path: root/app/xlockmore/etc/chkmbox/imapsocket.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/xlockmore/etc/chkmbox/imapsocket.c')
1 files changed, 553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/xlockmore/etc/chkmbox/imapsocket.c b/app/xlockmore/etc/chkmbox/imapsocket.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e46077cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/xlockmore/etc/chkmbox/imapsocket.c
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+ * imapsocket.c -- Module to check for mail using an IMAP socket
+ *
+ * Functions to logon to an IMAP server and check the user's INBOX for
+ * RECENT or UNSEEN mail. Errors may be logged to ~/.xsession-errors if
+ * stderr is redirected by a call to RedirectErrLog(), otherwise they are
+ * written to stderr.
+ *
+ * It is intended to be used as a set of library functions by a program
+ * that displays and icon, lights a keyboard LED or otherwise notifies
+ * a user that mail is waiting to be read.
+ *
+ * Author: Michael P. Duane
+ * Date: August 12, 1997
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-98 by Michael P. Duane
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+ * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+ * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+ * supporting documentation.
+ *
+ * This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author
+ * shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
+ * trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no
+ * event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
+ * other special, indirect and consequential damages.
+ *
+ * Revision History:
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE ~FALSE
+#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 8192
+#define MAX_BUFFER_LINES 32
+#define SOCKET_ERROR (-1)
+char *my_name = "";
+int fdImap = (-1);
+struct sockaddr_in addrImap;
+int seq_num = 0;
+char tag [ 8];
+char hostname [64] = "";
+short port = 0;
+char user [64] = "";
+char passwd [64] = "";
+char recv_buf [MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
+char *line [MAX_BUFFER_LINES];
+ * GetProgramName()
+ *
+ * Extract just the basename from argv[0]. 'basename()' doesn't exist
+ * on all systems.
+ */
+char *GetProgramName( char *fullname )
+char *name;
+ return( name = ( (name = strrchr( fullname, '/' )) ? ++name : fullname ) );
+} /* GetProgramName */
+ * RedirectErrLog()
+ *
+ * Redirect stderr to $HOME/.xsesson-errors. Create it if it doesn't
+ * exist, append to it if it does.
+ *
+ */
+int RedirectErrLog( void )
+char *home;
+char xsesserr [255];
+int mode = (O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRONLY);
+int fderr;
+ if ( (home = getenv( "HOME" )) != NULL ) {
+ strcat( strcpy( xsesserr, home ), "/.xsession-errors" );
+ if ( (fderr = open( xsesserr, mode, 0600 )) > 0 ) {
+ close( STDERR_FILENO );
+ if ( dup( fderr ) == STDERR_FILENO )
+ close( fderr );
+ }
+ return( 0 );
+ }
+ return( -1 );
+}/* RedirectErrLog */
+ * LogMessage()
+ *
+ * Prepend all error messages with my program name and log the corresponding
+ * errno description string where appropriate.
+ */
+void LogMessage( char *msg, int errval )
+ if ( errval )
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s, %s\n", my_name, msg, strerror( errval ) );
+ else
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s\n", my_name, msg );
+} /* LogMessage */
+ * ParseToken()
+ *
+ * Validate the "token = value" sequence to include a known token and
+ * a valid assignment operator. Store the value in a global on success.
+ */
+static void ParseToken( char *token, char *assign, char *value )
+char errmsg [255];
+int i;
+ for ( i=0; i< strlen( token ); i++ )
+ *(token+i) = toupper( *(token+i) );
+ if ( strcmp( assign, "=" ) ) {
+ sprintf( errmsg, "\"%s\" missing assignment", token );
+ LogMessage( errmsg, 0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !strcmp( token, "HOSTNAME" ) )
+ strcpy( hostname, value );
+ else if ( !strcmp( token, "PORT" ) )
+ port = (short)strtol( value, (char **)NULL, 0 );
+ else if ( !strcmp( token, "USER" ) )
+ strcpy( user, value );
+ else if ( !strcmp( token, "PASSWORD" ) )
+ strcpy( passwd, value );
+ else {
+ sprintf( errmsg, "Unexpected configuration token: \"%s\"", token );
+ LogMessage( errmsg, 0 );
+ }
+} /* ParseToken */
+static char *GetNextToken( char *str )
+ return( strtok( str, " \t\n\r" ) );
+} /* GetNextToken */
+ * GetImapCfgInfo()
+ *
+ * Reads the program configuration file looking for assignments of the
+ * form "token = value". '#' begins a comment that contiues to EOL.
