchd; BEGIN { require OFP; require 'ofp.ph'; require 'ofp10.ph'; } sub fatal { my $class = shift; my $err = shift; print STDERR "*** ".$class.": ".$err."\n"; die($err); } sub ofp_debug { my $dir = shift; my $ofp = shift; fatal("OFP", "empty response") if (!$ofp->{version}); printf("OFP ".$dir." version %d type %d length %d xid %d\n", $ofp->{version}, $ofp->{type}, $ofp->{length}, $ofp->{xid}); } sub ofp_input { my $self = shift; my $pkt; my $pktext; my $ofp; my $ofplen; # Read the OFP payload head $self->{sock}->recv($pkt, 8); $ofp = NetPacket::OFP->decode($pkt) or fatal('ofp_input', 'Failed to decode OFP header'); # Read the body and decode it. $ofplen = $ofp->{length}; if (defined($ofplen) && $ofplen > 8) { $ofplen -= 8; # Perl recv() only reads 16k at a time, so loop here. while ($ofplen > 0) { $self->{sock}->recv($pktext, $ofplen); if (length($pktext) == 0) { fatal('ofp_input', 'Socket closed'); } $ofplen -= length($pktext); $pkt .= $pktext; } $ofp = NetPacket::OFP->decode($pkt) or fatal('ofp_input', 'Failed to decode OFP'); } ofp_debug('<', $ofp); return ($ofp); } sub ofp_output { my $self = shift; my $pkt = shift; my $ofp = NetPacket::OFP->decode($pkt); ofp_debug('>', $ofp); $self->{sock}->send($pkt); } sub ofp_match_align { my $matchlen = shift; return (($matchlen + (8 - 1)) & (~(8 - 1))); } sub ofp_hello { my $class; my $self = shift; my $hello = NetPacket::OFP->decode() or fatal($class, "new packet"); my $features; my $pkt; $hello->{version} = $self->{version}; $hello->{type} = OFP_T_HELLO(); $hello->{xid} = $self->{xid}++; $pkt = NetPacket::OFP->encode($hello); # XXX timeout ofp_output($self, $pkt); $hello = ofp_input($self); # OpenFlow >= 1.3 wants features, set-config and table features. if ($self->{version} == OFP_V_1_3()) { $features = ofp_input($self); if ($features->{type} != OFP_T_FEATURES_REQUEST()) { fatal($class, 'Unexpected packet type ' . $features->{type}); } $pkt = NetPacket::OFP->decode() or fatal($class, 'new packet'); $pkt->{version} = $self->{version}; $pkt->{type} = OFP_T_FEATURES_REPLY(); $pkt->{xid} = $features->{xid}; $pkt->{data} = pack('NNNCCxxNN', 0x00FFAABB, 0xCCDDEEFF, # datapath_id 0, # nbuffers 1, # ntables 0, # aux_id 0x00000001, # capabilities 0x00000001 # actions ); ofp_output($self, NetPacket::OFP->encode($pkt)); # Just read set-config and table features request ofp_input($self); ofp_input($self); # Answer the table features so switchd(8) install table-miss NetPacket::OFP->ofp_table_features_reply($self); } return ($hello); } sub ofp_packet_in { my $class; my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $pktin = NetPacket::OFP->decode() or fatal($class, "new packet"); my $pkt; if ($self->{version} == OFP_V_1_0()) { $pkt = pack('NnnCxa*', OFP_PKTOUT_NO_BUFFER(), # buffer_id length($data), # total_len $self->{port} || OFP_PORT_NORMAL(), # port OFP_PKTIN_REASON_NO_MATCH(), # reason $data # data ); } else { my $match = pack('nCCN', OFP_OXM_C_OPENFLOW_BASIC(), # class OFP_XM_T_IN_PORT(), # field + mask 4, # length $self->{port} || OFP_PORT_NORMAL() # in_port ); # matchlen is OXMs + ofp_match header. my $matchlen = 4 + length($match); my $padding = ofp_match_align($matchlen) - $matchlen; if ($padding > 0) { $match .