# $OpenBSD: files.solbourne,v 1.1 2005/04/19 21:30:17 miod Exp $ # Kernel configuration rules for OpenBSD/solbourne. # Most device definitions and files rules are imported from # sys/arch/sparc/conf/files.sparc and are not repeated here. # Hence, this file only lists solbourne-specific changes from # the sparc port. maxpartitions 16 maxusers 2 8 64 # obio on solbourne is just an administrative wrapper on which # all on-board devices attach. file arch/solbourne/dev/obio.c obio # OKI TODclock chip device tod attach tod at obio file arch/solbourne/dev/tod.c tod # Z8530 clock hijack device zsclock attach zsclock at zs file arch/solbourne/dev/zsclock.c zsclock file dev/clock_subr.c file arch/solbourne/solbourne/autoconf.c file arch/solbourne/solbourne/clock.c file arch/solbourne/solbourne/machdep.c file arch/solbourne/solbourne/mem.c file arch/solbourne/solbourne/pmap.c file arch/solbourne/solbourne/prom_machdep.c file arch/solbourne/solbourne/trap.c