/* $OpenBSD: parse.y,v 1.2 2018/07/11 08:47:03 florian Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2018 Florian Obser * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Esben Norby * Copyright (c) 2004 Ryan McBride * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 Henning Brauer * Copyright (c) 2001 Markus Friedl. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2001 Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2001 Theo de Raadt. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "rad.h" #include "frontend.h" TAILQ_HEAD(files, file) files = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(files); static struct file { TAILQ_ENTRY(file) entry; FILE *stream; char *name; size_t ungetpos; size_t ungetsize; u_char *ungetbuf; int eof_reached; int lineno; int errors; } *file, *topfile; struct file *pushfile(const char *, int); int popfile(void); int check_file_secrecy(int, const char *); int yyparse(void); int yylex(void); int yyerror(const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__ (printf, 1, 2))) __attribute__((__nonnull__ (1))); int kw_cmp(const void *, const void *); int lookup(char *); int igetc(void); int lgetc(int); void lungetc(int); int findeol(void); TAILQ_HEAD(symhead, sym) symhead = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(symhead); struct sym { TAILQ_ENTRY(sym) entry; int used; int persist; char *nam; char *val; }; int symset(const char *, const char *, int); char *symget(const char *); void clear_config(struct rad_conf *xconf); static struct rad_conf *conf; static struct ra_options_conf *ra_options; static int errors; static struct ra_iface_conf *ra_iface_conf; static struct ra_prefix_conf *ra_prefix_conf; struct ra_prefix_conf *conf_get_ra_prefix(struct in6_addr*, int); struct ra_iface_conf *conf_get_ra_iface(char *); typedef struct { union { int64_t number; char *string; } v; int lineno; } YYSTYPE; %} %token RA_IFACE YES NO INCLUDE ERROR %token DEFAULT ROUTER HOP LIMIT MANAGED ADDRESS %token CONFIGURATION OTHER LIFETIME REACHABLE TIME RETRANS TIMER %token AUTO PREFIX VALID PREFERRED LIFETIME ONLINK AUTONOMOUS %token ADDRESS_CONFIGURATION %token STRING %token NUMBER %type yesno %type string %% grammar : /* empty */ | grammar include '\n' | grammar '\n' | grammar { ra_options = &conf->ra_options; } conf_main '\n' | grammar varset '\n' | grammar ra_iface '\n' | grammar error '\n' { file->errors++; } ; include : INCLUDE STRING { struct file *nfile; if ((nfile = pushfile($2, 0)) == NULL) { yyerror("failed to include file %s", $2); free($2); YYERROR; } free($2); file = nfile; lungetc('\n'); } ; string : string STRING { if (asprintf(&$$, "%s %s", $1, $2) == -1) { free($1); free($2); yyerror("string: asprintf"); YYERROR; } free($1); free($2); } | STRING ; yesno : YES { $$ = 1; } | NO { $$ = 0; } ; varset : STRING '=' string { char *s = $1; if (cmd_opts & OPT_VERBOSE) printf("%s = \"%s\"\n", $1, $3); while (*s++) { if (isspace((unsigned char)*s)) { yyerror("macro name cannot contain " "whitespace"); YYERROR; } } if (symset($1, $3, 0) == -1) fatal("cannot store variable"); free($1); free($3); } ; conf_main : ra_opt_block { ra_options = &conf->ra_options; } ; ra_opt_block : DEFAULT ROUTER yesno { ra_options->dfr = $3; } | HOP LIMIT NUMBER { ra_options->cur_hl = $3; } | MANAGED ADDRESS CONFIGURATION yesno { ra_options->m_flag = $4; } | OTHER CONFIGURATION yesno { ra_options->o_flag = $3; } | ROUTER LIFETIME NUMBER { ra_options->router_lifetime = $3; } | REACHABLE TIME NUMBER { ra_options->reachable_time = $3; } | RETRANS TIMER NUMBER { ra_options->retrans_timer = $3; } ; optnl : '\n' optnl /* zero or more newlines */ | /*empty*/ ; nl : '\n' optnl /* one or more newlines */ ; ra_iface : RA_IFACE STRING { ra_iface_conf = conf_get_ra_iface($2); /* set auto prefix defaults */ ra_iface_conf->autoprefix = conf_get_ra_prefix(NULL, 0); ra_options = &ra_iface_conf->ra_options; } ra_iface_block { ra_iface_conf = NULL; } ; ra_iface_block : '{' optnl