path: root/xserver/Xext/mbuf.c
diff options
authorMatthieu Herrb <>2006-11-26 18:19:47 +0000
committerMatthieu Herrb <>2006-11-26 18:19:47 +0000
commit04f51aaa1f5b0cac419d2891812446c790b9c581 (patch)
tree7d104a653aff8d7488bc039ba435118115c18807 /xserver/Xext/mbuf.c
parent4a168ba45f33263ee86fc398ff32f108cffb1330 (diff)
Importing xserver from X.Org 7.2RC2
Diffstat (limited to 'xserver/Xext/mbuf.c')
1 files changed, 1781 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xserver/Xext/mbuf.c b/xserver/Xext/mbuf.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0361dda4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xserver/Xext/mbuf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1781 @@
+Copyright 1989, 1998 The Open Group
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
+used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
+in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
+#define NEED_EVENTS
+#include <dix-config.h>
+#include <X11/X.h>
+#include <X11/Xproto.h>
+#include "window.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#include "windowstr.h"
+#include "scrnintstr.h"
+#include "pixmapstr.h"
+#include "gcstruct.h"
+#include "extnsionst.h"
+#include "dixstruct.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "opaque.h"
+#include "sleepuntil.h"
+#define _MULTIBUF_SERVER_ /* don't want Xlib structures */
+#include <X11/extensions/multibufst.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(Lynx)
+#include <sys/time.h>
+/* given an OtherClientPtr obj, get the ClientPtr */
+#define rClient(obj) (clients[CLIENT_ID((obj)->resource)])
+/* given a MultibufferPtr b, get the ClientPtr */
+#define bClient(b) (clients[CLIENT_ID(b->pPixmap->])
+#define ValidEventMasks (ExposureMask|MultibufferClobberNotifyMask|MultibufferUpdateNotifyMask)
+#if 0
+static unsigned char MultibufferReqCode;
+static int MultibufferEventBase;
+static int MultibufferErrorBase;
+int MultibufferScreenIndex = -1;
+int MultibufferWindowIndex = -1;
+static void PerformDisplayRequest (
+ MultibuffersPtr * /* ppMultibuffers */,
+ MultibufferPtr * /* pMultibuffer */,
+ int /* nbuf */
+ );
+static Bool QueueDisplayRequest (
+ ClientPtr /* client */,
+ TimeStamp /* activateTime */
+ );
+static void BumpTimeStamp (
+ TimeStamp * /* ts */,
+ CARD32 /* inc */
+ );
+static void AliasMultibuffer (
+ MultibuffersPtr /* pMultibuffers */,
+ int /* i */
+ );
+static void RecalculateMultibufferOtherEvents (
+ MultibufferPtr /* pMultibuffer */
+ );
+static int EventSelectForMultibuffer(
+ MultibufferPtr /* pMultibuffer */,
+ ClientPtr /* client */,
+ Mask /* mask */
+ );
+ * The Pixmap associated with a buffer can be found as a resource
+ * with this type
+ */
+RESTYPE MultibufferDrawableResType;
+static int MultibufferDrawableDelete (
+ pointer /* value */,
+ XID /* id */
+ );
+ * The per-buffer data can be found as a resource with this type.
+ * the resource id of the per-buffer data is the same as the resource
+ * id of the pixmap
+ */
+static RESTYPE MultibufferResType;
+static int MultibufferDelete (
+ pointer /* value */,
+ XID /* id */
+ );
+ * The per-window data can be found as a resource with this type,
+ * using the window resource id
+ */
+static RESTYPE MultibuffersResType;
+static int MultibuffersDelete (
+ pointer /* value */,
+ XID /* id */
+ );
+ * Clients other than the buffer creator attach event masks in
+ * OtherClient structures; each has a resource of this type.
+ */
+static RESTYPE OtherClientResType;
+static int OtherClientDelete (
+ pointer /* value */,
+ XID /* id */
+ );
+ * MultibufferExtensionInit
+ *
+ * Called from InitExtensions in main()
+ *
+ ****************/
+extern DISPATCH_PROC(ProcGetBufferAttributes);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcClearImageBufferArea);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcCreateImageBuffers);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDestroyImageBuffers);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcDisplayImageBuffers);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcGetBufferInfo);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcGetBufferVersion);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcGetMBufferAttributes);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcMultibufferDispatch);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcSetBufferAttributes);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(ProcSetMBufferAttributes);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcClearImageBufferArea);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcCreateImageBuffers);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDestroyImageBuffers);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcDisplayImageBuffers);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcGetBufferAttributes);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcGetBufferInfo);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcGetBufferVersion);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcGetMBufferAttributes);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcMultibufferDispatch);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcSetBufferAttributes);
+static DISPATCH_PROC(SProcSetMBufferAttributes);
+static void MultibufferResetProc(
+ ExtensionEntry * /* extEntry */
+ );
+static void SClobberNotifyEvent(
+ xMbufClobberNotifyEvent * /* from */,
+ xMbufClobberNotifyEvent * /* to */
+ );
+static void SUpdateNotifyEvent(
+ xMbufUpdateNotifyEvent * /* from */,
+ xMbufUpdateNotifyEvent * /* to */
+ );
+static Bool MultibufferPositionWindow(
+ WindowPtr /* pWin */,
+ int /* x */,
+ int /* y */
+ );
+static void SetupBackgroundPainter (
+ WindowPtr /* pWin */,
+ GCPtr /* pGC */
+ );
+static int DeliverEventsToMultibuffer (
+ MultibufferPtr /* pMultibuffer */,
+ xEvent * /* pEvents */,
+ int /* count */,
+ Mask /* filter */
+ );
+ ExtensionEntry *extEntry;
+ int i, j;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ MultibufferScreenPtr pMultibufferScreen;
+ /*
+ * allocate private pointers in windows and screens. Allocating
+ * window privates may seem like an unnecessary expense, but every
+ * PositionWindow call must check to see if the window is
+ * multi-buffered; a resource lookup is too expensive.
