# ex:ts=8 sw=4: # $OpenBSD: PackingElement.pm,v 1.269 2018/09/17 12:39:46 espie Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Marc Espie # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; use OpenBSD::PackageInfo; use OpenBSD::Paths; # perl ipc require 5.008_000; # This is the basic class, which is mostly abstract, except for # create and register_with_factory. # It does provide base methods for stuff under it, though. package OpenBSD::PackingElement; our %keyword; sub create { my ($class, $line, $plist) = @_; if ($line =~ m/^\@(\S+)\s*(.*)$/o) { if (defined $keyword{$1}) { $keyword{$1}->add($plist, $2); } else { die "Unknown element: $line"; } } else { chomp $line; OpenBSD::PackingElement::File->add($plist, $line); } } sub register_with_factory { my ($class, $k, $o) = @_; if (!defined $k) { $k = $class->keyword; } if (!defined $o) { $o = $class; } $keyword{$k} = $o; } sub category() { 'items' } sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; bless { name => $args }, $class; } sub remove { my ($self, $plist) = @_; $self->{deleted} = 1; } sub clone { my $object = shift; # shallow copy my %h = %$object; bless \%h, ref($object); } sub register_manpage { } sub destate { } sub add_object { my ($self, $plist) = @_; $self->destate($plist->{state}); $plist->add2list($self); return $self; } sub add { my ($class, $plist, @args) = @_; my $self = $class->new(@args); return $self->add_object($plist); } sub needs_keyword() { 1 } sub write { my ($self, $fh) = @_; my $s = $self->stringize; if ($self->needs_keyword) { $s = " $s" unless $s eq ''; print $fh "\@", $self->keyword, "$s\n"; } else { print $fh "$s\n"; } } sub write_no_sig { my ($self, $fh) = @_; $self->write($fh); } sub write_without_variation { my ($self, $fh) = @_; $self->write_no_sig($fh); } # needed for comment checking sub fullstring { my ($self, $fh) = @_; my $s = $self->stringize; if ($self->needs_keyword) { $s = " $s" unless $s eq ''; return "\@".$self->keyword.$s; } else { return $s; } } sub name { my $self = shift; return $self->{name}; } sub set_name { my ($self, $v) = @_; $self->{name} = $v; } sub stringize { my $self = shift; return $self->name; } sub IsFile() { 0 } sub is_a_library() { 0 } sub NoDuplicateNames() { 0 } sub copy_shallow_if { my ($self, $copy, $h) = @_; $self->add_object($copy) if defined $h->{$self}; } sub copy_deep_if { my ($self, $copy, $h) = @_; $self->clone->add_object($copy) if defined $h->{$self}; } sub finish { my ($class, $state) = @_; OpenBSD::PackingElement::Fontdir->finish($state); OpenBSD::PackingElement::RcScript->report($state); if (defined $state->{readmes}) { $state->say("New and changed readme(s):"); for my $file (sort @{$state->{readmes}}) { $state->say("\t#1", $file); } } } # Basic class hierarchy # various stuff that's only linked to objects before/after them # this class doesn't have real objects: no valid new nor clone... package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Annotation; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement); sub new { die "Can't create annotation objects" } # concrete objects package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Object; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement); sub cwd { return ${$_[0]->{cwd}}; } sub absolute_okay() { 0 } sub compute_fullname { my ($self, $state) = @_; $self->{cwd} = $state->{cwd}; $self->set_name(File::Spec->canonpath($self->name)); if ($self->name =~ m|^/|) { unless ($self->absolute_okay) { die "Absolute name forbidden: ", $self->name; } } } sub make_full { my ($self, $path) = @_; if ($path !~ m|^/|o && $self->cwd ne '.') { $path = $self->cwd."/".$path; $path =~ s,^//,/,; } return $path; } sub fullname { my $self = shift; return $self->make_full($self->name); } sub compute_modes { my ($self, $state) = @_; if (defined $state->{mode}) { $self->{mode} = $state->{mode}; } if (defined $state->{owner}) { $self->{owner} = $state->{owner}; if (defined $state->{uid}) { $self->{uid} = $state->{uid}; } } if (defined $state->{group}) { $self->{group} = $state->{group}; if (defined $state->{gid}) { $self->{gid} = $state->{gid}; } } } # concrete objects with file-like behavior package OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileObject; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Object); sub NoDuplicateNames() { 1 } sub dirclass() { undef } sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; if ($args =~ m/^(.*?)\/+$/o and defined $class->dirclass) { bless { name => $1 }, $class->dirclass; } else { bless { name => $args }, $class; } } sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $state->{lastfileobject} = $self; $self->compute_fullname($state); } sub set_tempname { my ($self, $tempname) = @_; $self->{tempname} = $tempname; } sub realname { my ($self, $state) = @_; my $name = $self->fullname; if (defined $self->{tempname}) { $name = $self->{tempname}; } return $state->{destdir}.