/* * region-allocator.c -- region based memory allocator. * * Copyright (c) 2001-2006, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * See LICENSE for the license. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "region-allocator.h" #include "util.h" /** This value is enough so that x*y does not overflow if both < than this */ #define REGION_NO_OVERFLOW ((size_t)1 << (sizeof(size_t) * 4)) #ifdef ALIGNMENT #undef ALIGNMENT #endif #define REGION_ALIGN_UP(x, s) (((x) + s - 1) & (~(s - 1))) #if SIZEOF_OFF_T > SIZEOF_VOIDP #define ALIGNMENT (sizeof(off_t)) #else #define ALIGNMENT (sizeof(void *)) #endif /* #define CHECK_DOUBLE_FREE 0 */ /* set to 1 to perform expensive check for double recycle() */ typedef struct cleanup cleanup_type; struct cleanup { void (*action)(void *); void *data; }; struct recycle_elem { struct recycle_elem* next; }; struct large_elem { struct large_elem* next; struct large_elem* prev; }; struct region { size_t total_allocated; size_t small_objects; size_t large_objects; size_t chunk_count; size_t unused_space; /* Unused space due to alignment, etc. */ size_t allocated; char *initial_data; char *data; void *(*allocator)(size_t); void (*deallocator)(void *); size_t maximum_cleanup_count; size_t cleanup_count; cleanup_type *cleanups; struct large_elem* large_list; size_t chunk_size; size_t large_object_size; /* if not NULL recycling is enabled. * It is an array of linked lists of parts held for recycle. * The parts are all pointers to within the allocated chunks. * Array [i] points to elements of size i. */ struct recycle_elem** recycle_bin; /* amount of memory in recycle storage */ size_t recycle_size; }; static region_type * alloc_region_base(void *(*allocator)(size_t size), void (*deallocator)(void *), size_t initial_cleanup_count) { region_type *result = (region_type *) allocator(sizeof(region_type)); if (!result) return NULL; result->total_allocated = 0; result->small_objects = 0; result->large_objects = 0; result->chunk_count = 1; result->unused_space = 0; result->recycle_bin = NULL; result->recycle_size = 0; result->large_list = NULL; result->allocated = 0; result->data = NULL; result->initial_data = NULL; result->allocator = allocator; result->deallocator = deallocator; assert(initial_cleanup_count > 0); result->maximum_cleanup_count = initial_cleanup_count; result->cleanup_count = 0; result->cleanups = (cleanup_type *) allocator( result->maximum_cleanup_count * sizeof(cleanup_type)); if (!result->cleanups) { deallocator(result); return NULL; } result->chunk_size = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE; result->large_object_size = DEFAULT_LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE; return result; } region_type * region_create(void *(*allocator)(size_t size), void (*deallocator)(void *)) { region_type* result = alloc_region_base(allocator, deallocator, DEFAULT_INITIAL_CLEANUP_SIZE); if(!result) return NULL; result->data = (char *) allocator(result->chunk_size); if (!result->data) { deallocator(result->cleanups); deallocator(result); return NULL; } result->initial_data = result->data; return result; } region_type *region_create_custom(void *(*allocator)(size_t), void (*deallocator)(void *), size_t chunk_size, size_t large_object_size, size_t initial_cleanup_size, int recycle) { region_type* result = alloc_region_base(allocator, deallocator, initial_cleanup_size); if(!result) return NULL; assert(large_object_size <= chunk_size); result->chunk_size = chunk_size; result->large_object_size = large_object_size; if(result->chunk_size > 0) { result->data = (char *) allocator(result->chunk_size); if (!result->data) { deallocator(result->cleanups); deallocator(result); return NULL; } result->initial_data = result->data; } if(recycle) { result->recycle_bin = allocator(sizeof(struct recycle_elem*) * result->large_object_size); if(!result->recycle_bin) { region_destroy(result); return NULL; } memset(result->recycle_bin, 0, sizeof(struct recycle_elem*) * result->large_object_size); } return result; } void region_destroy(region_type *region) { void (*deallocator)(void *); if (!region) return; deallocator = region->deallocator; region_free_all(region); deallocator(region->cleanups); deallocator(region->initial_data); if(region->recycle_bin) deallocator(region->recycle_bin); if(region->large_list) { struct