/* $OpenBSD: dns.c,v 1.21 2010/06/02 19:16:53 chl Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2008 Gilles Chehade * Copyright (c) 2009 Jacek Masiulaniec * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "smtpd.h" struct resdata { struct imsgev iev; struct imsgev *asker; }; struct mx { char host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; double prio; }; void parent_dispatch_dns(int, short, void *); int dns(void); void dns_dispatch_parent(int, short, void *); void lookup_a(struct imsgev *, struct dns *, int, int); void lookup_mx(struct imsgev *, struct dns *); int get_mxlist(char *, char *, struct dns **); void free_mxlist(struct dns *); int mxcmp(const void *, const void *); void lookup_ptr(struct imsgev *, struct dns *); /* * User interface. */ void dns_query_a(struct smtpd *env, char *host, int port, u_int64_t id) { struct dns query; bzero(&query, sizeof(query)); strlcpy(query.host, host, sizeof(query.host)); query.port = port; query.id = id; imsg_compose_event(env->sc_ievs[PROC_LKA], IMSG_DNS_A, 0, 0, -1, &query, sizeof(query)); } void dns_query_mx(struct smtpd *env, char *host, int port, u_int64_t id) { struct dns query; bzero(&query, sizeof(query)); strlcpy(query.host, host, sizeof(query.host)); query.port = port; query.id = id; imsg_compose_event(env->sc_ievs[PROC_LKA], IMSG_DNS_MX, 0, 0, -1, &query, sizeof(query)); } void dns_query_ptr(struct smtpd *env, struct sockaddr_storage *ss, u_int64_t id) { struct dns query; bzero(&query, sizeof(query)); query.ss = *ss; query.id = id; imsg_compose_event(env->sc_ievs[PROC_LKA], IMSG_DNS_PTR, 0, 0, -1, &query, sizeof(query)); } /* * Parent resolver process interface. */ void dns_async(struct smtpd *env, struct imsgev *asker, int type, struct dns *query) { struct resdata *rd; int fd; if ((rd = calloc(1, sizeof(*rd))) == NULL) fatal(NULL); rd->asker = asker; query->env = env; fd = dns(); imsg_init(&rd->iev.ibuf, fd); rd->iev.handler = parent_dispatch_dns; rd->iev.events = EV_READ; rd->iev.data = rd; event_set(&rd->iev.ev, rd->iev.ibuf.fd, rd->iev.events, rd->iev.handler, rd->iev.data); event_add(&rd->iev.ev, NULL); imsg_compose_event(&rd->iev, type, 0, 0, -1, query, sizeof(*query)); } void parent_dispatch_dns(int sig, short event, void *p) { struct resdata *rd = p; struct imsgev *iev; struct imsgbuf *ibuf; struct imsg imsg; ssize_t n; iev = &rd->iev; ibuf = &rd->iev.ibuf; if (event & EV_READ) { if ((n = imsg_read(ibuf)) == -1) fatal("imsg_read_error"); if (n == 0) fatal("parent_dispatch_dns: pipe closed"); } if (event & EV_WRITE) { if (msgbuf_write(&ibuf->w) == -1) fatal("parent_dispatch_dns: msgbuf_write"); } for (;;) { if ((n = imsg_get(ibuf, &imsg)) == -1) fatal("parent_dispatch_dns: imsg_get error"); if (n == 0) break; switch (imsg.hdr.type) { case IMSG_DNS_A: imsg_compose_event(rd->asker, IMSG_DNS_A, 0, 0, -1, imsg.data, sizeof(struct dns)); break; case IMSG_DNS_A_END: case IMSG_DNS_PTR: imsg_compose_event(rd->asker, imsg.hdr.type, 0, 0, -1, imsg.data, sizeof(struct dns)); close(ibuf->fd); event_del(&iev->ev); free(rd); imsg_free(&imsg); return; default: log_warnx("parent_dispatch_dns: got imsg %d", imsg.hdr.type); fatalx("parent_dispatch_dns: unexpected imsg"); } imsg_free(&imsg); } imsg_event_add(iev); } /* * Helper resolver process. */ int dns(void) { int fd[2]; pid_t