$name; } sub compute_digest { my ($self, $filename, $class) = @_; require OpenBSD::md5; $class = 'OpenBSD::sha' if !defined $class; return $class->new($filename); } # exec/unexec and friends package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Action; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Object); # persistent state for following objects package OpenBSD::PackingElement::State; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Object); # meta information, stored elsewhere package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement); package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta); sub add_object { my ($self, $plist) = @_; $self->destate($plist->{state}); $plist->addunique($self); return $self; } sub remove { my ($self, $plist) = @_; delete $plist->{$self->category}; } sub category { return ref(shift); } # all the stuff that ends up in signatures package OpenBSD::PackingElement::VersionElement; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta); # all dependency information package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Depend; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::VersionElement); # Abstract class for all file-like elements package OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileObject); use File::Basename; sub write { my ($self, $fh) = @_; print $fh "\@comment no checksum\n" if defined $self->{nochecksum}; $self->SUPER::write($fh); if (defined $self->{d}) { $self->{d}->write($fh); } if (defined $self->{size}) { print $fh "\@size ", $self->{size}, "\n"; } if (defined $self->{ts}) { print $fh "\@ts ", $self->{ts}, "\n"; } if (defined $self->{symlink}) { print $fh "\@symlink ", $self->{symlink}, "\n"; } if (defined $self->{link}) { print $fh "\@link ", $self->{link}, "\n"; } if (defined $self->{tempname}) { print $fh "\@temp ", $self->{tempname}, "\n"; } } sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $self->SUPER::destate($state); $state->{lastfile} = $self; $state->{lastchecksummable} = $self; $self->compute_modes($state); if (defined $state->{nochecksum}) { $self->{nochecksum} = 1; undef $state->{nochecksum}; } } sub add_digest { my ($self, $d) = @_; $self->{d} = $d; } sub add_size { my ($self, $sz) = @_; $self->{size} = $sz; } sub add_timestamp { my ($self, $ts) = @_; $self->{ts} = $ts; } # XXX symlink/hardlinks are properties of File, # because we want to use inheritance for other stuff. sub make_symlink { my ($self, $linkname) = @_; $self->{symlink} = $linkname; } sub make_hardlink { my ($self, $linkname) = @_; $self->{link} = $linkname; } sub may_check_digest { my ($self, $file, $state) = @_; if ($state->{check_digest}) { $self->check_digest($file, $state); } } sub check_digest { my ($self, $file, $state) = @_; return if $self->{link} or $self->{symlink}; if (!defined $self->{d}) { $state->log->fatal($state->f("#1 does not have a signature", $self->fullname)); } my $d = $self->compute_digest($file->{destdir}.$file->name); if (!$d->equals($self->{d})) { $state->log->fatal($state->f("checksum for #1 does not match", $self->fullname)); } if ($state->verbose >= 3) { $state->say("Checksum match for #1", $self->fullname); } } sub IsFile() { 1 } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::File; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase); use OpenBSD::PackageInfo qw(is_info_name); sub keyword() { "file" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub dirclass() { "OpenBSD::PackingElement::Dir" } sub needs_keyword { my $self = shift; return $self->stringize =~ m/\^@/; } sub add_object { my ($self, $plist) = @_; $self->destate($plist->{state}); my $j = is_info_name($self->name); if ($j && $self->cwd eq '.') { bless $self, "OpenBSD::PackingElement::$j"; $self->add_object($plist); } else { $plist->add2list($self); } return $self; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Sample; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileObject); sub keyword() { "sample" } sub absolute_okay() { 1 } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; if ($state->{lastfile}->isa("OpenBSD::PackingElement::SpecialFile")) { die "Can't \@sample a specialfile: ". $state->{lastfile}->stringize. "\n"; } $self->{copyfrom} = $state->{lastfile}; $self->compute_fullname($state); $self->compute_modes($state); } sub dirclass() { "OpenBSD::PackingElement::Sampledir" } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Ghost; our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileObject); sub keyword() { "ghost" } sub absolute_okay() { 1 } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $self->compute_fullname($state); $self->compute_modes($state); } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Sampledir; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::DirBase OpenBSD::PackingElement::Sample); sub absolute_okay() { 1 } sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $self->compute_fullname($state); $self->compute_modes($state); } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::RcScript; use File::Basename; our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase); sub keyword() { "rcscript" } sub absolute_okay() { 1 } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $self->compute_fullname($state); $state->{lastfile} = $self; $state->{lastchecksummable} = $self; $self->compute_modes($state); } sub report { my ($class, $state) = @_; my @l; for my $script (sort keys %{$state->{add_rcscripts}}) { next if $state->{delete_rcscripts}{$script}; push(@l, $script); } if (@l > 0) { $state->say("The following new rcscripts were installed: #1", join(' ', @l)); $state->say("See rcctl(8) for details."); } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::InfoFile; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase); sub keyword() { "info" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub dirclass() { "OpenBSD::PackingElement::Infodir" } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Shell; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase); sub keyword() { "shell" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Manpage; use File::Basename; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase); sub keyword() { "man" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub register_manpage { my ($self, $state, $key) = @_; # XXX don't bother register stuff from partial packages return if defined $self->{tempname}; my $fname = $self->fullname; if ($fname =~ m,^(.*/man(?:/\w+)?)/((?:man|cat)[1-9n]\w*/.*),) { push(@{$state->{$key}{$1}}, $2); } } sub is_source { my $self = shift; return $self->name =~ m/man\/man[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\.