/* $OpenBSD: bt_parse.y,v 1.56 2023/12/20 14:00:17 dv Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Martin Pieuchot * Copyright (c) 2019 Tobias Heider * Copyright (c) 2015 Ted Unangst * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* * B tracing language parser. * * The dialect of the language understood by this parser aims to be * compatible with the one understood by bpftrace(8), see: * * https://github.com/iovisor/bpftrace/blob/master/docs/reference_guide.md * */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bt_parser.h" /* Name for the default map @[], hopefully nobody will use this one ;) */ #define UNNAMED_MAP "___unnamed_map_doesnt_have_any_name" /* Number of rules to evaluate. */ struct bt_ruleq g_rules = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(g_rules); /* Number of probes except BEGIN/END. */ int g_nprobes; /* List of global variables, including maps. */ SLIST_HEAD(, bt_var) g_variables; /* List of local variables, cleaned for each new rule. */ SLIST_HEAD(, bt_var) l_variables; struct bt_arg g_nullba = BA_INITIALIZER(0, B_AT_LONG); struct bt_arg g_maxba = BA_INITIALIZER(LONG_MAX, B_AT_LONG); struct bt_rule *br_new(struct bt_probe *, struct bt_filter *, struct bt_stmt *); struct bt_probe *bp_new(const char *, const char *, const char *, int32_t); struct bt_arg *ba_append(struct bt_arg *, struct bt_arg *); struct bt_arg *ba_op(enum bt_argtype, struct bt_arg *, struct bt_arg *); struct bt_stmt *bs_new(enum bt_action, struct bt_arg *, struct bt_var *); struct bt_stmt *bs_append(struct bt_stmt *, struct bt_stmt *); struct bt_var *bg_lookup(const char *); struct bt_stmt *bg_store(const char *, struct bt_arg *); struct bt_arg *bg_find(const char *); struct bt_var *bg_get(const char *); struct bt_arg *bi_find(struct bt_arg *, unsigned long); struct bt_var *bl_lookup(const char *); struct bt_stmt *bl_store(const char *, struct bt_arg *); struct bt_arg *bl_find(const char *); struct bt_arg *bm_find(const char *, struct bt_arg *); struct bt_stmt *bm_insert(const char *, struct bt_arg *, struct bt_arg *); struct bt_stmt *bm_op(enum bt_action, struct bt_arg *, struct bt_arg *); struct bt_stmt *bh_inc(const char *, struct bt_arg *, struct bt_arg *); /* * Lexer */ const char *pbuf; size_t plen; size_t pindex; int perrors = 0; typedef struct { union { long number; int i; const char *string; struct bt_probe *probe; struct bt_filter *filter; struct bt_stmt *stmt; struct bt_arg *arg; } v; const char *filename; int lineno; int colno; } yystype; #define YYSTYPE yystype static void yyerror(const char *, ...); static int yylex(void); static int pflag = 0; /* probe parsing context flag */ static int beflag = 0; /* BEGIN/END parsing context flag */ %} %token ERROR ENDFILT %token OP_EQ OP_NE OP_LE OP_LT OP_GE OP_GT OP_LAND OP_LOR /* Builtins */ %token BUILTIN BEGIN END HZ IF STR /* Functions and Map operators */ %token F_DELETE F_PRINT %token MFUNC FUNC0 FUNC1 FUNCN OP1 OP2 OP4 MOP0 MOP1 %token STRING CSTRING %token NUMBER %type gvar lvar %type beginend %type plist probe pname %type filter %type action stmt stmtblck stmtlist block %type vargs mentry mpat pargs staticv %type expr term fterm variable factor func %% grammar : /* empty */ | grammar '\n' | grammar rule | grammar error ; rule : plist filter action { br_new($1, $2, $3); beflag = 0; } ; beginend: BEGIN | END ; plist : plist ',' probe { $$ = bp_append($1, $3); } | probe ; probe : { pflag = 1; } pname { $$ = $2; pflag = 0; } | { beflag = 1; } beginend { $$ = bp_new(NULL, NULL, NULL, $2); } ; pname : STRING ':' STRING ':' STRING { $$ = bp_new($1, $3, $5, 0); } | STRING ':' HZ ':' NUMBER { $$ = bp_new($1, "hz", NULL, $5); } ; staticv : '$' NUMBER { $$ = get_varg($2); } | '$' '#' { $$ = get_nargs(); } ; gvar : '@' STRING { $$ = $2; } | '@' { $$ = UNNAMED_MAP; } ; lvar : '$' STRING { $$ = $2; } ; mentry : gvar '[' vargs ']' { $$ = bm_find($1, $3); } ; mpat : MOP0 '(' ')' { $$ = ba_new(NULL, $1); } | MOP1 '(' expr ')' { $$ = ba_new($3, $1); } | expr ; filter : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | '/' expr ENDFILT { $$ = bc_new(NULL, B_AT_OP_NE, $2); } ; /* * Give higher precedence to: * 1. && and || * 2. ==, !