/* $Xorg: parse.c,v 1.6 2001/02/09 02:03:16 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /* Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* $XFree86: xc/config/makedepend/parse.c,v 1.14 2004/03/10 15:49:20 tsi Exp $ */ #include "def.h" extern char *directives[]; extern struct inclist inclist[ MAXFILES ], *inclistnext, maininclist; extern char *includedirs[ ], **includedirsnext; static int deftype (char *line, struct filepointer *filep, struct inclist *file_red, struct inclist *file, int parse_it); static int zero_value(char *filename, char *exp, struct filepointer *filep, struct inclist *file_red); static int merge2defines(struct inclist *file1, struct inclist *file2); static int gobble(struct filepointer *filep, struct inclist *file, struct inclist *file_red) { char *line; int type; while ((line = getnextline(filep))) { switch(type = deftype(line, filep, file_red, file, FALSE)) { case IF: case IFFALSE: case IFGUESSFALSE: case IFDEF: case IFNDEF: type = gobble(filep, file, file_red); while ((type == ELIF) || (type == ELIFFALSE) || (type == ELIFGUESSFALSE)) type = gobble(filep, file, file_red); if (type == ELSE) (void)gobble(filep, file, file_red); break; case ELSE: case ENDIF: debug(0,("%s, line %d: #%s\n", file->i_file, filep->f_line, directives[type])); return(type); case DEFINE: case UNDEF: case INCLUDE: case INCLUDEDOT: case PRAGMA: case ERROR: case IDENT: case SCCS: case EJECT: case WARNING: case INCLUDENEXT: case INCLUDENEXTDOT: break; case ELIF: case ELIFFALSE: case ELIFGUESSFALSE: return(type); case -1: warning("%s", file_red->i_file); if (file_red != file) warning1(" (reading %s)", file->i_file); warning1(", line %d: unknown directive == \"%s\"\n", filep->f_line, line); break; } } return(-1); } /* * Decide what type of # directive this line is. */ static int deftype (char *line, struct filepointer *filep, struct inclist *file_red, struct inclist *file, int parse_it) { register char *p; char *directive, savechar, *q; register int ret; /* * Parse the directive... */ directive=line+1; while (*directive == ' ' || *directive == '\t') directive++; p = directive; while ((*p == '_') || (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z')) p++; savechar = *p; *p = '\0'; ret = match(directive, directives); *p = savechar; /* If we don't recognize this compiler directive or we happen to just * be gobbling up text while waiting for an #endif or #elif or #else * in the case of an #elif we must check the zero_value and return an * ELIF or an ELIFFALSE. */ if (ret == ELIF && !parse_it) { while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; /* * parse an expression. */ debug(0,("%s, line %d: #elif %s ", file->i_file, filep->f_line, p)); ret = zero_value(file->i_file, p, filep, file_red); if (ret != IF) { debug(0,("false...\n")); if (ret == IFFALSE) return(ELIFFALSE); else return(ELIFGUESSFALSE); } else { debug(0,("true...\n")); return(ELIF); } } if (ret < 0 || ! parse_it) return(ret); /* * now decide how to parse the directive, and do it. */ while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; q = p + strlen(p); do { q--; } while (*q == ' ' || *q == '\t'); q[1] = '\0'; switch (ret) { case IF: /* * parse an expression. */ ret = zero_value(file->i_file, p, filep, file_red); debug(0,("%s, line %d: %s #if %s\n", file->i_file, filep->f_line, ret?"false":"true", p)); break; case IFDEF: case IFNDEF: debug(0,("%s, line %d: #%s %s\n", file->i_file, filep->f_line, directives[ret], p)); case UNDEF: /* * separate the name of a single symbol. */ while (isalnum(*p) || *p == '_') *line++ = *p++; *line = '\0'; break; case INCLUDE: case INCLUDENEXT: debug(2,("%s, line %d: #include%s %s\n", file->i_file, filep->f_line, (ret == INCLUDE) ? "" : "_next", p)); /* Support ANSI macro substitution */ while (1) { struct symtab **sym; if (!