large_elem* p = region->large_list, *np; while(p) { np = p->next; deallocator(p); p = np; } } deallocator(region); } size_t region_add_cleanup(region_type *region, void (*action)(void *), void *data) { assert(action); if (region->cleanup_count >= region->maximum_cleanup_count) { cleanup_type *cleanups = (cleanup_type *) region->allocator( 2 * region->maximum_cleanup_count * sizeof(cleanup_type)); if (!cleanups) return 0; memcpy(cleanups, region->cleanups, region->cleanup_count * sizeof(cleanup_type)); region->deallocator(region->cleanups); region->cleanups = cleanups; region->maximum_cleanup_count *= 2; } region->cleanups[region->cleanup_count].action = action; region->cleanups[region->cleanup_count].data = data; ++region->cleanup_count; return region->cleanup_count; } void region_remove_cleanup(region_type *region, void (*action)(void *), void *data) { size_t i; for(i=0; icleanup_count; i++) { if(region->cleanups[i].action == action && region->cleanups[i].data == data) { region->cleanup_count--; region->cleanups[i] = region->cleanups[region->cleanup_count]; return; } } } void * region_alloc(region_type *region, size_t size) { size_t aligned_size; void *result; if (size == 0) { size = 1; } aligned_size = REGION_ALIGN_UP(size, ALIGNMENT); if (aligned_size >= region->large_object_size) { result = region->allocator(size + sizeof(struct large_elem)); if (!result) return NULL; ((struct large_elem*)result)->prev = NULL; ((struct large_elem*)result)->next = region->large_list; if(region->large_list) region->large_list->prev = (struct large_elem*)result; region->large_list = (struct large_elem*)result; region->total_allocated += size; ++region->large_objects; return result + sizeof(struct large_elem); } if (region->recycle_bin && region->recycle_bin[aligned_size]) { result = (void*)region->recycle_bin[aligned_size]; region->recycle_bin[aligned_size] = region->recycle_bin[aligned_size]->next; region->recycle_size -= aligned_size; region->unused_space += aligned_size - size; return result; } if (region->allocated + aligned_size > region->chunk_size) { void *chunk = region->allocator(region->chunk_size); size_t wasted; if (!chunk) return NULL; wasted = (region->chunk_size - region->allocated) & (~(ALIGNMENT-1)); if(wasted >= ALIGNMENT) { /* put wasted part in recycle bin for later use */ region->total_allocated += wasted; ++region->small_objects; region_recycle(region, region->data+region->allocated, wasted); region->allocated += wasted; } ++region->chunk_count; region->unused_space += region->chunk_size - region->allocated; if(!region_add_cleanup(region, region->deallocator, chunk)) { region->deallocator(chunk); region->chunk_count--; region->unused_space -= region->chunk_size - region->allocated; return NULL; } region->allocated = 0; region->data = (char *) chunk; } result = region->data + region->allocated; region->allocated += aligned_size; region->total_allocated += aligned_size; region->unused_space += aligned_size - size; ++region->small_objects; return result; } void * region_alloc_init(region_type *region, const void *init, size_t size) { void *result = region_alloc(region, size); if (!result) return NULL; memcpy(result, init, size); return result; } void * region_alloc_zero(region_type *region, size_t size) { void *result = region_alloc(region, size); if (!result) return NULL; memset(result, 0, size); return result; } void * region_alloc_array_init(region_type *region, const void *init, size_t num, size_t size) { if((num >= REGION_NO_OVERFLOW || size >= REGION_NO_OVERFLOW) && num > 0 && SIZE_MAX / num < size) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "region_alloc_array_init failed because of integer overflow"); exit(1); } return region_alloc_init(region, init, num*size); } void * region_alloc_array_zero(region_type *region, size_t num, size_t size) { if((num >= REGION_NO_OVERFLOW || size >= REGION_NO_OVERFLOW) && num > 0 && SIZE_MAX / num < size) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "region_alloc_array_zero failed because of integer overflow"); exit(1); } return region_alloc_zero(region, num*size); } void * region_alloc_array(region_type *region, size_t num, size_t size) { if((num >= REGION_NO_OVERFLOW || size >= REGION_NO_OVERFLOW) && num > 0 && SIZE_MAX / num < size) { log_msg(LOG_ERR, "region_alloc_array failed because of integer overflow"); exit(1); } return region_alloc(region, num*size); } void region_free_all(region_type *region) { size_t i; assert(region); assert(region->cleanups); i = region->cleanup_count; while (i > 0) { --i; assert(region->cleanups[i].action); region->cleanups[i].action(region->cleanups[i].data); } if(region->recycle_bin) { memset(region->recycle_bin, 0, sizeof(struct recycle_elem*) * region->large_object_size); region->recycle_size = 0; } if(region->large_list) { struct large_elem* p = region->large_list, *np; void (*deallocator)(void *) = region->deallocator; while(p) { np = p->next; deallocator(p); p = np; } region->large_list = NULL; } region->data = region->initial_data; region->cleanup_count = 0; region->allocated = 0; region->total_allocated = 0; region->small_objects = 0; region->large_objects = 0; region->chunk_count = 1; region->unused_space = 0; } char * region_strdup(region_type *region, const char *string) { return (char *) region_alloc_init(region, string, strlen(string) + 1); } void region_recycle(region_type *region, void *block, size_t size) { size_t aligned_size; if(!block || !region->recycle_bin) return; if (size == 0) { size = 1; } aligned_size = REGION_ALIGN_UP(size, ALIGNMENT); if(aligned_size < region->large_object_size) { struct recycle_elem* elem = (struct recycle_elem*)block; /* we rely on the fact that ALIGNMENT is void* so the next will fit */ assert(aligned_size >= sizeof(struct recycle_elem)); #ifdef CHECK_DOUBLE_FREE if(CHECK_DOUBLE_FREE) { /* make sure the same ptr is not freed twice. */ struct recycle_elem *p = region->recycle_bin[aligned_size]; while(p) { assert(p != elem); p = p->next; } } #endif elem->next = region->recycle_bin[aligned_size]; region->recycle_bin[aligned_size] = elem; region->recycle_size += aligned_size; region->unused_space -= aligned_size - size; return; } else { struct large_elem* l; /* a large allocation */ region->total_allocated -= size; --region->large_objects; l = (struct large_elem*)(block-sizeof(struct large_elem)); if(l->prev) l->prev->next = l->next; else region->large_list = l->next; if(l->next) l->next->prev = l->prev; region->deallocator(l); } } void region_dump_stats(region_type *region, FILE *out) { fprintf(out, "%lu objects (%lu small/%lu large), %lu bytes allocated (%lu wasted) in %lu chunks, %lu cleanups, %lu in recyclebin", (unsigned long) (region->small_objects + region->large_objects), (unsigned long) region->small_objects, (unsigned long) region->large_objects, (unsigned long) region->total_allocated, (unsigned long) region->unused_space, (unsigned long) region->chunk_count, (unsigned long) region->cleanup_count, (unsigned long) region->recycle_size); if(1 && region->recycle_bin) { /* print details of the recycle bin */ size_t i; for(i=0; ilarge_object_size; i++) { size_t count = 0; struct recycle_elem* el = region->recycle_bin[i]; while(el) { count++; el = el->next; } if(i%ALIGNMENT == 0 && i!=0) fprintf(out, " %lu", (unsigned long)count); } } } size_t region_get_recycle_size(region_type* region) { return region->recycle_size; } size_t region_get_mem(region_type* region) { return region->total_allocated; } size_t region_get_mem_unused(region_type* region) { return region->unused_space; } /* debug routine */ void region_log_stats(region_type *region) { char buf[10240], *str=buf; int strl = sizeof(buf); int len; snprintf(str, strl, "%lu objects (%lu small/%lu large), %lu bytes allocated (%lu wasted) in %lu chunks, %lu cleanups, %lu in recyclebin", (unsigned long) (region->small_objects + region->large_objects), (unsigned long) region->small_objects, (unsigned long) region->large_objects, (unsigned long) region->total_allocated, (unsigned long) region->unused_space, (unsigned long) region->chunk_count, (unsigned long) region->cleanup_count, (unsigned long) region->recycle_size); len = strlen(str); str+=len; strl-=len; if(1 && region->recycle_bin) { /* print details of the recycle bin */ size_t i; for(i=0; ilarge_object_size; i++) { size_t count = 0; struct recycle_elem* el = region->recycle_bin[i]; while(el) { count++; el = el->next; } if(i%ALIGNMENT == 0 && i!=0) { snprintf(str, strl, " %lu", (unsigned long)count); len = strlen(str); str+=len; strl-=len; } } } log_msg(LOG_INFO, "memory: %s", buf); }