# example smtpd rules file.
# Also note, this isn't real. It's chosen for illustrative purposes.
# not for practicality. 
# Rule syntax [allow|deny]:SourceList:FromList:ToList:[XXX message]

# allow the users on the freenet host to send mail from their username
# (obtained by ident query to the box) and no other, except for
# "root" and "uucp", which MTA's on the machine may run as.
allow:root@freenet.my.domain uucp@freenet.my.domain:ALL:ALL

# I'm in front of some other people's mail. Allow their mailhost
# to send mail out coming from themselves, but not from other addresses. 
allow:mailhost.other1.org:ALL@other1.org ALL@mailhost.other1.org:ALL
allow:mailhost.other2.org:ALL@other2.org ALL@mailhost.other2.org:ALL
# Allow everything else inbound to them
allow:ALL:ALL:ALL@other2.org ALL@mailhost.other2.org 
allow:ALL:ALL:ALL@other1.org ALL@mailhost.other1.org 

# we had a problem with internal people subscribing to lists on 
# xxx.com. As such we got a directive from on high that
# we really don't need our people to send any mail to that site.
deny:*.my.domain:ALL:ALL@xxx.com ALL@*.xxx.com 

# don't allow my users to subscribe to majordomo mailinglists except from
# certain machines, and then, only as themselves according to ident. 
# except for "luser" who got caught trying to subscribe me to a bunch of
# mailing lists about therapy for control freaks.
allow:ALL@loginhost.my.domain ALL@otherhost.my.domain EXCEPT luser@*.my.domain:USER@my.domain:majordomo@ALL

# allow sources in my domain to mail out with from addresses looking like they 
# are from my domain's two allowed forms of email address. 
allow:*.my.domain 192.168.20.* 192.168.30.*:ALL@my_domain ALL@mailhost.my.domain:ALL

# relay incoming mail to my domain.

# don't relay anything else out (bogus FROM:, external spammer using us as a
# relay, etc).