/* * calmwm - the calm window manager * * Copyright (c) 2004 Martin Murray * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * $OpenBSD: kbfunc.c,v 1.175 2024/04/10 19:38:22 okan Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "calmwm.h" #define HASH_MARKER "|1|" extern sig_atomic_t cwm_status; static void kbfunc_amount(int, int, int *, int *); static void kbfunc_client_move_kb(void *, struct cargs *); static void kbfunc_client_move_mb(void *, struct cargs *); static void kbfunc_client_resize_kb(void *, struct cargs *); static void kbfunc_client_resize_mb(void *, struct cargs *); void kbfunc_cwm_status(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { cwm_status = cargs->flag; } static void kbfunc_amount(int flags, int amt, int *mx, int *my) { #define CWM_FACTOR 10 if (flags & CWM_BIGAMOUNT) amt *= CWM_FACTOR; switch (flags & (CWM_UP | CWM_DOWN | CWM_LEFT | CWM_RIGHT)) { case CWM_UP: *my -= amt; break; case CWM_DOWN: *my += amt; break; case CWM_RIGHT: *mx += amt; break; case CWM_LEFT: *mx -= amt; break; } } void kbfunc_ptrmove(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct screen_ctx *sc = ctx; int x, y; int mx = 0, my = 0; kbfunc_amount(cargs->flag, Conf.mamount, &mx, &my); xu_ptr_get(sc->rootwin, &x, &y); xu_ptr_set(sc->rootwin, x + mx, y + my); } void kbfunc_client_move(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { if (cargs->xev == CWM_XEV_BTN) kbfunc_client_move_mb(ctx, cargs); else kbfunc_client_move_kb(ctx, cargs); } void kbfunc_client_resize(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { if (cargs->xev == CWM_XEV_BTN) kbfunc_client_resize_mb(ctx, cargs); else kbfunc_client_resize_kb(ctx, cargs); } static void kbfunc_client_move_kb(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct client_ctx *cc = ctx; struct screen_ctx *sc = cc->sc; struct geom area; int mx = 0, my = 0; if (cc->flags & CLIENT_FREEZE) return; kbfunc_amount(cargs->flag, Conf.mamount, &mx, &my); cc->geom.x += mx; if (cc->geom.x < -(cc->geom.w + cc->bwidth - 1)) cc->geom.x = -(cc->geom.w + cc->bwidth - 1); if (cc->geom.x > (sc->view.w - cc->bwidth - 1)) cc->geom.x = sc->view.w - cc->bwidth - 1; cc->geom.y += my; if (cc->geom.y < -(cc->geom.h + cc->bwidth - 1)) cc->geom.y = -(cc->geom.h + cc->bwidth - 1); if (cc->geom.y > (sc->view.h - cc->bwidth - 1)) cc->geom.y = sc->view.h - cc->bwidth - 1; area = screen_area(sc, cc->geom.x + cc->geom.w / 2, cc->geom.y + cc->geom.h / 2, 1); cc->geom.x += client_snapcalc(cc->geom.x, cc->geom.x + cc->geom.w + (cc->bwidth * 2), area.x, area.x + area.w, sc->snapdist); cc->geom.y += client_snapcalc(cc->geom.y, cc->geom.y + cc->geom.h + (cc->bwidth * 2), area.y, area.y + area.h, sc->snapdist); client_move(cc); client_ptr_inbound(cc, 1); XSync(X_Dpy, True); } static void kbfunc_client_move_mb(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct client_ctx *cc = ctx; XEvent ev; Time ltime = 0; struct screen_ctx *sc = cc->sc; struct geom area; int move = 1; client_raise(cc); if (cc->flags & CLIENT_FREEZE) return; client_ptr_inbound(cc, 1); if (XGrabPointer(X_Dpy, sc->rootwin, False, MOUSEMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, Conf.cursor[CF_MOVE], CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) return; screen_prop_win_create(sc, cc->win); screen_prop_win_draw(sc, "%+5d%+5d", cc->geom.x, cc->geom.y); while (move) { XMaskEvent(X_Dpy, MOUSEMASK, &ev); switch (ev.type) { case MotionNotify: /* not more than 60 times / second */ if ((ev.xmotion.time - ltime) <= (1000 / 60)) continue; ltime = ev.xmotion.time; cc->geom.x = ev.xmotion.x_root - cc->ptr.x - cc->bwidth; cc->geom.y = ev.xmotion.y_root - cc->ptr.y - cc->bwidth; area = screen_area(sc, cc->geom.x + cc->geom.w / 2, cc->geom.y + cc->geom.h / 2, 1); cc->geom.x += client_snapcalc(cc->geom.x, cc->geom.x + cc->geom.w + (cc->bwidth * 2), area.x, area.x + area.w, sc->snapdist); cc->geom.y += client_snapcalc(cc->geom.y, cc->geom.y + cc->geom.h + (cc->bwidth * 2), area.y, area.y + area.h, sc->snapdist); client_move(cc); screen_prop_win_draw(sc, "%+5d%+5d", cc->geom.x, cc->geom.y); break; case ButtonRelease: move = 0; break; } } if (ltime) client_move(cc); screen_prop_win_destroy(sc); XUngrabPointer(X_Dpy, CurrentTime); } static void kbfunc_client_resize_kb(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct client_ctx *cc = ctx; int mx = 0, my = 0; int amt = 1; if (cc->flags & CLIENT_FREEZE) return; if (!(cc->hint.flags & PResizeInc)) amt = Conf.mamount; kbfunc_amount(cargs->flag, amt, &mx, &my); if ((cc->geom.w += mx * cc->hint.incw) < cc->hint.minw) cc->geom.w = cc->hint.minw; if ((cc->geom.h += my * cc->hint.inch) < cc->hint.minh) cc->geom.h = cc->hint.minh; if (cc->geom.x + cc->geom.w + cc->bwidth - 1 < 0) cc->geom.x = -(cc->geom.w + cc->bwidth - 1); if (cc->geom.y + cc->geom.h + cc->bwidth - 1 < 0) cc->geom.y = -(cc->geom.h + cc->bwidth - 1); client_resize(cc, 1); client_ptr_inbound(cc, 1); XSync(X_Dpy, True); } static void kbfunc_client_resize_mb(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct client_ctx *cc = ctx; XEvent ev; Time ltime = 0; struct screen_ctx *sc = cc->sc; int resize = 1; if (cc->flags & CLIENT_FREEZE) return; client_raise(cc); client_ptr_save(cc); xu_ptr_set(cc->win, cc->geom.w, cc->geom.h); if (XGrabPointer(X_Dpy, sc->rootwin, False, MOUSEMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, Conf.cursor[CF_RESIZE], CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) return; screen_prop_win_create(sc, cc->win); screen_prop_win_draw(sc, "%4d x %-4d", cc->dim.w, cc->dim.h); while (resize) { XMaskEvent(X_Dpy, MOUSEMASK, &ev); switch (ev.type) { case MotionNotify: /* not more than 60 times / second */ if ((ev.xmotion.time - ltime) <= (1000 / 60)) continue; ltime = ev.xmotion.time; cc->geom.w = ev.xmotion.x - cc->geom.x - cc->bwidth; cc->geom.h = ev.xmotion.y - cc->geom.y - cc->bwidth; client_apply_sizehints(cc); client_resize(cc, 1); screen_prop_win_draw(sc, "%4d x %-4d", cc->dim.w, cc->dim.h); break; case ButtonRelease: resize = 0; break; } } if (ltime) client_resize(cc, 1); screen_prop_win_destroy(sc); XUngrabPointer(X_Dpy, CurrentTime); /* Make sure the pointer stays within the window. */ client_ptr_inbound(cc, 0); } void kbfunc_client_snap(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct client_ctx *cc = ctx; struct screen_ctx *sc = cc->sc; struct geom area; int flags; area = screen_area(sc, cc->geom.x + cc->geom.w / 2, cc->geom.y + cc->geom.h / 2, 1); flags = cargs->flag; while (flags) { if (flags & CWM_UP) { cc->geom.y = area.y; flags &= ~CWM_UP; } if (flags & CWM_LEFT) { cc->geom.x = area.x; flags &= ~CWM_LEFT; } if (flags & CWM_RIGHT) { cc->geom.x = area.x + area.w - cc->geom.w - (cc->bwidth * 2); flags &= ~CWM_RIGHT; } if (flags & CWM_DOWN) { cc->geom.y = area.y + area.h - cc->geom.h - (cc->bwidth * 2); flags &= ~CWM_DOWN; } } client_move(cc); client_ptr_inbound(cc, 1); } void