*p || *p == '"' || *p == '<') break; sym = isdefined(p, file_red, NULL); if (!sym) break; p = (*sym)->s_value; debug(3,("%s : #includes SYMBOL %s = %s\n", file->i_incstring, (*sym) -> s_name, (*sym) -> s_value)); /* mark file as having included a 'soft include' */ file->i_flags |= INCLUDED_SYM; } /* * Separate the name of the include file. */ while (*p && *p != '"' && *p != '<') p++; if (! *p) return(-2); if (*p++ == '"') { if (ret == INCLUDE) ret = INCLUDEDOT; else ret = INCLUDENEXTDOT; while (*p && *p != '"') *line++ = *p++; } else while (*p && *p != '>') *line++ = *p++; *line = '\0'; break; case DEFINE: /* * copy the definition back to the beginning of the line. */ strcpy (line, p); break; case ELSE: case ENDIF: case ELIF: case PRAGMA: case ERROR: case IDENT: case SCCS: case EJECT: case WARNING: debug(0,("%s, line %d: #%s\n", file->i_file, filep->f_line, directives[ret])); /* * nothing to do. */ break; } return(ret); } struct symtab ** fdefined(char *symbol, struct inclist *file, struct inclist **srcfile) { struct inclist **ip; struct symtab **val; int i; static int recurse_lvl = 0; if (file->i_flags & DEFCHECKED) return(NULL); debug(2,("Looking for %s in %s\n", symbol, file->i_file)); file->i_flags |= DEFCHECKED; if ((val = slookup(symbol, file))) debug(1,("%s defined in %s as %s\n", symbol, file->i_file, (*val)->s_value)); if (val == NULL && file->i_list) { for (ip = file->i_list, i=0; i < file->i_listlen; i++, ip++) if (file->i_merged[i]==FALSE) { val = fdefined(symbol, *ip, srcfile); file->i_merged[i]=merge2defines(file,*ip); if (val!=NULL) break; } } else if (val != NULL && srcfile != NULL) *srcfile = file; recurse_lvl--; file->i_flags &= ~DEFCHECKED; return(val); } struct symtab ** isdefined(char *symbol, struct inclist *file, struct inclist **srcfile) { struct symtab **val; if ((val = slookup(symbol, &maininclist))) { debug(1,("%s defined on command line\n", symbol)); if (srcfile != NULL) *srcfile = &maininclist; return(val); } if ((val = fdefined(symbol, file, srcfile))) return(val); debug(1,("%s not defined in %s\n", symbol, file->i_file)); return(NULL); } /* * Return type based on if the #if expression evaluates to 0 */ static int zero_value(char *filename, char *exp, struct filepointer *filep, struct inclist *file_red) { if (cppsetup(filename, exp, filep, file_red)) return(IFFALSE); else return(IF); } void define2(char *name, char *args, char *val, struct inclist *file) { int first, last, below; register struct symtab **sp = NULL, **dest; struct symtab *stab; /* Make space if it's needed */ if (file->i_defs == NULL) { file->i_defs = (struct symtab **) malloc(sizeof (struct symtab*) * SYMTABINC); file->i_ndefs = 0; } else if (!(file->i_ndefs % SYMTABINC)) file->i_defs = (struct symtab **) realloc(file->i_defs, sizeof(struct symtab*)*(file->i_ndefs+SYMTABINC)); if (file->i_defs == NULL) fatalerr("malloc()/realloc() failure in insert_defn()\n"); below = first = 0; last = file->i_ndefs - 1; while (last >= first) { /* Fast inline binary search */ register char *s1; register char *s2; register int middle = (first + last) / 2; /* Fast inline strchr() */ s1 = name; s2 = file->i_defs[middle]->s_name; while (*s1++ == *s2++) if (s2[-1] == '\0') break; /* If exact match, set sp and break */ if (*--s1 == *--s2) { sp = file->i_defs + middle; break; } /* If name > i_defs[middle] ... */ if (*s1 > *s2) { below = first; first = middle + 1; } /* else ... */ else { below = last = middle - 1; } } /* Search is done. If we found an exact match to the symbol name, just replace its s_args and s_value if they are changed */ if (sp != NULL) { debug(1,("redefining %s from %s to %s in file %s\n", name, (*sp)->s_value, val, file->i_file)); if ( (*sp)->s_args ) free((*sp)->s_args); if (args) (*sp)->s_args = copy(args); else (*sp)->s_args = NULL; free((*sp)->s_value); (*sp)->s_value = copy(val); return; } sp = file->i_defs + file->i_ndefs++; dest = file->i_defs + below + 