/* * iterated_hash.c -- nsec3 hash calculation. * * Copyright (c) 2001-2006, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * See LICENSE for the license. * * With thanks to Ben Laurie. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef NSEC3 #include #include #include #include "iterated_hash.h" int iterated_hash(unsigned char out[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH], const unsigned char *salt, int saltlength, const unsigned char *in, int inlength, int iterations) { #if defined(NSEC3) && defined(HAVE_SSL) SHA_CTX ctx; int n; assert(in && inlength > 0 && iterations >= 0); for(n=0 ; n <= iterations ; ++n) { SHA1_Init(&ctx); SHA1_Update(&ctx, in, inlength); if(saltlength > 0) SHA1_Update(&ctx, salt, saltlength); SHA1_Final(out, &ctx); in=out; inlength=SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; } return SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; #else (void)out; (void)salt; (void)saltlength; (void)in; (void)inlength; (void)iterations; return 0; #endif } #endif /* NSEC3 */