#! /usr/bin/perl # ex:ts=8 sw=4: # $OpenBSD: HTTP.pm,v 1.11 2014/03/18 18:53:29 espie Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2011 Marc Espie # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; use OpenBSD::PackageRepository::Persistant; package OpenBSD::PackageRepository::HTTP1; our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::PackageRepository::Persistant); sub urlscheme { return 'http'; } sub initiate { my $self = shift; my ($rdfh, $wrfh); pipe($self->{getfh}, $wrfh) or die; pipe($rdfh, $self->{cmdfh}) or die; my $old =select $self->{getfh}; $| = 1; select $self->{cmdfh}; $| = 1; select $rdfh; $| = 1; select $wrfh; $| = 1; select $old; my $pid = fork(); if ($pid == 0) { close($self->{getfh}); close($self->{cmdfh}); # close(STDOUT); # close(STDIN); open(STDOUT, '>&', $wrfh); open(STDIN, '<&', $rdfh); _Proxy::main($self); } else { close($rdfh); close($wrfh); $self->{controller} = $pid; } } package _Proxy::Header; sub new { my $class = shift; bless {}, $class; } sub code { my $self = shift; return $self->{code}; } package _Proxy::Connection; sub new { my ($class, $host, $port) = @_; require IO::Socket::INET; my $o = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerHost => $host, PeerPort => $port); my $old = select($o); $| = 1; select($old); bless {fh => $o, host => $host, buffer => ''}, $class; } sub send_header { my ($o, $document, %extra) = @_; my $crlf="\015\012"; $o->print("GET $document HTTP/1.1", $crlf, "Host: ", $o->{host}, $crlf); if (defined $extra{range}) { my ($a, $b) = @{$extra{range}}; $o->print("Range: bytes=$a-$b", $crlf); } $o->print($crlf); } sub get_header { my $o = shift; my $l = $o->getline; if ($l !~ m,^HTTP/1\.1\s+(\d\d\d),) { return undef; } my $h = _Proxy::Header->new; $h->{code} = $1; while ($l = $o->getline) { last if $l =~ m/^$/; if ($l =~ m/^([\w\-]+)\:\s*(.*)$/) { $h->{$1} = $2; } else { print STDERR "unknown line: $l\n"; } } if (defined $h->{'Content-Length'}) { $h->{length} = $h->{'Content-Length'} } elsif (defined $h->{'Transfer-Encoding'} && $h->{'Transfer-Encoding'} eq 'chunked') { $h->{chunked} = 1; } if (defined $h->{'Content-Range'} && $h->{'Content-Range'} =~ m/^bytes\s+(\d+)\-(\d+)\/(\d+)/) { ($h->{start}, $h->{end}, $h->{size}) = ($1, $2, $3); } $o->{header} = $h; return $h; } sub getline { my $self = shift; while (1) { if ($self->{buffer} =~ s/^(.*?)\015\012//) { return $1; } my $buffer; $self->{fh}->recv($buffer, 1024); $self->{buffer}.=$buffer; } } sub retrieve { my ($self, $sz) = @_; while(length($self->{buffer}) < $sz) { my $buffer; $self->{fh}->recv($buffer, $sz - length($self->{buffer})); $self->{buffer}.=$buffer; } my $result= substr($self->{buffer}, 0, $sz); $self->{buffer} = substr($self->{buffer}, $sz); return $result; } sub retrieve_and_print { my ($self, $sz, $fh) = @_; my $result = substr($self->{buffer}, 0, $sz); print $fh $result; my $retrieved = length($result); if ($retrieved == $sz) { $self->{buffer} = substr($self->{buffer}, $sz); return; } else { $self->{buffer} = ''; } while ($retrieved < $sz) { $self->{fh}->recv($result, $sz - $retrieved); print $fh $result; $retrieved += length($result); } } sub retrieve_chunked { my $self = shift; my $result = ''; while (1) { my $sz = $self->getline; if ($sz =~ m/^([0-9a-fA-F]+)/) { my $realsize = hex($1); last if $realsize == 0; $result .= $self->retrieve($realsize); } } return $result; } sub retrieve_response { my ($self, $h) = @_; if ($h->{chunked}) { return $self->retrieve_chunked; } if ($h->{length}) { return $self->retrieve($h->{length}); } return undef; } sub retrieve_response_and_print { my ($self, $h, $fh) = @_; if ($h->{chunked}) { print $fh $self->retrieve_chunked; } if ($h->{length}) { $self->retrieve_and_print($h->{length}, $fh); } } sub print { my ($self, @l) = @_; # print STDERR "Before print\n"; if (!print {$self->{fh}} @l) { print STDERR "network print failed with $!\n"; } # print STDERR "After print\n"; } package _Proxy; my $pid; my $token = 0; sub batch(&) { my $code = shift; if (defined $pid) { waitpid($pid, 0); undef $pid; } $token++; $pid = fork(); if (!defined $pid) { print "ERROR: fork failed: $!\n"; } if ($pid == 0) { &$code(); exit(0); } } sub abort_batch() { if (defined $pid) { kill HUP => $pid; waitpid($pid, 0); undef $pid; } print "\nABORTED $token\n"; } sub get_directory { my ($o, $dname) = @_; local $SIG{'HUP'} = 'IGNORE'; $o->send_header("$dname/"); my $h = $o->get_header; if (!defined $h) { print "ERROR: can't decode header\n"; exit 1; } my $r = $o->retrieve_response($h); if (!defined $r) { print "ERROR: can't decode response\n"; } if ($h->code != 200) { print "ERROR: code was ", $h->code, "\n"; exit 1; } print "SUCCESS: directory $dname\n"; for my $pkg ($r =~ m/\/gio) { $pkg = $1 if $pkg =~ m|^.*/(.*)$|; # decode uri-encoding; from URI::Escape $pkg =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg; print $pkg, "\n"; } print "\n"; return; } use File::Basename; sub get_file { my ($o, $fname) = @_; my $bailout = 0; $SIG{'HUP'} = sub { $bailout++; }; my $first = 1; my $start = 0; my $end = 2000; my $total_size = 0; do { $end *= 2; $o->send_header($fname, range => [$start, $end-1]); my $h = $o->get_header; if (!defined $h) { print "ERROR\n"; exit 1; } if (defined $h->{size}) { $total_size = $h->{size}; } if ($h->code != 200 && $h->code != 206) { print "ERROR: code was ", $h->code, "\n"; my $r = $o->retrieve_response($h); exit 1; } if ($first) { print "TRANSFER: $total_size\n"; $first = 0; } $o->retrieve_response_and_print($h, \*STDOUT); $start = $end; if ($bailout) { exit 0; } } while ($end < $total_size); } sub main { my $self = shift; my $o = _Proxy::Connection->new($self->{host}, "www"); while () { chomp; if (m/^LIST\s+(.*)$/o) { my $dname = $1; batch(sub {get_directory($o, $dname);}); } elsif (m/^GET\s+(.*)$/o) { my $fname = $1; batch(sub { get_file($o, $fname);}); } elsif (m/^BYE$/o) { exit(0); } elsif (m/^ABORT$/o) { abort_batch(); } else { print "ERROR: Unknown command\n"; } } } 1;