1; while (sp > dest) { *sp = sp[-1]; sp--; } stab = (struct symtab *) malloc(sizeof (struct symtab)); if (stab == NULL) fatalerr("malloc()/realloc() failure in insert_defn()\n"); debug(1,("defining %s to %s in file %s\n", name, val, file->i_file)); stab->s_name = copy(name); if (args) stab->s_args = copy(args); else stab->s_args = NULL; stab->s_value = copy(val); *sp = stab; } void define(char *def, struct inclist *file) { #define S_ARGS_BUFLEN 1024 /* we dont expect too much macro parameters usage */ static char args[S_ARGS_BUFLEN]; char *val; char *p_args = args; int fix_args = 0, var_args = 0, loop = 1; char *p_tmp; args[0] = '\0'; /* Separate symbol name and its value */ val = def; while (isalnum(*val) || *val == '_') val++; if (*val == '(') /* is this macro definition with parameters? */ { *val++ = '\0'; do /* parse the parametere list */ { while (*val == ' ' || *val == '\t') val++; /* extract next parameter name */ if (*val == '.') { /* it should be the var-args parameter: "..." */ var_args++; p_tmp = p_args; while (*val == '.') { *p_args++ = *val++; if (p_args >= &args[S_ARGS_BUFLEN-1]) fatalerr("args buffer full failure in insert_defn()\n"); } *p_args = '\0'; if (strcmp(p_tmp,"...")!=0) { fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized qualifier, should be \"...\" for-args\n"); } } else { /* regular parameter name */ fix_args++; while (isalnum(*val) || *val == '_') { *p_args++ = *val++; if (p_args >= &args[S_ARGS_BUFLEN-1]) fatalerr("args buffer full failure in insert_defn()\n"); } } while (*val == ' ' || *val == '\t') val++; if (*val == ',') { if (var_args) { fprintf(stderr, "there are more arguments after the first var-args qualifier\n"); } *p_args++ = ','; /* we are using the , as a reserved char */ if (p_args >= &args[S_ARGS_BUFLEN-1]) fatalerr("args buffer full failure in insert_defn()\n"); val++; } else if (*val == ')') { *p_args = '\0'; val++; loop=0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "trailing ) on macro arguments missing\n"); loop=0; } } while (loop); } if (*val) *val++ = '\0'; while (*val == ' ' || *val == '\t') val++; if (!*val) /* define statements without a value will get a value of 1 */ val = "1"; if (args && (strlen(args)>0)) define2(def, args, val, file); else define2(def, NULL, val, file); } struct symtab ** slookup(char *symbol, struct inclist *file) { register int first = 0; register int last = file->i_ndefs - 1; if (file) while (last >= first) { /* Fast inline binary search */ register char *s1; register char *s2; register int middle = (first + last) / 2; /* Fast inline strchr() */ s1 = symbol; s2 = file->i_defs[middle]->s_name; while (*s1++ == *s2++) if (s2[-1] == '\0') break; /* If exact match, we're done */ if (*--s1 == *--s2) { return file->i_defs + middle; } /* If symbol > i_defs[middle] ... */ if (*s1 > *s2) { first = middle + 1; } /* else ... */ else { last = middle - 1; } } return(NULL); } static int merge2defines(struct inclist *file1, struct inclist *file2) { int i; if ((file1==NULL) || (file2==NULL) || !(file2->i_flags & FINISHED)) return 0; for (i=0; i < file2->i_listlen; i++) if (file2->i_merged[i]==FALSE) return 0; { /* local var encapsulation */ int first1 = 0; int last1 = file1->i_ndefs - 1; int first2 = 0; int last2 = file2->i_ndefs - 1; int first=0; struct symtab** i_defs = NULL; int deflen=file1->i_ndefs+file2->i_ndefs; debug(2,("merging %s into %s\n", file2->i_file, file1->i_file)); if (deflen>0) { /* make sure deflen % SYMTABINC == 0 is still true */ deflen += (SYMTABINC - deflen % SYMTABINC) % SYMTABINC; i_defs=(struct symtab**) malloc(deflen*sizeof(struct symtab*)); if (i_defs==NULL) return 0; } while ((last1 >= first1) && (last2 >= first2)) { char *s1=file1->i_defs[first1]->s_name; char *s2=file2->i_defs[first2]->s_name; if (strcmp(s1,s2) < 0) i_defs[first++]=file1->i_defs[first1++]; else if (strcmp(s1,s2) > 