[\dln][^\/]?$/o; } sub source_to_dest { my $self = shift; my $v = $self->name; $v =~ s/(man\/)man([^\/]+\/[^\/]+)\.[\dln][^\/]?$/$1cat$2.0/; return $v; } # assumes the source is nroff, launches nroff sub format { my ($self, $state, $dest, $destfh) = @_; my $base = $state->{base}; my $fname = $base.$self->fullname; if (-z $fname) { $state->error("empty source manpage: #1", $fname); return; } open(my $fh, '<', $fname) or die "Can't read $fname"; my $line = <$fh>; close $fh; my @extra = (); # extra preprocessors as described in man. if ($line =~ m/^\'\\\"\s+(.*)$/o) { for my $letter (split '', $1) { if ($letter =~ m/[ept]/o) { push(@extra, "-$letter"); } elsif ($letter eq 'r') { push(@extra, "-R"); } } } my $d = dirname($dest); unless (-d $d) { mkdir($d); } if (my ($dir, $file) = $fname =~ m/^(.*)\/([^\/]+\/[^\/]+)$/) { my $r = $state->system(sub { open STDOUT, '>&', $destfh or die "Can't write to $dest"; close $destfh; chdir($dir) or die "Can't chdir to $dir"; }, $state->{groff} // OpenBSD::Paths->groff, qw(-mandoc -mtty-char -E -Ww -Tascii -P -c), @extra, '--', $file); if ($r != 0) { # system already displays an error message return; } } else { $state->error("Can't parse source name #1", $fname); return; } return 1; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Lib; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase); our $todo = 0; sub keyword() { "lib" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub mark_ldconfig_directory { my ($self, $state) = @_; $state->ldconfig->mark_directory($self->fullname); } sub parse { my ($self, $filename) = @_; if ($filename =~ m/^(.*?)\/?lib([^\/]+)\.so\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/o) { return ($2, $3, $4, $1); } else { return undef; } } sub is_a_library() { 1 } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::PkgConfig; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase); sub keyword() { "pkgconfig" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::LibtoolLib; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase); sub keyword() { "ltlib" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Binary; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase); sub keyword() { "bin" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; # Comment is very special package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Comment; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta); sub keyword() { "comment" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $self->{cwd} = $state->{cwd}; } sub add { my ($class, $plist, $args) = @_; if ($args =~ m/^\$OpenBSD.*\$\s*$/o) { return OpenBSD::PackingElement::CVSTag->add($plist, $args); } elsif ($args =~ m/^(?:subdir|pkgpath)\=(.*?)\s+cdrom\=(.*?)\s+ftp\=(.*?)\s*$/o) { return OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExtraInfo->add($plist, $1, $2, $3); } elsif ($args eq 'no checksum') { $plist->{state}->{nochecksum} = 1; return; } else { return $class->SUPER::add($plist, $args); } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::CVSTag; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta); sub keyword() { 'comment' } sub category() { 'cvstags'} # don't incorporate this into compared signatures sub write_without_variation { } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::sha; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Annotation); __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory('sha'); sub add { my ($class, $plist, $args) = @_; require OpenBSD::md5; $plist->{state}->{lastchecksummable}->add_digest(OpenBSD::sha->fromstring($args)); return; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::symlink; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Annotation); __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory('symlink'); sub add { my ($class, $plist, $args) = @_; $plist->{state}->{lastfile}->make_symlink($args); return; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::hardlink; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Annotation); __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory('link'); sub add { my ($class, $plist, $args) = @_; $plist->{state}->{lastfile}->make_hardlink($args); return; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::temp; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Annotation); __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory('temp'); sub add { my ($class, $plist, $args) = @_; $plist->{state}->{lastfile}->set_tempname($args); return; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::size; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Annotation); __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory('size'); sub add { my ($class, $plist, $args) = @_; $plist->{state}->{lastfile}->add_size($args); return; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ts; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Annotation); __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory('ts'); sub add { my ($class, $plist, $args) = @_; $plist->{state}->{lastfile}->add_timestamp($args); return; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Option; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta); sub keyword() { 'option' } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; if ($args eq 'no-default-conflict') { return OpenBSD::PackingElement::NoDefaultConflict->new; } elsif ($args eq 'manual-installation') { return OpenBSD::PackingElement::ManualInstallation->new; } elsif ($args eq 'firmware') { return OpenBSD::PackingElement::Firmware->new; } elsif ($args eq 'always-update') { return OpenBSD::PackingElement::AlwaysUpdate->new; } elsif ($args eq 'is-branch') { return OpenBSD::PackingElement::IsBranch->new; } else { die "Unknown option: $args"; } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::UniqueOption; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique OpenBSD::PackingElement::Option); sub stringize { my $self = shift; return $self->category; } sub new { my ($class, @args) = @_; bless {}, $class; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::NoDefaultConflict; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::UniqueOption); sub category() { 'no-default-conflict' } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ManualInstallation; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::UniqueOption); sub category() { 'manual-installation' } # XXX don't incorporate this in signatures. sub write_no_sig() { } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Firmware; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::ManualInstallation); sub category() { 'firmware' } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::AlwaysUpdate; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::UniqueOption); sub category() { 'always-update'; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::IsBranch; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::UniqueOption); sub category() { 'is-branch'; } # The special elements that don't end in the right place package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExtraInfo; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique OpenBSD::PackingElement::Comment); sub category() { 'extrainfo' } sub new { my ($class, $subdir, $cdrom, $ftp) = @_; $cdrom =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/; $cdrom =~ s/^\'(.*)\'$/$1/; $ftp =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/; $ftp =~ s/^\'(.*)\'$/$1/; bless { subdir => $subdir, path => OpenBSD::PkgPath->new($subdir), cdrom => $cdrom, ftp => $ftp}, $class; } sub subdir { return shift->{subdir}; } sub may_quote { my $s = shift; if ($s =~ m/\s/) { return '"'.$s.'"'; } else { return $s; } } sub stringize { my $self = shift; return join(' ', "pkgpath=".$self->{subdir}, "cdrom=".may_quote($self->{cdrom}), "ftp=".may_quote($self->{ftp})); } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Name; use File::Spec; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique); sub keyword() { "name" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub category() { "name" } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::LocalBase; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique); sub keyword() { "localbase" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub category() { "localbase" } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Url; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique); sub keyword() { "url" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub category() { "url" } # XXX don't incorporate this in signatures. sub write_no_sig() { } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Version; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique OpenBSD::PackingElement::VersionElement); sub keyword() { "version" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub category() { "version" } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Conflict; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta); sub keyword() { "conflict" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub category() { "conflict" } sub spec { my $self =shift; require OpenBSD::Search; return OpenBSD::Search::PkgSpec->new($self->name); } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Dependency; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Depend); use OpenBSD::Error; sub keyword() { "depend" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub category() { "depend" } sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; my ($pkgpath, $pattern, $def) = split /\:/o, $args; bless { name => $def, pkgpath => $pkgpath, pattern => $pattern, def => $def }, $class; } sub stringize { my $self = shift; return join(':', map { $self->{$_}} (qw(pkgpath pattern def))); } OpenBSD::Auto::cache(spec, sub { require OpenBSD::Search; my $self = shift; return OpenBSD::Search::PkgSpec->new($self->{pattern}) ->add_pkgpath_hint($self->{pkgpath}); }); package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Wantlib; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Depend); sub category() { "wantlib" } sub keyword() { "wantlib" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; OpenBSD::Auto::cache(spec, sub { my $self = shift; require OpenBSD::LibSpec; return OpenBSD::LibSpec->from_string($self->name); }); package OpeNBSD::PackingElement::Libset; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta); sub category() { "libset" } sub keyword() { "libset" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; if ($args =~ m/(.*)\:(.*)/) { return bless {name => $1, libs => [split(/\,/, $2)]}, $class; } else { die "Bad args for libset: $args"; } } sub stringize { my $self = shift; return $self->{name}.':'.join(',', @{$self->{libs}}); } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::PkgPath; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta); sub keyword() { "pkgpath" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub category() { "pkgpath" } sub new { my ($class, $fullpkgpath) = @_; bless {name => $fullpkgpath, path => OpenBSD::PkgPath::WithOpts->new($fullpkgpath)}, $class; } sub subdir { return shift->{name}; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::AskUpdate; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Meta); sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; my ($pattern, $message) = split /\s+/o, $args, 2; bless { pattern => $pattern, message => $message}, $class; } sub stringize { my $self = shift; return join(' ', map { $self->{$_}} (qw(pattern