Installation instructions for SunOS

Compile the executable:
For SunOS 4.X:
	make sunos4
For SunOS 5.X:  (Solaris)
	make sunos5

Install the executables:

	make install

Edit (or create) the bootptab:
(See bootptab.sample and bootptab.5 manual entry)
	edit /etc/bootptab

Edit /etc/services to add these two lines:
bootps		67/udp		bootp		# BOOTP Server
bootpc		68/udp				# BOOTP Client

Edit /etc/inetd.conf to add the line:
bootp	dgram	udp	wait	root	/usr/etc/bootpd bootpd -i

If you compiled report.c with LOG_LOCAL2 (defined in the Makefile)
then you may want to capture syslog messages from BOOTP by changing
your syslog.conf file.  (See the sample syslog.conf file here).
Test the change with:  logger -t test -p "message"