/* $OpenBSD: print-smb.c,v 1.2 2001/01/03 18:41:00 mickey Exp $ */ /* Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1995-1999 This software may be distributed either under the terms of the BSD-style license that accompanies tcpdump or the GNU GPL version 2 or later */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifndef lint static const char rcsid[] = "@(#) $Header: /cvs/OpenBSD/src/usr.sbin/tcpdump/print-smb.c,v 1.2 2001/01/03 18:41:00 mickey Exp $"; #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "interface.h" #include "smb.h" static int request=0; const uchar *startbuf=NULL; struct smbdescript { char *req_f1; char *req_f2; char *rep_f1; char *rep_f2; void (*fn)(); /* sometimes (u_char *, u_char *, u_char *, u_char *) and sometimes (u_char *, u_char *, int, int) */ }; struct smbfns { int id; char *name; int flags; struct smbdescript descript; }; #define DEFDESCRIPT {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL} #define FLG_CHAIN (1<<0) static struct smbfns *smbfind(int id,struct smbfns *list) { int sindex; for (sindex=0;list[sindex].name;sindex++) if (list[sindex].id == id) return(&list[sindex]); return(&list[0]); } static void trans2_findfirst(uchar *param,uchar *data,int pcnt,int dcnt) { char *fmt; if (request) { fmt = "attr [A] searchcnt [d] flags [w] level [dP5] file [S] "; } else { fmt = "handle [w] cnt [d] eos [w] eoffset [d] lastnameofs [w] "; } fdata(param,fmt,param+pcnt); } static void trans2_qfsinfo(uchar *param,uchar *data,int pcnt,int dcnt) { static int level=0; char *fmt=""; if (request) { level = SVAL(param,0); fmt = "info level [d] "; fdata(param,fmt,param+pcnt); } else { switch (level) { case 1: fmt = "fsid [W] sectorunit [D] unit [D] avail [D] sectorsize [d] "; break; case 2: fmt = "creat [T2] volnamelen [B] volume [s12] "; break; case 0x105: fmt = "capabilities [W] maxfilelen [D] volnamelen [D] volume [S] "; break; default: fmt = "unknown level "; } fdata(data,fmt,data+dcnt); } } struct smbfns trans2_fns[] = { {0,"TRANSACT2_OPEN",0, {"flags2 [w] mode [w] searchattr [A] attr [A] time [T2] ofun [w] size [D] res [w,w,w,w,w] path [S]",NULL, "handle [d] attr [A] time [T2] size [D] access [w] type [w] state [w] action [w] inode [W] offerr [d] |ealen [d] ",NULL,NULL}}, {1,"TRANSACT2_FINDFIRST",0, {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,trans2_findfirst}}, {2,"TRANSACT2_FINDNEXT",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {3,"TRANSACT2_QFSINFO",0, {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,trans2_qfsinfo}}, {4,"TRANSACT2_SETFSINFO",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {5,"TRANSACT2_QPATHINFO",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {6,"TRANSACT2_SETPATHINFO",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {7,"TRANSACT2_QFILEINFO",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {8,"TRANSACT2_SETFILEINFO",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {9,"TRANSACT2_FSCTL",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {10,"TRANSACT2_IOCTL",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {11,"TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYFIRST",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {12,"TRANSACT2_FINDNOTIFYNEXT",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {13,"TRANSACT2_MKDIR",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {-1,NULL,0,DEFDESCRIPT}}; static void print_trans2(uchar *words,uchar *dat,uchar *buf,uchar *maxbuf) { static