=, <<, <, >=, >, +, =, &, ^, | * 3. *, /, % */ expr : expr OP_LAND term { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_LAND, $1, $3); } | expr OP_LOR term { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_LOR, $1, $3); } | term ; term : term OP_EQ fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_EQ, $1, $3); } | term OP_NE fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_NE, $1, $3); } | term OP_LE fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_LE, $1, $3); } | term OP_LT fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_LT, $1, $3); } | term OP_GE fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_GE, $1, $3); } | term OP_GT fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_GT, $1, $3); } | term '+' fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_PLUS, $1, $3); } | term '-' fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_MINUS, $1, $3); } | term '&' fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_BAND, $1, $3); } | term '^' fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_XOR, $1, $3); } | term '|' fterm { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_BOR, $1, $3); } | fterm ; fterm : fterm '*' factor { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_MULT, $1, $3); } | fterm '/' factor { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_DIVIDE, $1, $3); } | fterm '%' factor { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_OP_MODULO, $1, $3); } | factor ; variable: lvar { $$ = bl_find($1); } | gvar { $$ = bg_find($1); } | variable '.' NUMBER { $$ = bi_find($1, $3); } ; factor : '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' vargs ',' expr ')'{ $$ = ba_new(ba_append($2, $4), B_AT_TUPLE); } | NUMBER { $$ = ba_new($1, B_AT_LONG); } | BUILTIN { $$ = ba_new(NULL, $1); } | CSTRING { $$ = ba_new($1, B_AT_STR); } | staticv | variable | mentry | func ; func : STR '(' staticv ')' { $$ = ba_new($3, B_AT_FN_STR); } | STR '(' staticv ',' expr ')' { $$ = ba_op(B_AT_FN_STR, $3, $5); } ; vargs : expr | vargs ',' expr { $$ = ba_append($1, $3); } ; pargs : expr | gvar ',' expr { $$ = ba_append(bg_find($1), $3); } ; NL : /* empty */ | '\n' ; stmt : ';' NL { $$ = NULL; } | gvar '=' expr { $$ = bg_store($1, $3); } | lvar '=' expr { $$ = bl_store($1, $3); } | gvar '[' vargs ']' '=' mpat { $$ = bm_insert($1, $3, $6); } | FUNCN '(' vargs ')' { $$ = bs_new($1, $3, NULL); } | FUNC1 '(' expr ')' { $$ = bs_new($1, $3, NULL); } | MFUNC '(' variable ')' { $$ = bs_new($1, $3, NULL); } | FUNC0 '(' ')' { $$ = bs_new($1, NULL, NULL); } | F_DELETE '(' mentry ')' { $$ = bm_op($1, $3, NULL); } | F_PRINT '(' pargs ')' { $$ = bs_new($1, $3, NULL); } | gvar '=' OP1 '(' expr ')' { $$ = bh_inc($1, $5, NULL); } | gvar '=' OP4 '(' expr ',' vargs ')' { $$ = bh_inc($1, $5, $7); } ; stmtblck: IF '(' expr ')' block { $$ = bt_new($3, $5); } ; stmtlist: stmtlist stmtblck { $$ = bs_append($1, $2); } | stmtlist stmt { $$ = bs_append($1, $2); } | stmtblck | stmt ; block : action | stmt ';' ; action : '{' stmtlist '}' { $$ = $2; } | '{' '}' { $$ = NULL; } ; %% struct bt_arg* get_varg(int index) { extern int nargs; extern char **vargs; const char *errstr = NULL; long val; if (0 < index && index <= nargs) { val = (long)strtonum(vargs[index-1], LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr == NULL) return ba_new(val, B_AT_LONG); return ba_new(vargs[index-1], B_AT_STR); } return