/* * Generate defines for the needed hardops. */ #include "pass2.h" #include #define FMTdPTR "%td" int chkop[DSIZE]; void mktables(void); char *cname = "external.c"; char *hname = "external.h"; FILE *fc, *fh; /* * masks for matching dope with shapes */ int mamask[] = { SIMPFLG, /* OPSIMP */ SIMPFLG|ASGFLG, /* ASG OPSIMP */ COMMFLG, /* OPCOMM */ COMMFLG|ASGFLG, /* ASG OPCOMM */ MULFLG, /* OPMUL */ MULFLG|ASGFLG, /* ASG OPMUL */ DIVFLG, /* OPDIV */ DIVFLG|ASGFLG, /* ASG OPDIV */ UTYPE, /* OPUNARY */ TYFLG, /* ASG OPUNARY is senseless */ LTYPE, /* OPLEAF */ TYFLG, /* ASG OPLEAF is senseless */ 0, /* OPANY */ ASGOPFLG|ASGFLG, /* ASG OPANY */ LOGFLG, /* OPLOG */ TYFLG, /* ASG OPLOG is senseless */ FLOFLG, /* OPFLOAT */ FLOFLG|ASGFLG, /* ASG OPFLOAT */ SHFFLG, /* OPSHFT */ SHFFLG|ASGFLG, /* ASG OPSHIFT */ SPFLG, /* OPLTYPE */ TYFLG, /* ASG OPLTYPE is senseless */ }; struct checks { int op, type; char *name; } checks[] = { { MUL, TLONGLONG, "SMULLL", }, { DIV, TLONGLONG, "SDIVLL", }, { MOD, TLONGLONG, "SMODLL", }, { PLUS, TLONGLONG, "SPLUSLL", }, { MINUS, TLONGLONG, "SMINUSLL", }, { MUL, TULONGLONG, "UMULLL", }, { DIV, TULONGLONG, "UDIVLL", }, { MOD, TULONGLONG, "UMODLL", }, { PLUS, TULONGLONG, "UPLUSLL", }, { MINUS, TULONGLONG, "UMINUSLL", }, { 0, 0, 0, }, }; int rstatus[] = { RSTATUS }; int roverlay[MAXREGS][MAXREGS] = { ROVERLAP }; int regclassmap[NUMCLASS][MAXREGS]; static void compl(struct optab *q, char *str) { int op = q->op; char *s; if (op < OPSIMP) { s = opst[op]; } else switch (op) { default: s = "Special op"; break; case OPSIMP: s = "OPLSIMP"; break; case OPCOMM: s = "OPCOMM"; break; case OPMUL: s = "OPMUL"; break; case OPDIV: s = "OPDIV"; break; case OPUNARY: s = "OPUNARY"; break; case OPLEAF: s = "OPLEAF"; break; case OPANY: s = "OPANY"; break; case OPLOG: s = "OPLOG"; break; case OPFLOAT: s = "OPFLOAT"; break; case OPSHFT: s = "OPSHFT"; break; case OPLTYPE: s = "OPLTYPE"; break; } printf("table entry " FMTdPTR ", op %s: %s\n", q - table, s, str); } static int getrcl(struct optab *q) { int v = q->needs & (NACOUNT|NBCOUNT|NCCOUNT|NDCOUNT); int r = q->rewrite & RESC1 ? 1 : q->rewrite & RESC2 ? 2 : 3; int i = 0; #define INCK(c) while (v & c##COUNT) { \ v -= c##REG, i++; if (i == r) return I##c##REG; } INCK(NA) INCK(NB) INCK(NC) INCK(ND) return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct optab *q; struct checks *ch; int i, j, areg, breg, creg, dreg, mx; char *bitary; int bitsz, rval, nelem; mkdope(); for (q = table; q->op != FREE; q++) { if (q->op >= OPSIMP) continue; if ((q->ltype & TLONGLONG) && (q->rtype & TLONGLONG)) chkop[q->op] |= TLONGLONG; if ((q->ltype & TULONGLONG) && (q->rtype & TULONGLONG)) chkop[q->op] |= TULONGLONG; } if ((fc = fopen(cname, "w")) == NULL) { perror("open cfile"); return(1); } if ((fh = fopen(hname, "w")) == NULL) { perror("open hfile"); return(1); } for (ch = checks; ch->op != 0; ch++) { if ((chkop[ch->op] & ch->type) == 0) fprintf(fh, "#define NEED_%s\n", ch->name); } fprintf(fc, "#include \"pass2.h\"\n"); /* create fast-lookup tables */ mktables(); /* create efficient bitset sizes */ if (sizeof(long) == 8) { /* 64-bit arch */ bitary = "long"; bitsz = 64; } else { bitary = "int"; bitsz = sizeof(int) == 4 ? 