/* * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND INTERNET SOFTWARE CONSORTIUM * DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL * INTERNET SOFTWARE CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING * FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $ISC: t_api.c,v 1.48 2001/07/11 18:51:22 bwelling Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "include/tests/t_api.h" static const char *Usage = "\t-a : run all tests\n" "\t-b : chdir to dir before running tests" "\t-c : use specified config file\n" "\t-d : set debug level to debug_level\n" "\t-h : print test info\n" "\t-u : print usage info\n" "\t-n : run specified test name\n" "\t-t : run specified test number\n" "\t-x : don't execute tests in a subproc\n" "\t-q : use 'timeout' as the timeout value\n"; /* * -a --> run all tests * -b dir --> chdir to dir before running tests * -c config --> use config file 'config' * -d --> turn on api debugging * -h --> print out available test names * -u --> print usage info * -n name --> run test named name * -tn --> run test n * -x --> don't execute testcases in a subproc * -q timeout --> use 'timeout' as the timeout value */ #define T_MAXTESTS 256 /* must be 0 mod 8 */ #define T_MAXENV 256 #define T_DEFAULT_CONFIG "t_config" #define T_BUFSIZ 256 #define T_BIGBUF 4096 #define T_TCTOUT 60 int T_debug; int T_timeout; pid_t T_pid; static const char * T_config; static char T_tvec[T_MAXTESTS / 8]; static char * T_env[T_MAXENV + 1]; static char T_buf[T_BIGBUF]; static char * T_dir; static int t_initconf(const char *path); static int t_dumpconf(const char *path); static int t_putinfo(const char *key, const char *info); static char * t_getdate(char *buf, size_t buflen); static void printhelp(void); static void printusage(void); static int T_int; static void t_sighandler(int sig) { T_int = sig; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; int tnum; int subprocs; pid_t deadpid; int status; int len; isc_boolean_t first; testspec_t *pts; struct sigaction sa; first = ISC_TRUE; subprocs = 1; T_timeout = T_TCTOUT; /* * -a option is now default. */ memset(T_tvec, 0xffff, sizeof(T_tvec)); /* * Parse args. */ while ((c = isc_commandline_parse(argc, argv, ":at:c:d:n:huxq:b:")) != -1) { if (c == 'a') { /* * Flag all tests to be run. */ memset(T_tvec, 0xffff, sizeof(T_tvec)); } else if (c == 'b') { T_dir = isc_commandline_argument; } else if (c == 't') { tnum = atoi(isc_commandline_argument); if ((tnum > 0) && (tnum < T_MAXTESTS)) { if (first) { /* * Turn off effect of -a default * and allow multiple -t and -n * options. */ memset(T_tvec, 0, sizeof(T_tvec)); first = ISC_FALSE; } /* * Flag test tnum to be run. */ tnum -= 1; T_tvec[tnum / 8] |= (0x01 << (tnum % 8)); } } else if (c == 'c') { T_config = isc_commandline_argument; } else if (c == 'd') { T_debug = atoi(isc_commandline_argument); } else if (c == 'n') { pts = &T_testlist[0]; tnum = 0; while (pts->pfv != NULL) { if (! strcmp(pts->func_name, isc_commandline_argument)) { if (first) { memset(T_tvec, 0, sizeof(T_tvec)); first = ISC_FALSE; } T_tvec[tnum/8] |= (0x01 << (tnum%8)); break; } ++pts; ++tnum; } if (pts->pfv == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "no such test %s\n", isc_commandline_argument); exit(1); } } else if (c == 'h') { printhelp(); exit(0); } else if (c == 