+ */
+int GetImapCfgInfo( char *cfgfile )
+FILE *cfg;
+char txtbuf [512];
+char *txt;
+char *tok;
+char *assign;
+char *val;
+ if ( (cfg = fopen( cfgfile, "r" )) != NULL ) {
+ do {
+ if ( (txt = fgets( txtbuf, sizeof( txtbuf ), cfg )) != NULL) {
+ if ( (tok = GetNextToken( txt )) ) {
+ assign = val = NULL;
+ if ( strlen( tok ) ) {
+ if ( strchr( tok, '#' ) )
+ continue;
+ assign = GetNextToken( NULL );
+ val = GetNextToken( NULL );
+ GetNextToken( NULL ); /* strip to eol */
+ }
+ if ( assign && val )
+ ParseToken( tok, assign, val );
+ }
+ }
+ } while( !feof( cfg ) );
+ fclose( cfg );
+ }
+ else {
+ LogMessage( cfgfile, errno );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+ return( 0 );
+} /* GetImapCfgInfo */
+ * InitSocketAddr()
+ *
+ * Setup and validate the host/port address for the IMAP socket
+ */
+int InitSocketAddr( void )
+struct hostent *host_info;
+char addr_str [ 32];
+ if ( (host_info = gethostbyname( hostname )) == NULL ) {
+ LogMessage( "Host name error", errno );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+ sprintf( addr_str,"%u.%u.%u.%u",
+ (unsigned char)host_info->h_addr_list[0][0],
+ (unsigned char)host_info->h_addr_list[0][1],
+ (unsigned char)host_info->h_addr_list[0][2],
+ (unsigned char)host_info->h_addr_list[0][3]
+ );
+ addrImap.sin_family = PF_INET;
+ addrImap.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( addr_str );
+ addrImap.sin_port = htons( port );
+ if ( addrImap.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE ) {
+ LogMessage( "Socket Address Error", errno );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+ return( 0 );
+} /* InitSocketAddr */
+ * ConnectSocket()
+ *
+ * Open and connect to the IMAP socket
+ */
+static int ConnectSocket( struct sockaddr_in *addrImap )
+ if ( addrImap->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE ) {
+ LogMessage( "Socket Address Error", errno );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+ if ( (fdImap = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 )) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
+ LogMessage( "Error opening socket", errno );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+ if ( connect( fdImap, (struct sockaddr *)addrImap,
+ sizeof( struct sockaddr )) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
+ close( fdImap );
+ fdImap = (-1);
+ LogMessage( "Socket Connection error", errno );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+ return( 0 );
+} /* ConnectSocket */
+ * OpenImapSocket()
+ *
+ * Connect to the IMAP socket and make sure the IMAP service responds.
+ */
+static int OpenImapSocket( struct sockaddr_in *addrImap )
+int i;
+ if ( ConnectSocket( addrImap ) )
+ return( -1 );
+ seq_num = 0;
+ memset( recv_buf, 0, sizeof( recv_buf ) );
+ for( i=0; i<MAX_BUFFER_LINES; i++ )
+ line[i] = NULL;
+ if ( recv( fdImap, (char *)recv_buf,
+ sizeof( recv_buf ), 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
+ close( fdImap );
+ fdImap = (-1);
+ LogMessage( "Socket revc error", errno );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+ if ( strncmp( "* OK", recv_buf, 4 ) == 0 ) {
+ return( 0 );
+ }
+ else {
+ close( fdImap );
+ LogMessage( "IMAP service timeout", 0 );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+} /* OpenImapSocket */
+ * ImapCmd()
+ *
+ * Send an IMAP command to the socket. The "tag" is used by the IMAP
+ * protocol to match responses to commands.
+ */
+static int ImapCmd( char *fmt, ... )
+char cmd_buf [128];
+va_list argp;
+ sprintf( tag, "A%3.3d", ++seq_num );
+ sprintf( cmd_buf, "%s ", tag );
+ va_start( argp, fmt );
+ vsprintf( &cmd_buf[ strlen( cmd_buf ) ], fmt, argp );
+ va_end( argp );
+ if ( send( fdImap, cmd_buf, strlen( cmd_buf ), 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
+ close( fdImap );
+ fdImap = (-1);
+ LogMessage( "IMAP send error", errno );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+ return( 0 );
+} /* ImapCmd */
+ * GetImapMsg()
+ *
+ * Get an IMAP response and check for the tag and for the "OK".
