/* * options.c -- options functions. * * Copyright (c) 2001-2006, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * See LICENSE for the license. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_IFADDRS_H #include #endif #include "options.h" #include "query.h" #include "tsig.h" #include "ixfr.h" #include "difffile.h" #include "rrl.h" #include "bitset.h" #include "configparser.h" config_parser_state_type* cfg_parser = 0; extern FILE* c_in, *c_out; int c_parse(void); int c_lex(void); int c_wrap(void); int c_lex_destroy(void); extern char* c_text; static int rbtree_strcmp(const void* p1, const void* p2) { if(p1 == NULL && p2 == NULL) return 0; if(p1 == NULL) return -1; if(p2 == NULL) return 1; return strcmp((const char*)p1, (const char*)p2); } struct nsd_options* nsd_options_create(region_type* region) { struct nsd_options* opt; opt = (struct nsd_options*)region_alloc(region, sizeof( struct nsd_options)); opt->region = region; opt->zone_options = rbtree_create(region, (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) dname_compare); opt->configfile = NULL; opt->zonestatnames = rbtree_create(opt->region, rbtree_strcmp); opt->patterns = rbtree_create(region, rbtree_strcmp); opt->keys = rbtree_create(region, rbtree_strcmp); opt->tls_auths = rbtree_create(region, rbtree_strcmp); opt->ip_addresses = NULL; opt->ip_transparent = 0; opt->ip_freebind = 0; opt->send_buffer_size = 0; opt->receive_buffer_size = 0; opt->debug_mode = 0; opt->verbosity = 0; opt->hide_version = 0; opt->hide_identity = 0; opt->drop_updates = 0; opt->do_ip4 = 1; opt->do_ip6 = 1; opt->database = DBFILE; opt->identity = 0; opt->version = 0; opt->nsid = 0; opt->logfile = 0; opt->log_only_syslog = 0; opt->log_time_ascii = 1; opt->round_robin = 0; /* also packet.h::round_robin */ opt->minimal_responses = 1; /* also packet.h::minimal_responses */ opt->confine_to_zone = 0; opt->refuse_any = 1; opt->server_count = 1; opt->cpu_affinity = NULL; opt->service_cpu_affinity = NULL; opt->tcp_count = 100; opt->tcp_reject_overflow = 0; opt->tcp_query_count = 0; opt->tcp_timeout = TCP_TIMEOUT; opt->tcp_mss = 0; opt->outgoing_tcp_mss = 0; opt->ipv4_edns_size = EDNS_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; opt->ipv6_edns_size = EDNS_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; opt->pidfile = PIDFILE; opt->port = UDP_PORT; /* deprecated? opt->port = TCP_PORT; */ opt->reuseport = 0; opt->xfrd_tcp_max = 128; opt->xfrd_tcp_pipeline = 128; opt->statistics = 0; opt->chroot = 0; opt->username = USER; opt->zonesdir = ZONESDIR; opt->xfrdfile = XFRDFILE; opt->xfrdir = XFRDIR; opt->zonelistfile = ZONELISTFILE; #ifdef RATELIMIT opt->rrl_size = RRL_BUCKETS; opt->rrl_slip = RRL_SLIP; opt->rrl_ipv4_prefix_length = RRL_IPV4_PREFIX_LENGTH; opt->rrl_ipv6_prefix_length = RRL_IPV6_PREFIX_LENGTH; # ifdef RATELIMIT_DEFAULT_OFF opt->rrl_ratelimit = 0; opt->rrl_whitelist_ratelimit = 0; # else opt->rrl_ratelimit = RRL_LIMIT/2; opt->rrl_whitelist_ratelimit = RRL_WLIST_LIMIT/2; # endif #endif #ifdef USE_DNSTAP opt->dnstap_enable = 0; opt->dnstap_socket_path = DNSTAP_SOCKET_PATH; opt->dnstap_send_identity = 0; opt->dnstap_send_version = 0; opt->dnstap_identity = NULL; opt->dnstap_version = NULL; opt->dnstap_log_auth_query_messages = 0; opt->dnstap_log_auth_response_messages = 0; #endif opt->zonefiles_check = 1; if(opt->database == NULL || opt->database[0] == 0) opt->zonefiles_write = ZONEFILES_WRITE_INTERVAL; else opt->zonefiles_write = 0; opt->xfrd_reload_timeout = 1; opt->tls_service_key = NULL; opt->tls_service_ocsp = NULL; opt->tls_service_pem = NULL; opt->tls_port = TLS_PORT; opt->tls_cert_bundle = NULL; opt->answer_cookie = 1; opt->cookie_secret = NULL; opt->cookie_secret_file = CONFIGDIR"/nsd_cookiesecrets.txt"; opt->control_enable = 0; opt->control_interface = NULL; opt->control_port = NSD_CONTROL_PORT; opt->server_key_file = CONFIGDIR"/nsd_server.key"; opt->server_cert_file = CONFIGDIR"/nsd_server.pem"; opt->control_key_file = CONFIGDIR"/nsd_control.key"; opt->control_cert_file = CONFIGDIR"/nsd_control.pem"; return opt; } int nsd_options_insert_zone(struct nsd_options* opt, struct zone_options* zone) { /* create dname for lookup */ const dname_type* dname = dname_parse(opt->region, zone->name); if(!dname) return 0; zone->node.key = dname; if(!rbtree_insert(opt->zone_options, (rbnode_type*)zone)) return 0; return 1; } int nsd_options_insert_pattern(struct nsd_options* opt, struct pattern_options* pat) { if(!pat->pname) return 0; pat->node.key = pat->pname; if(!rbtree_insert(opt->patterns, (rbnode_type*)pat)) return 0; return 1; } void warn_if_directory(const char* filetype, FILE* f, const char* fname) { if(fileno(f) != -1) { struct stat st; memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st)); if(fstat(fileno(f), &st) != -1) { if(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { log_msg(LOG_WARNING, "trying to read %s but it is a directory: %s", filetype, fname); } } } } int parse_options_file(struct nsd_options* opt, const char* file, void (*err)(void*,const char*), void* err_arg) { FILE *in = 0; struct pattern_options* pat; struct acl_options* acl; if(!cfg_parser) { cfg_parser = (config_parser_state_type*)region_alloc( opt->region, sizeof(config_parser_state_type)); cfg_parser->chroot = 0; } cfg_parser->err = err; cfg_parser->err_arg = err_arg; cfg_parser->filename = (char*)file; cfg_parser->line = 1; cfg_parser->errors = 0; cfg_parser->opt = opt; cfg_parser->pattern = NULL; cfg_parser->zone = NULL; cfg_parser->key = NULL; cfg_parser->tls_auth = NULL; in = fopen(cfg_parser->filename, "r"); if(!in) { if(err) { char m[MAXSYSLOGMSGLEN]; snprintf(m, sizeof(m), "Could not open %s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); err(err_arg, m); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); } return 0; } warn_if_directory("configfile", in, file); c_in = in; c_parse(); fclose(in); opt->configfile = region_strdup(opt->region, file); RBTREE_FOR(pat, struct pattern_options*, opt->patterns) { /* lookup keys for acls */ for(acl=pat->allow_notify; acl; acl=acl->next) { if(acl->nokey || acl->blocked) continue; acl->key_options = key_options_find(opt, acl->key_name); if(!acl->key_options) c_error("key %s in pattern %s could not be found", acl->key_name, pat->pname); } for(acl=pat->notify; acl; acl=acl->next) { if(acl->nokey || acl->blocked) continue; acl->key_options = key_options_find(opt, acl->key_name); if(!acl->key_options) c_error("key %s in pattern %s could not be found", acl->key_name, pat->pname); } for(acl=pat->request_xfr; acl; acl=acl->next) { /* Find tls_auth */ if (!acl->tls_auth_name) ; /* pass */ else if (!(acl->tls_auth_options = tls_auth_options_find(opt, acl->tls_auth_name))) c_error("tls_auth %s in pattern %s could not be found", acl->tls_auth_name, pat->pname); /* Find key */ if(acl->nokey || acl->blocked) continue; acl->key_options = key_options_find(opt, acl->key_name); if(!acl->key_options) c_error("key %s in pattern %s could not be found", acl->key_name, pat->pname); } for(acl=pat->provide_xfr; acl; acl=acl->next) { if(acl->nokey || acl->blocked) continue; acl->key_options = key_options_find(opt, acl->key_name); if(!acl->key_options) c_error("key %s in pattern %s could not be found", acl->key_name, pat->pname); } for(acl=pat->allow_query; acl; acl=acl->next) { if(acl->nokey || acl->blocked) continue; acl->key_options = key_options_find(opt, acl->key_name); if(!acl->key_options) c_error("key %s in pattern %s could not be found", acl->key_name, pat->pname); } } if(cfg_parser->errors > 0) { if(err) { char m[MAXSYSLOGMSGLEN]; snprintf(m, sizeof(m), "read %s failed: %d errors in " "configuration file\n", file, cfg_parser->errors); err(err_arg, m); } else { fprintf(stderr, "read %s failed: %d errors in " "configuration file\n", file, cfg_parser->errors); } return 0; } return 1; } void options_zonestatnames_create(struct nsd_options* opt) { struct zone_options* zopt; /* allocate "" as zonestat 0, for zones without a zonestat */ if(!rbtree_search(opt->zonestatnames, "")) { struct zonestatname* n; n = (struct zonestatname*)region_alloc_zero(opt->region, sizeof(*n)); n->node.key = region_strdup(opt->region, ""); if(!n->node.key) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "malloc failed: %s", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } n->id = (unsigned)(opt->zonestatnames->count); rbtree_insert(opt->zonestatnames, (rbnode_type*)n); } RBTREE_FOR(zopt, struct zone_options*, opt->zone_options) { /* insert into tree, so that when read in later id exists */ (void)getzonestatid(opt, zopt); } } #define ZONELIST_HEADER "# NSD zone list\n# name pattern\n" static int comp_zonebucket(const void* a, const void* b) { /* the line size is much smaller than max-int, and positive, * so the subtraction works */ return *(const int*)b - *(const int*)a; } /* insert free entry into zonelist free buckets */ static void zone_list_free_insert(struct nsd_options* opt, int linesize, off_t off) { struct zonelist_free* e; struct zonelist_bucket* b = (struct zonelist_bucket*)rbtree_search( opt->zonefree, &linesize); if(!b) { b = region_alloc_zero(opt->region, sizeof(*b)); b->linesize = linesize; b->node = *RBTREE_NULL; b->node.key = &b->linesize; rbtree_insert(opt->zonefree, &b->node); } e = (struct zonelist_free*)region_alloc_zero(opt->region, sizeof(*e)); e->next = b->list; b->list = e; e->off = off; opt->zonefree_number++; } struct zone_options* zone_list_zone_insert(struct nsd_options* opt, const char* nm, const char* patnm, int linesize, off_t off) { struct pattern_options* pat = pattern_options_find(opt, patnm); struct zone_options* zone; if(!pat) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "pattern does not exist for zone %s " "pattern %s", nm, patnm); return NULL; } zone = zone_options_create(opt->region); zone->part_of_config = 0; zone->name = region_strdup(opt->region, nm); zone->linesize = linesize; zone->off = off; zone->pattern = pat; if(!nsd_options_insert_zone(opt, zone)) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "bad domain name or duplicate zone '%s' " "pattern %s", nm, patnm); region_recycle(opt->region, (void*)zone->name, strlen(nm)+1); region_recycle(opt->region, zone, sizeof(*zone)); return NULL; } return zone; } int parse_zone_list_file(struct nsd_options* opt) { /* zonelist looks like this: # name pattern add example.com master del example.net slave add foo.bar.nl slave add rutabaga.uk config */ char hdr[64]; char buf[1024]; /* create empty data structures */ opt->zonefree = rbtree_create(opt->region, comp_zonebucket); opt->zonelist = NULL; opt->zonefree_number = 0; opt->zonelist_off = 0; /* try to open the zonelist file, an empty or nonexist file is OK */ opt->zonelist = fopen(opt->zonelistfile, "r+"); if(!opt->zonelist) { if(errno == ENOENT) return 1; /* file does not exist, it is created later */ log_msg(LOG_ERR, "could not open zone list %s: %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); return 0; } /* read header */ hdr[strlen(ZONELIST_HEADER)] = 0; if(fread(hdr, 1, strlen(ZONELIST_HEADER), opt->zonelist) != strlen(ZONELIST_HEADER) || strncmp(hdr, ZONELIST_HEADER, strlen(ZONELIST_HEADER)) != 0) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "zone list %s contains bad header\n", opt->zonelistfile); fclose(opt->zonelist); opt->zonelist = NULL; return 0; } buf[sizeof(buf)-1]=0; /* read entries in file */ while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), opt->zonelist)) { /* skip comments and empty lines */ if(buf[0] == 0 || buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#') continue; if(strncmp(buf, "add ", 4) == 0) { int linesize = strlen(buf); /* parse the 'add' line */ /* pick last space on the line, so that the domain * name can have a space in it (but not the pattern)*/ char* space = strrchr(buf+4, ' '); char* nm, *patnm; if(!space) { /* parse error */ log_msg(LOG_ERR, "parse error in %s: '%s'", opt->zonelistfile, buf); continue; } nm = buf+4; *space = 0; patnm = space+1; if(linesize && buf[linesize-1] == '\n') buf[linesize-1] = 0; /* store offset and line size for zone entry */ /* and create zone entry in zonetree */ (void)zone_list_zone_insert(opt, nm, patnm, linesize, ftello(opt->zonelist)-linesize); } else if(strncmp(buf, "del ", 4) == 0) { /* store offset and line size for deleted entry */ int linesize = strlen(buf); zone_list_free_insert(opt, linesize, ftello(opt->zonelist)-linesize); } else { log_msg(LOG_WARNING, "bad data in %s, '%s'", opt->zonelistfile, buf); } } /* store EOF offset */ opt->zonelist_off = ftello(opt->zonelist); return 1; } void zone_options_delete(struct nsd_options* opt, struct zone_options* zone) { rbtree_delete(opt->zone_options, zone->node.key); region_recycle(opt->region, (void*)zone->node.key, dname_total_size( (dname_type*)zone->node.key)); region_recycle(opt->region, zone, sizeof(*zone)); } /* add a new zone to the zonelist */ struct zone_options* zone_list_add(struct nsd_options* opt, const char* zname, const char* pname) { int r; struct zonelist_free* e; struct zonelist_bucket* b; int linesize = 6 + strlen(zname) + strlen(pname); /* create zone entry */ struct zone_options* zone = zone_list_zone_insert(opt, zname, pname, linesize, 0); if(!zone) return NULL; /* use free entry or append to file or create new file */ if(!opt->zonelist || opt->zonelist_off == 0) { /* create new file */ if(opt->zonelist) fclose(opt->zonelist); opt->zonelist = fopen(opt->zonelistfile, "w+"); if(!opt->zonelist) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "could not create zone list %s: %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); log_msg(LOG_ERR, "zone %s could not be added", zname); zone_options_delete(opt, zone); return NULL; } r = fprintf(opt->zonelist, ZONELIST_HEADER); if(r != strlen(ZONELIST_HEADER)) { if(r == -1) log_msg(LOG_ERR, "could not write to %s: %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); else log_msg(LOG_ERR, "partial write to %s: disk full", opt->zonelistfile); log_msg(LOG_ERR, "zone %s could not be added", zname); zone_options_delete(opt, zone); return NULL; } zone->off = ftello(opt->zonelist); if(zone->off == -1) log_msg(LOG_ERR, "ftello(%s): %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); r = fprintf(opt->zonelist, "add %s %s\n", zname, pname); if(r != zone->linesize) { if(r == -1) log_msg(LOG_ERR, "could not write to %s: %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); else log_msg(LOG_ERR, "partial write to %s: disk full", opt->zonelistfile); log_msg(LOG_ERR, "zone %s could not be added", zname); zone_options_delete(opt, zone); return NULL; } opt->zonelist_off = ftello(opt->zonelist); if(opt->zonelist_off == -1) log_msg(LOG_ERR, "ftello(%s): %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); if(fflush(opt->zonelist) != 0) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "fflush %s: %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); } return zone; } b = (struct zonelist_bucket*)rbtree_search(opt->zonefree, &zone->linesize); if(!b || b->list == NULL) { /* no empty place, append to file */ zone->off = opt->zonelist_off; if(fseeko(opt->zonelist, zone->off, SEEK_SET) == -1) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "fseeko(%s): %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); log_msg(LOG_ERR, "zone %s could not be added", zname); zone_options_delete(opt, zone); return NULL; } r = fprintf(opt->zonelist, "add %s %s\n", zname, pname); if(r != zone->linesize) { if(r == -1) log_msg(LOG_ERR, "could not write to %s: %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); else log_msg(LOG_ERR, "partial write to %s: disk full", opt->zonelistfile); log_msg(LOG_ERR, "zone %s could not be added", zname); zone_options_delete(opt, zone); return NULL; } opt->zonelist_off += linesize; if(fflush(opt->zonelist) != 0) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "fflush %s: %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); } return zone; } /* reuse empty spot */ e = b->list; zone->off = e->off; if(fseeko(opt->zonelist, zone->off, SEEK_SET) == -1) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "fseeko(%s): %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); log_msg(LOG_ERR, "zone %s could not be added", zname); zone_options_delete(opt, zone); return NULL; } r = fprintf(opt->zonelist, "add %s %s\n", zname, pname); if(r != zone->linesize) { if(r == -1) log_msg(LOG_ERR, "could not write to %s: %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); else log_msg(LOG_ERR, "partial write to %s: disk full", opt->zonelistfile); log_msg(LOG_ERR, "zone %s could not be added", zname); zone_options_delete(opt, zone); return NULL; } if(fflush(opt->zonelist) != 0) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "fflush %s: %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); } /* snip off and recycle element */ b->list = e->next; region_recycle(opt->region, e, sizeof(*e)); if(b->list == NULL) { rbtree_delete(opt->zonefree, &b->linesize); region_recycle(opt->region, b, sizeof(*b)); } opt->zonefree_number--; return zone; } /* remove a zone on the zonelist */ void zone_list_del(struct nsd_options* opt, struct zone_options* zone) { /* put its space onto the free entry */ if(fseeko(opt->zonelist, zone->off, SEEK_SET) == -1) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "fseeko(%s): %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); return; } fprintf(opt->zonelist, "del"); zone_list_free_insert(opt, zone->linesize, zone->off); /* remove zone_options */ zone_options_delete(opt, zone); /* see if we need to compact: it is going to halve the zonelist */ if(opt->zonefree_number > opt->zone_options->count) { zone_list_compact(opt); } else { if(fflush(opt->zonelist) != 0) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "fflush %s: %s", opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); } } } /* postorder delete of zonelist free space tree */ static void delbucket(region_type* region, struct zonelist_bucket* b) { struct zonelist_free* e, *f; if(!b || (rbnode_type*)b==RBTREE_NULL) return; delbucket(region, (struct zonelist_bucket*)b->node.left); delbucket(region, (struct zonelist_bucket*)b->node.right); e = b->list; while(e) { f = e->next; region_recycle(region, e, sizeof(*e)); e = f; } region_recycle(region, b, sizeof(*b)); } /* compact zonelist file */ void zone_list_compact(struct nsd_options* opt) { char outname[1024]; FILE* out; struct zone_options* zone; off_t off; int r; snprintf(outname, sizeof(outname), "%s~", opt->zonelistfile); /* useful, when : count-of-free > count-of-used */ /* write zonelist to zonelist~ */ out = fopen(outname, "w+"); if(!out) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "could not open %s: %s", outname, strerror(errno)); return; } r = fprintf(out, ZONELIST_HEADER); if(r == -1) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "write %s failed: %s", outname, strerror(errno)); fclose(out); return; } else if(r != strlen(ZONELIST_HEADER)) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "write %s was partial: disk full", outname); fclose(out); return; } off = ftello(out); if(off == -1) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "ftello(%s): %s", outname, strerror(errno)); fclose(out); return; } RBTREE_FOR(zone, struct zone_options*, opt->zone_options) { if(zone->part_of_config) continue; r = fprintf(out, "add %s %s\n", zone->name, zone->pattern->pname); if(r < 0) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "write %s failed: %s", outname, strerror(errno)); fclose(out); return; } else if(r != zone->linesize) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "write %s was partial: disk full", outname); fclose(out); return; } } if(fflush(out) != 0) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "fflush %s: %s", outname, strerror(errno)); } /* rename zonelist~ onto zonelist */ if(rename(outname, opt->zonelistfile) == -1) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "rename(%s to %s) failed: %s", outname, opt->zonelistfile, strerror(errno)); fclose(out); return; } fclose(opt->zonelist); /* set offsets */ RBTREE_FOR(zone, struct zone_options*, opt->zone_options) { if(zone->part_of_config) continue; zone->off = off; off += zone->linesize; } /* empty the free tree */ delbucket(opt->region, (struct zonelist_bucket*)opt->zonefree->root); opt->zonefree->root = RBTREE_NULL; opt->zonefree->count = 0; opt->zonefree_number = 0; /* finish */ opt->zonelist = out; opt->zonelist_off = off; } /* close zonelist file */ void zone_list_close(struct nsd_options* opt) { if(opt->zonelist) { fclose(opt->zonelist); opt->zonelist = NULL; } } static void c_error_va_list_pos(int showpos, const char* fmt, va_list args) { char* at = NULL; cfg_parser->errors++; if(showpos && c_text && c_text[0]!=0) { at = c_text; } if(cfg_parser->err) { char m[MAXSYSLOGMSGLEN]; snprintf(m, sizeof(m), "%s:%d: ", cfg_parser->filename, cfg_parser->line); (*cfg_parser->err)(cfg_parser->err_arg, m); if(at) { snprintf(m, sizeof(m), "at '%s': ", at); (*cfg_parser->err)(cfg_parser->err_arg, m); } (*cfg_parser->err)(cfg_parser->err_arg, "error: "); vsnprintf(m, sizeof(m), fmt, args); (*cfg_parser->err)(cfg_parser->err_arg, m); (*cfg_parser->err)(cfg_parser->err_arg, "\n"); return; } fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", cfg_parser->filename, cfg_parser->line); if(at) fprintf(stderr, "at '%s': ", at); fprintf(stderr, "error: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } void c_error(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int showpos = 0; if (strcmp(fmt, "syntax error") == 0 || strcmp(fmt, "parse error") == 0) { showpos = 1; } va_start(ap, fmt); c_error_va_list_pos(showpos, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } int c_wrap(void) { return 1; } struct zone_options* zone_options_create(region_type* region) { struct zone_options* zone; zone = (struct zone_options*)region_alloc(region, sizeof( struct zone_options)); zone->node = *RBTREE_NULL; zone->name = 0; zone->pattern = 0; zone->part_of_config = 0; return zone; } /* true is booleans are the same truth value */ #define booleq(x,y) ( ((x) && (y)) || (!(x) && !(y)) ) /* true is min_expire_time_expr has either an equal known value * or none of these known values but booleanally equal */ #define expire_expr_eq(x,y) ( ( (x) == REFRESHPLUSRETRYPLUS1 \ && (y) == REFRESHPLUSRETRYPLUS1 ) \ || ( (x) != REFRESHPLUSRETRYPLUS1 \ && (y) != REFRESHPLUSRETRYPLUS1 \ && booleq((x), (y)))) int acl_equal(struct acl_options* p, struct acl_options* q) { if(!booleq(p->use_axfr_only, q->use_axfr_only)) return 0; if(!booleq(p->allow_udp, q->allow_udp)) return 0; if(strcmp(p->ip_address_spec, q->ip_address_spec)!=0) return 0; /* the ip6, port, addr, mask, type: are derived from the ip_address_spec */ if(!booleq(p->nokey, q->nokey)) return 0; if(!booleq(p->blocked, q->blocked)) return 0; if(p->key_name && q->key_name) { if(strcmp(p->key_name, q->key_name)!=0) return 0; } else if(p->key_name && !q->key_name) return 0; else if(!p->key_name && q->key_name) return 0; /* key_options is derived from key_name */ if(p->tls_auth_name && q->tls_auth_name) { if(strcmp(p->tls_auth_name, q->tls_auth_name)!=0) return 0; } else if(p->tls_auth_name && !q->tls_auth_name) return 0; else if(!p->tls_auth_name && q->tls_auth_name) return 0; /* tls_auth_options is derived from tls_auth_name */ return 1; } int acl_list_equal(struct acl_options* p, struct acl_options* q) { /* must be same and in same order */ while(p && q) { if(!acl_equal(p, q)) return 0; p = p->next; q = q->next; } if(!p && !q) return 1; /* different lengths */ return 0; } struct pattern_options* pattern_options_create(region_type* region) { struct pattern_options* p; p = (struct pattern_options*)region_alloc(region, sizeof( struct pattern_options)); p->node = *RBTREE_NULL; p->pname = 0; p->zonefile = 0; p->zonestats = 0; p->allow_notify = 0; p->request_xfr = 0; p->size_limit_xfr = 0; p->notify = 0; p->provide_xfr = 0; p->allow_query = 0; p->outgoing_interface = 0; p->notify_retry = 5; p->notify_retry_is_default = 1; p->allow_axfr_fallback = 1; p->allow_axfr_fallback_is_default = 1; p->implicit = 0; p->xfrd_flags = 0; p->max_refresh_time = 2419200; /* 4 weeks */ p->max_refresh_time_is_default = 1; p->min_refresh_time = 0; p->min_refresh_time_is_default = 1; p->max_retry_time = 1209600; /* 2 weeks */ p->max_retry_time_is_default = 1; p->min_retry_time = 0; p->min_retry_time_is_default = 1; p->min_expire_time = 0; p->min_expire_time_expr = EXPIRE_TIME_IS_DEFAULT; #ifdef RATELIMIT p->rrl_whitelist = 0; #endif p->multi_master_check = 0; p->store_ixfr = 0; p->store_ixfr_is_default = 1; p->ixfr_size = IXFR_SIZE_DEFAULT; p->ixfr_size_is_default = 1; p->ixfr_number = IXFR_NUMBER_DEFAULT; p->ixfr_number_is_default = 1; p->create_ixfr = 0; p->create_ixfr_is_default = 1; return p; } static void acl_delete(region_type* region, struct acl_options* acl) { if(acl->ip_address_spec) region_recycle(region, (void*)acl->ip_address_spec, strlen(acl->ip_address_spec)+1); if(acl->key_name) region_recycle(region, (void*)acl->key_name, strlen(acl->key_name)+1); if(acl->tls_auth_name) region_recycle(region, (void*)acl->tls_auth_name, strlen(acl->tls_auth_name)+1); /* key_options is a convenience pointer, not owned by the acl */ region_recycle(region, acl, sizeof(*acl)); } static void acl_list_delete(region_type* region, struct acl_options* list) { struct acl_options* n; while(list) { n = list->next; acl_delete(region, list); list = n; } } void pattern_options_remove(struct nsd_options* opt, const char* name) { struct pattern_options* p = (struct pattern_options*)rbtree_delete( opt->patterns, name); /* delete p and its contents */ if (!p) return; if(p->pname) region_recycle(opt->region, (void*)p->pname, strlen(p->pname)+1); if(p->zonefile) region_recycle(opt->region, (void*)p->zonefile, strlen(p->zonefile)+1); if(p->zonestats) region_recycle(opt->region, (void*)p->zonestats, strlen(p->zonestats)+1); acl_list_delete(opt->region, p->allow_notify); acl_list_delete(opt->region, p->request_xfr); acl_list_delete(opt->region, p->notify); acl_list_delete(opt->region, p->provide_xfr); acl_list_delete(opt->region, p->allow_query); acl_list_delete(opt->region, p->outgoing_interface); region_recycle(opt->region, p, sizeof(struct pattern_options)); } static struct acl_options* copy_acl(region_type* region, struct acl_options* a) { struct acl_options* b; if(!a) return NULL; b = (struct acl_options*)region_alloc(region, sizeof(*b)); /* copy the whole lot */ *b = *a; /* fix the pointers */ if(a->ip_address_spec) b->ip_address_spec = region_strdup(region, a->ip_address_spec); if(a->key_name) b->key_name = region_strdup(region, a->key_name); if(a->tls_auth_name) b->tls_auth_name = region_strdup(region, a->tls_auth_name); b->next = NULL; b->key_options = NULL; b->tls_auth_options = NULL; return b; } static struct acl_options* copy_acl_list(struct nsd_options* opt, struct acl_options* a) { struct acl_options* b, *blast = NULL, *blist = NULL; while(a) { b = copy_acl(opt->region, a); /* fixup key_options */ if(b->key_name) b->key_options = key_options_find(opt, b->key_name); else b->key_options = NULL; /* fixup tls_auth_options */ if(b->tls_auth_name) b->tls_auth_options = tls_auth_options_find(opt, b->tls_auth_name); else b->tls_auth_options = NULL; /* link as last into list */ b->next = NULL; if(!blist) blist = b; else blast->next = b; blast = b; a = a->next; } return blist; } static void copy_changed_acl(struct nsd_options* opt, struct acl_options** orig, struct acl_options* anew) { if(!acl_list_equal(*orig, anew)) { acl_list_delete(opt->region, *orig); *orig = copy_acl_list(opt, anew); } } static void copy_pat_fixed(region_type* region, struct pattern_options* orig, struct pattern_options* p) { orig->allow_axfr_fallback = p->allow_axfr_fallback; orig->allow_axfr_fallback_is_default = p->allow_axfr_fallback_is_default; orig->notify_retry = p->notify_retry; orig->notify_retry_is_default = p->notify_retry_is_default; orig->implicit = p->implicit; if(p->zonefile) orig->zonefile = region_strdup(region, p->zonefile); else orig->zonefile = NULL; if(p->zonestats) orig->zonestats = region_strdup(region, p->zonestats); else orig->zonestats = NULL; orig->max_refresh_time = p->max_refresh_time; orig->max_refresh_time_is_default = p->max_refresh_time_is_default; orig->min_refresh_time = p->min_refresh_time; orig->min_refresh_time_is_default = p->min_refresh_time_is_default; orig->max_retry_time = p->max_retry_time; orig->max_retry_time_is_default = p->max_retry_time_is_default; orig->min_retry_time = p->min_retry_time; orig->min_retry_time_is_default = p->min_retry_time_is_default; orig->min_expire_time = p->min_expire_time; orig->min_expire_time_expr = p->min_expire_time_expr; #ifdef RATELIMIT orig->rrl_whitelist = p->rrl_whitelist; #endif orig->multi_master_check = p->multi_master_check; orig->store_ixfr = p->store_ixfr; orig->store_ixfr_is_default = p->store_ixfr_is_default; orig->ixfr_size = p->ixfr_size; orig->ixfr_size_is_default = p->ixfr_size_is_default; orig->ixfr_number = p->ixfr_number; orig->ixfr_number_is_default = p->ixfr_number_is_default; orig->create_ixfr = p->create_ixfr; orig->create_ixfr_is_default = p->create_ixfr_is_default; } void pattern_options_add_modify(struct nsd_options* opt, struct pattern_options* p) { struct pattern_options* orig = pattern_options_find(opt, p->pname); if(!orig) { /* needs to be copied to opt region */ orig = pattern_options_create(opt->region); orig->pname = region_strdup(opt->region, p->pname); copy_pat_fixed(opt->region, orig, p); orig->allow_notify = copy_acl_list(opt, p->allow_notify); orig->request_xfr = copy_acl_list(opt, p->request_xfr); orig->notify = copy_acl_list(opt, p->notify); orig->provide_xfr = copy_acl_list(opt, p->provide_xfr); orig->allow_query = copy_acl_list(opt, p->allow_query); orig->outgoing_interface = copy_acl_list(opt, p->outgoing_interface); nsd_options_insert_pattern(opt, orig); } else { /* modify in place so pointers stay valid (and copy into region). Do not touch unchanged acls. */ if(orig->zonefile) region_recycle(opt->region, (char*)orig->zonefile, strlen(orig->zonefile)+1); if(orig->zonestats) region_recycle(opt->region, (char*)orig->zonestats, strlen(orig->zonestats)+1); copy_pat_fixed(opt->region, orig, p); copy_changed_acl(opt, &orig->allow_notify, p->allow_notify); copy_changed_acl(opt, &orig->request_xfr, p->request_xfr); copy_changed_acl(opt, &orig->notify, p->notify); copy_changed_acl(opt, &orig->provide_xfr, p->provide_xfr); copy_changed_acl(opt, &orig->allow_query, p->allow_query); copy_changed_acl(opt, &orig->outgoing_interface, p->outgoing_interface); } } struct pattern_options* pattern_options_find(struct nsd_options* opt, const char* name) { return (struct pattern_options*)rbtree_search(opt->patterns, name); } int pattern_options_equal(struct pattern_options* p, struct pattern_options* q) { if(strcmp(p->pname, q->pname) != 0) return 0; if(!p->zonefile && q->zonefile) return 0; else if(p->zonefile && !q->zonefile) return 0; else if(p->zonefile && q->zonefile) { if(strcmp(p->zonefile, q->zonefile) != 0) return 0; } if(!p->zonestats && q->zonestats) return 0; else if(p->zonestats && !q->zonestats) return 0; else if(p->zonestats && q->zonestats) { if(strcmp(p->zonestats, q->zonestats) != 0) return 0; } if(!booleq(p->allow_axfr_fallback, q->allow_axfr_fallback)) return 0; if(!booleq(p->allow_axfr_fallback_is_default, q->allow_axfr_fallback_is_default)) return 0; if(p->notify_retry != q->notify_retry) return 0; if(!booleq(p->notify_retry_is_default, q->notify_retry_is_default)) return 0; if(!booleq(p->implicit, q->implicit)) return 0; if(!acl_list_equal(p->allow_notify, q->allow_notify)) return 0; if(!acl_list_equal(p->request_xfr, q->request_xfr)) return 0; if(!acl_list_equal(p->notify, q->notify)) return 0; if(!acl_list_equal(p->provide_xfr, q->provide_xfr)) return 0; if(!acl_list_equal(p->allow_query, q->allow_query)) return 0; if(!acl_list_equal(p->outgoing_interface, q->outgoing_interface)) return 0; if(p->max_refresh_time != q->max_refresh_time) return 0; if(!booleq(p->max_refresh_time_is_default, q->max_refresh_time_is_default)) return 0; if(p->min_refresh_time != q->min_refresh_time) return 0; if(!booleq(p->min_refresh_time_is_default, q->min_refresh_time_is_default)) return 0; if(p->max_retry_time != q->max_retry_time) return 0; if(!booleq(p->max_retry_time_is_default, q->max_retry_time_is_default)) return 0; if(p->min_retry_time != q->min_retry_time) return 0; if(!booleq(p->min_retry_time_is_default, q->min_retry_time_is_default)) return 