struct smbfns *fn = &trans2_fns[0]; uchar *data,*param; uchar *f1=NULL,*f2=NULL; int pcnt,dcnt; if (request) { fn = smbfind(SVAL(words+1,14*2),trans2_fns); data = buf+SVAL(words+1,12*2); param = buf+SVAL(words+1,10*2); pcnt = SVAL(words+1,9*2); dcnt = SVAL(words+1,11*2); } else { data = buf+SVAL(words+1,7*2); param = buf+SVAL(words+1,4*2); pcnt = SVAL(words+1,3*2); dcnt = SVAL(words+1,6*2); } printf("%s paramlen %d datalen %d ", fn->name,pcnt,dcnt); if (request) { if (CVAL(words,0) == 8) { fdata(words+1,"trans2secondary totparam [d] totdata [d] paramcnt [d] paramoff [d] paramdisp [d] datacnt [d] dataoff [d] datadisp [d] handle [d] ",maxbuf); return; } else { fdata(words+1,"totparam [d] totdata [d] maxparam [d] maxdata [d] maxsetup [d] flags [w] timeout [D] res1 [w] paramcnt [d] paramoff [d] datacnt=[d] dataoff [d] setupcnt [d] ",words+1+14*2); fdata(data+1,"transname [S] %",maxbuf); } f1 = fn->descript.req_f1; f2 = fn->descript.req_f2; } else { if (CVAL(words,0) == 0) { printf("trans2interim "); return; } else { fdata(words+1,"totparam [d] totdata [d] res1 [w] paramcnt [d] paramoff [d] paramdisp [d] datacnt [d] dataoff [d] datadisp [d] setupcnt [d] ",words+1+10*2); } f1 = fn->descript.rep_f1; f2 = fn->descript.rep_f2; } if (fn->descript.fn) { fn->descript.fn(param,data,pcnt,dcnt); } else { fdata(param,f1?f1:(uchar*)"params ",param+pcnt); fdata(data,f2?f2:(uchar*)"data ",data+dcnt); } } static void print_browse(uchar *param,int paramlen,const uchar *data,int datalen) { const uchar *maxbuf = data + datalen; int command = CVAL(data,0); fdata(param,"browse |param ",param+paramlen); switch (command) { case 0xF: data = fdata(data,"browse [B] (LocalMasterAnnouncement) updatecnt [w] res1 [B] announceintv [d] name [n2] version [B].[B] servertype [W] electionversion [w] browserconst [w] ",maxbuf); break; case 0x1: data = fdata(data,"browse [B] (HostAnnouncement) updatecnt [w] res1 [B] announceintv [d] name [n2] version [B].[B] servertype [W] electionversion [w] browserconst [w] ",maxbuf); break; case 0x2: data = fdata(data,"browse [B] (AnnouncementRequest) flags [B] replysysname [S] ",maxbuf); break; case 0xc: data = fdata(data,"browse [B] (WorkgroupAnnouncement) updatecnt [w] res1 [B] announceintv [d] name [n2] version [B].[B] servertype [W] commentptr [W] servername [S] ",maxbuf); break; case 0x8: data = fdata(data,"browse [B] (ElectionFrame) electionversion [B] ossummary [W] uptime [(W,W)] servername [S] ",maxbuf); break; case 0xb: data = fdata(data,"browse [B] (BecomeBackupBrowser) name [S] ",maxbuf); break; case 0x9: data = fdata(data,"browse [B] (GetBackupList) listcnt? [B] token? [B] ",maxbuf); break; case 0xa: data = fdata(data,"browse [B] (BackupListResponse) servercnt? [B] token? [B] *name [S] ",maxbuf); break; case 0xd: data = fdata(data,"browse [B] (MasterAnnouncement) master-name [S] ",maxbuf); break; case 0xe: data = fdata(data,"browse [B] (ResetBrowser) options [B] ",maxbuf); break; default: data = fdata(data,"browse unknown-frame",maxbuf); break; } } static void print_ipc(uchar *param,int paramlen,uchar *data,int datalen) { if (paramlen) fdata(param,"cmd [w] str1 [S] str2 [S] ",param+paramlen); if (datalen) fdata(data,"IPC ",data+datalen); } static void print_trans(uchar *words,uchar *data1,uchar *buf,uchar *maxbuf) { uchar *f1,*f2,*f3,*f4; uchar *data,*param; int datalen,paramlen; if (request) { paramlen = SVAL(words+1,9*2); param = buf + SVAL(words+1,10*2); datalen = SVAL(words+1,11*2); data = buf + SVAL(words+1,12*2); f1 = " totparamcnt [d] totdatacnt [d] maxparmcnt [d] maxdatacnt [d] maxscnt [d] transflags [w] res [w] [w] [w] paramcnt [d] paramoff [d] datacnt [d] dataoff [d] sucnt [d] "; f2 = "|[S] "; f3 = "|param "; f4 = "|data "; } else { paramlen = SVAL(words+1,3*2); param = buf + SVAL(words+1,4*2); datalen = SVAL(words+1,6*2); data = buf + SVAL(words+1,7*2); f1 = "totparamcnt [d] totdatacnt [d] res1 [d] paramcnt [d] paramoff [d] res2 [d] datacnt [d] dataoff [d] res3 [d] Lsetup [d] "; f2 = "|unk "; f3 = "|param "; f4 = "|data "; } fdata(words+1,f1,MIN(words+1+2*CVAL(words,0),maxbuf)); fdata(data1+2,f2,maxbuf - (paramlen + datalen)); if (!strcmp(data1+2,"\\MAILSLOT\\BROWSE")) { print_browse(param,paramlen,data,datalen); return; } if (!strcmp(data1+2,"\\PIPE\\LANMAN")) { print_ipc(param,paramlen,data,datalen); return; } if (paramlen) fdata(param,f3,MIN(param+paramlen,maxbuf)); if (datalen) fdata(data,f4,MIN(data+datalen,maxbuf)); } static void print_negprot(uchar *words,uchar *data,uchar *buf,uchar *maxbuf) { uchar *f1=NULL,*f2=NULL; if (request) { f2 = "*|dialect [Z] "; } else { if (CVAL(words,0) == 1) { f1 = "core-proto dialect index [d]"; } else if (CVAL(words,0) == 17) { f1 = "NT1-proto dialect index [d] secmode [B] maxmux [d] numvcs [d] maxbuf [D] rawsize [D] sesskey [W] capabilities [W] servertime [T3] tz [d] cryptkey "; } else if (CVAL(words,0) == 13) { f1 = "coreplus/lanman1/lanman2-proto dialect index [d] secmode [w] maxxmit [d] maxmux [d] maxvcs [d] blkmode [w] sesskey [W] servertime [T1] tz [d] res [W] cryptkey "; } } if (f1) fdata(words+1,f1,MIN(words + 1 + CVAL(words,0)*2,maxbuf)); if (f2) fdata(data+2,f2,MIN(data + 2 + SVAL(data,0),maxbuf)); } static void print_sesssetup(uchar *words,uchar *data,uchar *buf,uchar *maxbuf) { int wcnt = CVAL(words,0); uchar *f1=NULL,*f2=NULL; if (request) { if (wcnt==10) { f1 = "com2 [w] off2 [d] bufsize [d] maxmpx [d] vcnum [d] sesskey [W] passlen [d] cryptlen [d] cryptoff [d] pass&name "; } else { f1 = "com2 [B] res1 [B] off2 [d] maxbuf [d] maxmpx [d] vcnum [d] sesskey [W] case-insensitive-passlen [d] case-sensitive-passlen [d] res [W] capabilities [W] pass1&pass2&account&domain&os&lanman "; } } else { if (CVAL(words,0) == 3) { f1 = "com2 [w] off2 [d] action [w] "; } else if (CVAL(words,0) == 13) { f1 = "com2 [B] res [B] off2 [d] action [w] "; f2 = "native-os [S] nativelanman [S] primarydomain [S] "; } } if (f1) fdata(words+1,f1,MIN(words + 1 + CVAL(words,0)*2,maxbuf)); if (f2) fdata(data+2,f2,MIN(data + 2 + SVAL(data,0),maxbuf)); } static struct smbfns smb_fns[] = { {-1,"SMBunknown",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBtcon,"SMBtcon",0, {NULL,"path [Z] pass [Z] dev [Z] ", "xmitmax [d] treeid [d] ",NULL, NULL}}, {SMBtdis,"SMBtdis",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBexit,"SMBexit",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBioctl,"SMBioctl",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBecho,"SMBecho",0, {"reverbcount [d] ",NULL, "seqnum [d] ",NULL, NULL}}, {SMBulogoffX, "SMBulogoffX",FLG_CHAIN,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBgetatr,"SMBgetatr",0, {NULL,"path [Z] ", "attr [A] time [T2] size [D] res ([w,w,w,w,w]) ",NULL, NULL}}, {SMBsetatr,"SMBsetatr",0, {"attr [A] time [T2] res ([w,w,w,w,w]) ","path [Z] ", NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBchkpth,"SMBchkpth",0, {NULL,"path [Z] ",NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBsearch,"SMBsearch",0, {"cnt [d] attr [A] ","path [Z] blktype [B] blklen [d] |res1 [B] mask [s11] srv1 [B] dirindex [d] srv2 [w] res2 [W] ", "cnt [d] ","blktype [B] blklen [d] * res1 [B] mask [s11] srv1 [B] dirindex [d] srv2 [w] res2 [W] attr [a] time [T1] size [D] name [s13] ",NULL}}, {SMBopen,"SMBopen",0, {"mode [w] attr [A] ","path [Z] ", "handle [d] oattr [A] time [T2] size [D] access [w] ",NULL, NULL}}, {SMBcreate,"SMBcreate",0, {"attr [A] time [T2]","path [Z] ", "handle [d]",NULL, NULL}}, {SMBmknew,"SMBmknew",0, {"attr [A] time [T2]","path [Z] ", "handle [d] ",NULL, NULL}}, {SMBunlink,"SMBunlink",0, {"attr [A] ","path [Z] ",NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBread,"SMBread",0, {"handle [d] bytecnt [d] offset [D] cntleft [d] ",NULL, "cnt [d] res ([w,w,w,w]) ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBwrite,"SMBwrite",0, {"handle [d] bytecnt [d] offset [D] cntleft [d] ",NULL, "cnt [d] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBclose,"SMBclose",0, {"handle [d] time [T2]",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBmkdir,"SMBmkdir",0, {NULL,"path [Z] ",NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBrmdir,"SMBrmdir",0, {NULL,"path [Z] ",NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBdskattr,"SMBdskattr",0, {NULL,NULL, "totalunits [d] blks/unit [d] blksize [d] freeunits [d] media [w] ", NULL,NULL}}, {SMBmv,"SMBmv",0, {"attr [A] ","oldpath [Z] newpath [Z] ",NULL,NULL,NULL}}, /* this is a Pathworks specific call, allowing the changing of the root path */ {pSETDIR,"SMBsetdir",0, {NULL,"path [Z] ",NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBlseek,"SMBlseek",0, {"handle [d] mode [w] offset [D] ","offset [D] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBflush,"SMBflush",0, {"handle [d] ",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBsplopen,"SMBsplopen",0, {"setuplen [d] mode [w] ","ident [Z] ","handle [d] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBsplclose,"SMBsplclose",0, {"handle [d] ",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBsplretq,"SMBsplretq",0, {"maxcnt [d] startindex [d] ",NULL, "cnt [d] index [d] ", "*time [T2] status [B] jobid [d] size [D] res [B] name [s16] ", NULL}}, {SMBsplwr,"SMBsplwr",0, {"handle [d] ",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBlock,"SMBlock",0, {"handle [d] count [D] offset [D] ",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBunlock,"SMBunlock",0, {"handle [d] count [D] offset [D] ",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, /* CORE+ PROTOCOL FOLLOWS */ {SMBreadbraw,"SMBreadbraw",0, {"handle [d] offset [D] maxcnt [d] mincnt [d] timeout [D] res [d] ", NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBwritebraw,"SMBwritebraw",0, {"handle [d] totalcnt [d] res [w] offset [D] timeout [D] wmode [w] res2 [W] |datasize [d] dataoff [d] ", NULL,"write-raw-ack",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBwritec,"SMBwritec",0, {NULL,NULL,"count [d] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBwriteclose,"SMBwriteclose",0, {"handle [d] count [d] offset [D] time [T2] res ([w,w,w,w,w,w])",NULL, "count [d] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBlockread,"SMBlockread",0, {"handle [d] bytecnt [d] offset [D] cntleft [d] ",NULL, "count [d] res ([w,w,w,w]) ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBwriteunlock,"SMBwriteunlock",0, {"handle [d] bytecnt [d] offset [D] cntleft [d] ",NULL, "count [d] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBreadBmpx,"SMBreadBmpx",0, {"handle [d] offset [D] maxcnt [d] mincnt [d] timeout [D] res [w] ", NULL, "offset [D] totcnt [d] remain [d] res ([w,w]) datasize [d] dataoff [d] ", NULL,NULL}}, {SMBwriteBmpx,"SMBwriteBmpx",0, {"handle [d] totcnt [d] res [w] offset [D] timeout [D] wmode [w] res2 [W] datasize [d] dataoff [d] ",NULL, "remain [d] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBwriteBs,"SMBwriteBs",0, {"handle [d] totcnt [d] offset [D] res [W] datasize [d] dataoff [d] ",NULL, "count [d] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBsetattrE,"SMBsetattrE",0, {"handle [d] ctime [T2] atime [T2] mtime [T2]",NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBgetattrE,"SMBgetattrE",0, {"handle [d] ",NULL, "ctime [T2] atime [T2] mtime [T2] size [D] allocsize [D] attr [A] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBtranss,"SMBtranss",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBioctls,"SMBioctls",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBcopy,"SMBcopy",0, {"treeid2 [d] ofun [w] flags [w] ","path [S] newpath [S] ", "copycnt [d] ","|errstr [S] ",NULL}}, {SMBmove,"SMBmove",0, {"treeid2 [d] ofun [w] flags [w] ","path [S] newpath [S] ", "movecnt [d] ","|errstr [S] ",NULL}}, {SMBopenX,"SMBopenX",FLG_CHAIN, {"com2 [w] off2 [d] flags [w] mode [w] searchattr [A] attr [A] time [T2] ofun [w] size [D] timeout [D] res [W] ","path [S] ", "com2 [w] off2 [d] handle [d] attr [A] time [T2] size [D] access [w] type [w] state [w] action [w] fileid [W] res [w] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBreadX,"SMBreadX",FLG_CHAIN, {"com2 [w] off2 [d] handle [d] offset [D] maxcnt [d] mincnt [d] timeout [D] cntleft [d] ",NULL, "com2 [w] off2 [d] remain [d] res [W] datasize [d] dataoff [d] res ([w,w,w,w]) ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBwriteX,"SMBwriteX",FLG_CHAIN, {"com2 [w] off2 [d] handle [d] offset [D] timeout [D] wmode [w] cntleft [d] res [w] datasize [d] dataoff [d] ",NULL, "com2 [w] off2 [d] count [d] remain [d] res [W] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBlockingX,"SMBlockingX",FLG_CHAIN, {"com2 [w] off2 [d] handle [d] locktype [w] timeout [D] unlockcnt [d] lockcnt [d] ", "*process [d] offset [D] len [D] ", "com2 [w] off2 [d] "}}, {SMBffirst,"SMBffirst",0, {"count [d] attr [A] ","path [Z] blktype [B] blklen [d] |res1 [B] mask [s11] srv2 [B] dirindex [d] srv2 [w] ", "count [d] ","blktype [B] blklen [d] * res1 [B] mask [s11] srv1 [B] dirindex [d] srv2 [w] res2 [W] attr [a] time [T1] size [D] name [s13] ",NULL}}, {SMBfunique,"SMBfunique",0, {"count [d] attr [A] ","path [Z] blktype [B] blklen [d] |res1 [B] mask [s11] srv1 [B] dirindex [d] srv2 [w] ", "count [d] ","blktype [B] blklen [d] * res1 [B] mask [s11] srv1 [B] dirindex [d] srv2 [w] res2 [W] attr [a] time [T1] size [D] name [s13] ",NULL}}, {SMBfclose,"SMBfclose",0, {"count [d] attr [A] ","path [Z] blktype [B] blklen [d] |res1 [B] mask [s11] srv1 [B] dirindex [d] srv2 [w] ", "count [d] ","blktype [B] blklen [d] * res1 [B] mask [s11] srv1 [B] dirindex [d] srv2 [w] res2 [W] attr [a] time [T1] size [D] name [s13] ",NULL}}, {SMBfindnclose, "SMBfindnclose", 0, {"handle [d] ",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBfindclose, "SMBfindclose", 0, {"handle [d] ",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBsends,"SMBsends",0, {NULL,"src [Z] dst [Z] ",NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBsendstrt,"SMBsendstrt",0, {NULL,"src [Z] dst [Z] ","groupid [d] ",NULL,NULL}}, {SMBsendend,"SMBsendend",0, {"groupid [d] ",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBsendtxt,"SMBsendtxt",0, {"groupid [d] ",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBsendb,"SMBsendb",0, {NULL,"src [Z] dst [Z] ",NULL,NULL,NULL}}, {SMBfwdname,"SMBfwdname",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBcancelf,"SMBcancelf",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBgetmac,"SMBgetmac",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBnegprot,"SMBnegprot",0, {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,print_negprot}}, {SMBsesssetupX,"SMBsesssetupX",FLG_CHAIN,{NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,print_sesssetup}}, {SMBtconX,"SMBtconX",FLG_CHAIN, {"com2 [w] off2 [d] flags [w] passlen [d] passwd&path&dev ",NULL, "com2 [w] off2 [d] ","servicetype [S] ",NULL}}, {SMBtrans2, "SMBtrans2",0,{NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,print_trans2}}, {SMBtranss2, "SMBtranss2", 0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBctemp,"SMBctemp",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBreadBs,"SMBreadBs",0,DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBtrans,"SMBtrans",0,{NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,print_trans}}, {SMBnttrans,"SMBnttrans", 0, DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBnttranss,"SMBnttranss", 0, DEFDESCRIPT}, {SMBntcreateX,"SMBntcreateX", FLG_CHAIN, {"com2 [w] off2 [d] res [b] namelen [d] flags [W] rootdirfid [D] accessmask [W] allocsize [L] extfileattr [W] shareaccess [W] createdisposition [W] createopts [W] impersonallevel [W] securityflags [b] ","path [S] ", "com2 [w] off2 [d] oplocklvl [b] fid [d] createaction [W] createtime [T3] lastaccesstime [T3] lastwritetime [T3] ctime [T3]extfileattr [W] allocsize [L] eof [L] filetype [w] devstate [w] dir [b] ", NULL}}, {SMBntcancel,"SMBntcancel", 0, DEFDESCRIPT}, {-1,NULL,0,DEFDESCRIPT}}; /******************************************************************* print a SMB message ********************************************************************/ static void print_smb(const uchar *buf, const uchar *maxbuf) { int command; const uchar *words, *data; struct smbfns *fn; char *fmt_smbheader = "[P4] cmd [B] error [BP1]/[d] flags [B] [B][P13] treeid [d] procid [d] uid [d] mid [d] wordcnt [b] "; request = (CVAL(buf,9)&0x80)?0:1; command = CVAL(buf,4); fn = smbfind(command,smb_fns); printf("%s-%s",fn->name,request?"request":"reply"); if (vflag == 0) return; /* print out the header */ fdata(buf,fmt_smbheader,buf+33); if (CVAL(buf,5)) { int class = CVAL(buf,5); int num = SVAL(buf,7); printf("SMBError %s ",smb_errstr(class,num)); } words = buf+32; data = words + 1 + CVAL(words,0)*2; while (words && data) { char *f1,*f2; int wct = CVAL(words,0); if (request) { f1 = fn->descript.req_f1; f2 = fn->descript.req_f2; } else { f1 = fn->descript.rep_f1; f2 = fn->descript.rep_f2; } if (fn->descript.fn) { fn->descript.fn(words,data,buf,maxbuf); } else { if (f1) { printf("smbvwv[]="); fdata(words+1,f1,words + 1 + wct*2); } else if (wct) { int i; int v; printf("smbvwv[]="); for (i=0;i<wct;i++) { v = SVAL(words+1,2*i); printf("smb_vwv[%d]=%d (0x%X) ",i,v,v); } } if (f2) { printf("smbbuf[]="); fdata(data+2,f2,maxbuf); } else { int bcc = SVAL(data,0); printf("smb_bcc=%d",bcc); } } if ((fn->flags & FLG_CHAIN) && CVAL(words,0) && SVAL(words,1)!