ba_new(0L, B_AT_NIL); } struct bt_arg* get_nargs(void) { extern int nargs; return ba_new((long) nargs, B_AT_LONG); } /* Create a new rule, representing "probe / filter / { action }" */ struct bt_rule * br_new(struct bt_probe *probe, struct bt_filter *filter, struct bt_stmt *head) { struct bt_rule *br; br = calloc(1, sizeof(*br)); if (br == NULL) err(1, "bt_rule: calloc"); /* SLIST_INSERT_HEAD() nullify the next pointer. */ SLIST_FIRST(&br->br_probes) = probe; br->br_filter = filter; /* SLIST_INSERT_HEAD() nullify the next pointer. */ SLIST_FIRST(&br->br_action) = head; SLIST_FIRST(&br->br_variables) = SLIST_FIRST(&l_variables); SLIST_INIT(&l_variables); do { if (probe->bp_type != B_PT_PROBE) continue; g_nprobes++; } while ((probe = SLIST_NEXT(probe, bp_next)) != NULL); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&g_rules, br, br_next); return br; } /* Create a new condition */ struct bt_filter * bc_new(struct bt_arg *term, enum bt_argtype op, struct bt_arg *ba) { struct bt_filter *bf; bf = calloc(1, sizeof(*bf)); if (bf == NULL) err(1, "bt_filter: calloc"); bf->bf_condition = bs_new(B_AC_TEST, ba_op(op, term, ba), NULL); return bf; } /* Create a new if/else test */ struct bt_stmt * bt_new(struct bt_arg *ba, struct bt_stmt *condbs) { struct bt_arg *bop; bop = ba_op(B_AT_OP_NE, NULL, ba); return bs_new(B_AC_TEST, bop, (struct bt_var *)condbs); } /* Create a new probe */ struct bt_probe * bp_new(const char *prov, const char *func, const char *name, int32_t rate) { struct bt_probe *bp; enum bt_ptype ptype; if (rate < 0 || rate > INT32_MAX) errx(1, "only positive values permitted"); if (prov == NULL && func == NULL && name == NULL) ptype = rate; /* BEGIN or END */ else ptype = B_PT_PROBE; bp = calloc(1, sizeof(*bp)); if (bp == NULL) err(1, "bt_probe: calloc"); bp->bp_prov = prov; bp->bp_func = func; bp->bp_name = name; bp->bp_rate = rate; bp->bp_type = ptype; return bp; } /* * Link two probes together, to build a probe list attached to * a single action. */ struct bt_probe * bp_append(struct bt_probe *bp0, struct bt_probe *bp1) { struct bt_probe *bp = bp0; assert(bp1 != NULL); if (bp0 == NULL) return bp1; while (SLIST_NEXT(bp, bp_next) != NULL) bp = SLIST_NEXT(bp, bp_next); SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(bp, bp1, bp_next); return bp0; } /* Create a new argument */ struct bt_arg * ba_new0(void *val, enum bt_argtype type) { struct bt_arg *ba; ba = calloc(1, sizeof(*ba)); if (ba == NULL) err(1, "bt_arg: calloc"); ba->ba_value = val; ba->ba_type = type; return ba; } /* * Link two arguments together, to build an argument list used in * operators, tuples and function calls. */ struct bt_arg * ba_append(struct bt_arg *da0, struct bt_arg *da1) { struct bt_arg *ba = da0; assert(da1 != NULL); if (da0 == NULL) return da1; while (SLIST_NEXT(ba, ba_next) != NULL) ba = SLIST_NEXT(ba, ba_next); SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(ba, da1, ba_next); return da0; } /* Create an operator argument */ struct bt_arg * ba_op(enum bt_argtype op, struct bt_arg *da0, struct bt_arg *da1) { return ba_new(ba_append(da0, da1), op); } /* Create a new statement: function call or assignment. */ struct bt_stmt * bs_new(enum bt_action act, struct bt_arg *head, struct bt_var *var) { struct bt_stmt *bs; bs = calloc(1, sizeof(*bs)); if (bs == NULL) err(1, "bt_stmt: calloc"); bs->bs_act = act; bs->bs_var = var; /* SLIST_INSERT_HEAD() nullify the next pointer. */ SLIST_FIRST(&bs->bs_args) = head; return bs; } /* Link two statements together, to build an 'action'. */ struct bt_stmt * bs_append(struct bt_stmt *ds0, struct bt_stmt *ds1) { struct bt_stmt *bs = ds0; if (ds0 == NULL) return ds1; if (ds1 == NULL) return ds0; while (SLIST_NEXT(bs, bs_next) != NULL) bs = SLIST_NEXT(bs, bs_next); SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(bs, ds1, bs_next); return ds0; } const char * bv_name(struct bt_var *bv) { if (strncmp(bv->bv_name, UNNAMED_MAP, strlen(UNNAMED_MAP)) == 0) return ""; return bv->bv_name; } /* Allocate a variable. */ struct bt_var * bv_new(const char *vname) { struct bt_var *bv; bv = calloc(1, sizeof(*bv)); if (bv == NULL) err(1, "bt_var: calloc"); bv->bv_name = vname; return bv; } /* Return the global variable corresponding to `vname'. */ struct bt_var * bg_lookup(const char *vname) { struct bt_var *bv; SLIST_FOREACH(bv, &g_variables, bv_next) { if (strcmp(vname, bv->bv_name) == 0) break; } return bv; } /* Find or allocate a global variable corresponding to `vname' */ struct bt_var * bg_get(const char *vname) { struct bt_var *bv; bv = bg_lookup(vname); if (bv == NULL) { bv = bv_new(vname); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&g_variables, bv, bv_next); } return bv; } /* Create an "argument" that points to an existing untyped variable. */ struct bt_arg * bg_find(const char *vname) { return ba_new(bg_get(vname), B_AT_VAR); } /* Create a 'store' statement to assign a value to a global variable. */ struct bt_stmt * bg_store(const char *vname, struct bt_arg *vval) { return bs_new(B_AC_STORE, vval, bg_get(vname)); } /* Return the local variable corresponding to `vname'. */ struct bt_var * bl_lookup(const char *vname) { struct bt_var *bv; SLIST_FOREACH(bv, &l_variables, bv_next) { if (strcmp(vname, bv->bv_name) == 0) break; } return bv; } /* Find or create a local variable corresponding to `vname' */ struct bt_arg * bl_find(const char *vname) { struct bt_var *bv; bv = bl_lookup(vname); if (bv == NULL) { bv = bv_new(vname); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&l_variables, bv, bv_next); } return ba_new(bv, B_AT_VAR); } /* Create a 'store' statement to assign a value to a local variable. */ struct bt_stmt * bl_store(const char *vname, struct bt_arg *vval) { struct bt_var *bv; bv = bl_lookup(vname); if (bv == NULL) { bv = bv_new(vname); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&l_variables, bv, bv_next); } return bs_new(B_AC_STORE, vval, bv); } /* Create an argument that points to a tuple variable and a given index */ struct bt_arg * bi_find(struct bt_arg *ba, unsigned long index) { struct bt_var *bv = ba->ba_value; ba = ba_new(bv, B_AT_TMEMBER); ba->ba_key = (void *)index; return ba; } struct bt_stmt * bm_op(enum bt_action mact, struct bt_arg *ba, struct bt_arg *mval) { return bs_new(mact, ba, (struct bt_var *)mval); } /* Create a 'map store' statement to assign a value to a map entry. */ struct bt_stmt * bm_insert(const char *mname, struct bt_arg *mkey, struct bt_arg *mval) { struct bt_arg *ba; ba = ba_new(bg_get(mname), B_AT_MAP); ba->ba_key = mkey; return bs_new(B_AC_INSERT, ba, (struct bt_var *)mval); } /* Create an argument that points to a map variable and attach a key to it. */ struct bt_arg * bm_find(const char *vname, struct bt_arg *mkey) { struct bt_arg *ba; ba = ba_new(bg_get(vname), B_AT_MAP); ba->ba_key = mkey; return ba; } /* * Histograms implemented using associative arrays (maps). In the case * of linear histograms `ba_key' points to a list of (min, max, step) * necessary to "bucketize" any value. */ struct bt_stmt * bh_inc(const char *hname, struct bt_arg *hval, struct bt_arg *hrange) { struct bt_arg *ba; if (hrange == NULL) { /* Power-of-2 histogram */ } else { long min = 0, max; int count = 0; /* Linear histogram */ for (ba = hrange; ba != NULL; ba = SLIST_NEXT(ba, ba_next)) { if (++count > 3) yyerror("too many arguments"); if (ba->ba_type != B_AT_LONG) yyerror("type invalid"); switch (count) { case 1: min = (long)ba->ba_value; if (min >= 0) break; yyerror("negative minimum"); case 2: max = (long)ba->ba_value; if (max > min) break; yyerror("maximum smaller than minimum (%d < %d)", max, min); case 3: break; default: assert(0); } } if (count < 3) yyerror("%d missing arguments", 3 - count); } ba = ba_new(bg_get(hname), B_AT_HIST); ba->ba_key = hrange; return bs_new(B_AC_BUCKETIZE, ba, (struct bt_var *)hval); } struct keyword { const char *word; int token; int type; }; int kw_cmp(const void *str, const void *xkw) { return (strcmp(str, ((const struct keyword *)xkw)->word)); } struct keyword * lookup(char *s) { static const struct keyword kws[] = { { "BEGIN", BEGIN, B_PT_BEGIN }, { "END", END, B_PT_END }, { "arg0", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_ARG0 }, { "arg1", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_ARG1 }, { "arg2", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_ARG2 }, { "arg3", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_ARG3 }, { "arg4", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_ARG4 }, { "arg5", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_ARG5 }, { "arg6", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_ARG6 }, { "arg7", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_ARG7 }, { "arg8", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_ARG8 }, { "arg9", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_ARG9 }, { "clear", MFUNC, B_AC_CLEAR }, { "comm", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_COMM }, { "count", MOP0, B_AT_MF_COUNT }, { "cpu", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_CPU }, { "delete", F_DELETE, B_AC_DELETE }, { "exit", FUNC0, B_AC_EXIT }, { "hist", OP1, 0 }, { "hz", HZ, 0 }, { "if", IF, 0 }, { "kstack", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_KSTACK }, { "lhist", OP4, 0 }, { "max", MOP1, B_AT_MF_MAX }, { "min", MOP1, B_AT_MF_MIN }, { "nsecs", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_NSECS }, { "pid", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_PID }, { "print", F_PRINT, B_AC_PRINT }, { "printf", FUNCN, B_AC_PRINTF }, { "probe", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_PROBE }, { "retval", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_RETVAL }, { "str", STR, B_AT_FN_STR }, { "sum", MOP1, B_AT_MF_SUM }, { "tid", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_TID }, { "time", FUNC1, B_AC_TIME }, { "ustack", BUILTIN, B_AT_BI_USTACK }, { "zero", MFUNC, B_AC_ZERO }, }; return bsearch(s, kws, nitems(kws), sizeof(kws[0]), kw_cmp); } int peek(void) { if (pbuf != NULL) { if (pindex < plen) return pbuf[pindex]; } return EOF; } int lgetc(void) { if (pbuf != NULL) { if (pindex < plen) { yylval.colno++; return pbuf[pindex++]; } } return EOF; } void lungetc(void) { if (pbuf != NULL && pindex > 0) { yylval.colno--; pindex--; } } int yylex(void) { unsigned char buf[1024]; unsigned char *ebuf, *p, *str; int c; ebuf = buf + sizeof(buf); p = buf; again: /* skip whitespaces */ for (c = lgetc(); isspace(c); c = lgetc()) { if (c == '\n') { yylval.lineno++; yylval.colno = 0; } } /* skip single line comments and shell magic */ if ((c == '/' && peek() == '/') || (yylval.lineno == 1 && yylval.colno == 1 && c == '#' && peek() == '!')) { for (c = lgetc(); c != EOF; c = lgetc()) { if (c == '\n') { yylval.lineno++; yylval.colno = 0; goto again; } } } /* skip multi line comments */ if (c == '/' && peek() == '*') { int pc; for (pc = 0, c = lgetc(); c != EOF; c = lgetc()) { if (pc == '*' && c == '/') goto again; else if (c == '\n') yylval.lineno++; pc = c; } } switch (c) { case '!': case '=': if (peek() == '=') { lgetc(); return (c == '=') ? OP_EQ : OP_NE; } return c; case '<': if (peek() == '=') { lgetc(); return OP_LE; } return OP_LT; case '>': if (peek() == '=') { lgetc(); return OP_GE; } return OP_GT; case '&': if (peek() == '&') { lgetc(); return OP_LAND; } return c; case '|': if (peek() == '|') { lgetc(); return OP_LOR; } return c; case '/': while (isspace(peek())) { if (lgetc() == '\n') { yylval.lineno++; yylval.colno = 0; } } if (peek() == '{' || peek() == '/' || peek() == '\n') return ENDFILT; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case ',': case '(': case ')': case '{': case '}': case ':': case ';': return c; case EOF: return 0; case '"': /* parse C-like string */ while ((c = lgetc()) != EOF && c != '"') { if (c == '\\') { c = lgetc(); switch (c) { case '\\': c = '\\'; break; case '\'': c = '\''; break; case '"': c = '"'; break; case 'a': c = '\a'; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 'e': c = 033; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'v': c = '\v'; break; default: yyerror("'%c' unsupported escape", c); return ERROR; } } *p++ = c; if (p == ebuf) { yyerror("line too long"); return ERROR; } } if (c == EOF) { yyerror("\"%s\" invalid EOF", buf); return ERROR; } *p++ = '\0'; if ((str = strdup(buf)) == NULL) err(1, "%s", __func__); yylval.v.string = str; return CSTRING; default: break; } #define allowed_to_end_number(x) \ (isspace(x) || x == ')' || x == '/' || x == '{' || x == ';' || x == ']' || x == ',') /* parsing number */ if (isdigit(c)) { do { *p++ = c; if (p == ebuf) { yyerror("line too long"); return ERROR; } } while ((c = lgetc()) != EOF && (isxdigit(c) || c == 'x' || c == 'X')); lungetc(); if (c == EOF || allowed_to_end_number(c)) { *p = '\0'; errno = 0; yylval.v.number = strtol(buf, NULL, 0); if (errno == ERANGE) { /* * Characters are already validated, so only * check ERANGE. */ yyerror("%sflow", (yylval.v.number == LONG_MIN) ? "under" : "over"); return ERROR; } return NUMBER; } else { while (p > buf + 1) { --p; lungetc(); } c = *--p; } } #define allowed_in_string(x) (isalnum(c) || c == '_') /* parsing next word */ if (allowed_in_string(c)) { struct keyword *kwp; do { *p++ = c; if (p == ebuf) { yyerror("line too long"); return ERROR; } } while ((c = lgetc()) != EOF && (allowed_in_string(c))); lungetc(); *p = '\0'; kwp = lookup(buf); if (kwp == NULL) { if ((yylval.v.string = strdup(buf)) == NULL) err(1, "%s", __func__); return STRING; } if (pflag) { /* * Probe lexer backdoor, interpret the token as a string * rather than a keyword. Otherwise, reserved keywords * would conflict with syscall names. The exception to * this is 'hz', which hopefully will never be a * syscall. */ if (kwp->token != HZ) { yylval.v.string = kwp->word; return STRING; } } else if (beflag) { /* Interpret tokens in a BEGIN/END context. */ if (kwp->type >= B_AT_BI_ARG0 && kwp->type <= B_AT_BI_ARG9) yyerror("the %s builtin cannot be used with " "BEGIN or END probes", kwp->word); } yylval.v.i = kwp->type; return kwp->token; } if (c == '\n') { yylval.lineno++; yylval.colno = 0; } if (c == EOF) return 0; return c; } void pprint_syntax_error(void) { char line[BUFSIZ]; int c, indent = yylval.colno; size_t i; strlcpy(line, &pbuf[pindex - yylval.colno], sizeof(line)); for (i = 0; line[i] != '\0' && (c = line[i]) != '\n'; i++) { if (c == '\t') indent += (8 - 1); fputc(c, stderr); } fprintf(stderr, "\n%*c\n", indent, '^'); } void yyerror(const char *fmt, ...) { const char *prefix; va_list va; prefix = (yylval.filename != NULL) ? yylval.filename : getprogname(); fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%d: ", prefix, yylval.lineno, yylval.colno); va_start(va, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va); va_end(va); fprintf(stderr, ":\n"); pprint_syntax_error(); perrors++; } int btparse(const char *str, size_t len, const char *filename, int debug) { if (debug > 0) yydebug = 1; pbuf = str; plen = len; pindex = 0; yylval.filename = filename; yylval.lineno = 1; yyparse(); if (perrors) return perrors; assert(SLIST_EMPTY(&l_variables)); return 0; }