message))); } sub keyword() { "ask-update" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub category() { "ask-update" } OpenBSD::Auto::cache(spec, sub { require OpenBSD::PkgSpec; my $self = shift; return OpenBSD::PkgSpec->new($self->{pattern}) }); package OpenBSD::PackingElement::NewAuth; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Action); package OpenBSD::PackingElement::NewUser; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::NewAuth); sub type() { "user" } sub category() { "users" } sub keyword() { "newuser" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; my ($name, $uid, $group, $loginclass, $comment, $home, $shell) = split /\:/o, $args; bless { name => $name, uid => $uid, group => $group, class => $loginclass, comment => $comment, home => $home, shell => $shell }, $class; } sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; my $uid = $self->{uid}; $uid =~ s/^\!//; $state->{owners}{$self->{name}} = $uid; } sub check { my $self = shift; my ($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota, $class, $gcos, $dir, $shell, $expire) = getpwnam($self->name); return unless defined $name; if ($self->{uid} =~ m/^\!(.*)$/o) { return 0 unless $uid == $1; } if ($self->{group} =~ m/^\!(.*)$/o) { my $g = $1; unless ($g =~ m/^\d+$/o) { $g = getgrnam($g); return 0 unless defined $g; } return 0 unless $gid eq $g; } if ($self->{class} =~ m/^\!(.*)$/o) { return 0 unless $class eq $1; } if ($self->{comment} =~ m/^\!(.*)$/o) { return 0 unless $gcos eq $1; } if ($self->{home} =~ m/^\!(.*)$/o) { return 0 unless $dir eq $1; } if ($self->{shell} =~ m/^\!(.*)$/o) { return 0 unless $shell eq $1; } return 1; } sub stringize { my $self = shift; return join(':', map { $self->{$_}} (qw(name uid group class comment home shell))); } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::NewGroup; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::NewAuth); sub type() { "group" } sub category() { "groups" } sub keyword() { "newgroup" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; my ($name, $gid) = split /\:/o, $args; bless { name => $name, gid => $gid }, $class; } sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; my $gid = $self->{gid}; $gid =~ s/^\!//; $state->{groups}{$self->{name}} = $gid; } sub check { my $self = shift; my ($name, $passwd, $gid, $members) = getgrnam($self->name); return unless defined $name; if ($self->{gid} =~ m/^\!(.*)$/o) { return 0 unless $gid == $1; } return 1; } sub stringize($) { my $self = $_[0]; return join(':', map { $self->{$_}} (qw(name gid))); } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Cwd; use File::Spec; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::State); sub keyword() { 'cwd' } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $state->set_cwd($self->name); } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Owner; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::State); sub keyword() { 'owner' } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; delete $state->{uid}; if ($self->name eq '') { undef $state->{owner}; } else { $state->{owner} = $self->name; if (defined $state->{owners}{$self->name}) { $state->{uid} = $state->{owners}{$self->name}; } } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Group; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::State); sub keyword() { 'group' } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; delete $state->{gid}; if ($self->name eq '') { undef $state->{group}; } else { $state->{group} = $self->name; if (defined $state->{groups}{$self->name}) { $state->{gid} = $state->{groups}{$self->name}; } } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Mode; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::State); sub keyword() { 'mode' } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; if ($self->name eq '') { undef $state->{mode}; } else { $state->{mode} = $self->name; } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExeclikeAction; use File::Basename; use OpenBSD::Error; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Action); sub command { my $self = shift; return $self->name; } sub expand { my ($self, $state) = @_; my $e = $self->command; if ($e =~ m/\%F/o) { die "Bad expand" unless defined $state->{lastfile}; $e =~ s/\%F/$state->{lastfile}->{name}/g; } if ($e =~ m/\%D/o) { die "Bad expand" unless defined $state->{cwd}; $e =~ s/\%D/$state->cwd/ge; } if ($e =~ m/\%B/o) { die "Bad expand" unless defined $state->{lastfile}; $e =~ s/\%B/dirname($state->{lastfile}->fullname)/ge; } if ($e =~ m/\%f/o) { die "Bad expand" unless defined $state->{lastfile}; $e =~ s/\%f/basename($state->{lastfile}->fullname)/ge; } return $e; } sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $self->{expanded} = $self->expand($state); } sub run { my ($self, $state, $v) = @_; $v //= $self->{expanded}; $state->ldconfig->ensure; $state->say("#1 #2", $self->keyword, $v) if $state->verbose >= 2; $state->log->system(OpenBSD::Paths->sh, '-c', $v) unless $state->{not}; } # so tags are going to get triggered by packages we depend on. # turns out it's simpler to have them as "actions" because that's basically # what's going to happen, so destate is good for them, gives us access # to things like %D package OpenBSD::PackingElement::TagBase; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExeclikeAction); sub command { my $self = shift; return $self->{params}; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Tag; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::TagBase); sub keyword() { 'tag' } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; my ($tag, $params) = split(/\s+/, $args, 2); bless { name => $tag, params => $params // '', }, $class; } sub stringize { my $self = shift; if ($self->{params} ne '') { return join(' ', $self->name, $self->{params}); } else { return $self->name; } } # tags are a kind of dependency, we have a special list for them, BUT # they're still part of the normal packing-list sub add_object { my ($self, $plist) = @_; push(@{$plist->{tags}}, $self); $self->SUPER::add_object($plist); } # and the define tag thingy is very similar... the main difference being # how it's actually registered package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DefineTag; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::TagBase); sub category() {'define-tag'} sub keyword() { 'define-tag' } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; # define-tag may be parsed several times, but these objects must be # unique for tag accumulation to work correctly my $cache = {}; my $subclass = { 'at-end' => 'Atend', 'supersedes' => 'Supersedes', 'cleanup' => 'Cleanup' }; sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; my ($tag, $mode, $params) = split(/\s+/, $args, 3); $cache->{$args} //= bless { name => $tag, mode => $mode, params => $params, }, $class; } sub stringize { my $self = shift; return join(' ', $self->name, $self->{mode}, $self->{params}); } sub add_object { my ($self, $plist) = @_; my $sub = $subclass->{$self->{mode}}; if (!defined $sub) { die "unknown mode for \@define-tag"; } bless $self, "OpenBSD::PackingElement::DefineTag::$sub"; push(@{$plist->{tags_definitions}{$self->name}}, $self); $self->SUPER::add_object($plist); } sub destate { } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DefineTag::Atend; our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::DefineTag); sub add_tag { my ($self, $tag, $mode, $state) = @_; # add the tag contents if they exist # they're stored in a hash because the order doesn't matter if ($tag->{params} ne '') { $self->{list}{$tag->{expanded}} = 1; } # special case: we have to run things *now* if deleting if ($mode eq 'delete' && $tag->{found_in_self} && !$state->replacing) { $self->run_tag($state) unless $state->{tags}{superseded}{$self->name}; delete $state->{tags}{atend}{$self->name}; } else { $state->{tags}{atend}{$self->name} = $self; } } sub run_tag { my ($self, $state) = @_; my $command = $self->command; if ($command =~ m/\%D/) { $command =~ s/\%D/$state->{localbase}/g; } if ($command =~ m/\%l/) { my $l = join(' ', keys %{$self->{list}}); $command =~ s/\%l/$l/g; } if ($command =~ m/\%u/) { for my $p (keys %{$self->{list}}) { my $v = $command; $v =~ s/\%u/$p/g; $self->run($state, $v); $state->say("Running #1", $v) if $state->defines("TRACE_TAGS"); } } else { $self->run($state, $command); $state->say("Running #1", $command) if $state->defines("TRACE_TAGS"); } } sub need_params { my $self = shift; return $self->{params} =~ m/\%[lu]/; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DefineTag::Cleanup; our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::DefineTag); sub add_tag { my ($self, $tag, $mode, $state) = @_; # okay, we don't need to look at directories if we're not deleting return unless $mode eq 'delete'; # this does not work at all like 'at-end' # instead we record a hash of directories we may want to cleanup push(@{$state->{tag_cleanup}{$tag->{expanded}}}, $self); } sub need_params { 1 } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DefineTag::Supersedes; our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::DefineTag); sub add_tag { my ($self, $tag, $mode, $state) = @_; $state->{tags}{superseded}{$self->{params}} = 1; } sub need_params { 0 } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Exec; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExeclikeAction); sub keyword() { "exec" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExecAlways; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Exec); sub keyword() { "exec-always" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExecAdd; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Exec); sub keyword() { "exec-add" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExecUpdate; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Exec); sub keyword() { "exec-update" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unexec; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExeclikeAction); sub keyword() { "unexec" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::UnexecAlways; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unexec); sub keyword() { "unexec-always" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::UnexecUpdate; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unexec); sub keyword() { "unexec-update" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::UnexecDelete; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unexec); sub keyword() { "unexec-delete" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExtraUnexec; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExeclikeAction); sub keyword() { "extraunexec" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DirlikeObject; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileObject); package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DirBase; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::DirlikeObject); sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $state->{lastdir} = $self; $self->SUPER::destate($state); } sub stringize { my $self = shift; return $self->name."