pid; struct imsgev *iev; if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, AF_UNSPEC, fd) == -1) fatal("socketpair"); session_socket_blockmode(fd[0], BM_NONBLOCK); session_socket_blockmode(fd[1], BM_NONBLOCK); if ((pid = fork()) == -1) fatal("dns: fork"); if (pid > 0) { close(fd[1]); return (fd[0]); } close(fd[0]); event_base_free(NULL); event_init(); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); if ((iev = calloc(1, sizeof(*iev))) == NULL) fatal(NULL); imsg_init(&iev->ibuf, fd[1]); iev->handler = dns_dispatch_parent; iev->events = EV_READ; iev->data = iev; event_set(&iev->ev, iev->ibuf.fd, iev->events, iev->handler, iev->data); event_add(&iev->ev, NULL); if (event_dispatch() < 0) fatal("event_dispatch"); _exit(0); } void dns_dispatch_parent(int sig, short event, void *p) { struct imsgev *iev = p; struct imsgbuf *ibuf = &iev->ibuf; struct imsg imsg; ssize_t n; if (event & EV_READ) { if ((n = imsg_read(ibuf)) == -1) fatal("imsg_read_error"); if (n == 0) { /* this pipe is dead, so remove the event handler */ event_del(&iev->ev); event_loopexit(NULL); return; } } if (event & EV_WRITE) { if (msgbuf_write(&ibuf->w) == -1) fatal("dns_dispatch_parent: msgbuf_write"); } for (;;) { if ((n = imsg_get(ibuf, &imsg)) == -1) fatal("dns_dispatch_parent: imsg_get error"); if (n == 0) break; switch (imsg.hdr.type) { case IMSG_DNS_A: lookup_a(iev, imsg.data, 0, 1); break; case IMSG_DNS_MX: lookup_mx(iev, imsg.data); break; case IMSG_DNS_PTR: lookup_ptr(iev, imsg.data); break; default: log_warnx("dns_dispatch_parent: got imsg %d", imsg.hdr.type); fatalx("dns_dispatch_parent: unexpected imsg"); } imsg_free(&imsg); } imsg_event_add(iev); } void lookup_a(struct imsgev *iev, struct dns *query, int numeric, int finalize) { struct addrinfo *res0, *res, hints; char *port = NULL; log_debug("lookup_a %s:%d%s", query->host, query->port, numeric ? " (numeric)" : ""); if (query->port && asprintf(&port, "%u", query->port) == -1) fatal(NULL); bzero(&hints, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; if (numeric) hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; query->error = getaddrinfo(query->host, port, &hints, &res0); if (query->error) goto end; for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next) { memcpy(&query->ss, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addr->sa_len); imsg_compose_event(iev, IMSG_DNS_A, 0, 0, -1, query, sizeof(*query)); } freeaddrinfo(res0); end: free(port); log_debug("lookup_a %s", query->error ? "failed" : "success"); if (finalize) imsg_compose_event(iev, IMSG_DNS_A_END, 0, 0, -1, query, sizeof(*query)); } void lookup_mx(struct imsgev *iev, struct dns *query) { struct dns *mx0, *mx; int success = 0; log_debug("lookup_mx %s", query->host); /* if ip address, skip MX lookup */ /* XXX: maybe do it just once in parse.y? */ lookup_a(iev, query, 1, 0); if (!query->error) goto end; query->error = get_mxlist(query->host, query->env->sc_hostname, &mx0); if (query->error) goto end; if (mx0 == NULL) { log_debug("implicit mx"); if ((mx0 = calloc(1, sizeof(*mx0))) == NULL) fatal(NULL); strlcpy(mx0->host, query->host, sizeof(mx0->host)); } for (mx = mx0; mx; mx = mx->next) { mx->port = query->port; mx->id = query->id; lookup_a(iev, mx, 0, 0); if (!mx->error) success++; } free_mxlist(mx0); if (success == 