= pack("x[$padding]"); } $pkt = pack('NnCCNNnna*xxa*', OFP_PKTOUT_NO_BUFFER(), # buffer_id length($data), # total_len OFP_PKTIN_REASON_NO_MATCH(), # reason 0, # table_id 0x00000000, 0x00000000, # cookie OFP_MATCH_OXM(), # match_type $matchlen, # match_len $match, # OXM matches $data # data ); } $pktin->{version} = $self->{version}; $pktin->{type} = OFP_T_PACKET_IN(); $pktin->{xid} = $self->{xid}++; $pktin->{data} = $pkt; $pkt = NetPacket::OFP->encode($pktin); # XXX timeout ofp_output($self, $pkt); return (ofp_input($self)); } sub packet_send { my $class; my $self = shift; my $packet = shift; my $eth; my $ip; my $udp; my $data; my $pkt; my $src; # Payload $data = Crypt::Random::makerandom_octet(Length => $packet->{length}); # IP header $ip = NetPacket::IP->decode(); $ip->{src_ip} = $packet->{src_ip} || ""; $ip->{dest_ip} = $packet->{dest_ip} || ""; $ip->{ver} = NetPacket::IP::IP_VERSION_IPv4; $ip->{hlen} = 5; $ip->{tos} = 0; $ip->{id} = Crypt::Random::makerandom(Size => 16); $ip->{ttl} = 0x5a; $ip->{flags} = 0; #XXX NetPacket::IP::IP_FLAG_DONTFRAG; $ip->{foffset} = 0; $ip->{proto} = NetPacket::IP::IP_PROTO_UDP; $ip->{options} = ''; # UDP header $udp = NetPacket::UDP->decode(); $udp->{src_port} = $packet->{src_port} || 9000; $udp->{dest_port} = $packet->{dest_port} || 9000; $udp->{data} = $data; $ip->{data} = $udp->encode($ip); $pkt = $ip->encode() or fatal($class, "ip"); # Create Ethernet header $self->{data} = pack('H12H12na*' , $packet->{dest_mac}, $packet->{src_mac}, NetPacket::Ethernet::ETH_TYPE_IP, $pkt); return (main::ofp_packet_in($self, $self->{data})); } sub packet_decode { my $pkt = shift; my $hdr = shift; my $eh = NetPacket::Ethernet->decode($pkt); printf("%s %s %04x %d", join(':', unpack '(A2)*', $eh->{src_mac}), join(':', unpack '(A2)*', $eh->{dest_mac}), $eh->{type}, length($pkt)); if (length($pkt) < $hdr->{len}) { printf("/%d", $hdr->{len}) } printf("\n"); return ($eh); } sub process { my $sock = shift; my $path = shift; my $pcap_t; my $err; my $pkt; my %hdr; my ($filename, $dirs, $suffix) = fileparse($path, ".pm"); (my $func = $filename) =~ s/-/_/g; my $state; local $@; print "- $filename\n"; require $path or fatal("main", $path); eval { $state = $func->init($sock); }; die if($@); return if not $state->{pcap}; $pcap_t = Net::Pcap::open_offline($dirs."".$state->{pcap}, \$err) or fatal("main", $err); while ($pkt = Net::Pcap::next($pcap_t, \%hdr)) { $state->{data} = $pkt; $state->{eh} = packet_decode($pkt, \%hdr); eval { $func->next($state); }; die if($@); } Net::Pcap::close($pcap_t); } if (@ARGV < 1) { print "\nUsage: run.pl test.pl\n"; exit; } # Flush after every write $| = 1; my $test = $ARGV[0]; my @test_files = (); for (@ARGV) { push(@test_files, glob($_)); } my $sd = Switchd->new( listenaddr => "", listenport => 6633, testfile => $test, ); $sd->run->up; # Open connection to the controller my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerHost => "", PeerPort => 6633, Proto => 'tcp', ) or fatal("main", "ERROR in Socket Creation : $!\n"); # Run all requested tests for my $test_file (@test_files) { process($sock, $test_file); } $sock->close(); $sd->kill_child->down; 1;