/"; } sub write { my ($self, $fh) = @_; $self->SUPER::write($fh); } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Dir; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::DirBase); sub keyword() { "dir" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $self->SUPER::destate($state); $self->compute_modes($state); } sub needs_keyword { my $self = shift; return $self->stringize =~ m/\^@/o; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Infodir; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Dir); sub keyword() { "info" } sub needs_keyword() { 1 } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Fontdir; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Dir); sub keyword() { "fontdir" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub needs_keyword() { 1 } sub dirclass() { "OpenBSD::PackingElement::Fontdir" } sub install { my ($self, $state) = @_; $self->SUPER::install($state); $state->log("You may wish to update your font path for #1", $self->fullname); $state->{recorder}{fonts_todo}{$state->{destdir}.$self->fullname} = 1; } sub reload { my ($self, $state) = @_; $state->{recorder}{fonts_todo}{$state->{destdir}.$self->fullname} = 1; } sub update_fontalias { my $dirname = shift; my @aliases; if (-d "$dirname") { for my $alias (glob "$dirname/fonts.alias-*") { open my $f ,'<', $alias or next; push(@aliases, <$f>); close $f; } open my $f, '>', "$dirname/fonts.alias"; print $f @aliases; close $f; } } sub restore_fontdir { my ($dirname, $state) = @_; if (-f "$dirname/fonts.dir.dist") { unlink("$dirname/fonts.dir"); $state->copy_file("$dirname/fonts.dir.dist", "$dirname/fonts.dir"); } } sub run_if_exists { my ($state, $cmd, @l) = @_; if (-x $cmd) { $state->vsystem($cmd, @l); } else { $state->errsay("#1 not found", $cmd); } } sub finish { my ($class, $state) = @_; my @l = keys %{$state->{recorder}->{fonts_todo}}; if (@l != 0) { require OpenBSD::Error; return if $state->{not}; map { update_fontalias($_) } @l; if (-d "@l") { run_if_exists($state, OpenBSD::Paths->mkfontscale, '--', @l); run_if_exists($state, OpenBSD::Paths->mkfontdir, '--', @l); map { restore_fontdir($_, $state) } @l; } run_if_exists($state, OpenBSD::Paths->fc_cache, '--', @l); } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Mandir; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Dir); sub keyword() { "mandir" } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub needs_keyword() { 1 } sub dirclass() { "OpenBSD::PackingElement::Mandir" } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Extra; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileObject); sub keyword() { 'extra' } sub absolute_okay() { 1 } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub destate { my ($self, $state) = @_; $self->compute_fullname($state); } sub dirclass() { "OpenBSD::PackingElement::Extradir" } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Extradir; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::DirBase OpenBSD::PackingElement::Extra); sub absolute_okay() { 1 } sub destate { &OpenBSD::PackingElement::Extra::destate; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::SpecialFile; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique); sub add_digest { &OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase::add_digest; } sub add_size { &OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase::add_size; } sub add_timestamp { # just don't } sub compute_digest { &OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileObject::compute_digest; } sub write { &OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileBase::write; } sub needs_keyword { 0 } sub add_object { my ($self, $plist) = @_; $self->{infodir} = $plist->{infodir}; $self->SUPER::add_object($plist); } sub infodir { my $self = shift; return ${$self->{infodir}}; } sub stringize { my $self = shift; return $self->category; } sub fullname { my $self = shift; my $d = $self->infodir; if (defined $d) { return $d.$self->name; } else { return undef; } } sub category { my $self = shift; return $self->name; } sub new { &OpenBSD::PackingElement::UniqueOption::new; } sub may_verify_digest { my ($self, $state) = @_; if (!$state->{check_digest}) { return; } if (!defined $self->{d}) { $state->log->fatal($state->f("#1 does not have a signature", $self->fullname)); } my $d = $self->compute_digest($self->fullname); if (!$d->equals($self->{d})) { $state->log->fatal($state->f("checksum for #1 does not match", $self->fullname)); } if ($state->verbose >= 3) { $state->say("Checksum match for #1", $self->fullname); } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::FCONTENTS; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::SpecialFile); sub name() { OpenBSD::PackageInfo::CONTENTS } # XXX we don't write `self' sub write {} sub copy_shallow_if { } sub copy_deep_if { } # CONTENTS doesn't have a checksum sub may_verify_digest { } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::FDESC; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::SpecialFile); sub name() { OpenBSD::PackageInfo::DESC } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DisplayFile; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::SpecialFile); use OpenBSD::Error; sub prepare { my ($self, $state) = @_; my $fname = $self->fullname; if (open(my $src, '<', $fname)) { while (<$src>) { chomp; next if m/^\+\-+\s*$/o; s/^[+-] //o; $state->log("#1", $_); } } else { $state->errsay("Can't open #1: #2", $fname, $!); } } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::FDISPLAY; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::DisplayFile); sub name() { OpenBSD::PackageInfo::DISPLAY } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::FUNDISPLAY; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::DisplayFile); sub name() { OpenBSD::PackageInfo::UNDISPLAY } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Arch; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique); sub category() { 'arch' } sub keyword() { 'arch' } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; my @arches= split(/\,/o, $args); bless { arches => \@arches }, $class; } sub stringize($) { my $self = $_[0]; return join(',', @{$self->{arches}}); } sub check { my ($self, $forced_arch) = @_; for my $ok (@{$self->{arches}}) { return 1 if $ok eq '*'; if (defined $forced_arch) { if ($ok eq $forced_arch) { return 1; } else { next; } } return 1 if $ok eq OpenBSD::Paths->machine_architecture; return 1 if $ok eq OpenBSD::Paths->architecture; } return; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Signer; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique); sub keyword() { 'signer' } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub category() { "signer" } sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; unless ($args =~ m/^[\w\d\.