+ */
+ MultibufferScreenIndex = AllocateScreenPrivateIndex ();
+ if (MultibufferScreenIndex < 0)
+ return;
+ MultibufferWindowIndex = AllocateWindowPrivateIndex ();
+ for (i = 0; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++)
+ {
+ pScreen = screenInfo.screens[i];
+ if (!AllocateWindowPrivate (pScreen, MultibufferWindowIndex, 0) ||
+ !(pMultibufferScreen = (MultibufferScreenPtr) xalloc (sizeof (MultibufferScreenRec))))
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
+ xfree (screenInfo.screens[j]->devPrivates[MultibufferScreenIndex].ptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ pScreen->devPrivates[MultibufferScreenIndex].ptr = (pointer) pMultibufferScreen;
+ /*
+ * wrap PositionWindow to resize the pixmap when the window
+ * changes size
+ */
+ pMultibufferScreen->PositionWindow = pScreen->PositionWindow;
+ pScreen->PositionWindow = MultibufferPositionWindow;
+ }
+ /*
+ * create the resource types
+ */
+ MultibufferDrawableResType =
+ CreateNewResourceType(MultibufferDrawableDelete)|RC_CACHED|RC_DRAWABLE;
+ MultibufferResType = CreateNewResourceType(MultibufferDelete);
+ MultibuffersResType = CreateNewResourceType(MultibuffersDelete);
+ OtherClientResType = CreateNewResourceType(OtherClientDelete);
+ if (MultibufferDrawableResType && MultibufferResType &&
+ MultibuffersResType && OtherClientResType &&
+ (extEntry = AddExtension(MULTIBUFFER_PROTOCOL_NAME,
+ MultibufferNumberEvents,
+ MultibufferNumberErrors,
+ ProcMultibufferDispatch, SProcMultibufferDispatch,
+ MultibufferResetProc, StandardMinorOpcode)))
+ {
+#if 0
+ MultibufferReqCode = (unsigned char)extEntry->base;
+ MultibufferEventBase = extEntry->eventBase;
+ MultibufferErrorBase = extEntry->errorBase;
+ EventSwapVector[MultibufferEventBase + MultibufferClobberNotify] = (EventSwapPtr) SClobberNotifyEvent;
+ EventSwapVector[MultibufferEventBase + MultibufferUpdateNotify] = (EventSwapPtr) SUpdateNotifyEvent;
+ }
+static void
+MultibufferResetProc (extEntry)
+ExtensionEntry *extEntry;
+ int i;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ MultibufferScreenPtr pMultibufferScreen;
+ if (MultibufferScreenIndex < 0)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++)
+ {
+ pScreen = screenInfo.screens[i];
+ if (pScreen->devPrivates[MultibufferScreenIndex].ptr)
+ {
+ pMultibufferScreen = (MultibufferScreenPtr) pScreen->devPrivates[MultibufferScreenIndex].ptr;
+ pScreen->PositionWindow = pMultibufferScreen->PositionWindow;
+ xfree (pMultibufferScreen);
+ }
+ }
+static int
+ProcGetBufferVersion (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ xMbufGetBufferVersionReply rep;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xMbufGetBufferVersionReq);
+ rep.type = X_Reply;
+ rep.length = 0;
+ rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
+ if (client->swapped) {
+ swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n);
+ swapl(&rep.length, n);
+ }
+ WriteToClient(client, sizeof (xMbufGetBufferVersionReply), (char *)&rep);
+ return (client->noClientException);
+static void
+SetupBackgroundPainter (pWin, pGC)
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ GCPtr pGC;
+ pointer gcvalues[4];
+ int ts_x_origin, ts_y_origin;
+ PixUnion background;
+ int backgroundState;
+ Mask gcmask;
+ /*
+ * First take care of any ParentRelative stuff by altering the
+ * tile/stipple origin to match the coordinates of the upper-left
+ * corner of the first ancestor without a ParentRelative background.
+ * This coordinate is, of course, negative.
+ */
+ ts_x_origin = ts_y_origin = 0;
+ while (pWin->backgroundState == ParentRelative) {
+ ts_x_origin -= pWin->origin.x;
+ ts_y_origin -= pWin->origin.y;
+ pWin = pWin->parent;
+ }
+ backgroundState = pWin->backgroundState;
+ background = pWin->background;
+ switch (backgroundState)
+ {
+ case BackgroundPixel:
+ gcvalues[0] = (pointer) background.pixel;
+ gcvalues[1] = (pointer) FillSolid;
+ gcmask = GCForeground|GCFillStyle;
+ break;
+ case BackgroundPixmap:
+ gcvalues[0] = (pointer) FillTiled;
+ gcvalues[1] = (pointer) background.pixmap;
+ gcvalues[2] = (pointer)(long) ts_x_origin;
+ gcvalues[3] = (pointer)(long) ts_y_origin;
+ gcmask = GCFillStyle|GCTile|GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin;
+ break;
+ default:
+ gcvalues[0] = (pointer) GXnoop;
+ gcmask = GCFunction;
+ }
+ DoChangeGC(pGC, gcmask, (XID *)gcvalues, TRUE);
+CreateImageBuffers (pWin, nbuf, ids, action, hint)
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ int nbuf;
+ XID *ids;
+ int action;
+ int hint;
+ MultibuffersPtr pMultibuffers;
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ int width, height, depth;
+ int i;
+ GCPtr pClearGC = NULL;
+ xRectangle clearRect;
+ DestroyImageBuffers(pWin);
+ pMultibuffers = (MultibuffersPtr) xalloc (sizeof (MultibuffersRec) +
+ nbuf * sizeof (MultibufferRec));
+ if (!pMultibuffers)
+ return BadAlloc;
+ pMultibuffers->pWindow = pWin;
+ pMultibuffers->buffers = (MultibufferPtr) (pMultibuffers + 1);
+ pMultibuffers->refcnt = pMultibuffers->numMultibuffer = 0;
+ if (!AddResource (pWin->, MultibuffersResType, (pointer) pMultibuffers))
+ return BadAlloc;
+ width = pWin->drawable.width;
+ height = pWin->drawable.height;
+ depth = pWin->drawable.depth;
+ pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
+ if (pWin->backgroundState != None)
+ {
+ pClearGC = GetScratchGC (pWin->drawable.depth, pScreen);
+ SetupBackgroundPainter (pWin, pClearGC);
+ clearRect.x = clearRect.y = 0;
+ clearRect.width = width;
+ clearRect.height = height;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++)
+ {
+ pMultibuffer = &pMultibuffers->buffers[i];
+ pMultibuffer->eventMask = 0L;
+ pMultibuffer->otherEventMask = 0L;
+ pMultibuffer->otherClients = (OtherClientsPtr) NULL;
+ pMultibuffer->number = i;
+ pMultibuffer->side = MultibufferSideMono;
+ pMultibuffer->clobber = MultibufferUnclobbered;
+ pMultibuffer->pMultibuffers = pMultibuffers;
+ if (!AddResource (ids[i], MultibufferResType, (pointer) pMultibuffer))
+ break;
+ pMultibuffer->pPixmap = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, width, height, depth);
+ if (!pMultibuffer->pPixmap)
+ break;
+ if (!AddResource (ids[i], MultibufferDrawableResType, (pointer) pMultibuffer->pPixmap))
+ {
+ FreeResource (ids[i], MultibufferResType);
+ (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pMultibuffer->pPixmap);
+ break;
+ }
+ pMultibuffer->pPixmap-> = ids[i];
+ if (i > 0 && pClearGC)
+ {
+ ValidateGC((DrawablePtr)pMultibuffer->pPixmap, pClearGC);