'u') { printusage(); exit(0); } else if (c == 'x') { subprocs = 0; } else if (c == 'q') { T_timeout = atoi(isc_commandline_argument); } else if (c == ':') { fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument\n", isc_commandline_option); exit(1); } else if (c == '?') { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option -%c\n", isc_commandline_option); exit(1); } } /* * Set cwd. */ if (T_dir != NULL) (void) chdir(T_dir); /* * We don't want buffered output. */ (void)setbuf(stdout, NULL); (void)setbuf(stderr, NULL); /* * Setup signals. */ sa.sa_flags = 0; sigfillset(&sa.sa_mask); #ifdef SIGCHLD /* * This is mostly here for NetBSD's pthread implementation, until * people catch up to the latest unproven-pthread package. */ sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; (void)sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); #endif sa.sa_handler = t_sighandler; (void)sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); /* * Output start stanza to journal. */ sprintf(T_buf, "%s:", argv[0]); len = strlen(T_buf); (void) t_getdate(T_buf + len, T_BIGBUF - len); t_putinfo("S", T_buf); /* * Setup the test environment using the config file. */ if (T_config == NULL) T_config = T_DEFAULT_CONFIG; t_initconf(T_config); if (T_debug) t_dumpconf(T_config); /* * Now invoke all the test cases. */ tnum = 0; pts = &T_testlist[0]; while (*pts->pfv != NULL) { if (T_tvec[tnum / 8] & (0x01 << (tnum % 8))) { if (subprocs) { T_pid = fork(); if (T_pid == 0) { (*pts->pfv)(); exit(0); } else if (T_pid > 0) { T_int = 0; sa.sa_handler = t_sighandler; (void)sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); alarm(T_timeout); deadpid = (pid_t) -1; while (deadpid != T_pid) { deadpid = waitpid(T_pid, &status, 0); if (deadpid == T_pid) { if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { if (WTERMSIG(status) == SIGTERM) t_info( "the test case timed out\n"); else t_info( "the test case caused exception %d\n", WTERMSIG(status)); t_result(T_UNRESOLVED); } } else if ((deadpid == -1) && (errno == EINTR) && T_int) { kill(T_pid, SIGTERM); T_int = 0; } else if ((deadpid == -1) && ((errno == ECHILD) || (errno == ESRCH))) break; } alarm(0); sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; (void)sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); } else { t_info("fork failed, errno == %d\n", errno); t_result(T_UNRESOLVED); } } else { (*pts->pfv)(); } } ++pts; ++tnum; } sprintf(T_buf, "%s:", argv[0]); len = strlen(T_buf); (void) t_getdate(T_buf + len, T_BIGBUF - len); t_putinfo("E", T_buf); return(0); } void t_assert(const char *component, int anum, int class, const char *what, ...) { va_list args; (void)printf("T:%s:%d:%s\n", component, anum, class == T_REQUIRED ? "A" : "C"); /* * Format text to a buffer. */ va_start(args, what); (void)vsprintf(T_buf, what, args); va_end(args); (void)t_putinfo("A", T_buf); (void)printf("\n"); } void t_info(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); (void) vsprintf(T_buf, format, args); va_end(args); (void) t_putinfo("I", T_buf); } void t_result(int result) { const char *p; switch (result) { case T_PASS: p = "PASS"; break; case T_FAIL: p = "FAIL"; break; case T_UNRESOLVED: p = "UNRESOLVED"; break; case T_UNSUPPORTED: p = "UNSUPPORTED"; break; case T_UNTESTED: p = "UNTESTED"; break; default: p = "UNKNOWN"; break; } printf("R:%s\n", p); } char * t_getenv(const char *name) { char *n; char **p; size_t len; n = NULL; if (name && *name) { p = &T_env[0]; len = strlen(name); while (*p != NULL) { if (strncmp(*p, name, len) == 0) { if ( *(*p + len) == '=') { n = *p + len + 1; break; } } ++p; } } return(n); } /* * * Read in the config file at path, initializing T_env. * * note: no format checking for now ... * */ static int t_initconf(const char *path) { int n; int rval; char **p; FILE *fp; rval = -1; fp = fopen(path, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { n = 0; p = &T_env[0]; while (n < T_MAXENV) { *p = t_fgetbs(fp); if (*p == NULL) break; if ((**p == '#') || (strchr(*p, '=') == NULL)) { /* * Skip comments and other junk. */ (void)free(*p); continue; } ++p; ++n; } (void)fclose(fp); rval = 0; } return (rval); } /* * * Dump T_env to stdout. * */ static int t_dumpconf(const char *path) { int rval; char **p; FILE *fp; rval = -1; fp = fopen(path, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { p = &T_env[0]; while (*p != NULL) { printf("C:%s\n", *p); ++p; } (void) fclose(fp); rval = 0; } return(rval); } /* * * Read a newline or EOF terminated string from fp. * On success: * return a malloc'd buf containing the string with * the newline converted to a '\0'. * On error: * return NULL. * * Caller is responsible for freeing buf. * */ char * t_fgetbs(FILE *fp) { int c; size_t n; size_t size; char *buf; char *p; n = 0; size = T_BUFSIZ; buf = (char *) malloc(T_BUFSIZ * sizeof(char)); if (buf != NULL) { p = buf; while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { if (c == '\n') break; *p++ = c; ++n; if ( n >= size ) { size += T_BUFSIZ; buf = (char *)realloc(buf, size * sizeof(char)); if (buf == NULL) break; p = buf + n; } } *p = '\0'; return(((c == EOF) && (n == 0)) ? NULL : buf); } else { fprintf(stderr, "malloc failed %d", errno); return(NULL); } } /* * * Put info to log, using key. * For now, just dump it out. * Later format into pretty lines. * */ static int t_putinfo(const char *key, const char *info) { int rval; /* * For now. */ rval = printf("%s:%s", key, info); return(rval); } static char * t_getdate(char *buf, size_t buflen) { size_t n; time_t t; struct tm *p; t = time(NULL); p = localtime(&t); n = strftime(buf, buflen - 1, "%A %d %B %H:%M:%S %Y\n", p); return(n != 0 ? buf : NULL); } /* * Some generally used utilities. */ struct dns_errormap { isc_result_t result; const char *text; } dns_errormap[] = { { ISC_R_SUCCESS, "ISC_R_SUCCESS" }, { ISC_R_EXISTS, "ISC_R_EXISTS" }, { ISC_R_NOTFOUND, "ISC_R_NOTFOUND" }, { ISC_R_NOSPACE, "ISC_R_NOSPACE" }, { ISC_R_UNEXPECTED, "ISC_R_UNEXPECTED" }, { ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND, "ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND" }, { ISC_R_RANGE, "ISC_R_RANGE" }, { DNS_R_LABELTOOLONG, "DNS_R_LABELTOOLONG" }, { DNS_R_BADESCAPE, "DNS_R_BADESCAPE" }, { DNS_R_BADBITSTRING, "DNS_R_BADBITSTRING" }, { DNS_R_BITSTRINGTOOLONG, "DNS_R_BITSTRINGTOOLONG"}, { DNS_R_EMPTYLABEL, "DNS_R_EMPTYLABEL" }, { DNS_R_BADDOTTEDQUAD, "DNS_R_BADDOTTEDQUAD" }, { DNS_R_UNKNOWN, "DNS_R_UNKNOWN" }, { DNS_R_BADLABELTYPE, "DNS_R_BADLABELTYPE" }, { DNS_R_BADPOINTER, "DNS_R_BADPOINTER" }, { DNS_R_TOOMANYHOPS, "DNS_R_TOOMANYHOPS" }, { DNS_R_DISALLOWED, "DNS_R_DISALLOWED" }, { DNS_R_EXTRATOKEN, "DNS_R_EXTRATOKEN" }, { DNS_R_EXTRADATA, "DNS_R_EXTRADATA" }, { DNS_R_TEXTTOOLONG, "DNS_R_TEXTTOOLONG" }, { DNS_R_SYNTAX, "DNS_R_SYNTAX" }, { DNS_R_BADCKSUM, "DNS_R_BADCKSUM" }, { DNS_R_BADAAAA, "DNS_R_BADAAAA" }, { DNS_R_NOOWNER, "DNS_R_NOOWNER" }, { DNS_R_NOTTL, "DNS_R_NOTTL" }, { DNS_R_BADCLASS, "DNS_R_BADCLASS" }, { DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH, "DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH" }, { DNS_R_NEWORIGIN, "DNS_R_NEWORIGIN" }, { DNS_R_UNCHANGED, "DNS_R_UNCHANGED" }, { DNS_R_BADTTL, "DNS_R_BADTTL" }, { DNS_R_NOREDATA, "DNS_R_NOREDATA" }, { DNS_R_CONTINUE, "DNS_R_CONTINUE" }, { DNS_R_DELEGATION, "DNS_R_DELEGATION" }, { DNS_R_GLUE, "DNS_R_GLUE" }, { DNS_R_DNAME, "DNS_R_DNAME" }, { DNS_R_CNAME, "DNS_R_CNAME" }, { DNS_R_NXDOMAIN, "DNS_R_NXDOMAIN" }, { DNS_R_NXRRSET, "DNS_R_NXRRSET" }, { DNS_R_BADDB, "DNS_R_BADDB" }, { DNS_R_ZONECUT, "DNS_R_ZONECUT" }, { DNS_R_NOTZONETOP, "DNS_R_NOTZONETOP" }, { DNS_R_SEENINCLUDE, "DNS_R_SEENINCLUDE" }, { DNS_R_SINGLETON, "DNS_R_SINGLETON" }, { (isc_result_t)0, NULL } }; isc_result_t t_dns_result_fromtext(char *name) { isc_result_t result; struct dns_errormap *pmap; result = ISC_R_UNEXPECTED; pmap = dns_errormap; while (pmap->text != NULL) { if (strcmp(name, pmap->text) == 0) break; ++pmap; } if (pmap->text != NULL) result = pmap->result; return (result); } struct dc_method_map { unsigned int dc_method; const char *text; } dc_method_map[] = { { DNS_COMPRESS_NONE, "DNS_COMPRESS_NONE" }, { DNS_COMPRESS_GLOBAL14, "DNS_COMPRESS_GLOBAL14" }, { DNS_COMPRESS_ALL, "DNS_COMPRESS_ALL" }, { 0, NULL } }; unsigned int t_dc_method_fromtext(char *name) { unsigned int dc_method; struct dc_method_map *pmap; dc_method = DNS_COMPRESS_NONE; pmap = dc_method_map; while (pmap->text != NULL) { if (strcmp(name, pmap->text) == 0) break; ++pmap; } if (pmap->text != NULL) dc_method = pmap->dc_method; return(dc_method); } int t_bustline(char *line, char **toks) { int cnt; char *p; cnt = 0; if (line && *line) { while ((p = strtok(line, "\t")) && (cnt < T_MAXTOKS)) { *toks++ = p; line = NULL; ++cnt; } } return(cnt); } static void printhelp(void) { int cnt; testspec_t *pts; cnt = 1; pts = &T_testlist[0]; printf("Available tests:\n"); while (pts->func_name) { printf("\t%d\t%s\n", cnt, pts->func_name); ++pts; ++cnt; } } static void printusage(void) { printf("Usage:\n%s\n", Usage); } int t_eval(const char *filename, int (*func)(char **), int nargs) { FILE *fp; char *p; int line; int cnt; int result; int nfails; int nprobs; int npass; char *tokens[T_MAXTOKS + 1]; npass = 0; nfails = 0; nprobs = 0; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { line = 0; while ((p = t_fgetbs(fp)) != NULL) { ++line; /* * Skip comment lines. */ if ((isspace((unsigned char)*p)) || (*p == '#')) continue; cnt = t_bustline(p, tokens); if (cnt == nargs) { result = func(tokens); switch (result) { case T_PASS: ++npass; break; case T_FAIL: ++nfails; break; case T_UNTESTED: break; default: ++nprobs; break; } } else { t_info("bad format in %s at line %d\n", filename, line); ++nprobs; } (void)free(p); } (void)fclose(fp); } else { t_info("Missing datafile %s\n", filename); ++nprobs; } result = T_UNRESOLVED; if (nfails == 0 && nprobs == 0 && npass > 0) result = T_PASS; else if (nfails > 0) result = T_FAIL; else if (npass == 0) result = T_UNTESTED; return (result); }