0) query->error = EAI_NODATA; end: log_debug("lookup_mx %s", query->error ? "failed" : "success"); imsg_compose_event(iev, IMSG_DNS_A_END, 0, 0, -1, query, sizeof(*query)); } int get_mxlist(char *host, char *self, struct dns **res) { struct mx tab[MAX_MX_COUNT]; unsigned char buf[PACKETSZ], *p, *endp; int ntab, i, ret, type, n, maxprio, cname_ok = 3; int qdcount, ancount; again: ntab = 0; maxprio = 16384; ret = res_query(host, C_IN, T_MX, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (ret < 0) { switch (h_errno) { case TRY_AGAIN: return (EAI_AGAIN); case HOST_NOT_FOUND: return (EAI_NONAME); case NO_RECOVERY: return (EAI_FAIL); case NO_DATA: *res = NULL; return (0); } fatal("get_mxlist: res_query"); } p = buf + HFIXEDSZ; endp = buf + ret; qdcount = ntohs(((HEADER *)buf)->qdcount); ancount = ntohs(((HEADER *)buf)->ancount); if (qdcount < 1) return (EAI_FAIL); for (i = 0; i < qdcount; i++) { ret = dn_skipname(p, endp); if (ret < 0) return (EAI_FAIL); p += ret + QFIXEDSZ; } while (p < endp && ntab < ancount && ntab < MAX_MX_COUNT) { ret = dn_skipname(p, endp); if (ret < 0) return (EAI_FAIL); p += ret; GETSHORT(type, p); p += sizeof(u_int16_t) + sizeof(u_int32_t); GETSHORT(n, p); if (type == T_CNAME) { if (cname_ok-- == 0) return (EAI_FAIL); ret = dn_expand(buf, endp, p, tab[0].host, sizeof(tab[0].host)); if (ret < 0) return (EAI_FAIL); host = tab[0].host; goto again; } if (type != T_MX) { log_warnx("get_mxlist: %s: bad rr type %d", host, type); p += n; continue; } GETSHORT(tab[ntab].prio, p); ret = dn_expand(buf, endp, p, tab[ntab].host, sizeof(tab[ntab].host)); if (ret < 0) return (EAI_FAIL); p += ret; /* * In case our name is listed as MX, prevent loops by excluding * all hosts of our or greater preference number. */ if (strcmp(self, tab[ntab].host) == 0) maxprio = tab[ntab].prio; ntab++; } /* * Randomize equal preference hosts using the fractional part. */ for (i = 0; i < ntab; i++) tab[i].prio += (double)arc4random_uniform(ntab) / ntab; qsort(tab, ntab, sizeof(struct mx), mxcmp); for (i = 0; i < ntab; i++) { log_debug("mx %s prio %f", tab[i].host, tab[i].prio); if (tab[i].prio >= maxprio) break; if ((*res = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dns))) == NULL) fatal(NULL); strlcpy((*res)->host, tab[i].host, sizeof((*res)->host)); res = &(*res)->next; } if (i == 0) return (EAI_FAIL); return (0); } void free_mxlist(struct dns *first) { struct dns *mx, *next; for (mx = first; mx; mx = next) { next = mx->next; free(mx); } } int mxcmp(const void *va, const void *vb) { const struct mx *a = va; const struct mx *b = vb; if (a->prio > b->prio) return (1); else if (a->prio < b->prio) return (-1); else return (0); } void lookup_ptr(struct imsgev *iev, struct dns *query) { struct addrinfo *res, hints; log_debug("lookup_ptr %s", ss_to_text(&query->ss)); query->error = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&query->ss, query->ss.ss_len, query->host, sizeof(query->host), NULL, 0, NI_NAMEREQD); if (query->error) goto end; bzero(&hints, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; if (getaddrinfo(query->host, NULL, &hints, &res) == 0) { query->error = EAI_NODATA; freeaddrinfo(res); } end: log_debug("lookup_ptr %s", query->error ? "failed" : "success"); imsg_compose_event(iev, IMSG_DNS_PTR, 0, 0, -1, query, sizeof(*query)); }