+ (*pClearGC->ops->PolyFillRect)((DrawablePtr)pMultibuffer->pPixmap,
+ pClearGC, 1, &clearRect);
+ }
+ }
+ pMultibuffers->numMultibuffer = i;
+ pMultibuffers->refcnt = i;
+ pMultibuffers->displayedMultibuffer = -1;
+ if (i > 0)
+ AliasMultibuffer (pMultibuffers, 0);
+ pMultibuffers->updateAction = action;
+ pMultibuffers->updateHint = hint;
+ pMultibuffers->windowMode = MultibufferModeMono;
+ pMultibuffers->lastUpdate.months = 0;
+ pMultibuffers->lastUpdate.milliseconds = 0;
+ pMultibuffers->width = width;
+ pMultibuffers->height = height;
+ pWin->devPrivates[MultibufferWindowIndex].ptr = (pointer) pMultibuffers;
+ if (pClearGC) FreeScratchGC(pClearGC);
+ return Success;
+static int
+ProcCreateImageBuffers (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xMbufCreateImageBuffersReq);
+ xMbufCreateImageBuffersReply rep;
+ register int n;
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ XID *ids;
+ int len, nbuf;
+ int i;
+ int err;
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE (xMbufCreateImageBuffersReq);
+ len = stuff->length - (sizeof(xMbufCreateImageBuffersReq) >> 2);
+ if (len == 0)
+ return BadLength;
+ if (!(pWin = LookupWindow (stuff->window, client)))
+ return BadWindow;
+ if (pWin->drawable.class == InputOnly)
+ return BadMatch;
+ switch (stuff->updateAction)
+ {
+ case MultibufferUpdateActionUndefined:
+ case MultibufferUpdateActionBackground:
+ case MultibufferUpdateActionUntouched:
+ case MultibufferUpdateActionCopied:
+ break;
+ default:
+ client->errorValue = stuff->updateAction;
+ return BadValue;
+ }
+ switch (stuff->updateHint)
+ {
+ case MultibufferUpdateHintFrequent:
+ case MultibufferUpdateHintIntermittent:
+ case MultibufferUpdateHintStatic:
+ break;
+ default:
+ client->errorValue = stuff->updateHint;
+ return BadValue;
+ }
+ nbuf = len;
+ ids = (XID *) &stuff[1];
+ for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++)
+ {
+ LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(ids[i], client);
+ }
+ err = CreateImageBuffers (pWin, nbuf, ids,
+ stuff->updateAction, stuff->updateHint);
+ if (err != Success)
+ return err;
+ rep.type = X_Reply;
+ rep.length = 0;
+ rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
+ rep.numberBuffer = ((MultibuffersPtr) (pWin->devPrivates[MultibufferWindowIndex].ptr))->numMultibuffer;
+ if (client->swapped)
+ {
+ swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n);
+ swapl(&rep.length, n);
+ swaps(&rep.numberBuffer, n);
+ }
+ WriteToClient(client, sizeof (xMbufCreateImageBuffersReply), (char*)&rep);
+ return (client->noClientException);
+static int
+ProcDisplayImageBuffers (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xMbufDisplayImageBuffersReq);
+ MultibufferPtr *pMultibuffer;
+ MultibuffersPtr *ppMultibuffers;
+ int nbuf;
+ XID *ids;
+ int i, j;
+ CARD32 minDelay;
+ TimeStamp activateTime, bufferTime;
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE (xMbufDisplayImageBuffersReq);
+ nbuf = stuff->length - (sizeof (xMbufDisplayImageBuffersReq) >> 2);
+ if (!nbuf)
+ return Success;
+ minDelay = stuff->minDelay;
+ ids = (XID *) &stuff[1];
+ ppMultibuffers = (MultibuffersPtr *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL(nbuf * sizeof (MultibuffersPtr));
+ pMultibuffer = (MultibufferPtr *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL(nbuf * sizeof (MultibufferPtr));
+ if (!ppMultibuffers || !pMultibuffer)
+ {
+ if (ppMultibuffers) DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ppMultibuffers);
+ if (pMultibuffer) DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(pMultibuffer);
+ client->errorValue = 0;
+ return BadAlloc;
+ }
+ activateTime.months = 0;
+ activateTime.milliseconds = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++)
+ {
+ pMultibuffer[i] = (MultibufferPtr) LookupIDByType (ids[i],
+ if (!pMultibuffer[i])
+ {
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ppMultibuffers);
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(pMultibuffer);
+ client->errorValue = ids[i];
+ return MultibufferErrorBase + MultibufferBadBuffer;
+ }
+ ppMultibuffers[i] = pMultibuffer[i]->pMultibuffers;
+ for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
+ {
+ if (ppMultibuffers[i] == ppMultibuffers[j])
+ {
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ppMultibuffers);
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(pMultibuffer);
+ client->errorValue = ids[i];
+ return BadMatch;
+ }
+ }
+ bufferTime = ppMultibuffers[i]->lastUpdate;
+ BumpTimeStamp (&bufferTime, minDelay);
+ if (CompareTimeStamps (bufferTime, activateTime) == LATER)
+ activateTime = bufferTime;
+ }
+ UpdateCurrentTime ();
+ if (CompareTimeStamps (activateTime, currentTime) == LATER &&
+ QueueDisplayRequest (client, activateTime))
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ else
+ PerformDisplayRequest (ppMultibuffers, pMultibuffer, nbuf);
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ppMultibuffers);
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(pMultibuffer);
+ return Success;
+static int
+ProcDestroyImageBuffers (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST (xMbufDestroyImageBuffersReq);
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xMbufDestroyImageBuffersReq);
+ if (!(pWin = LookupWindow (stuff->window, client)))
+ return BadWindow;
+ DestroyImageBuffers (pWin);
+ return Success;
+static int
+ProcSetMBufferAttributes (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST (xMbufSetMBufferAttributesReq);
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ MultibuffersPtr pMultibuffers;
+ int len;
+ Mask vmask;
+ Mask index2;
+ CARD32 updateHint;
+ XID *vlist;
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE (xMbufSetMBufferAttributesReq);
+ pWin = LookupWindow (stuff->window, client);
+ if (!pWin)
+ return BadWindow;
+ pMultibuffers = (MultibuffersPtr)LookupIDByType (pWin->, MultibuffersResType);
+ if (!pMultibuffers)
+ return BadMatch;
+ len = stuff->length - (sizeof (xMbufSetMBufferAttributesReq) >> 2);
+ vmask = stuff->valueMask;
+ if (len != Ones (vmask))
+ return BadLength;
+ vlist = (XID *) &stuff[1];
+ while (vmask)
+ {
+ index2 = (Mask) lowbit (vmask);
+ vmask &= ~index2;
+ switch (index2)
+ {
+ case MultibufferWindowUpdateHint:
+ updateHint = (CARD32) *vlist;
+ switch (updateHint)
+ {
+ case MultibufferUpdateHintFrequent:
+ case MultibufferUpdateHintIntermittent:
+ case MultibufferUpdateHintStatic:
+ pMultibuffers->updateHint = updateHint;
+ break;
+ default:
