# $OpenBSD: funcs.pl,v 1.22 2015/07/16 16:34:49 bluhm Exp $ # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Alexander Bluhm # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'experimental::smartmatch'; use feature 'switch'; use Errno; use List::Util qw(first); use Socket; use Socket6; use Sys::Syslog qw(:standard :extended :macros); use Time::HiRes 'sleep'; use IO::Socket; use IO::Socket::INET6; my $firstlog = "syslogd regress test first message"; my $secondlog = "syslogd regress test second message"; my $thirdlog = "syslogd regress test third message"; my $testlog = "syslogd regress test log message"; my $downlog = "syslogd regress client shutdown"; my $charlog = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; sub find_ports { my %args = @_; my $num = delete $args{num} // 1; my $domain = delete $args{domain} // AF_INET; my $addr = delete $args{addr} // ""; my $proto = delete $args{proto} // "udp"; $proto = "tcp" if $proto eq "tls"; my @sockets = (1..$num); foreach my $s (@sockets) { $s = IO::Socket::INET6->new( Domain => $domain, LocalAddr => $addr, Proto => $proto, ) or die "find_ports: create and bind socket failed: $!"; } my @ports = map { $_->sockport() } @sockets; return wantarray ? @ports : $ports[0]; } ######################################################################## # Client funcs ######################################################################## sub write_log { my $self = shift; write_message($self, $testlog); IO::Handle::flush(\*STDOUT); ${$self->{syslogd}}->loggrep($testlog, 2); write_shutdown($self); } sub write_between2logs { my $self = shift; my $func = shift; write_message($self, $firstlog); $func->($self, @_); write_message($self, $testlog); IO::Handle::flush(\*STDOUT); ${$self->{syslogd}}->loggrep($testlog, 2); write_shutdown($self); } sub write_message { my $self = shift; if (defined($self->{connectdomain})) { my $msg = join("", @_); if ($self->{connectproto} eq "udp") { # writing UDP packets works only with syswrite() defined(my $n = syswrite(STDOUT, $msg)) or die ref($self), " write log line failed: $!"; $n == length($msg) or die ref($self), " short UDP write"; } else { print $msg; print "\n" if $self->{connectproto} eq "tcp"; } print STDERR "<<< $msg\n"; } else { syslog(LOG_INFO, @_); } } sub write_shutdown { my $self = shift; setlogsock("native") or die ref($self), " setlogsock native failed: $!"; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $downlog); } sub write_lines { my $self = shift; my ($lines, $lenght) = @_; foreach (1..$lines) { write_chars($self, $lenght, " $_"); } } sub write_lengths { my $self = shift; my ($lenghts, $tail) = ref $_[0] ? @_ : [@_]; write_chars($self, $lenghts, $tail); } sub generate_chars { my ($len) = @_; my $msg = ""; my $char = '0'; for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $msg .= $char; given ($char) { when(/9/) { $char = 'A' } when(/Z/) { $char = 'a' } when(/z/) { $char = '0' } default { $char++ } } } return $msg; } sub write_chars { my $self = shift; my ($length, $tail) = @_; foreach my $len (ref $length ? @$length : $length) { my $t = $tail // ""; substr($t, 0, length($t) - $len, "") if length($t) && length($t) > $len; my $msg = generate_chars($len - length($t)); $msg .= $t if length($t); write_message($self, $msg); # if client is sending too fast, syslogd will not see everything sleep .01; } } sub write_unix { my $self = shift; my $path = shift || "/dev/log"; my $id = shift // $path; my $u = IO::Socket::UNIX->new( Type => SOCK_DGRAM, Peer => $path, ) or die ref($self), " connect to $path unix socket failed: $!"; my $msg = "$id unix socket: $testlog"; print $u $msg; print STDERR "<<< $msg\n"; } sub write_tcp { my $self = shift; my $fh = shift || \*STDOUT; my $id = shift // $fh; my $msg = "$id tcp socket: $testlog"; print $fh "$msg\n"; print STDERR "<<< $msg\n"; } ######################################################################## # Server funcs ######################################################################## sub read_log { my $self = shift; read_message($self, $downlog); } sub read_between2logs { my $self = shift; my $func = shift; unless ($self->{redo}) { read_message($self, $firstlog); } $func->($self, @_); unless ($self->{redo}) { read_message($self, $testlog); read_message($self, $downlog); } } sub read_message { my $self = shift; my $regex = shift; local $_; for (;;) { if ($self->{listenproto} eq "udp") { # reading UDP packets works only with sysread() defined(my $n = sysread(STDIN, $_, 8194)) or die ref($self), " read log line failed: $!"; last if $n == 0; } else { defined($_ = ) or last; } chomp; print STDERR ">>> $_\n"; last if /$regex/; } } ######################################################################## # Script funcs ######################################################################## sub get_testlog { return $testlog; } sub get_testgrep { return qr/$testlog$/; } sub get_firstlog { return $firstlog; } sub get_secondlog { return $secondlog; } sub get_thirdlog { return $thirdlog; } sub get_charlog { # add a space so that we match at the beginning of the message return " $charlog"; } sub get_between2loggrep { return ( qr/$firstlog/ => 1, qr/$testlog/ => 1, ); } sub get_downlog { return $downlog; } sub check_logs { my ($c, $r, $s, $m, %args) = @_; return if $args{nocheck}; check_log($c, $r, $s, @$m); check_out($r, %args); check_fstat($c, $r, $s); check_ktrace($c, $r, $s); if (my $file = $s->{"outfile"}) { my $pattern = $s->{filegrep} || get_testgrep(); check_pattern(ref $s, $file, $pattern, \&filegrep); } check_multifile(@{$args{multifile} || []}); } sub compare($$) { local $_ = $_[1]; if (/^\d+/) { return $_[0] == $_; } elsif (/^==(\d+)/) { return $_[0] == $1; } elsif (/^!=(\d+)/) { return $_[0] != $1; } elsif (/^>=(\d+)/) { return $_[0] >= $1; } elsif (/^<=(\d+)/) { return $_[0] <= $1; } elsif (/^~(\d+)/) { return $1 * 0.8 <= $_[0] && $_[0] <= $1 * 1.2; } die "bad compare operator: $_"; } sub check_pattern { my ($name, $proc, $pattern, $func) = @_; $pattern = [ $pattern ] unless ref($pattern) eq 'ARRAY'; foreach my $pat (@$pattern) { if (ref($pat) eq 'HASH') { foreach my $re (sort keys %$pat) { my $num = $pat->{$re}; my @matches = $func->($proc, $re); compare(@matches, $num) or die "$name matches '@matches': ", "'$re' => $num"; } } else { $func->($proc, $pat) or die "$name log missing pattern: $pat"; } } } sub check_log { foreach my $proc (@_) { next unless $proc && !$proc->{nocheck}; my $pattern = $proc->{loggrep} || get_testgrep(); check_pattern(ref $proc, $proc, $pattern, \&loggrep); } } sub loggrep { my ($proc, $pattern) = @_; return $proc->loggrep($pattern); } sub check_out { my ($r, %args) = @_; unless ($args{pipe}{nocheck}) { $r->loggrep("bytes transferred", 1) or sleep 1; } foreach my $name (qw(file pipe)) { next if $args{$name}{nocheck}; my $file = $r->{"out$name"} or die; my $pattern = $args{$name}{loggrep} || get_testgrep(); check_pattern($name, $file, $pattern, \&filegrep); } } sub check_fstat { foreach my $proc (@_) { my $pattern = $proc && $proc->{fstat} or next; my $file = $proc->{fstatfile} or die; check_pattern("fstat", $file, $pattern, \&filegrep); } } sub filegrep { my ($file, $pattern) = @_; open(my $fh, '<', $file) or die "Open file $file for reading failed: $!"; return wantarray ? grep { /$pattern/ } <$fh> : first { /$pattern/ } <$fh>; } sub check_ktrace { foreach my $proc (@_) { my $pattern = $proc && $proc->{ktrace} or next; my $file = $proc->{ktracefile} or die; check_pattern("ktrace", $file, $pattern, \&kdumpgrep); } } sub kdumpgrep { my ($file, $pattern) = @_; my @sudo = ! -r $file && $ENV{SUDO} ? $ENV{SUDO} : (); my @cmd = (@sudo, "kdump", "-f", $file); open(my $fh, '-|', @cmd) or die "Open pipe from '@cmd' failed: $!"; my @matches = grep { /$pattern/ } <$fh>; close($fh) or die $! ? "Close pipe from '@cmd' failed: $!" : "Command '@cmd' failed: $?"; return wantarray ? @matches : $matches[0]; } sub create_multifile { for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i++) { my $file = "file-$i.log"; open(my $fh, '>', $file) or die "Create $file failed: $!"; } } sub check_multifile { for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i++) { my $file = "file-$i.log"; my $pattern = $_[$i]{loggrep} or die; check_pattern("multifile $i", $file, $pattern, \&filegrep); } } 1;