# $OpenBSD: std.mac68k,v 1.9 1997/03/08 16:16:47 briggs Exp $ # $NetBSD: std.mac68k,v 1.18 1997/02/13 17:29:43 scottr Exp $ # # standard Macintosh information. # roughly copied from std.sparc 14 Oct 1993. machine mac68k m68k mainbus0 at root fpu0 at mainbus? # on-board I/O obio0 at mainbus? adb0 at obio? zsc0 at obio? zstty* at zsc? channel ? options TIMEZONE=0 # minutes west of GMT--read from booter options DST=0 # daylight savings time/summer time option HZ=60 # mac clock runs at 60hz # Executable support option EXEC_AOUT # a.out binary support option EXEC_SCRIPT # shell script support # VM pager support option SWAPPAGER # paging; REQUIRED option DEVPAGER # mmap() of devices; REQUIRED