+ client->errorValue = updateHint;
+ return BadValue;
+ }
+ vlist++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ client->errorValue = stuff->valueMask;
+ return BadValue;
+ }
+ }
+ return Success;
+static int
+ProcGetMBufferAttributes (client)
+ ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST (xMbufGetMBufferAttributesReq);
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ MultibuffersPtr pMultibuffers;
+ XID *ids;
+ xMbufGetMBufferAttributesReply rep;
+ int i, n;
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xMbufGetMBufferAttributesReq);
+ pWin = LookupWindow (stuff->window, client);
+ if (!pWin)
+ return BadWindow;
+ pMultibuffers = (MultibuffersPtr)LookupIDByType (pWin->, MultibuffersResType);
+ if (!pMultibuffers)
+ return BadAccess;
+ ids = (XID *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL (pMultibuffers->numMultibuffer * sizeof (XID));
+ if (!ids)
+ return BadAlloc;
+ for (i = 0; i < pMultibuffers->numMultibuffer; i++)
+ ids[i] = pMultibuffers->buffers[i].pPixmap->;
+ rep.type = X_Reply;
+ rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
+ rep.length = pMultibuffers->numMultibuffer;
+ rep.displayedBuffer = pMultibuffers->displayedMultibuffer;
+ rep.updateAction = pMultibuffers->updateAction;
+ rep.updateHint = pMultibuffers->updateHint;
+ rep.windowMode = pMultibuffers->windowMode;
+ if (client->swapped)
+ {
+ swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n);
+ swapl(&rep.length, n);
+ swaps(&rep.displayedBuffer, n);
+ SwapLongs (ids, pMultibuffers->numMultibuffer);
+ }
+ WriteToClient (client, sizeof(xMbufGetMBufferAttributesReply),
+ (char *)&rep);
+ WriteToClient (client, (int)(pMultibuffers->numMultibuffer * sizeof (XID)),
+ (char *)ids);
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL((pointer) ids);
+ return client->noClientException;
+static int
+ProcSetBufferAttributes (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xMbufSetBufferAttributesReq);
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ int len;
+ Mask vmask, index2;
+ XID *vlist;
+ Mask eventMask;
+ int result;
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE (xMbufSetBufferAttributesReq);
+ pMultibuffer = (MultibufferPtr) LookupIDByType (stuff->buffer, MultibufferResType);
+ if (!pMultibuffer)
+ return MultibufferErrorBase + MultibufferBadBuffer;
+ len = stuff->length - (sizeof (xMbufSetBufferAttributesReq) >> 2);
+ vmask = stuff->valueMask;
+ if (len != Ones (vmask))
+ return BadLength;
+ vlist = (XID *) &stuff[1];
+ while (vmask)
+ {
+ index2 = (Mask) lowbit (vmask);
+ vmask &= ~index2;
+ switch (index2)
+ {
+ case MultibufferBufferEventMask:
+ eventMask = (Mask) *vlist;
+ vlist++;
+ result = EventSelectForMultibuffer (pMultibuffer, client, eventMask);
+ if (result != Success)
+ return result;
+ break;
+ default:
+ client->errorValue = stuff->valueMask;
+ return BadValue;
+ }
+ }
+ return Success;
+ProcGetBufferAttributes (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xMbufGetBufferAttributesReq);
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ xMbufGetBufferAttributesReply rep;
+ OtherClientsPtr other;
+ int n;
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xMbufGetBufferAttributesReq);
+ pMultibuffer = (MultibufferPtr) LookupIDByType (stuff->buffer, MultibufferResType);
+ if (!pMultibuffer)
+ return MultibufferErrorBase + MultibufferBadBuffer;
+ rep.type = X_Reply;
+ rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
+ rep.length = 0;
+ rep.window = pMultibuffer->pMultibuffers->pWindow->;
+ if (bClient (pMultibuffer) == client)
+ rep.eventMask = pMultibuffer->eventMask;
+ else
+ {
+ rep.eventMask = (Mask) 0L;
+ for (other = pMultibuffer->otherClients; other; other = other->next)
+ if (SameClient (other, client))
+ {
+ rep.eventMask = other->mask;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ rep.bufferIndex = pMultibuffer->number;
+ rep.side = pMultibuffer->side;
+ if (client->swapped)
+ {
+ swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n);
+ swapl(&rep.length, n);
+ swapl(&rep.window, n);
+ swapl(&rep.eventMask, n);
+ swaps(&rep.bufferIndex, n);
+ }
+ WriteToClient(client, sizeof (xMbufGetBufferAttributesReply), (char *)&rep);
+ return (client->noClientException);
+static int
+ProcGetBufferInfo (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST (xMbufGetBufferInfoReq);
+ DrawablePtr pDrawable;
+ xMbufGetBufferInfoReply rep;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ int i, j, k;
+ int n;
+ xMbufBufferInfo *pInfo;
+ int nInfo;
+ DepthPtr pDepth;
+ pDrawable = (DrawablePtr) LookupDrawable (stuff->drawable, client);
+ if (!pDrawable)
+ return BadDrawable;
+ pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen;
+ nInfo = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numDepths; i++)
+ {
+ pDepth = &pScreen->allowedDepths[i];
+ nInfo += pDepth->numVids;
+ }
+ pInfo = (xMbufBufferInfo *)
+ ALLOCATE_LOCAL (nInfo * sizeof (xMbufBufferInfo));
+ if (!pInfo)
+ return BadAlloc;
+ rep.type = X_Reply;
+ rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
+ rep.length = nInfo * (sizeof (xMbufBufferInfo) >> 2);
+ rep.normalInfo = nInfo;
+ rep.stereoInfo = 0;
+ if (client->swapped)
+ {
+ swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber, n);
+ swapl(&rep.length, n);
+ swaps(&rep.normalInfo, n);
+ swaps(&rep.stereoInfo, n);
+ }
+ k = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numDepths; i++)
+ {
+ pDepth = &pScreen->allowedDepths[i];
+ for (j = 0; j < pDepth->numVids; j++)
+ {
+ pInfo[k].visualID = pDepth->vids[j];
+ pInfo[k].maxBuffers = 0;
+ pInfo[k].depth = pDepth->depth;
+ if (client->swapped)
+ {
+ swapl (&pInfo[k].visualID, n);
+ swaps (&pInfo[k].maxBuffers, n);
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ }
+ WriteToClient (client, sizeof (xMbufGetBufferInfoReply), (pointer) &rep);
+ WriteToClient (client, (int) nInfo * sizeof (xMbufBufferInfo), (pointer) pInfo);
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL ((pointer) pInfo);
+ return client->noClientException;
+static int
+ProcClearImageBufferArea (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST (xMbufClearImageBufferAreaReq);
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ xRectangle clearRect;
+ int width, height;
+ DrawablePtr pDrawable;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xMbufClearImageBufferAreaReq);
+ pMultibuffer = (MultibufferPtr) LookupIDByType (stuff->buffer, MultibufferResType);
+ if (!pMultibuffer)
+ return MultibufferErrorBase + MultibufferBadBuffer;