ra_ifaceopts_l '}' | '{' optnl '}' | /* empty */ ; ra_ifaceopts_l : ra_ifaceopts_l ra_ifaceoptsl nl | ra_ifaceoptsl optnl ; ra_ifaceoptsl : NO AUTO PREFIX { free(ra_iface_conf->autoprefix); ra_iface_conf->autoprefix = NULL; } | AUTO PREFIX { if (ra_iface_conf->autoprefix == NULL) ra_iface_conf->autoprefix = ra_prefix_conf = conf_get_ra_prefix(NULL, 0); } ra_prefix_block { ra_prefix_conf = NULL; } | PREFIX STRING { struct in6_addr addr; int prefixlen; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); prefixlen = inet_net_pton(AF_INET6, $2, &addr, sizeof(addr)); if (prefixlen == -1) { yyerror("error parsing prefix"); free($2); YYERROR; } mask_prefix(&addr, prefixlen); ra_prefix_conf = conf_get_ra_prefix(&addr, prefixlen); } ra_prefix_block { ra_prefix_conf = NULL; } | ra_opt_block ; ra_prefix_block : '{' optnl ra_prefixopts_l '}' | '{' optnl '}' | /* empty */ ; ra_prefixopts_l : ra_prefixopts_l ra_prefixoptsl nl | ra_prefixoptsl optnl ; ra_prefixoptsl : VALID LIFETIME NUMBER { ra_prefix_conf->vltime = $3; } | PREFERRED LIFETIME NUMBER { ra_prefix_conf->pltime = $3; } | ONLINK yesno { ra_prefix_conf->lflag = $2; } | AUTONOMOUS ADDRESS_CONFIGURATION yesno { ra_prefix_conf->aflag = $3; } ; %% struct keywords { const char *k_name; int k_val; }; int yyerror(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *msg; file->errors++; va_start(ap, fmt); if (vasprintf(&msg, fmt, ap) == -1) fatalx("yyerror vasprintf"); va_end(ap); logit(LOG_CRIT, "%s:%d: %s", file->name, yylval.lineno, msg); free(msg); return (0); } int kw_cmp(const void *k, const void *e) { return (strcmp(k, ((const struct keywords *)e)->k_name)); } int lookup(char *s) { /* This has to be sorted always. */ static const struct keywords keywords[] = { {"address", ADDRESS}, {"address-configuration", ADDRESS_CONFIGURATION}, {"auto", AUTO}, {"autonomous", AUTONOMOUS}, {"configuration", CONFIGURATION}, {"default", DEFAULT}, {"hop", HOP}, {"include", INCLUDE}, {"interface", RA_IFACE}, {"lifetime", LIFETIME}, {"limit", LIMIT}, {"managed", MANAGED}, {"no", NO}, {"on-link", ONLINK}, {"other", OTHER}, {"preferred", PREFERRED}, {"prefix", PREFIX}, {"reachable", REACHABLE}, {"retrans", RETRANS}, {"router", ROUTER}, {"time", TIME}, {"timer", TIMER}, {"valid", VALID}, {"yes", YES}, }; const struct keywords *p; p = bsearch(s, keywords, sizeof(keywords)/sizeof(keywords[0]), sizeof(keywords[0]), kw_cmp); if (p) return (p->k_val); else return (STRING); } #define START_EXPAND 1 #define DONE_EXPAND 2 static int expanding; int igetc(void) { int c; while (1) { if (file->ungetpos > 0) c = file->ungetbuf[--file->ungetpos]; else c = getc(file->stream); if (c == START_EXPAND) expanding = 1; else if (c == DONE_EXPAND) expanding = 0; else break; } return (c); } int lgetc(int quotec) { int c, next; if (quotec) { if ((c = igetc()) == EOF) { yyerror("reached end of file while parsing " "quoted string"); if (file == topfile || popfile() == EOF) return (EOF); return (quotec); } return (c); } while ((c = igetc()) == '\\') { next = igetc(); if (next != '\n') { c = next; break; } yylval.lineno = file->lineno; file->lineno++; } if (c == EOF) { /* * Fake EOL when hit EOF for the first time. This gets line * count right if last line in included file is syntactically * invalid and has no newline. */ if (file->eof_reached == 0) { file->eof_reached = 1; return ('\n'); } while (c == EOF) { if (file == topfile || popfile() == EOF) return (EOF); c = igetc(); } } return (c); } void lungetc(int c) { if (c == EOF) return; if (file->ungetpos >= file->ungetsize) { void *p = reallocarray(file->ungetbuf, file->ungetsize, 2); if (p == NULL) err(1, "lungetc"); file->ungetbuf = p; file->ungetsize *= 2; } file->ungetbuf[file->ungetpos++] = c; } int findeol(void) { int c; /* Skip to either EOF or the first real EOL. */ while (1) { c = lgetc(0); if (c == '\n') { file->lineno++; break; } if (c == EOF) break; } return (ERROR); } int yylex(void) { unsigned char buf[8096]; unsigned char *p, *val; int quotec, next, c; int token; top: p = buf; while ((c = lgetc(0)) == ' ' || c == '\t') ; /* nothing */ yylval.lineno = file->lineno; if (c == '#') while ((c = lgetc(0)) != '\n' && c != EOF) ; /* nothing */ if (c == '$' && !expanding) { while (1) { if ((c = lgetc(0)) == EOF) return (0); if (p + 1 >= buf + sizeof(buf) - 1) { yyerror("string too long"); return (findeol()); } if (isalnum(c) || c == '_') { *p++ = c; continue; } *p = '\0'; lungetc(c); break; } val = symget(buf); if (val == NULL) { yyerror("macro '%s' not defined", buf); return (findeol()); } p = val + strlen(val) - 1; lungetc(DONE_EXPAND); while (p >= val) { lungetc(*p); p--; } lungetc(START_EXPAND); goto top; } switch (c) { case '\'': case '"': quotec = c; while (1) { if ((c = lgetc(quotec)) == EOF) return (0); if (c == '\n') { file->lineno++; continue; } else if (c == '\\') { if ((next = lgetc(quotec)) == EOF) return (0); if (next == quotec || c == ' ' || c == '\t') c = next; else if (next == '\n') { file->lineno++; continue; } else lungetc(next); } else if (c == quotec) { *p = '\0'; break; } else if (c == '\0') { yyerror("syntax error"); return (findeol()); } if (p + 1 >= buf + sizeof(buf) - 1) { yyerror("string too long"); return (findeol()); } *p++ = c; } yylval.v.string = strdup(buf); if (yylval.v.string == NULL) err(1, "yylex: strdup"); return (STRING); } #define allowed_to_end_number(x) \ (isspace(x) || x == ')' || x ==',' || x == '/' || x == '}' || x == '=') if (c == '-' || isdigit(c)) { do { *p++ = c; if ((unsigned)(p-buf) >= sizeof(buf)) { yyerror("string too long"); return (findeol()); } } while ((c = lgetc(0)) != EOF && isdigit(c)); lungetc(c); if (p == buf + 1 && buf[0] == '-') goto nodigits; if (c == EOF || allowed_to_end_number(c)) { const char *errstr = NULL; *p = '\0'; yylval.v.number = strtonum(buf, LLONG_MIN, LLONG_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr) { yyerror("\"%s\" invalid number: %s", buf, errstr); return (findeol()); } return (NUMBER); } else { nodigits: while (p > buf + 1) lungetc(*--p); c = *--p; if (c == '-') return (c); } } #define allowed_in_string(x) \ (isalnum(x) || (ispunct(x) && x != '(' && x != ')' && \ x != '{' && x != '}' && \ x != '!' && x != '=' && x != '#' && \ x != ',')) if (isalnum(c) || c == ':' || c == '_') { do { *p++ = c; if ((unsigned)(p-buf) >= sizeof(buf)) { yyerror("string too long"); return (findeol()); } } while ((c = lgetc(0)) != EOF && (allowed_in_string(c))); lungetc(c); *p = '\0'; if ((token = lookup(buf)) == STRING) if ((yylval.v.string = strdup(buf)) == NULL) err(1, "yylex: strdup"); return (token); } if (c == '\n') { yylval.lineno = file->lineno; file->lineno++; } if (c == EOF) return (0); return (c); } int check_file_secrecy(int fd, const char *fname) { struct stat st; if (fstat(fd, &st)) { log_warn("cannot stat %s", fname); return (-1); } if (st.st_uid != 0 && st.st_uid != getuid()) { log_warnx("%s: owner not root or current user", fname); return (-1); } if (st.st_mode & (S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IRWXO)) { log_warnx("%s: group writable or world read/writable", fname); return (-1); } return (0); } struct file * pushfile(const char *name, int secret) { struct file *nfile; if ((nfile = calloc(1, sizeof(struct file))) == NULL) { log_warn("calloc"); return (NULL); } if ((nfile->name = strdup(name)) == NULL) { log_warn("strdup"); free(nfile); return (NULL); } if ((nfile->stream = fopen(nfile->name, "r")) == NULL) { log_warn("%s", nfile->name); free(nfile->name); free(nfile); return (NULL); } else if (secret && check_file_secrecy(fileno(nfile->stream), nfile->name)) { fclose(nfile->stream); free(nfile->name); free(nfile); return (NULL); } nfile->lineno = TAILQ_EMPTY(&files) ? 