=0xFF) { command = SVAL(words,1); words = buf + SVAL(words,3); data = words + 1 + CVAL(words,0)*2; fn = smbfind(command,smb_fns); printf("chained-%s-%s ",fn->name,request?"request":"reply"); } else { words = data = NULL; } } } /* print a NBT packet received across tcp on port 139 */ void nbt_tcp_print(const uchar *data,int length) { const uchar *maxbuf = data + length; int flags = CVAL(data,0); int nbt_len = RSVAL(data,2); startbuf = data; if (maxbuf <= data) return; printf(": nbt "); switch (flags) { case 1: printf("flags 0x%x ", flags); case 0: data = fdata(data,"session flags [rw] len [rd] ",data+4); if (data == NULL) break; if (memcmp(data,"\377SMB",4)==0) { if (nbt_len>PTR_DIFF(maxbuf,data)) printf("[|nbt]"); print_smb(data,maxbuf>data+nbt_len?data+nbt_len:maxbuf); } else { printf("session packet :(raw data?) "); } break; case 0x81: data = fdata(data,"session-request flags [rW] dst [n1] src [n1] ",maxbuf); break; case 0x82: data = fdata(data,"sessionr-granted flags [rW] ",maxbuf); break; case 0x83: { int ecode = CVAL(data,4); data = fdata(data,"session-reject flags [rW] reason [B] ",maxbuf); switch (ecode) { case 0x80: printf("(Not listening on called name) "); break; case 0x81: printf("(Not listening for calling name) "); break; case 0x82: printf("(Called name not present) "); break; case 0x83: printf("(Insufficient resources) "); break; default: printf("(Unspecified error 0x%X) ",ecode); break; } } break; case 0x85: data = fdata(data,"keepalive flags [rW] ",maxbuf); break; default: printf("flags=0x%x ", flags); data = fdata(data,"unknown packet type [rW] ",maxbuf); } fflush(stdout); } /* print a NBT packet received across udp on port 137 */ void nbt_udp137_print(const uchar *data, int length) { const uchar *maxbuf = data + length; int name_trn_id = RSVAL(data,0); int response = (CVAL(data,2)>>7); int opcode = (CVAL(data,2) >> 3) & 0xF; int nm_flags = ((CVAL(data,2) & 0x7) << 4) + (CVAL(data,3)>>4); int rcode = CVAL(data,3) & 0xF; int qdcount = RSVAL(data,4); int ancount = RSVAL(data,6); int nscount = RSVAL(data,8); int arcount = RSVAL(data,10); char *opcodestr; const char *p; startbuf = data; if (maxbuf <= data) return; switch (opcode) { case 0: opcodestr = "query"; break; case 5: opcodestr = "registration"; break; case 6: opcodestr = "release"; break; case 7: opcodestr = "wack"; break; case 8: opcodestr = "refresh(8)"; break; case 9: opcodestr = "refresh"; break; default: opcodestr = "unknown"; break; } printf("nbt-%s", opcodestr); if (response) { if (rcode) printf("-negative"); else printf("-positive"); printf("-resp"); } else printf("-req"); if (nm_flags&1) printf("-bcast"); if (vflag == 0) return; printf(" transid 0x%X opcode %d nmflags 0x%X rcode %d querycnt %d answercnt %d authoritycnt %d addrreccnt %d ", name_trn_id,opcode,nm_flags,rcode,qdcount,ancount,nscount,arcount); p = data + 12; { int total = ancount+nscount+arcount; int i; if (qdcount>100 || total>100) { printf("(corrupt packet?) "); return; } if (qdcount) { printf("question: "); for (i=0;i<qdcount;i++) p = fdata(p,"|name [n1] type [rw] class [rw] #",maxbuf); if (p == NULL) return; } if (total) { printf("rr: "); for (i=0;i<total;i++) { int rdlen; int restype; p = fdata(p,"name [n1] #",maxbuf); if (p == NULL) return; restype = RSVAL(p,0); p = fdata(p,"type [rw] class [rw] ttl [rD] ",p+8); if (p == NULL) return; rdlen = RSVAL(p,0); printf("len %d data ",rdlen); p += 2; if (rdlen == 6) { p = fdata(p,"addrtype [rw] addr [b.b.b.b] ",p+rdlen); if (p == NULL) return; } else { if (restype == 0x21) { int numnames = CVAL(p,0); p = fdata(p,"numnames [B] ",p+1); if (p == NULL) return; while (numnames--) { p = fdata(p,"name [n2] #",maxbuf); if (p[0] & 0x80) printf("<GROUP> "); switch (p[0] & 0x60) { case 0x00: printf("B "); break; case 0x20: printf("P "); break; case 0x40: printf("M "); break; case 0x60: printf("_ "); break; } if (p[0] & 0x10) printf("<DEREGISTERING> "); if (p[0] & 0x08) printf("<CONFLICT> "); if (p[0] & 0x04) printf("<ACTIVE> "); if (p[0] & 0x02) printf("<PERMANENT> "); p += 2; } } else p += rdlen; } } } } if ((uchar*)p < maxbuf) { fdata(p,"extra: ",maxbuf); } fflush(stdout); } /* print a NBT packet received across udp on port 138 */ void nbt_udp138_print(const uchar *data, int length) { const uchar *maxbuf = data + length; startbuf = data; if (maxbuf <= data) return; /* EMF - figure out how to skip fields inside maxbuf easily, IP and PORT here are bloody redundant */ data = fdata(data,"nbt res [rw] id [rw] ip [b.b.b.b] port [rd] len [rd] res2 [rw] srcname [n1] dstname [n1] #",maxbuf); if (data != NULL) print_smb(data,maxbuf); fflush(stdout); } /* print netbeui frames */ void netbeui_print(u_short control, const uchar *data, const uchar *maxbuf) { int len = SVAL(data,0); int command = CVAL(data,4); const uchar *data2 = data + len; int is_truncated = 0; if (data2 >= maxbuf) { data2 = maxbuf; is_truncated = 1; } startbuf = data; printf("NetBeui type 0x%X ", control); data = fdata(data,"len [d] signature [w] cmd [B] #",maxbuf); if (data == NULL) return; switch (command) { case 0xA: data = fdata(data,"namequery [P1] sessnum [B] nametype [B][P2] respcorrelator [w] dst [n2] src [n2] ",data2); break; case 0x8: data = fdata(data,"netbios dgram [P7] dst [n2] src [n2] ",data2); break; case 0xE: data = fdata(data,"namerecognize [P1] data2 [w] xmitcorrelator [w] respcorrelator [w] dst [n2] src [n2] ",data2); break; case 0x19: data = fdata(data,"sessinit data1 [B] data2 [w] xmitcorrelator [w] respcorrelator [w] remsessnum [B] lclsessnum [B] ",data2); break; case 0x17: data = fdata(data,"sessconf data1 [B] data2 [w] xmitcorrelator [w] respcorrelator [w] remsessnum [B] lclsessnum [B] ",data2); break; case 0x16: data = fdata(data,"netbios data only last flags [{|NO_ACK|PIGGYBACK_ACK_ALLOWED|PIGGYBACK_ACK_INCLUDED|}] resyncindicator [w][P2] respcorrelator [w] remsessnum [B] lclsessnum [B] ",data2); break; case 0x14: data = fdata(data,"netbios data ack [P3] xmitcorrelator [w][P2] remsessnum [B] lclsessnum [B] ",data2); break; case 0x18: data = fdata(data,"end session [P1] data2 [w][P4] remsessnum [B] lclsessnum [B] ",data2); break; case 0x1f: data = fdata(data,"session alive ",data2); break; default: data = fdata(data,"unknown netbios command ",data2); break; } if (data == NULL) return; if (is_truncated) { /* data2 was past the end of the buffer */ return; } if (memcmp(data2,"\377SMB",4)==0) { print_smb(data2,maxbuf); } else { int i; for (i=0;i<128;i++) { if (&data2[i] >= maxbuf) break; if (memcmp(&data2[i],"\377SMB",4)==0) { printf("smb @ %d", i); print_smb(&data2[i],maxbuf); break; } } } } /* print IPX-Netbios frames */ void ipx_netbios_print(const uchar *data, const uchar *maxbuf) { /* this is a hack till I work out how to parse the rest of the IPX stuff */ int i; startbuf = data; for (i=0;i<128;i++) if (memcmp(&data[i],"\377SMB",4)==0) { fdata(data,"IPX ",&data[i]); print_smb(&data[i],maxbuf); fflush(stdout); break; } if (i==128) fdata(data,"unknown IPX ",maxbuf); }