+ if ((stuff->exposures != xTrue) && (stuff->exposures != xFalse))
+ {
+ client->errorValue = stuff->exposures;
+ return(BadValue);
+ }
+ pWin = pMultibuffer->pMultibuffers->pWindow;
+ width = pWin->drawable.width;
+ height = pWin->drawable.height;
+ pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
+ clearRect.x = stuff->x;
+ clearRect.y = stuff->y;
+ clearRect.width = stuff->width ? stuff->width : width;
+ clearRect.height = stuff->height ? stuff->height : height;
+ if (pWin->backgroundState != None)
+ {
+ GCPtr pClearGC;
+ pClearGC = GetScratchGC (pWin->drawable.depth, pScreen);
+ SetupBackgroundPainter (pWin, pClearGC);
+ if (pMultibuffer->number == pMultibuffer->pMultibuffers->displayedMultibuffer)
+ pDrawable = (DrawablePtr)pWin;
+ else
+ pDrawable = (DrawablePtr)pMultibuffer->pPixmap;
+ ValidateGC(pDrawable, pClearGC);
+ (*pClearGC->ops->PolyFillRect) (pDrawable, pClearGC, 1, &clearRect);
+ FreeScratchGC(pClearGC);
+ }
+ if (stuff->exposures)
+ {
+ RegionRec region;
+ BoxRec box;
+ box.x1 = clearRect.x;
+ box.y1 = clearRect.y;
+ box.x2 = clearRect.x + clearRect.width;
+ box.y2 = clearRect.y + clearRect.height;
+ REGION_INIT(pScreen, &region, &box, 1);
+ MultibufferExpose(pMultibuffer, &region);
+ REGION_UNINIT(pScreen, &region);
+ }
+ return Success;
+static int
+ProcMultibufferDispatch (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xReq);
+ switch (stuff->data) {
+ case X_MbufGetBufferVersion:
+ return ProcGetBufferVersion (client);
+ case X_MbufCreateImageBuffers:
+ return ProcCreateImageBuffers (client);
+ case X_MbufDisplayImageBuffers:
+ return ProcDisplayImageBuffers (client);
+ case X_MbufDestroyImageBuffers:
+ return ProcDestroyImageBuffers (client);
+ case X_MbufSetMBufferAttributes:
+ return ProcSetMBufferAttributes (client);
+ case X_MbufGetMBufferAttributes:
+ return ProcGetMBufferAttributes (client);
+ case X_MbufSetBufferAttributes:
+ return ProcSetBufferAttributes (client);
+ case X_MbufGetBufferAttributes:
+ return ProcGetBufferAttributes (client);
+ case X_MbufGetBufferInfo:
+ return ProcGetBufferInfo (client);
+ case X_MbufClearImageBufferArea:
+ return ProcClearImageBufferArea (client);
+ default:
+ return BadRequest;
+ }
+static int
+SProcGetBufferVersion (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST (xMbufGetBufferVersionReq);
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ return ProcGetBufferVersion (client);
+static int
+SProcCreateImageBuffers (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST (xMbufCreateImageBuffersReq);
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE (xMbufCreateImageBuffersReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->window, n);
+ SwapRestL(stuff);
+ return ProcCreateImageBuffers (client);
+static int
+SProcDisplayImageBuffers (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST (xMbufDisplayImageBuffersReq);
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE (xMbufDisplayImageBuffersReq);
+ swaps (&stuff->minDelay, n);
+ swaps (&stuff->maxDelay, n);
+ SwapRestL(stuff);
+ return ProcDisplayImageBuffers (client);
+static int
+SProcDestroyImageBuffers (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST (xMbufDestroyImageBuffersReq);
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xMbufDestroyImageBuffersReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->window, n);
+ return ProcDestroyImageBuffers (client);
+static int
+SProcSetMBufferAttributes (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST (xMbufSetMBufferAttributesReq);
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xMbufSetMBufferAttributesReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->window, n);
+ swapl (&stuff->valueMask, n);
+ SwapRestL(stuff);
+ return ProcSetMBufferAttributes (client);
+static int
+SProcGetMBufferAttributes (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST (xMbufGetMBufferAttributesReq);
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xMbufGetMBufferAttributesReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->window, n);
+ return ProcGetMBufferAttributes (client);
+static int
+SProcSetBufferAttributes (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST (xMbufSetBufferAttributesReq);
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xMbufSetBufferAttributesReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->buffer, n);
+ swapl (&stuff->valueMask, n);
+ SwapRestL(stuff);
+ return ProcSetBufferAttributes (client);
+static int
+SProcGetBufferAttributes (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST (xMbufGetBufferAttributesReq);
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xMbufGetBufferAttributesReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->buffer, n);
+ return ProcGetBufferAttributes (client);
+static int
+SProcGetBufferInfo (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST (xMbufGetBufferInfoReq);
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xMbufGetBufferInfoReq);
+ swapl (&stuff->drawable, n);
+ return ProcGetBufferInfo (client);
+static int
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ register char n;
+ REQUEST(xMbufClearImageBufferAreaReq);
+ swaps(&stuff->length, n);
+ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xMbufClearImageBufferAreaReq);
+ swapl(&stuff->buffer, n);
+ swaps(&stuff->x, n);
+ swaps(&stuff->y, n);
+ swaps(&stuff->width, n);
+ swaps(&stuff->height, n);
+ return ProcClearImageBufferArea(client);
+static int
+SProcMultibufferDispatch (client)
+ register ClientPtr client;
+ REQUEST(xReq);
+ switch (stuff->data) {
+ case X_MbufGetBufferVersion:
+ return SProcGetBufferVersion (client);
+ case X_MbufCreateImageBuffers:
+ return SProcCreateImageBuffers (client);
+ case X_MbufDisplayImageBuffers:
+ return SProcDisplayImageBuffers (client);
+ case X_MbufDestroyImageBuffers:
+ return SProcDestroyImageBuffers (client);
+ case X_MbufSetMBufferAttributes:
+ return SProcSetMBufferAttributes (client);
+ case X_MbufGetMBufferAttributes:
+ return SProcGetMBufferAttributes (client);
+ case X_MbufSetBufferAttributes:
+ return SProcSetBufferAttributes (client);
+ case X_MbufGetBufferAttributes:
+ return SProcGetBufferAttributes (client);
+ case X_MbufGetBufferInfo:
+ return SProcGetBufferInfo (client);
+ case X_MbufClearImageBufferArea:
+ return SProcClearImageBufferArea (client);
+ default:
+ return BadRequest;
+ }
+static void
+SUpdateNotifyEvent (from, to)
+ xMbufUpdateNotifyEvent *from, *to;