+ */
+static int GetImapMsg( char *buf, int size )
+char tmp [16];
+ memset( buf, 0, size );
+ if ( recv( fdImap, (char *)buf, size, 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
+ close( fdImap );
+ fdImap = (-1);
+ LogMessage( "IMAP read error", errno );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+ sprintf( tmp, "%s OK", tag );
+ if ( strstr( buf, tmp ) != NULL )
+ return( 0 );
+ else {
+ LogMessage( "IMAP command error", 0 );
+ return( -1 );
+ }
+} /* GetImapMsg */
+ * ServerLogin( void )
+ *
+ * Start the IMAP session to check for new mail
+ * RETURN: 0 for success or -1 for failure
+ */
+int ServerLogin( void )
+int status = -1;
+ if ( !OpenImapSocket( &addrImap ) ) {
+ if ( !ImapCmd( "LOGIN %s %s\n", user, passwd ) ) {
+ if ( GetImapMsg( recv_buf, sizeof( recv_buf ) ) )
+ LogMessage( "IMAP LOGIN error", 0 );
+ else
+ status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return( status );
+} /* ServerLogin */
+ * ServerLogout()
+ *
+ * Close the IMAP session
+ * RETURN: none
+ */
+void ServerLogout( void )
+ if ( !ImapCmd( "LOGOUT\n" ) )
+ GetImapMsg( recv_buf, sizeof( recv_buf ) );
+ close( fdImap );
+} /* ServerLogout */
+ * ParseBufLines()
+ *
+ * Parse the response into single lines.
+ *
+ * ARGS: b - raw response buffer
+ * l - an array char * for the individual lines
+ *
+ * RETURN: the number of lines
+ *
+ */
+static int ParseBufLines( char *b, char *l[] )
+int i;
+ for ( i=0; i<MAX_BUFFER_LINES; i++ )
+ l[i] = NULL;
+ if ( (l[0] = strtok( b, "\n" )) == NULL )
+ return( 0 );
+ for ( i=1; i<MAX_BUFFER_LINES; i++ ) {
+ if ( (l[i] = strtok( NULL, "\n" )) == NULL )
+ return( i );
+ }
+ return( MAX_BUFFER_LINES );
+} /* ParseBufLines */
+ * CheckRecent()
+ *
+ * This routine looks through an array of lines for the "RECENT" response
+ * and returns the number of "RECENT" message. If there are no "RECENT"
+ * messages it then checks for any "UNSEEN" messages.
+ *
+ * ARGS: b - raw response buffer
+ * l - an array char * for the individual lines
+ *
+ * RETURN: number. 0 is no messages. For messages found with the
+ * RECENT command number is the count of RECENT messages. For
+ * messages found with the UNSEEN command 'number' is the
+ * message number of an UNSEEN message.
+ */
+static int CheckRecent( char *b, char *l[] )
+int i;
+int num_msg = -1;
+ * Check for new messages that have arrived since the last time we looked
+ */
+ if ( !GetImapMsg( recv_buf, sizeof( recv_buf ) ) ) {
+ if ( ParseBufLines( b, l ) > 0 ) {
+ for( i=0; i<MAX_BUFFER_LINES; i++ ) {
+ if ( strstr( l[i], "RECENT" ) != NULL )
+ break;
+ }
+ sscanf( l[i], "%*s %d %*s", &num_msg );
+ }
+ }
+ * If nothing new has arrived check for any messages that may still be
+ * in the mailbox but have not been read
+ */
+ if ( num_msg <= 0 ) {
+ if ( !ImapCmd( "SEARCH UNSEEN\n" ) ) {
+ if ( !GetImapMsg( recv_buf, sizeof( recv_buf ) ) ) {
+ if ( ParseBufLines( b, l ) > 0 ) {
+ for( i=0; i<MAX_BUFFER_LINES; i++ ) {
+ if ( strstr( l[i], "SEARCH" ) != NULL )
+ break;
+ }
+ sscanf( l[i], "%*s %*s %d", &num_msg );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Any non-zero value means there are messages that have not been read.
+ * This is not a count or an index to the newest message
+ */
+ return( num_msg );
+} /* CheckRecent */
+ * CheckInbox()
+ *
+ * This is the IMAP session to check for new mail
+ *
+ * RETURN: 1 for no messages, 0 if messages exist. /* Inverted by DAB */
+ */
+int CheckInbox( void )
+int status = -1;
+ if ( fdImap < 0 ) {
+ if ( ServerLogin() )
+ return( !status ); /* Inverted by DAB */
+ }
+ if ( !ImapCmd( "EXAMINE INBOX\n" ) )
+ status = CheckRecent( recv_buf, line );
+ return( !status ); /* Inverted by DAB */
+} /* CheckInbox */
+/* end of imapsocket.c */