1 : 0; nfile->ungetsize = 16; nfile->ungetbuf = malloc(nfile->ungetsize); if (nfile->ungetbuf == NULL) { log_warn("malloc"); fclose(nfile->stream); free(nfile->name); free(nfile); return (NULL); } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&files, nfile, entry); return (nfile); } int popfile(void) { struct file *prev; if ((prev = TAILQ_PREV(file, files, entry)) != NULL) prev->errors += file->errors; TAILQ_REMOVE(&files, file, entry); fclose(file->stream); free(file->name); free(file->ungetbuf); free(file); file = prev; return (file ? 0 : EOF); } struct rad_conf * parse_config(char *filename) { struct sym *sym, *next; conf = config_new_empty(); ra_options = NULL; file = pushfile(filename, 0); if (file == NULL) { free(conf); return (NULL); } topfile = file; yyparse(); errors = file->errors; popfile(); /* Free macros and check which have not been used. */ TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(sym, &symhead, entry, next) { if ((cmd_opts & OPT_VERBOSE2) && !sym->used) fprintf(stderr, "warning: macro '%s' not used\n", sym->nam); if (!sym->persist) { free(sym->nam); free(sym->val); TAILQ_REMOVE(&symhead, sym, entry); free(sym); } } if (errors) { clear_config(conf); return (NULL); } return (conf); } int symset(const char *nam, const char *val, int persist) { struct sym *sym; TAILQ_FOREACH(sym, &symhead, entry) { if (strcmp(nam, sym->nam) == 0) break; } if (sym != NULL) { if (sym->persist == 1) return (0); else { free(sym->nam); free(sym->val); TAILQ_REMOVE(&symhead, sym, entry); free(sym); } } if ((sym = calloc(1, sizeof(*sym))) == NULL) return (-1); sym->nam = strdup(nam); if (sym->nam == NULL) { free(sym); return (-1); } sym->val = strdup(val); if (sym->val == NULL) { free(sym->nam); free(sym); return (-1); } sym->used = 0; sym->persist = persist; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&symhead, sym, entry); return (0); } int cmdline_symset(char *s) { char *sym, *val; int ret; size_t len; if ((val = strrchr(s, '=')) == NULL) return (-1); len = strlen(s) - strlen(val) + 1; if ((sym = malloc(len)) == NULL) errx(1, "cmdline_symset: malloc"); strlcpy(sym, s, len); ret = symset(sym, val + 1, 1); free(sym); return (ret); } char * symget(const char *nam) { struct sym *sym; TAILQ_FOREACH(sym, &symhead, entry) { if (strcmp(nam, sym->nam) == 0) { sym->used = 1; return (sym->val); } } return (NULL); } struct ra_prefix_conf * conf_get_ra_prefix(struct in6_addr *addr, int prefixlen) { struct ra_prefix_conf *prefix; if (addr == NULL) { if (ra_iface_conf->autoprefix != NULL) return (ra_iface_conf->autoprefix); } else { SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(prefix, &ra_iface_conf->ra_prefix_list, entry) { if (prefix->prefixlen == prefixlen && memcmp(addr, &prefix->prefix, sizeof(*addr)) == 0) return (prefix); } } prefix = calloc(1, sizeof(*prefix)); if (prefix == NULL) errx(1, "%s: calloc", __func__); prefix->prefixlen = prefixlen; prefix->vltime = 2592000; /* 30 days */ prefix->pltime = 604800; /* 7 days */ prefix->lflag = 1; prefix->aflag = 1; if (addr == NULL) ra_iface_conf->autoprefix = prefix; else { prefix->prefix = *addr; SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ra_iface_conf->ra_prefix_list, prefix, entry); } return (prefix); } struct ra_iface_conf * conf_get_ra_iface(char *name) { struct ra_iface_conf *iface; size_t n; SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(iface, &conf->ra_iface_list, entry) { if (strcmp(name, iface->name) == 0) return (iface); } iface = calloc(1, sizeof(*iface)); if (iface == NULL) errx(1, "%s: calloc", __func__); n = strlcpy(iface->name, name, sizeof(iface->name)); if (n >= sizeof(iface->name)) errx(1, "%s: name too long", __func__); /* Inherit attributes set in global section. */ iface->ra_options = conf->ra_options; SIMPLEQ_INIT(&iface->ra_prefix_list); SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(&conf->ra_iface_list, iface, entry); return (iface); } void clear_config(struct rad_conf *xconf) { struct ra_iface_conf *iface; while((iface = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&xconf->ra_iface_list)) != NULL) { SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&xconf->ra_iface_list, entry); free(iface); } free(xconf); }