+ to->type = from->type;
+ cpswaps (from->sequenceNumber, to->sequenceNumber);
+ cpswapl (from->buffer, to->buffer);
+ cpswapl (from->timeStamp, to->timeStamp);
+static void
+SClobberNotifyEvent (from, to)
+ xMbufClobberNotifyEvent *from, *to;
+ to->type = from->type;
+ cpswaps (from->sequenceNumber, to->sequenceNumber);
+ cpswapl (from->buffer, to->buffer);
+ to->state = from->state;
+static void
+PerformDisplayRequest (ppMultibuffers, pMultibuffer, nbuf)
+ MultibufferPtr *pMultibuffer;
+ MultibuffersPtr *ppMultibuffers;
+ int nbuf;
+ GCPtr pGC;
+ PixmapPtr pPrevPixmap, pNewPixmap;
+ xRectangle clearRect;
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ RegionPtr pExposed;
+ int i;
+ MultibufferPtr pPrevMultibuffer;
+ XID graphicsExpose;
+ UpdateCurrentTime ();
+ for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++)
+ {
+ pWin = ppMultibuffers[i]->pWindow;
+ pGC = GetScratchGC (pWin->drawable.depth, pWin->drawable.pScreen);
+ pPrevMultibuffer =
+ &ppMultibuffers[i]->buffers[ppMultibuffers[i]->displayedMultibuffer];
+ pPrevPixmap = pPrevMultibuffer->pPixmap;
+ pNewPixmap = pMultibuffer[i]->pPixmap;
+ switch (ppMultibuffers[i]->updateAction)
+ {
+ case MultibufferUpdateActionUndefined:
+ break;
+ case MultibufferUpdateActionBackground:
+ SetupBackgroundPainter (pWin, pGC);
+ ValidateGC ((DrawablePtr)pPrevPixmap, pGC);
+ clearRect.x = 0;
+ clearRect.y = 0;
+ clearRect.width = pPrevPixmap->drawable.width;
+ clearRect.height = pPrevPixmap->drawable.height;
+ (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect) ((DrawablePtr)pPrevPixmap, pGC,
+ 1, &clearRect);
+ break;
+ case MultibufferUpdateActionUntouched:
+ /* copy the window to the pixmap that represents the
+ * currently displayed buffer
+ */
+ if (pPrevMultibuffer->eventMask & ExposureMask)
+ {
+ graphicsExpose = TRUE;
+ DoChangeGC (pGC, GCGraphicsExposures, &graphicsExpose, FALSE);
+ }
+ ValidateGC ((DrawablePtr)pPrevPixmap, pGC);
+ pExposed = (*pGC->ops->CopyArea)
+ ((DrawablePtr) pWin,
+ (DrawablePtr) pPrevPixmap,
+ pGC,
+ 0, 0,
+ pWin->drawable.width, pWin->drawable.height,
+ 0, 0);
+ /* if we couldn't copy the whole window to the buffer,
+ * send expose events (if any client wants them)
+ */
+ if (pPrevMultibuffer->eventMask & ExposureMask)
+ { /* some client wants expose events */
+ if (pExposed)
+ {
+ RegionPtr pWinSize;
+ pWinSize = CreateUnclippedWinSize (pWin);
+ /* pExposed is window-relative, but at this point
+ * pWinSize is screen-relative. Make pWinSize be
+ * window-relative so that region ops involving
+ * pExposed and pWinSize behave sensibly.
+ */
+ REGION_TRANSLATE(pWin->drawable.pScreen, pWinSize,
+ -pWin->drawable.x, -pWin->drawable.y);
+ REGION_INTERSECT(pWin->drawable.pScreen, pExposed,
+ pExposed, pWinSize);
+ REGION_DESTROY(pWin->drawable.pScreen, pWinSize);
+ MultibufferExpose (pPrevMultibuffer, pExposed);
+ REGION_DESTROY(pWin->drawable.pScreen, pExposed);
+ }
+ graphicsExpose = FALSE;
+ DoChangeGC (pGC, GCGraphicsExposures, &graphicsExpose, FALSE);
+ }
+ break; /* end case MultibufferUpdateActionUntouched */
+ case MultibufferUpdateActionCopied:
+ ValidateGC ((DrawablePtr)pPrevPixmap, pGC);
+ (*pGC->ops->CopyArea) ((DrawablePtr)pNewPixmap,
+ (DrawablePtr)pPrevPixmap, pGC,
+ 0, 0,
+ pWin->drawable.width, pWin->drawable.height,
+ 0, 0);
+ break;
+ } /* end switch on update action */
+ /* display the new buffer */
+ ValidateGC ((DrawablePtr)pWin, pGC);
+ (*pGC->ops->CopyArea) ((DrawablePtr)pNewPixmap, (DrawablePtr)pWin, pGC,
+ 0, 0,
+ pWin->drawable.width, pWin->drawable.height,
+ 0, 0);
+ ppMultibuffers[i]->lastUpdate = currentTime;
+ MultibufferUpdate (pMultibuffer[i],
+ ppMultibuffers[i]->lastUpdate.milliseconds);
+ AliasMultibuffer (ppMultibuffers[i],
+ pMultibuffer[i] - ppMultibuffers[i]->buffers);
+ FreeScratchGC (pGC);
+ }
+GetBufferPointer (pWin, i)
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ int i;
+ MultibuffersPtr pMultibuffers;
+ if (!(pMultibuffers = (MultibuffersPtr) pWin->devPrivates[MultibufferWindowIndex].ptr))
+ return NULL;
+ return (DrawablePtr) pMultibuffers->buffers[i].pPixmap;
+DisplayImageBuffers (ids, nbuf)
+ XID *ids;
+ int nbuf;
+ MultibufferPtr *pMultibuffer;
+ MultibuffersPtr *pMultibuffers;
+ int i, j;
+ pMultibuffer = (MultibufferPtr *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL (nbuf * sizeof *pMultibuffer +
+ nbuf * sizeof *pMultibuffers);
+ if (!pMultibuffer)
+ return BadAlloc;
+ pMultibuffers = (MultibuffersPtr *) (pMultibuffer + nbuf);
+ for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++)
+ {
+ pMultibuffer[i] = (MultibufferPtr) LookupIDByType (ids[i], MultibufferResType);
+ if (!pMultibuffer[i])
+ {
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL (pMultibuffer);
+ return MultibufferErrorBase + MultibufferBadBuffer;
+ }
+ pMultibuffers[i] = pMultibuffer[i]->pMultibuffers;
+ for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
+ if (pMultibuffers[i] == pMultibuffers[j])
+ {
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL (pMultibuffer);
+ return BadMatch;
+ }
+ }
+ PerformDisplayRequest (pMultibuffers, pMultibuffer, nbuf);
+ DEALLOCATE_LOCAL (pMultibuffer);
+ return Success;
+static Bool
+QueueDisplayRequest (client, activateTime)
+ ClientPtr client;
+ TimeStamp activateTime;
+ /* see xtest.c:ProcXTestFakeInput for code similar to this */
+ if (!ClientSleepUntil(client, &activateTime, NULL, NULL))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* swap the request back so we can simply re-execute it */
+ if (client->swapped)
+ {
+ register int n;
+ REQUEST (xMbufDisplayImageBuffersReq);
+ SwapRestL(stuff);
+ swaps (&stuff->length, n);
+ swaps (&stuff->minDelay, n);
+ swaps (&stuff->maxDelay, n);
+ }
+ ResetCurrentRequest (client);
+ client->sequence--;
+ return TRUE;
+ * Deliver events to a buffer
+ */
+static int
+DeliverEventsToMultibuffer (pMultibuffer, pEvents, count, filter)
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ xEvent *pEvents;
+ int count;
+ Mask filter;
+ int deliveries = 0, nondeliveries = 0;
+ int attempt;
+ OtherClients *other;
+ /* if nobody wants the event, we're done */
+ if (!((pMultibuffer->otherEventMask|pMultibuffer->eventMask) & filter))
+ return 0;
+ /* maybe send event to owner */
+ if ((attempt = TryClientEvents(
+ bClient(pMultibuffer), pEvents, count, pMultibuffer->eventMask, filter, (GrabPtr) 0)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (attempt > 0)
+ deliveries++;
+ else
+ nondeliveries--;
+ }
+ /* maybe send event to other clients */