kbfunc_client_close(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_close(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_lower(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_ptr_save(ctx); client_lower(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_raise(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_raise(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_hide(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_hide(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_toggle_freeze(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_toggle_freeze(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_toggle_sticky(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_toggle_sticky(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_toggle_fullscreen(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_toggle_fullscreen(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_toggle_maximize(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_toggle_maximize(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_toggle_hmaximize(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_toggle_hmaximize(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_toggle_vmaximize(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_toggle_vmaximize(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_htile(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_htile(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_vtile(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { client_vtile(ctx); } void kbfunc_client_cycle(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct screen_ctx *sc = ctx; struct client_ctx *newcc, *oldcc, *prevcc; int again = 1, flags = cargs->flag; /* For X apps that ignore/steal events. */ if (cargs->xev == CWM_XEV_KEY) XGrabKeyboard(X_Dpy, sc->rootwin, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&sc->clientq)) return; prevcc = TAILQ_FIRST(&sc->clientq); oldcc = client_current(sc); if (oldcc == NULL) oldcc = (flags & CWM_CYCLE_REVERSE) ? TAILQ_LAST(&sc->clientq, client_q) : TAILQ_FIRST(&sc->clientq); newcc = oldcc; while (again) { again = 0; newcc = (flags & CWM_CYCLE_REVERSE) ? client_prev(newcc) : client_next(newcc); /* Only cycle visible and non-ignored windows. */ if ((newcc->flags & (CLIENT_SKIP_CYCLE)) || ((flags & CWM_CYCLE_INGROUP) && (newcc->gc != oldcc->gc)) || ((flags & CWM_CYCLE_INCLASS) && strcmp(newcc->res_class, oldcc->res_class) != 0)) again = 1; /* Is oldcc the only non-hidden window? */ if (newcc == oldcc) { if (again) return; /* No windows visible. */ break; } } /* Reset when cycling mod is released. XXX I hate this hack */ sc->cycling = 1; client_ptr_save(oldcc); client_raise(prevcc); client_raise(newcc); if (!client_inbound(newcc, newcc->ptr.x, newcc->ptr.y)) { newcc->ptr.x = newcc->geom.w / 2; newcc->ptr.y = newcc->geom.h / 2; } /* When no client is active, warp pointer to last active. */ if (oldcc->flags & (CLIENT_ACTIVE)) client_ptr_warp(newcc); else if (oldcc->flags & (CLIENT_SKIP_CYCLE)) client_ptr_warp(newcc); else { client_raise(oldcc); client_ptr_warp(oldcc); } } void kbfunc_client_toggle_group(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct client_ctx *cc = ctx; /* For X apps that ignore/steal events. */ if (cargs->xev == CWM_XEV_KEY) XGrabKeyboard(X_Dpy, cc->win, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime); group_toggle_membership(cc); } void kbfunc_client_movetogroup(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { group_movetogroup(ctx, cargs->flag); } void kbfunc_group_only(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { group_only(ctx, cargs->flag); } void kbfunc_group_last(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct screen_ctx *sc = ctx; group_only(ctx, sc->group_last->num); } void kbfunc_group_toggle(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { group_toggle(ctx, cargs->flag); } void kbfunc_group_toggle_all(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { group_toggle_all(ctx); } void kbfunc_group_close(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { group_close(ctx, cargs->flag); } void kbfunc_group_cycle(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { group_cycle(ctx, cargs->flag); } void kbfunc_menu_client(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct screen_ctx *sc = ctx; struct client_ctx *cc, *old_cc; struct menu *mi; struct menu_q menuq; int mflags = 0; if (cargs->xev == CWM_XEV_BTN) mflags |= CWM_MENU_LIST; TAILQ_INIT(&menuq); TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &sc->clientq, entry) { if ((cargs->flag & CWM_MENU_WINDOW_ALL) || (cc->flags & CLIENT_HIDDEN)) menuq_add(&menuq, cc, NULL); } if ((mi = menu_filter(sc, &menuq, "window", NULL, mflags, search_match_client, search_print_client)) != NULL) { cc = (struct client_ctx *)mi->ctx; client_show(cc); if ((old_cc = client_current(sc)) != NULL) client_ptr_save(old_cc); client_ptr_warp(cc); } menuq_clear(&menuq); } void kbfunc_menu_cmd(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct screen_ctx *sc = ctx; struct cmd_ctx *cmd; struct menu *mi; struct menu_q menuq; int mflags = 0; if (cargs->xev == CWM_XEV_BTN) mflags |= CWM_MENU_LIST; TAILQ_INIT(&menuq); TAILQ_FOREACH(cmd, &Conf.cmdq, entry) { if ((strcmp(cmd->name, "lock") == 0) || (strcmp(cmd->name, "term") == 0)) continue; menuq_add(&menuq, cmd, NULL); } if ((mi = menu_filter(sc, &menuq, "application", NULL, mflags, search_match_cmd, search_print_cmd)) != NULL) { cmd = (struct cmd_ctx *)mi->ctx; u_spawn(cmd->path); } menuq_clear(&menuq); } void kbfunc_menu_group(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct screen_ctx *sc = ctx; struct group_ctx *gc; struct menu *mi; struct menu_q menuq; int mflags = 0; if (cargs->xev == CWM_XEV_BTN) mflags |= CWM_MENU_LIST; TAILQ_INIT(&menuq); TAILQ_FOREACH(gc, &sc->groupq, entry) { if (group_holds_only_sticky(gc)) continue; menuq_add(&menuq, gc, NULL); } if ((mi = menu_filter(sc, &menuq, "group", NULL, mflags, search_match_group, search_print_group)) != NULL) { gc = (struct group_ctx *)mi->ctx; (group_holds_only_hidden(gc)) ? group_show(gc) : group_hide(gc); } menuq_clear(&menuq); } void kbfunc_menu_wm(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct screen_ctx *sc = ctx; struct cmd_ctx *wm; struct menu *mi; struct menu_q menuq; int mflags = 0; if (cargs->xev == CWM_XEV_BTN) mflags |= CWM_MENU_LIST; TAILQ_INIT(&menuq); TAILQ_FOREACH(wm, &Conf.wmq, entry) menuq_add(&menuq, wm, NULL); if ((mi = menu_filter(sc, &menuq, "wm", NULL, mflags, search_match_wm, search_print_wm)) != NULL) { wm = (struct cmd_ctx *)mi->ctx; free(Conf.wm_argv); Conf.wm_argv = xstrdup(wm->path); cwm_status = CWM_EXEC_WM; } menuq_clear(&menuq); } void kbfunc_menu_exec(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { #define NPATHS 256 struct screen_ctx *sc = ctx; char **ap, *paths[NPATHS], *path, *pathcpy; char tpath[PATH_MAX]; struct stat sb; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; struct menu *mi; struct menu_q menuq; int l, i; int mflags = (CWM_MENU_DUMMY | CWM_MENU_FILE); TAILQ_INIT(&menuq); if ((path = getenv("PATH")) == NULL) path = _PATH_DEFPATH; pathcpy = path = xstrdup(path); for (ap = paths; ap < &paths[NPATHS - 1] && (*ap = strsep(&pathcpy, ":")) != NULL;) { if (**ap != '\0') ap++; } *ap = NULL; for (i = 0; i < NPATHS && paths[i] != NULL; i++) { if ((dirp = opendir(paths[i])) == NULL) continue; while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { (void)memset(tpath, '\0', sizeof(tpath)); l = snprintf(tpath, sizeof(tpath), "%s/%s", paths[i], dp->d_name); if (l == -1 || l >= sizeof(tpath)) continue; /* Skip everything but regular files and symlinks. */ if (dp->d_type != DT_REG && dp->d_type != DT_LNK) { /* lstat(2) in case d_type isn't supported. */ if (lstat(tpath, &sb) == -1) continue; if (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode) && !S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode)) continue; } if (access(tpath, X_OK) == 0) menuq_add(&menuq, NULL, "%s", dp->d_name); } (void)closedir(dirp); } free(path); if ((mi = menu_filter(sc, &menuq, "exec", NULL, mflags, search_match_exec, search_print_text)) != NULL) { if (mi->text[0] == '\0') goto out; u_spawn(mi->text); } out: if (mi != NULL && mi->dummy) free(mi); menuq_clear(&menuq); } void kbfunc_menu_ssh(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct screen_ctx *sc = ctx; struct cmd_ctx *cmd; struct menu *mi; struct menu_q menuq; FILE *fp; char *buf, *lbuf, *p; char hostbuf[HOST_NAME_MAX+1]; char path[PATH_MAX]; int l; size_t len; ssize_t slen; int mflags = (CWM_MENU_DUMMY); TAILQ_FOREACH(cmd, &Conf.cmdq, entry) { if (strcmp(cmd->name, "term") == 0) break; } TAILQ_INIT(&menuq); if ((fp = fopen(Conf.known_hosts, "r")) == NULL) { warn("%s: %s", __func__, Conf.known_hosts); goto menu; } lbuf = NULL; len = 0; while ((slen = getline(&lbuf, &len, fp)) != -1) { buf = lbuf; if (buf[slen - 1] == '\n') buf[slen - 1] = '\0'; /* skip hashed hosts */ if (strncmp(buf, HASH_MARKER, strlen(HASH_MARKER)) == 0) continue; for (p = buf; *p != ',' && *p != ' ' && p != buf + slen; p++) ; /* ignore badness */ if (p - buf + 1 > sizeof(hostbuf)) continue; (void)strlcpy(hostbuf, buf, p - buf + 1); menuq_add(&menuq, NULL, "%s", hostbuf); } free(lbuf); if (ferror(fp)) err(1, "%s", path); (void)fclose(fp); menu: if ((mi = menu_filter(sc, &menuq, "ssh", NULL, mflags, search_match_text, search_print_text)) != NULL) { if (mi->text[0] == '\0') goto out; l = snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s -T '[ssh] %s' -e ssh %s", cmd->path, mi->text, mi->text); if (l == -1 || l >= sizeof(path)) goto out; u_spawn(path); } out: if (mi != NULL && mi->dummy) free(mi); menuq_clear(&menuq); } void kbfunc_client_menu_label(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct client_ctx *cc = ctx; struct menu *mi; struct menu_q menuq; int mflags = (CWM_MENU_DUMMY); TAILQ_INIT(&menuq); /* dummy is set, so this will always return */ mi = menu_filter(cc->sc, &menuq, "label", cc->label, mflags, search_match_text, search_print_text); if (!mi->abort) { free(cc->label); cc->label = xstrdup(mi->text); } free(mi); } void kbfunc_exec_cmd(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { u_spawn(cargs->cmd); } void kbfunc_exec_term(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct cmd_ctx *cmd; TAILQ_FOREACH(cmd, &Conf.cmdq, entry) { if (strcmp(cmd->name, "term") == 0) u_spawn(cmd->path); } } void kbfunc_exec_lock(void *ctx, struct cargs *cargs) { struct cmd_ctx *cmd; TAILQ_FOREACH(cmd, &Conf.cmdq, entry) { if (strcmp(cmd->name, "lock") == 0) u_spawn(cmd->path); } }