0; if(p->min_expire_time != q->min_expire_time) return 0; if(!expire_expr_eq(p->min_expire_time_expr, q->min_expire_time_expr)) return 0; #ifdef RATELIMIT if(p->rrl_whitelist != q->rrl_whitelist) return 0; #endif if(!booleq(p->multi_master_check,q->multi_master_check)) return 0; if(p->size_limit_xfr != q->size_limit_xfr) return 0; if(!booleq(p->store_ixfr,q->store_ixfr)) return 0; if(!booleq(p->store_ixfr_is_default,q->store_ixfr_is_default)) return 0; if(p->ixfr_size != q->ixfr_size) return 0; if(!booleq(p->ixfr_size_is_default,q->ixfr_size_is_default)) return 0; if(p->ixfr_number != q->ixfr_number) return 0; if(!booleq(p->ixfr_number_is_default,q->ixfr_number_is_default)) return 0; if(!booleq(p->create_ixfr,q->create_ixfr)) return 0; if(!booleq(p->create_ixfr_is_default,q->create_ixfr_is_default)) return 0; return 1; } static void marshal_u8(struct buffer* b, uint8_t v) { buffer_reserve(b, 1); buffer_write_u8(b, v); } static uint8_t unmarshal_u8(struct buffer* b) { return buffer_read_u8(b); } static void marshal_u64(struct buffer* b, uint64_t v) { buffer_reserve(b, 8); buffer_write_u64(b, v); } static uint64_t unmarshal_u64(struct buffer* b) { return buffer_read_u64(b); } #ifdef RATELIMIT static void marshal_u16(struct buffer* b, uint16_t v) { buffer_reserve(b, 2); buffer_write_u16(b, v); } #endif #ifdef RATELIMIT static uint16_t unmarshal_u16(struct buffer* b) { return buffer_read_u16(b); } #endif static void marshal_u32(struct buffer* b, uint32_t v) { buffer_reserve(b, 4); buffer_write_u32(b, v); } static uint32_t unmarshal_u32(struct buffer* b) { return buffer_read_u32(b); } static void marshal_str(struct buffer* b, const char* s) { if(!s) marshal_u8(b, 0); else { size_t len = strlen(s); marshal_u8(b, 1); buffer_reserve(b, len+1); buffer_write(b, s, len+1); } } static char* unmarshal_str(region_type* r, struct buffer* b) { uint8_t nonnull = unmarshal_u8(b); if(nonnull) { char* result = region_strdup(r, (char*)buffer_current(b)); size_t len = strlen((char*)buffer_current(b)); buffer_skip(b, len+1); return result; } else return NULL; } static void marshal_acl(struct buffer* b, struct acl_options* acl) { buffer_reserve(b, sizeof(*acl)); buffer_write(b, acl, sizeof(*acl)); marshal_str(b, acl->ip_address_spec); marshal_str(b, acl->key_name); marshal_str(b, acl->tls_auth_name); } static struct acl_options* unmarshal_acl(region_type* r, struct buffer* b) { struct acl_options* acl = (struct acl_options*)region_alloc(r, sizeof(*acl)); buffer_read(b, acl, sizeof(*acl)); acl->next = NULL; acl->key_options = NULL; acl->tls_auth_options = NULL; acl->ip_address_spec = unmarshal_str(r, b); acl->key_name = unmarshal_str(r, b); acl->tls_auth_name = unmarshal_str(r, b); return acl; } static void marshal_acl_list(struct buffer* b, struct acl_options* list) { while(list) { marshal_u8(b, 1); /* is there a next one marker */ marshal_acl(b, list); list = list->next; } marshal_u8(b, 0); /* end of list marker */ } static struct acl_options* unmarshal_acl_list(region_type* r, struct buffer* b) { struct acl_options* a, *last=NULL, *list=NULL; while(unmarshal_u8(b)) { a = unmarshal_acl(r, b); /* link in */ a->next = NULL; if(!list) list = a; else last->next = a; last = a; } return list; } void pattern_options_marshal(struct buffer* b, struct pattern_options* p) { marshal_str(b, p->pname); marshal_str(b, p->zonefile); marshal_str(b, p->zonestats); #ifdef RATELIMIT marshal_u16(b, p->rrl_whitelist); #endif marshal_u8(b, p->allow_axfr_fallback); marshal_u8(b, p->allow_axfr_fallback_is_default); marshal_u8(b, p->notify_retry); marshal_u8(b, p->notify_retry_is_default); marshal_u8(b, p->implicit); marshal_u64(b, p->size_limit_xfr); marshal_acl_list(b, p->allow_notify); marshal_acl_list(b, p->request_xfr); marshal_acl_list(b, p->notify); marshal_acl_list(b, p->provide_xfr); marshal_acl_list(b, p->allow_query); marshal_acl_list(b, p->outgoing_interface); marshal_u32(b, p->max_refresh_time); marshal_u8(b, p->max_refresh_time_is_default); marshal_u32(b, p->min_refresh_time); marshal_u8(b, p->min_refresh_time_is_default); marshal_u32(b, p->max_retry_time); marshal_u8(b, p->max_retry_time_is_default); marshal_u32(b, p->min_retry_time); marshal_u8(b, p->min_retry_time_is_default); marshal_u32(b, p->min_expire_time); marshal_u8(b, p->min_expire_time_expr); marshal_u8(b, p->multi_master_check); marshal_u8(b, p->store_ixfr); marshal_u8(b, p->store_ixfr_is_default); marshal_u64(b, p->ixfr_size); marshal_u8(b, p->ixfr_size_is_default); marshal_u32(b, p->ixfr_number); marshal_u8(b, p->ixfr_number_is_default); marshal_u8(b, p->create_ixfr); marshal_u8(b, p->create_ixfr_is_default); } struct pattern_options* pattern_options_unmarshal(region_type* r, struct buffer* b) { struct pattern_options* p = pattern_options_create(r); p->pname = unmarshal_str(r, b); p->zonefile = unmarshal_str(r, b); p->zonestats = unmarshal_str(r, b); #ifdef RATELIMIT p->rrl_whitelist = unmarshal_u16(b); #endif p->allow_axfr_fallback = unmarshal_u8(b); p->allow_axfr_fallback_is_default = unmarshal_u8(b); p->notify_retry = unmarshal_u8(b); p->notify_retry_is_default = unmarshal_u8(b); p->implicit = unmarshal_u8(b); p->size_limit_xfr = unmarshal_u64(b); p->allow_notify = unmarshal_acl_list(r, b); p->request_xfr = unmarshal_acl_list(r, b); p->notify = unmarshal_acl_list(r, b); p->provide_xfr = unmarshal_acl_list(r, b); p->allow_query = unmarshal_acl_list(r, b); p->outgoing_interface = unmarshal_acl_list(r, b); p->max_refresh_time = unmarshal_u32(b); p->max_refresh_time_is_default = unmarshal_u8(b); p->min_refresh_time = unmarshal_u32(b); p->min_refresh_time_is_default = unmarshal_u8(b); p->max_retry_time = unmarshal_u32(b); p->max_retry_time_is_default = unmarshal_u8(b); p->min_retry_time = unmarshal_u32(b); p->min_retry_time_is_default = unmarshal_u8(b); p->min_expire_time = unmarshal_u32(b); p->min_expire_time_expr = unmarshal_u8(b); p->multi_master_check = unmarshal_u8(b); p->store_ixfr = unmarshal_u8(b); p->store_ixfr_is_default = unmarshal_u8(b); p->ixfr_size = unmarshal_u64(b); p->ixfr_size_is_default = unmarshal_u8(b); p->ixfr_number = unmarshal_u32(b); p->ixfr_number_is_default = unmarshal_u8(b); p->create_ixfr = unmarshal_u8(b); p->create_ixfr_is_default = unmarshal_u8(b); return p; } struct key_options* key_options_create(region_type* region) { struct key_options* key; key = (struct key_options*)region_alloc_zero(region, sizeof(struct key_options)); return key; } struct tls_auth_options* tls_auth_options_create(region_type* region) { struct tls_auth_options* tls_auth_options; tls_auth_options = (struct tls_auth_options*)region_alloc_zero(region, sizeof(struct tls_auth_options)); return tls_auth_options; } void key_options_insert(struct nsd_options* opt, struct key_options* key) { if(!key->name) return; key->node.key = key->name; (void)rbtree_insert(opt->keys, &key->node); } struct key_options* key_options_find(struct nsd_options* opt, const char* name) { return (struct key_options*)rbtree_search(opt->keys, name); } void tls_auth_options_insert(struct nsd_options* opt, struct tls_auth_options* auth) { if(!auth->name) return; auth->node.key = auth->name; (void)rbtree_insert(opt->tls_auths, &auth->node); } struct tls_auth_options* tls_auth_options_find(struct nsd_options* opt, const char* name) { return (struct tls_auth_options*)rbtree_search(opt->tls_auths, name); } /** remove tsig_key contents */ void key_options_desetup(region_type* region, struct key_options* key) { /* keep tsig_key pointer so that existing references keep valid */ if(!key->tsig_key) return; /* name stays the same */ if(key->tsig_key->data) { /* wipe secret! */ memset(key->tsig_key->data, 0xdd, key->tsig_key->size); region_recycle(region, key->tsig_key->data, key->tsig_key->size); key->tsig_key->data = NULL; key->tsig_key->size = 0; } } /** add tsig_key contents */ void key_options_setup(region_type* region, struct key_options* key) { uint8_t data[16384]; /* 16KB */ int size; if(!key->tsig_key) { /* create it */ key->tsig_key = (tsig_key_type *) region_alloc(region, sizeof(tsig_key_type)); /* create name */ key->tsig_key->name = dname_parse(region, key->name); if(!key->tsig_key->name) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "Failed to parse tsig key name %s", key->name); /* key and base64 were checked during syntax parse */ exit(1); } key->tsig_key->size = 0; key->tsig_key->data = NULL; } size = __b64_pton(key->secret, data, sizeof(data)); if(size == -1) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "Failed to parse tsig key data %s", key->name); /* key and base64 were checked during syntax parse */ exit(1); } key->tsig_key->size = size; key->tsig_key->data = (uint8_t *)region_alloc_init(region, data, size); } void key_options_remove(struct nsd_options* opt, const char* name) { struct key_options* k = key_options_find(opt, name); if(!k) return; (void)rbtree_delete(opt->keys, name); if(k->name) region_recycle(opt->region, k->name, strlen(k->name)+1); if(k->algorithm) region_recycle(opt->region, k->algorithm, strlen(k->algorithm)+1); if(k->secret) { memset(k->secret, 0xdd, strlen(k->secret)); /* wipe secret! */ region_recycle(opt->region, k->secret, strlen(k->secret)+1); } if(k->tsig_key) { tsig_del_key(k->tsig_key); if(k->tsig_key->name) region_recycle(opt->region, (void*)k->tsig_key->name, dname_total_size(k->tsig_key->name)); key_options_desetup(opt->region, k); region_recycle(opt->region, k->tsig_key, sizeof(tsig_key_type)); } region_recycle(opt->region, k, sizeof(struct key_options)); } int key_options_equal(struct key_options* p, struct key_options* q) { return strcmp(p->name, q->name)==0 && strcmp(p->algorithm, q->algorithm)==0 && strcmp(p->secret, q->secret)==0; } void key_options_add_modify(struct nsd_options* opt, struct key_options* key) { struct key_options* orig = key_options_find(opt, key->name); if(!orig) { /* needs to be copied to opt region */ orig = key_options_create(opt->region); orig->name = region_strdup(opt->region, key->name); orig->algorithm = region_strdup(opt->region, key->algorithm); orig->secret = region_strdup(opt->region, key->secret); key_options_setup(opt->region, orig); tsig_add_key(orig->tsig_key); key_options_insert(opt, orig); } else { /* modify entries in existing key, and copy to opt region */ key_options_desetup(opt->region, orig); region_recycle(opt->region, orig->algorithm, strlen(orig->algorithm)+1); orig->algorithm = region_strdup(opt->region, key->algorithm); region_recycle(opt->region, orig->secret, strlen(orig->secret)+1); orig->secret = region_strdup(opt->region, key->secret); key_options_setup(opt->region, orig); } } int acl_check_incoming(struct acl_options* acl, struct query* q, struct acl_options** reason) { /* check each acl element. if 1 blocked element matches - return -1. if any element matches - return number. else return -1. */ int found_match = -1; int number = 0; struct acl_options* match = 0; if(reason) *reason = NULL; while(acl) { DEBUG(DEBUG_XFRD,2, (LOG_INFO, "testing acl %s %s", acl->ip_address_spec, acl->nokey?"NOKEY": (acl->blocked?"BLOCKED":acl->key_name))); if(acl_addr_matches(acl, q) && acl_key_matches(acl, q)) { if(!match) { match = acl; /* remember first match */ found_match=number; } if(acl->blocked) { if(reason) *reason = acl; return -1; } } number++; acl = acl->next; } if(reason) *reason = match; return found_match; } #ifdef INET6 int acl_addr_matches_ipv6host(struct acl_options* acl, struct sockaddr_storage* addr_storage, unsigned int port) { struct sockaddr_in6* addr = (struct sockaddr_in6*)addr_storage; if(acl->port != 0 && acl->port != port) return 0; switch(acl->rangetype) { case acl_range_mask: case acl_range_subnet: if(!acl_addr_match_mask((uint32_t*)&acl->addr.addr6, (uint32_t*)&addr->sin6_addr, (uint32_t*)&acl->range_mask.addr6, sizeof(struct in6_addr))) return 0; break; case acl_range_minmax: if(!acl_addr_match_range_v6((uint32_t*)&acl->addr.addr6, (uint32_t*)&addr->sin6_addr, (uint32_t*)&acl->range_mask.addr6, sizeof(struct in6_addr))) return 0; break; case acl_range_single: default: if(memcmp(&addr->sin6_addr, &acl->addr.addr6, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) != 0) return 0; break; } return 1; } #endif int acl_addr_matches_ipv4host(struct acl_options* acl, struct sockaddr_in* addr, unsigned int port) { if(acl->port != 0 && acl->port != port) return 0; switch(acl->rangetype) { case acl_range_mask: case acl_range_subnet: if(!acl_addr_match_mask((uint32_t*)&acl->addr.addr, (uint32_t*)&addr->sin_addr, (uint32_t*)&acl->range_mask.addr, sizeof(struct in_addr))) return 0; break; case acl_range_minmax: if(!acl_addr_match_range_v4((uint32_t*)&acl->addr.addr, (uint32_t*)&addr->sin_addr, (uint32_t*)&acl->range_mask.addr, sizeof(struct in_addr))) return 0; break; case acl_range_single: default: if(memcmp(&addr->sin_addr, &acl->addr.addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) != 0) return 0; break; } return 1; } int acl_addr_matches_host(struct acl_options* acl, struct acl_options* host) { if(acl->is_ipv6) { #ifdef INET6 struct sockaddr_storage* addr = (struct sockaddr_storage*)&host->addr; if(!host->is_ipv6) return 0; return acl_addr_matches_ipv6host(acl, addr, host->port); #else return 0; /* no inet6, no match */ #endif } else { struct sockaddr_in* addr = (struct sockaddr_in*)&host->addr; if(host->is_ipv6) return 0; return acl_addr_matches_ipv4host(acl, addr, host->port); } /* ENOTREACH */ return 0; } int acl_addr_matches(struct acl_options* acl, struct query* q) { if(acl->is_ipv6) { #ifdef INET6 struct sockaddr_storage* addr = (struct sockaddr_storage*)&q->addr; if(addr->ss_family != AF_INET6) return 0; return acl_addr_matches_ipv6host(acl, addr, ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in6*)addr)->sin6_port)); #else return 0; /* no inet6, no match */ #endif } else { struct sockaddr_in* addr = (struct sockaddr_in*)&q->addr; if(addr->sin_family != AF_INET) return 0; return acl_addr_matches_ipv4host(acl, addr, ntohs(addr->sin_port)); } /* ENOTREACH */ return 0; } int acl_addr_match_mask(uint32_t* a, uint32_t* b, uint32_t* mask, size_t sz) { size_t i; #ifndef NDEBUG assert(sz % 4 == 0); #endif sz /= 4; for(i=0; i *x) return 0; if(*maxval < *x) return 0; return 1; } #ifdef INET6 int acl_addr_match_range_v6(uint32_t* minval, uint32_t* x, uint32_t* maxval, size_t sz) { size_t i; uint8_t checkmin = 1, checkmax = 1; #ifndef NDEBUG assert(sz % 4 == 0); #endif /* check treats x as one huge number */ sz /= 4; for(i=0; i x[i]) return 0; if(checkmax) if(maxval[i] < x[i]) return 0; /* if x is equal to a bound, that bound needs further checks */ if(checkmin && minval[i]!=x[i]) checkmin = 0; if(checkmax && maxval[i]!=x[i]) checkmax = 0; if(!checkmin && !checkmax) return 1; /* will always match */ } return 1; } #endif /* INET6 */ int acl_key_matches(struct acl_options* acl, struct query* q) { if(acl->blocked) return 1; if(acl->nokey) { if(q->tsig.status == TSIG_NOT_PRESENT) return 1; return 0; } /* check name of tsig key */ if(q->tsig.status != TSIG_OK) { DEBUG(DEBUG_XFRD,2, (LOG_INFO, "keymatch fail query has no TSIG")); return 0; /* query has no TSIG */ } if(q->tsig.error_code != TSIG_ERROR_NOERROR) { DEBUG(DEBUG_XFRD,2, (LOG_INFO, "keymatch fail, tsig has error")); return 0; /* some tsig error */ } if(!acl->key_options->tsig_key) { DEBUG(DEBUG_XFRD,2, (LOG_INFO, "keymatch fail no config")); return 0; /* key not properly configured */ } if(dname_compare(q->tsig.key_name, acl->key_options->tsig_key->name) != 0) { DEBUG(DEBUG_XFRD,2, (LOG_INFO, "keymatch fail wrong key name")); return 0; /* wrong key name */ } if(tsig_strlowercmp(q->tsig.algorithm->short_name, acl->key_options->algorithm) != 0 && ( strncmp("hmac-", q->tsig.algorithm->short_name, 5) != 0 || tsig_strlowercmp(q->tsig.algorithm->short_name+5, acl->key_options->algorithm) != 0) ) { DEBUG(DEBUG_XFRD,2, (LOG_ERR, "query tsig wrong algorithm")); return 0; /* no such algo */ } return 1; } int acl_same_host(struct acl_options* a, struct acl_options* b) { if(a->is_ipv6 && !b->is_ipv6) return 0; if(!a->is_ipv6 && b->is_ipv6) return 0; if(a->port != b->port) return 0; if(a->rangetype != b->rangetype) return 0; if(!a->is_ipv6) { if(memcmp(&a->addr.addr, &b->addr.addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) != 0) return 0; if(a->rangetype != acl_range_single && memcmp(&a->range_mask.addr, &b->range_mask.addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) != 0) return 0; } else { #ifdef INET6 if(memcmp(&a->addr.addr6, &b->addr.addr6, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) != 0) return 0; if(a->rangetype != acl_range_single && memcmp(&a->range_mask.addr6, &b->range_mask.addr6, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) != 0) return 0; #else return 0; #endif } return 1; } #if defined(HAVE_SSL) void key_options_tsig_add(struct nsd_options* opt) { struct key_options* optkey; RBTREE_FOR(optkey, struct key_options*, opt->keys) { key_options_setup(opt->region, optkey); tsig_add_key(optkey->tsig_key); } } #endif int zone_is_slave(struct zone_options* opt) { return opt && opt->pattern && opt->pattern->request_xfr != 0; } /* get a character in string (or replacement char if not long enough) */ static const char* get_char(const char* str, size_t i) { static char res[2]; if(i >= strlen(str)) return "."; res[0] = str[i]; res[1] = 0; return res; } /* get end label of the zone name (or .) */ static const char* get_end_label(struct zone_options* zone, int i) { const dname_type* d = (const dname_type*)zone->node.key; if(i >= d->label_count) { return "."; } return wirelabel2str(dname_label(d, i)); } /* replace occurrences of one with two */ void replace_str(char* str, size_t len, const char* one, const char* two) { char* pos; char* at = str; while( (pos=strstr(at, one)) ) { if(strlen(str)+strlen(two)-strlen(one) >= len) return; /* no more space to replace */ /* stuff before pos is fine */ /* move the stuff after pos to make space for two, add * one to length of remainder to also copy the 0 byte end */ memmove(pos+strlen(two), pos+strlen(one), strlen(pos+strlen(one))+1); /* copy in two */ memmove(pos, two, strlen(two)); /* at is end of the newly inserted two (avoids recursion if * two contains one) */ at = pos+strlen(two); } } const char* config_cook_string(struct zone_options* zone, const char* input) { static char f[1024]; /* if not a template, return as-is */ if(!strchr(input, '%')) { return input; } strlcpy(f, input, sizeof(f)); if(strstr(f, "%1")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%1", get_char(zone->name, 0)); if(strstr(f, "%2")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%2", get_char(zone->name, 1)); if(strstr(f, "%3")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%3", get_char(zone->name, 2)); if(strstr(f, "%z")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%z", get_end_label(zone, 1)); if(strstr(f, "%y")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%y", get_end_label(zone, 2)); if(strstr(f, "%x")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%x", get_end_label(zone, 3)); if(strstr(f, "%s")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%s", zone->name); return f; } const char* config_make_zonefile(struct zone_options* zone, struct nsd* nsd) { static char f[1024]; /* if not a template, return as-is */ if(!strchr(zone->pattern->zonefile, '%')) { if (nsd->chrootdir && nsd->chrootdir[0] && zone->pattern->zonefile && zone->pattern->zonefile[0] == '/' && strncmp(zone->pattern->zonefile, nsd->chrootdir, strlen(nsd->chrootdir)) == 0) /* -1 because chrootdir ends in trailing slash */ return zone->pattern->zonefile + strlen(nsd->chrootdir) - 1; return zone->pattern->zonefile; } strlcpy(f, zone->pattern->zonefile, sizeof(f)); if(strstr(f, "%1")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%1", get_char(zone->name, 0)); if(strstr(f, "%2")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%2", get_char(zone->name, 1)); if(strstr(f, "%3")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%3", get_char(zone->name, 2)); if(strstr(f, "%z")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%z", get_end_label(zone, 1)); if(strstr(f, "%y")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%y", get_end_label(zone, 2)); if(strstr(f, "%x")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%x", get_end_label(zone, 3)); if(strstr(f, "%s")) replace_str(f, sizeof(f), "%s", zone->name); if (nsd->chrootdir && nsd->chrootdir[0] && f[0] == '/' && strncmp(f, nsd->chrootdir, strlen(nsd->chrootdir)) == 0) /* -1 because chrootdir ends in trailing slash */ return f + strlen(nsd->chrootdir) - 1; return f; } struct zone_options* zone_options_find(struct nsd_options* opt, const struct dname* apex) { return (struct zone_options*) rbtree_search(opt->zone_options, apex); } struct acl_options* acl_find_num(struct acl_options* acl, int num) { int count = num; if(num < 0) return 0; while(acl && count > 0) { acl = acl->next; count--; } if(count == 0) return acl; return 0; } /* true if ipv6 address, false if ipv4 */ int parse_acl_is_ipv6(const char* p) { /* see if addr is ipv6 or ipv4 -- by : and . */ while(*p) { if(*p == '.') return 0; if(*p == ':') return 1; ++p; } return 0; } /* returns range type. mask is the 2nd part of the range */ int parse_acl_range_type(char* ip, char** mask) { char *p; if((p=strchr(ip, '&'))!=0) { *p = 0; *mask = p+1; return acl_range_mask; } if((p=strchr(ip, '/'))!=0) { *p = 0; *mask = p+1; return acl_range_subnet; } if((p=strchr(ip, '-'))!=0) { *p = 0; *mask = p+1; return acl_range_minmax; } *mask = 0; return acl_range_single; } /* parses subnet mask, fills 0 mask as well */ void parse_acl_range_subnet(char* p, void* addr, int maxbits) { int subnet_bits = atoi(p); uint8_t* addr_bytes = (uint8_t*)addr; if(subnet_bits == 0 && strcmp(p, "0")!=0) { c_error("bad subnet range '%s'", p); return; } if(subnet_bits < 0 || subnet_bits > maxbits) { c_error("subnet of %d bits out of range [0..%d]", subnet_bits, maxbits); return; } /* fill addr with n bits of 1s (struct has been zeroed) */ while(subnet_bits >= 8) { *addr_bytes++ = 0xff; subnet_bits -= 8; } if(subnet_bits > 0) { uint8_t shifts[] = {0x0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe, 0xff}; *addr_bytes = shifts[subnet_bits]; } } struct acl_options* parse_acl_info(region_type* region, char* ip, const char* key) { char* p; struct acl_options* acl = (struct acl_options*)region_alloc(region, sizeof(struct acl_options)); acl->next = 0; /* ip */ acl->ip_address_spec = region_strdup(region, ip); acl->use_axfr_only = 0; acl->allow_udp = 0; acl->ixfr_disabled = 0; acl->bad_xfr_count = 0; acl->key_options = 0; acl->tls_auth_options = 0; acl->tls_auth_name = 0; acl->is_ipv6 = 0; acl->port = 0; memset(&acl->addr, 0, sizeof(union acl_addr_storage)); memset(&acl->range_mask, 0, sizeof(union acl_addr_storage)); if((p=strrchr(ip, '@'))!=0) { if(atoi(p+1) == 0) c_error("expected port number after '@'"); else acl->port = atoi(p+1); *p=0; } acl->rangetype = parse_acl_range_type(ip, &p); if(parse_acl_is_ipv6(ip)) { acl->is_ipv6 = 1; #ifdef INET6 if(inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip, &acl->addr.addr6) != 1) c_error("Bad ip6 address '%s'", ip); if(acl->rangetype==acl_range_mask || acl->rangetype==acl_range_minmax) { assert(p); if(inet_pton(AF_INET6, p, &acl->range_mask.addr6) != 1) c_error("Bad ip6 address mask '%s'", p); } if(acl->rangetype==acl_range_subnet) { assert(p); parse_acl_range_subnet(p, &acl->range_mask.addr6, 128); } #else c_error("encountered IPv6 address '%s'.", ip); #endif /* INET6 */ } else { acl->is_ipv6 = 0; if(inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &acl->addr.addr) != 1) c_error("Bad ip4 address '%s'", ip); if(acl->rangetype==acl_range_mask || acl->rangetype==acl_range_minmax) { assert(p); if(inet_pton(AF_INET, p, &acl->range_mask.addr) != 1) c_error("Bad ip4 address mask '%s'", p); } if(acl->rangetype==acl_range_subnet) { assert(p); parse_acl_range_subnet(p, &acl->range_mask.addr, 32); } } /* key */ if(strcmp(key, "NOKEY")==0) { acl->nokey = 1; acl->blocked = 0; acl->key_name = 0; } else if(strcmp(key, "BLOCKED")==0) { acl->nokey = 0; acl->blocked = 1; acl->key_name = 0; } else { acl->nokey = 0; acl->blocked = 0; acl->key_name = region_strdup(region, key); } return acl; } /* copy acl list at end of parser start, update current */ static void copy_and_append_acls(struct acl_options** start, struct acl_options* list) { struct acl_options *tail = NULL; assert(start != NULL); tail = *start; if(tail) { while(tail->next) { tail = tail->next; } } while(list) { struct acl_options* acl = copy_acl(cfg_parser->opt->region, list); acl->next = NULL; if(tail) { tail->next = acl; } else { *start = acl; } tail = acl; list = list->next; } } void config_apply_pattern(struct pattern_options *dest, const char* name) { /* find the pattern */ struct pattern_options* pat = pattern_options_find(cfg_parser->opt, name); if(!pat) { c_error("could not find pattern %s", name); return; } /* apply settings */ if(pat->zonefile) dest->zonefile = region_strdup(cfg_parser->opt->region, pat->zonefile); if(pat->zonestats) dest->zonestats = region_strdup(cfg_parser->opt->region, pat->zonestats); if(!pat->allow_axfr_fallback_is_default) { dest->allow_axfr_fallback = pat->allow_axfr_fallback; dest->allow_axfr_fallback_is_default = 0; } if(!pat->notify_retry_is_default) { dest->notify_retry = pat->notify_retry; dest->notify_retry_is_default = 0; } if(!pat->max_refresh_time_is_default) { dest->max_refresh_time = pat->max_refresh_time; dest->max_refresh_time_is_default = 0; } if(!pat->min_refresh_time_is_default) { dest->min_refresh_time = pat->min_refresh_time; dest->min_refresh_time_is_default = 0; } if(!pat->max_retry_time_is_default) { dest->max_retry_time = pat->max_retry_time; dest->max_retry_time_is_default = 0; } if(!pat->min_retry_time_is_default) { dest->min_retry_time = pat->min_retry_time; dest->min_retry_time_is_default = 0; } if(!expire_time_is_default(pat->min_expire_time_expr)) { dest->min_expire_time = pat->min_expire_time; dest->min_expire_time_expr = pat->min_expire_time_expr; } if(!pat->store_ixfr_is_default) { dest->store_ixfr = pat->store_ixfr; dest->store_ixfr_is_default = 0; } if(!pat->ixfr_size_is_default) { dest->ixfr_size = pat->ixfr_size; dest->ixfr_size_is_default = 0; } if(!pat->ixfr_number_is_default) { dest->ixfr_number = pat->ixfr_number; dest->ixfr_number_is_default = 0; } if(!pat->create_ixfr_is_default) { dest->create_ixfr = pat->create_ixfr; dest->create_ixfr_is_default = 0; } dest->size_limit_xfr = pat->size_limit_xfr; #ifdef RATELIMIT dest->rrl_whitelist |= pat->rrl_whitelist; #endif /* append acl items */ copy_and_append_acls(&dest->allow_notify, pat->allow_notify); copy_and_append_acls(&dest->request_xfr, pat->request_xfr); copy_and_append_acls(&dest->notify, pat->notify); copy_and_append_acls(&dest->provide_xfr, pat->provide_xfr); copy_and_append_acls(&dest->allow_query, pat->allow_query); copy_and_append_acls(&dest->outgoing_interface, pat->outgoing_interface); if(pat->multi_master_check) dest->multi_master_check = pat->multi_master_check; } void nsd_options_destroy(struct nsd_options* opt) { region_destroy(opt->region); #ifdef MEMCLEAN /* OS collects memory pages */ c_lex_destroy(); #endif } unsigned getzonestatid(struct nsd_options* opt, struct zone_options* zopt) { #ifdef USE_ZONE_STATS const char* statname; struct zonestatname* n; rbnode_type* res; /* try to find the instantiated zonestat name */ if(!zopt->pattern->zonestats || zopt->pattern->zonestats[0]==0) return 0; /* no zone stats */ statname = config_cook_string(zopt, zopt->pattern->zonestats); res = rbtree_search(opt->zonestatnames, statname); if(res) return ((struct zonestatname*)res)->id; /* create it */ n = (struct zonestatname*)region_alloc_zero(opt->region, sizeof(*n)); n->node.key = region_strdup(opt->region, statname); if(!n->node.key) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "malloc failed: %s", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } n->id = (unsigned)(opt->zonestatnames->count); rbtree_insert(opt->zonestatnames, (rbnode_type*)n); return n->id; #else /* USE_ZONE_STATS */ (void)opt; (void)zopt; return 0; #endif /* USE_ZONE_STATS */ } /** check if config turns on IP-address interface with certificates or a * named pipe without certificates. */ int options_remote_is_address(struct nsd_options* cfg) { if(!cfg->control_enable) return 0; if(!cfg->control_interface) return 1; if(!cfg->control_interface->address) return 1; if(cfg->control_interface->address[0] == 0) return 1; return (cfg->control_interface->address[0] != '/'); } #ifdef HAVE_GETIFADDRS static void resolve_ifa_name(struct ifaddrs *ifas, const char *search_ifa, char ***ip_addresses, size_t *ip_addresses_size) { struct ifaddrs *ifa; size_t last_ip_addresses_size = *ip_addresses_size; for(ifa = ifas; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { sa_family_t family; const char* atsign; #ifdef INET6 /* | address ip | % | ifa name | @ | port | nul */ char addr_buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1 + IF_NAMESIZE + 1 + 16 + 1]; #else char addr_buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN + 1 + 16 + 1]; #endif if((atsign=strrchr(search_ifa, '@')) != NULL) { if(strlen(ifa->ifa_name) != (size_t)(atsign-search_ifa) || strncmp(ifa->ifa_name, search_ifa, atsign-search_ifa) != 0) continue; } else { if(strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, search_ifa) != 0) continue; atsign = ""; } if(ifa->ifa_addr == NULL) continue; family = ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family; if(family == AF_INET) { char a4[INET_ADDRSTRLEN + 1]; struct sockaddr_in *in4 = (struct sockaddr_in *) ifa->ifa_addr; if(!inet_ntop(family, &in4->sin_addr, a4, sizeof(a4))) error("inet_ntop"); snprintf(addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf), "%s%s", a4, atsign); } #ifdef INET6 else if(family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) ifa->ifa_addr; char a6[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1]; char if_index_name[IF_NAMESIZE + 1]; if_index_name[0] = 0; if(!inet_ntop(family, &in6->sin6_addr, a6, sizeof(a6))) error("inet_ntop"); if_indextoname(in6->sin6_scope_id, (char *)if_index_name); if (strlen(if_index_name) != 0) { snprintf(addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf), "%s%%%s%s", a6, if_index_name, atsign); } else { snprintf(addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf), "%s%s", a6, atsign); } } #endif else { continue; } VERBOSITY(4, (LOG_INFO, "interface %s has address %s", search_ifa, addr_buf)); *ip_addresses = xrealloc(*ip_addresses, sizeof(char *) * (*ip_addresses_size + 1)); (*ip_addresses)[*ip_addresses_size] = xstrdup(addr_buf); (*ip_addresses_size)++; } if (*ip_addresses_size == last_ip_addresses_size) { *ip_addresses = xrealloc(*ip_addresses, sizeof(char *) * (*ip_addresses_size + 1)); (*ip_addresses)[*ip_addresses_size] = xstrdup(search_ifa); (*ip_addresses_size)++; } } static void resolve_interface_names_for_ref(struct ip_address_option** ip_addresses_ref, struct ifaddrs *addrs, region_type* region) { struct ip_address_option *ip_addr; struct ip_address_option *last = NULL; struct ip_address_option *first = NULL; /* replace the list of ip_adresses with a new list where the * interface names are replaced with their ip-address strings * from getifaddrs. An interface can have several addresses. */ for(ip_addr = *ip_addresses_ref; ip_addr; ip_addr = ip_addr->next) { char **ip_addresses = NULL; size_t ip_addresses_size = 0, i; resolve_ifa_name(addrs, ip_addr->address, &ip_addresses, &ip_addresses_size); for (i = 0; i < ip_addresses_size; i++) { struct ip_address_option *current; /* this copies the range_option, dev, and fib from * the original ip_address option to the new ones * with the addresses spelled out by resolve_ifa_name*/ current = region_alloc_init(region, ip_addr, sizeof(*ip_addr)); current->address = region_strdup(region, ip_addresses[i]); current->next = NULL; free(ip_addresses[i]); if(first == NULL) { first = current; } else { last->next = current; } last = current; } free(ip_addresses); } *ip_addresses_ref = first; } #endif /* HAVE_GETIFADDRS */ void resolve_interface_names(struct nsd_options* options) { #ifdef HAVE_GETIFADDRS struct ifaddrs *addrs; if(getifaddrs(&addrs) == -1) error("failed to list interfaces"); resolve_interface_names_for_ref(&options->ip_addresses, addrs, options->region); resolve_interface_names_for_ref(&options->control_interface, addrs, options->region); freeifaddrs(addrs); #else (void)options; #endif /* HAVE_GETIFADDRS */ }