+ for (other = pMultibuffer->otherClients; other; other=other->next)
+ {
+ if ((attempt = TryClientEvents(
+ rClient(other), pEvents, count, other->mask, filter, (GrabPtr) 0)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (attempt > 0)
+ deliveries++;
+ else
+ nondeliveries--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (deliveries)
+ return deliveries;
+ return nondeliveries;
+ * Send Expose events to interested clients
+ */
+MultibufferExpose (pMultibuffer, pRegion)
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ RegionPtr pRegion;
+ if (pRegion && !REGION_NIL(pRegion))
+ {
+ xEvent *pEvent;
+ PixmapPtr pPixmap;
+ register xEvent *pe;
+ register BoxPtr pBox;
+ register int i;
+ int numRects;
+ pPixmap = pMultibuffer->pPixmap;
+ REGION_TRANSLATE(pPixmap->drawable.pScreen, pRegion,
+ -pPixmap->drawable.x, -pPixmap->drawable.y);
+ /* XXX MultibufferExpose "knows" the region representation */
+ numRects = REGION_NUM_RECTS(pRegion);
+ pBox = REGION_RECTS(pRegion);
+ pEvent = (xEvent *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL(numRects * sizeof(xEvent));
+ if (pEvent) {
+ pe = pEvent;
+ for (i=1; i<=numRects; i++, pe++, pBox++)
+ {
+ pe->u.u.type = Expose;
+ pe->u.expose.window = pPixmap->;
+ pe->u.expose.x = pBox->x1;
+ pe->u.expose.y = pBox->y1;
+ pe->u.expose.width = pBox->x2 - pBox->x1;
+ pe->u.expose.height = pBox->y2 - pBox->y1;
+ pe->u.expose.count = (numRects - i);
+ }
+ (void) DeliverEventsToMultibuffer (pMultibuffer, pEvent, numRects,
+ ExposureMask);
+ }
+ }
+/* send UpdateNotify event */
+MultibufferUpdate (pMultibuffer, time2)
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ CARD32 time2;
+ xMbufUpdateNotifyEvent event;
+ event.type = MultibufferEventBase + MultibufferUpdateNotify;
+ event.buffer = pMultibuffer->pPixmap->;
+ event.timeStamp = time2;
+ (void) DeliverEventsToMultibuffer (pMultibuffer, (xEvent *)&event,
+ 1, (Mask)MultibufferUpdateNotifyMask);
+ * The sample implementation will never generate MultibufferClobberNotify
+ * events
+ */
+MultibufferClobber (pMultibuffer)
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ xMbufClobberNotifyEvent event;
+ event.type = MultibufferEventBase + MultibufferClobberNotify;
+ event.buffer = pMultibuffer->pPixmap->;
+ event.state = pMultibuffer->clobber;
+ (void) DeliverEventsToMultibuffer (pMultibuffer, (xEvent *)&event,
+ 1, (Mask)MultibufferClobberNotifyMask);
+ * make the resource id for buffer i refer to the window
+ * drawable instead of the pixmap;
+ */
+static void
+AliasMultibuffer (pMultibuffers, i)
+ MultibuffersPtr pMultibuffers;
+ int i;
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ if (i == pMultibuffers->displayedMultibuffer)
+ return;
+ /*
+ * remove the old association
+ */
+ if (pMultibuffers->displayedMultibuffer >= 0)
+ {
+ pMultibuffer = &pMultibuffers->buffers[pMultibuffers->displayedMultibuffer];
+ ChangeResourceValue (pMultibuffer->pPixmap->,
+ MultibufferDrawableResType,
+ (pointer) pMultibuffer->pPixmap);
+ }
+ /*
+ * make the new association
+ */
+ pMultibuffer = &pMultibuffers->buffers[i];
+ ChangeResourceValue (pMultibuffer->pPixmap->,
+ MultibufferDrawableResType,
+ (pointer) pMultibuffers->pWindow);
+ pMultibuffers->displayedMultibuffer = i;
+ * free everything associated with multibuffering for this
+ * window
+ */
+DestroyImageBuffers (pWin)
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ FreeResourceByType (pWin->, MultibuffersResType, FALSE);
+ /* Zero out the window's pointer to the buffers so they won't be reused */
+ pWin->devPrivates[MultibufferWindowIndex].ptr = NULL;
+ * resize the buffers when the window is resized
+ */
+static Bool
+MultibufferPositionWindow (pWin, x, y)
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ int x, y;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+ MultibufferScreenPtr pMultibufferScreen;
+ MultibuffersPtr pMultibuffers;
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ int width, height;
+ int i;
+ int dx, dy, dw, dh;
+ int sourcex, sourcey;
+ int destx, desty;
+ PixmapPtr pPixmap;
+ GCPtr pGC;
+ int savewidth, saveheight;
+ xRectangle clearRect;
+ Bool clear;
+ pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
+ pMultibufferScreen = (MultibufferScreenPtr) pScreen->devPrivates[MultibufferScreenIndex].ptr;
+ (*pMultibufferScreen->PositionWindow) (pWin, x, y);
+ /* if this window is not multibuffered, we're done */
+ if (!(pMultibuffers = (MultibuffersPtr) pWin->devPrivates[MultibufferWindowIndex].ptr))
+ return TRUE;
+ /* if new size is same as old, we're done */
+ if (pMultibuffers->width == pWin->drawable.width &&
+ pMultibuffers->height == pWin->drawable.height)
+ return TRUE;
+ width = pWin->drawable.width;
+ height = pWin->drawable.height;
+ dx = pWin->drawable.x - pMultibuffers->x;
+ dy = pWin->drawable.x - pMultibuffers->y;
+ dw = width - pMultibuffers->width;
+ dh = height - pMultibuffers->height;
+ GravityTranslate (0, 0, -dx, -dy, dw, dh,
+ pWin->bitGravity, &destx, &desty);
+ /* if the window grew, remember to paint the window background,
+ * and maybe send expose events, for the new areas of the buffers
+ */
+ clear = pMultibuffers->width < width || pMultibuffers->height < height ||
+ pWin->bitGravity == ForgetGravity;
+ sourcex = 0;
+ sourcey = 0;
+ savewidth = pMultibuffers->width;
+ saveheight = pMultibuffers->height;
+ /* clip rectangle to source and destination */
+ if (destx < 0)
+ {
+ savewidth += destx;
+ sourcex -= destx;
+ destx = 0;
+ }
+ if (destx + savewidth > width)
+ savewidth = width - destx;
+ if (desty < 0)
+ {
+ saveheight += desty;
+ sourcey -= desty;
+ desty = 0;
+ }
+ if (desty + saveheight > height)
+ saveheight = height - desty;
+ pMultibuffers->width = width;
+ pMultibuffers->height = height;
+ pMultibuffers->x = pWin->drawable.x;
+ pMultibuffers->y = pWin->drawable.y;
+ pGC = GetScratchGC (pWin->drawable.depth, pScreen);
+ if (clear)
+ {
+ SetupBackgroundPainter (pWin, pGC);
+ clearRect.x = 0;
+ clearRect.y = 0;
+ clearRect.width = width;
+ clearRect.height = height;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < pMultibuffers->numMultibuffer; i++)
+ {
+ pMultibuffer = &pMultibuffers->buffers[i];
+ pPixmap = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, width, height,
+ pWin->drawable.depth);
+ if (!pPixmap)
+ {
+ DestroyImageBuffers (pWin);
+ break;
+ }
+ ValidateGC ((DrawablePtr)pPixmap, pGC);
+ /*
+ * I suppose this could avoid quite a bit of work if
+ * it computed the minimal area required.