\-\+\@]+$/) { die "Invalid characters in signer $args\n"; } $class->SUPER::new($args); } # don't incorporate this into compared signatures sub write_without_variation { } # XXX digital-signatures have to be unique, since they are a part # of the unsigned packing-list, with only the b64sig part removed # (likewise for signer) package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DigitalSignature; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique); sub keyword() { 'digital-signature' } __PACKAGE__->register_with_factory; sub category() { "digital-signature" } # parse to and from a subset of iso8601 # # allows us to represent timestamps in a human readable format without # any ambiguity sub time_to_iso8601 { my $time = shift; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, @rest) = gmtime($time); return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", $year+1900, $month+1, $day, $hour, $min, $sec); } sub iso8601 { my $self = shift; return time_to_iso8601($self->{timestamp}); } sub iso8601_to_time { if ($_[0] =~ m/^(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})T(\d{2})\:(\d{2})\:(\d{2})Z$/) { my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($1 - 1900, $2-1, $3, $4, $5, $6); require POSIX; my $oldtz = $ENV{TZ}; $ENV{TZ} = 'UTC'; my $t = POSIX::mktime($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year); if (defined $oldtz) { $ENV{TZ} = $oldtz; } else { delete $ENV{TZ}; } return $t; } else { die "Incorrect ISO8601 timestamp: $_[0]"; } } sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; my ($key, $tsbase, $tsmin, $tssec, $signature) = split(/\:/, $args); my $timestamp = iso8601_to_time("$tsbase:$tsmin:$tssec"); bless { key => $key, timestamp => $timestamp, b64sig => $signature }, $class; } sub blank { my ($class, $type) = @_; bless { key => $type, timestamp => time, b64sig => '' }, $class; } sub stringize { my $self = shift; return join(':', $self->{key}, time_to_iso8601($self->{timestamp}), $self->{b64sig}); } sub write_no_sig { my ($self, $fh) = @_; print $fh "\@", $self->keyword, " ", $self->{key}, ":", time_to_iso8601($self->{timestamp}), "\n"; } # don't incorporate this into compared signatures sub write_without_variation { } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Old; our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement); my $warned; sub new { my ($class, $k, $args) = @_; bless { keyword => $k, name => $args }, $class; } sub add { my ($o, $plist, $args) = @_; my $keyword = $$o; if (!$warned->{$keyword}) { print STDERR "Warning: obsolete construct: \@$keyword $args\n"; $warned->{$keyword} = 1; } my $o2 = OpenBSD::PackingElement::Old->new($keyword, $args); $o2->add_object($plist); $plist->{deprecated} = 1; return undef; } sub keyword { my $self = shift; return $self->{keyword}; } sub register_old_keyword { my ($class, $k) = @_; $class->register_with_factory($k, bless \$k, $class); } for my $k (qw(src display mtree ignore_inst dirrm pkgcfl pkgdep newdepend libdepend endfake ignore vendor incompatibility md5 sysctl)) { __PACKAGE__->register_old_keyword($k); } # Real pkgpath objects, with matching properties package OpenBSD::PkgPath; sub new { my ($class, $fullpkgpath) = @_; my ($dir, @mandatory) = split(/\,/, $fullpkgpath); return bless {dir => $dir, mandatory => {map {($_, 1)} @mandatory}, }, $class; } sub fullpkgpath { my ($self) = @_; if(%{$self->{mandatory}}) { my $m = join(",", keys %{$self->{mandatory}}); return "$self->{dir},$m"; } else { return $self->{dir}; } } # a pkgpath has a dir, and some flavors/multi parts. To match, we must # remove them all. So, keep a full hash of everything we have (has), and # when stuff $to_rm matches, remove them from $from. # We match when we're left with nothing. sub trim { my ($self, $has, $from, $to_rm) = @_; for my $f (keys %$to_rm) { if ($has->{$f}) { delete $from->{$f}; } else { return 0; } } return 1; } # basic match: after mandatory, nothing left sub match2 { my ($self, $has, $h) = @_; if (keys %$h) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } # zap mandatory, check that what's left is okay. sub match { my ($self, $other) = @_; # make a copy of options my %h = %{$other->{mandatory}}; if (!$self->trim($other->{mandatory}, \%h, $self->{mandatory})) { return 0; } if ($self->match2($other->{mandatory}, \%h)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } package OpenBSD::PkgPath::WithOpts; our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::PkgPath); sub new { my ($class, $fullpkgpath) = @_; my @opts = (); while ($fullpkgpath =~ s/\[\,(.*?)\]//) { push(@opts, {map {($_, 1)} split(/\,/, $1) }); }; my $o = $class->SUPER::new($fullpkgpath); if (@opts == 0) { bless $o, "OpenBSD::PkgPath"; } else { $o->{opts} = \@opts; } return $o; } # match with options: systematically trim any optional part that fully # matches, until we're left with nothing, or some options keep happening. sub match2 { my ($self, $has, $h) = @_; if (!keys %$h) { return 1; } for my $opts (@{$self->{opts}}) { my %h2 = %$h; if ($self->trim($has, \%h2, $opts)) { $h = \%h2; if (!keys %$h) { return 1; } } } return 0; } 1;