32 : 16; } fprintf(fh, "#define NUMBITS %d\n", bitsz); fprintf(fh, "#define BITSET(arr, bit) " "(arr[bit/NUMBITS] |= ((%s)1 << (bit & (NUMBITS-1))))\n", bitary); fprintf(fh, "#define BITCLEAR(arr, bit) " "(arr[bit/NUMBITS] &= ~((%s)1 << (bit & (NUMBITS-1))))\n", bitary); fprintf(fh, "#define TESTBIT(arr, bit) " "(arr[bit/NUMBITS] & ((%s)1 << (bit & (NUMBITS-1))))\n", bitary); fprintf(fh, "typedef %s bittype;\n", bitary); /* register class definitions, used by graph-coloring */ /* TODO */ /* Sanity-check the table */ rval = 0; for (q = table; q->op != FREE; q++) { if (q->op == ASSIGN) { #define F(x) (q->visit & x && q->rewrite & (RLEFT|RRIGHT) && \ q->lshape & ~x && q->rshape & ~x) if (F(INAREG) || F(INBREG) || F(INCREG) || F(INDREG)) { compl(q, "may match without result register"); rval++; } #undef F if ((q->visit & INREGS) && !(q->rewrite & RDEST)) { compl(q, "ASSIGN reclaim must be RDEST"); rval++; } } /* check that reclaim is not the wrong class */ if ((q->rewrite & (RESC1|RESC2|RESC3)) && !(q->needs & REWRITE)) { if ((q->visit & getrcl(q)) == 0) { compl(q, "wrong RESCx class"); rval++; } } if (q->rewrite & (RESC1|RESC2|RESC3) && q->visit & FOREFF) compl(q, "FOREFF may cause reclaim of wrong class"); } /* print out list of scratched and permanent registers */ fprintf(fh, "extern int tempregs[], permregs[];\n"); fprintf(fc, "int tempregs[] = { "); for (i = j = 0; i < MAXREGS; i++) if (rstatus[i] & TEMPREG) fprintf(fc, "%d, ", i), j++; fprintf(fc, "-1 };\n"); fprintf(fh, "#define NTEMPREG %d\n", j+1); fprintf(fh, "#define FREGS %d\n", j); /* XXX - to die */ fprintf(fc, "int permregs[] = { "); for (i = j = 0; i < MAXREGS; i++) if (rstatus[i] & PERMREG) fprintf(fc, "%d, ", i), j++; fprintf(fc, "-1 };\n"); fprintf(fh, "#define NPERMREG %d\n", j+1); fprintf(fc, "bittype validregs[] = {\n"); for (j = 0; j < MAXREGS; j += bitsz) { int cbit = 0; for (i = 0; i < bitsz; i++) { if (i+j == MAXREGS) break; if (rstatus[i+j] & INREGS) cbit |= (1 << i); } fprintf(fc, "\t0x%08x,\n", cbit); } fprintf(fc, "};\n"); fprintf(fh, "extern bittype validregs[];\n"); /* * The register allocator uses bitmasks of registers for each class. */ areg = breg = creg = dreg = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXREGS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NUMCLASS; j++) regclassmap[j][i] = -1; if (rstatus[i] & SAREG) regclassmap[0][i] = areg++; if (rstatus[i] & SBREG) regclassmap[1][i] = breg++; if (rstatus[i] & SCREG) regclassmap[2][i] = creg++; if (rstatus[i] & SDREG) regclassmap[3][i] = dreg++; } fprintf(fh, "#define AREGCNT %d\n", areg); fprintf(fh, "#define BREGCNT %d\n", breg); fprintf(fh, "#define CREGCNT %d\n", creg); fprintf(fh, "#define DREGCNT %d\n", dreg); if (areg > bitsz) printf("%d regs in class A (max %d)\n", areg, bitsz), rval++; if (breg > bitsz) printf("%d regs in class B (max %d)\n", breg, bitsz), rval++; if (creg > bitsz) printf("%d regs in class C (max %d)\n", creg, bitsz), rval++; if (dreg > bitsz) printf("%d regs in class D (max %d)\n", dreg, bitsz), rval++; fprintf(fc, "static int amap[MAXREGS][NUMCLASS] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < MAXREGS; i++) { int ba, bb, bc, bd, r; ba = bb = bc = bd = 0; if (rstatus[i] & SAREG) ba = (1 << regclassmap[0][i]); if (rstatus[i] & SBREG) bb = (1 << regclassmap[1][i]); if (rstatus[i] & SCREG) bc = (1 << regclassmap[2][i]); if (rstatus[i] & SDREG) bd = (1 << regclassmap[3][i]); for (j = 0; roverlay[i][j] >= 0; j++) { r = roverlay[i][j]; if (rstatus[r] & SAREG) ba |= (1 << regclassmap[0][r]); if (rstatus[r] & SBREG) bb |= (1 << regclassmap[1][r]); if (rstatus[r] & SCREG) bc |= (1 << regclassmap[2][r]); if (rstatus[r] & SDREG) bd |= (1 << regclassmap[3][r]); } fprintf(fc, "\t{ 0x%x", ba); if (NUMCLASS > 1) fprintf(fc, ",0x%x", bb); if (NUMCLASS > 2) fprintf(fc, ",0x%x", bc); if (NUMCLASS > 3) fprintf(fc, ",0x%x", bd); fprintf(fc, " },\n"); } fprintf(fc, "};\n"); fprintf(fh, "int aliasmap(int class, int regnum);\n"); fprintf(fc, "int\naliasmap(int class, int regnum)\n{\n"); fprintf(fc, " return amap[regnum][class-1];\n}\n"); /* routines to convert back from color to regnum */ mx = areg; if (breg > mx) mx = breg; if (creg > mx) mx = creg; if (dreg > mx) mx = dreg; if (mx > (int)(sizeof(int)*8)-1) { printf("too many regs in a class, use two classes instead\n"); printf("%d > %zu\n", mx, (sizeof(int)*8)-1); rval++; } fprintf(fc, "static int rmap[NUMCLASS][%d] = {\n", mx); for (j = 0; j < NUMCLASS; j++) { int cl = (1 << (j+1)); fprintf(fc, "\t{ "); for (i = 0; i < MAXREGS; i++) if (rstatus[i] & cl) fprintf(fc, "%d, ", i); fprintf(fc, "},\n"); } fprintf(fc, "};\n\n"); fprintf(fh, "int color2reg(int color, int class);\n"); fprintf(fc, "int\ncolor2reg(int color, int class)\n{\n"); fprintf(fc, " return rmap[class-1][color];\n}\n"); /* used by register allocator */ fprintf(fc, "int regK[] = { 0, %d, %d, %d, %d };\n", areg, breg, creg, dreg); fprintf(fc, "int\nclassmask(int class)\n{\n"); fprintf(fc, "\tif(class == CLASSA) return 0x%x;\n", (1 << areg)-1); fprintf(fc, "\tif(class == CLASSB) return 0x%x;\n", (1 << breg)-1); fprintf(fc, "\tif(class == CLASSC) return 0x%x;\n", (1 << creg)-1); fprintf(fc, "\treturn 0x%x;\n}\n", (1 << dreg)-1); fprintf(fh, "int interferes(int reg1, int reg2);\n"); nelem = (MAXREGS+bitsz-1)/bitsz; fprintf(fc, "static bittype ovlarr[MAXREGS][%d] = {\n", nelem); for (i = 0; i < MAXREGS; i++) { int el[10]; memset(el, 0, sizeof(el)); el[i/bitsz] = 1 << (i % bitsz); for (j = 0; roverlay[i][j] >= 0; j++) { int k = roverlay[i][j]; el[k/bitsz] |= (1 << (k % bitsz)); } fprintf(fc, "{ "); for (j = 0; j < MAXREGS; j += bitsz) fprintf(fc, "0x%x, ", el[j/bitsz]); fprintf(fc, " },\n"); } fprintf(fc, "};\n"); fprintf(fc, "int\ninterferes(int reg1, int reg2)\n{\n"); fprintf(fc, "return TESTBIT(ovlarr[reg1], reg2);\n}\n"); fclose(fc); fclose(fh); return rval; } #define P(x) fprintf x void mktables() { struct optab *op; int mxalen = 0, curalen; int i; // P((fc, "#include \"pass2.h\"\n\n")); for (i = 0; i <= MAXOP; i++) { curalen = 0; P((fc, "static int op%d[] = { ", i)); if (dope[i] != 0) for (op = table; op->op != FREE; op++) { if (op->op < OPSIMP) { if (op->op == i) { P((fc, FMTdPTR ", ", op - table)); curalen++; } } else { int opmtemp; if ((opmtemp=mamask[op->op - OPSIMP])&SPFLG) { if (i==NAME || i==ICON || i==TEMP || i==OREG || i == REG || i == FCON) { P((fc, FMTdPTR ", ", op - table)); curalen++; } } else if ((dope[i]&(opmtemp|ASGFLG))==opmtemp){ P((fc, FMTdPTR ", ", op - table)); curalen++; } } } if (curalen > mxalen) mxalen = curalen; P((fc, "-1 };\n")); } P((fc, "\n")); P((fc, "int *qtable[] = { \n")); for (i = 0; i <= MAXOP; i++) { P((fc, " op%d,\n", i)); } P((fc, "};\n")); P((fh, "#define MAXOPLEN %d\n", mxalen+1)); }