+ */
+ if (clear)
+ (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect) ((DrawablePtr)pPixmap, pGC, 1, &clearRect);
+ if (pWin->bitGravity != ForgetGravity)
+ {
+ (*pGC->ops->CopyArea) ((DrawablePtr)pMultibuffer->pPixmap,
+ (DrawablePtr)pPixmap, pGC,
+ sourcex, sourcey, savewidth, saveheight,
+ destx, desty);
+ }
+ pPixmap-> = pMultibuffer->pPixmap->;
+ (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pMultibuffer->pPixmap);
+ pMultibuffer->pPixmap = pPixmap;
+ if (i != pMultibuffers->displayedMultibuffer)
+ {
+ ChangeResourceValue (pPixmap->,
+ MultibufferDrawableResType,
+ (pointer) pPixmap);
+ }
+ }
+ FreeScratchGC (pGC);
+ return TRUE;
+/* Resource delete func for MultibufferDrawableResType */
+static int
+MultibufferDrawableDelete (value, id)
+ pointer value;
+ XID id;
+ DrawablePtr pDrawable = (DrawablePtr)value;
+ WindowPtr pWin;
+ MultibuffersPtr pMultibuffers;
+ PixmapPtr pPixmap;
+ if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
+ {
+ pWin = (WindowPtr) pDrawable;
+ pMultibuffers = (MultibuffersPtr) pWin->devPrivates[MultibufferWindowIndex].ptr;
+ pPixmap = pMultibuffers->buffers[pMultibuffers->displayedMultibuffer].pPixmap;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pPixmap = (PixmapPtr) pDrawable;
+ }
+ (*pPixmap->drawable.pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPixmap);
+ return Success;
+/* Resource delete func for MultibufferResType */
+static int
+MultibufferDelete (value, id)
+ pointer value;
+ XID id;
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer = (MultibufferPtr)value;
+ MultibuffersPtr pMultibuffers;
+ pMultibuffers = pMultibuffer->pMultibuffers;
+ if (--pMultibuffers->refcnt == 0)
+ {
+ FreeResourceByType (pMultibuffers->pWindow->,
+ MultibuffersResType, TRUE);
+ xfree (pMultibuffers);
+ }
+ return Success;
+/* Resource delete func for MultibuffersResType */
+static int
+MultibuffersDelete (value, id)
+ pointer value;
+ XID id;
+ MultibuffersPtr pMultibuffers = (MultibuffersPtr)value;
+ int i;
+ if (pMultibuffers->refcnt == pMultibuffers->numMultibuffer)
+ {
+ for (i = pMultibuffers->numMultibuffer; --i >= 0; )
+ FreeResource (pMultibuffers->buffers[i].pPixmap->, 0);
+ }
+ return Success;
+/* Resource delete func for OtherClientResType */
+static int
+OtherClientDelete (value, id)
+ pointer value;
+ XID id;
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer = (MultibufferPtr)value;
+ register OtherClientsPtr other, prev;
+ prev = 0;
+ for (other = pMultibuffer->otherClients; other; other = other->next)
+ {
+ if (other->resource == id)
+ {
+ if (prev)
+ prev->next = other->next;
+ else
+ pMultibuffer->otherClients = other->next;
+ xfree (other);
+ RecalculateMultibufferOtherEvents (pMultibuffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ prev = other;
+ }
+ return Success;
+static int
+EventSelectForMultibuffer (pMultibuffer, client, mask)
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ ClientPtr client;
+ Mask mask;
+ OtherClientsPtr other;
+ if (mask & ~ValidEventMasks)
+ {
+ client->errorValue = mask;
+ return BadValue;
+ }
+ if (bClient (pMultibuffer) == client)
+ {
+ pMultibuffer->eventMask = mask;
+ }
+ else /* some other client besides the creator wants events */
+ {
+ for (other = pMultibuffer->otherClients; other; other = other->next)
+ {
+ if (SameClient (other, client))
+ {
+ if (mask == 0)
+ {
+ FreeResource (other->resource, RT_NONE);
+ break;
+ }
+ other->mask = mask;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!other)
+ { /* new client that never selected events on this buffer before */
+ other = (OtherClients *) xalloc (sizeof (OtherClients));
+ if (!other)
+ return BadAlloc;
+ other->mask = mask;
+ other->resource = FakeClientID (client->index);
+ if (!AddResource (other->resource, OtherClientResType, (pointer) pMultibuffer))
+ {
+ xfree (other);
+ return BadAlloc;
+ }
+ other->next = pMultibuffer->otherClients;
+ pMultibuffer->otherClients = other;
+ }
+ RecalculateMultibufferOtherEvents (pMultibuffer);
+ }
+ return (client->noClientException);
+/* or together all the otherClients event masks */
+static void
+RecalculateMultibufferOtherEvents (pMultibuffer)
+ MultibufferPtr pMultibuffer;
+ Mask otherEventMask;
+ OtherClients *other;
+ otherEventMask = 0L;
+ for (other = pMultibuffer->otherClients; other; other = other->next)
+ otherEventMask |= other->mask;
+ pMultibuffer->otherEventMask = otherEventMask;
+/* add milliseconds to a timestamp, handling overflow */
+static void
+BumpTimeStamp (ts, inc)
+TimeStamp *ts;
+CARD32 inc;
+ CARD32 newms;
+ newms = ts->milliseconds + inc;
+ if (newms < ts->milliseconds)
+ ts->months++;
+ ts->milliseconds = newms;