0) i_defs[first++]=file2->i_defs[first2++]; else /* equal */ { i_defs[first++]=file2->i_defs[first2++]; first1++; } } while (last1 >= first1) { i_defs[first++]=file1->i_defs[first1++]; } while (last2 >= first2) { i_defs[first++]=file2->i_defs[first2++]; } if (file1->i_defs) free(file1->i_defs); file1->i_defs=i_defs; file1->i_ndefs=first; return 1; } } void undefine(char *symbol, struct inclist *file) { register struct symtab **ptr; struct inclist *srcfile; while ((ptr = isdefined(symbol, file, &srcfile)) != NULL) { srcfile->i_ndefs--; for (; ptr < srcfile->i_defs + srcfile->i_ndefs; ptr++) *ptr = ptr[1]; } } int find_includes(struct filepointer *filep, struct inclist *file, struct inclist *file_red, int recursion, boolean failOK) { struct inclist *inclistp; char **includedirsp; register char *line; register int type; boolean recfailOK; while ((line = getnextline(filep))) { switch(type = deftype(line, filep, file_red, file, TRUE)) { case IF: doif: type = find_includes(filep, file, file_red, recursion+1, failOK); while ((type == ELIF) || (type == ELIFFALSE) || (type == ELIFGUESSFALSE)) type = gobble(filep, file, file_red); if (type == ELSE) gobble(filep, file, file_red); break; case IFFALSE: case IFGUESSFALSE: doiffalse: if (type == IFGUESSFALSE || type == ELIFGUESSFALSE) recfailOK = TRUE; else recfailOK = failOK; type = gobble(filep, file, file_red); if (type == ELSE) find_includes(filep, file, file_red, recursion+1, recfailOK); else if (type == ELIF) goto doif; else if ((type == ELIFFALSE) || (type == ELIFGUESSFALSE)) goto doiffalse; break; case IFDEF: case IFNDEF: { int isdef = (isdefined(line, file_red, NULL) != NULL); if (type == IFNDEF) isdef = !isdef; if (isdef) { debug(1,(type == IFNDEF ? "line %d: %s !def'd in %s via %s%s\n" : "", filep->f_line, line, file->i_file, file_red->i_file, ": doit")); type = find_includes(filep, file, file_red, recursion+1, failOK); while (type == ELIF || type == ELIFFALSE || type == ELIFGUESSFALSE) type = gobble(filep, file, file_red); if (type == ELSE) gobble(filep, file, file_red); } else { debug(1,(type == IFDEF ? "line %d: %s !def'd in %s via %s%s\n" : "", filep->f_line, line, file->i_file, file_red->i_file, ": gobble")); type = gobble(filep, file, file_red); if (type == ELSE) find_includes(filep, file, file_red, recursion+1, failOK); else if (type == ELIF) goto doif; else if (type == ELIFFALSE || type == ELIFGUESSFALSE) goto doiffalse; } } break; case ELSE: case ELIFFALSE: case ELIFGUESSFALSE: case ELIF: if (!recursion) gobble(filep, file, file_red); case ENDIF: if (recursion) return(type); case DEFINE: define(line, file); break; case UNDEF: if (!*line) { warning("%s", file_red->i_file); if (file_red != file) warning1(" (reading %s)", file->i_file); warning1(", line %d: incomplete undef == \"%s\"\n", filep->f_line, line); break; } undefine(line, file_red); break; case INCLUDE: case INCLUDEDOT: case INCLUDENEXT: case INCLUDENEXTDOT: inclistp = inclistnext; includedirsp = includedirsnext; debug(2,("%s, reading %s, includes %s\n", file_red->i_file, file->i_file, line)); add_include(filep, file, file_red, line, type, failOK); inclistnext = inclistp; includedirsnext = includedirsp; break; case ERROR: case WARNING: warning("%s", file_red->i_file); if (file_red != file) warning1(" (reading %s)", file->i_file); warning1(", line %d: %s\n", filep->f_line, line); break; case PRAGMA: case IDENT: case SCCS: case EJECT: break; case -1: warning("%s", file_red->i_file); if (file_red != file) warning1(" (reading %s)", file->i_file); warning1(", line %d: unknown directive == \"%s\"\n", filep->f_line, line); break; case -2: warning("%s", file_red->i_file); if (file_red != file) warning1(" (reading %s)", file->i_file); warning1(", line %d: incomplete include == \"%s\"\n", filep->f_line, line); break; } } file->i_flags |= FINISHED; debug(2,("finished with %s\n", file->i_file)); return(-1); }