! $XTermId: XTerm-col.ad,v 1.21 2009/08/15 15:56:29 tom Exp $

#include "XTerm"

*VT100*colorMode: on
*VT100*boldColors: on
*VT100*dynamicColors: on

! Uncomment this for "white" text on a dark background.
!*VT100*foreground: gray90
!*VT100*background: black

! - OR -
! Uncomment this for black text on a "white" background.
!*VT100*foreground: black
!*VT100*background: gray90

! - OR -
! leave the foreground/background colors alone (at the mercy of your desktop
! designer).

! Color the popup/pulldown menu border to match the text widget foreground.
!*SimpleMenu*borderColor: gray15

! Uncomment this to use color for underline attribute
!*VT100*colorULMode: on
*VT100*colorUL: yellow

!*VT100*italicULMode: on

! Uncomment this to disable underlining, e.g., if colorULMode is set.
!*VT100*underLine: off

! Uncomment this to use color for the bold attribute
!*VT100*colorBDMode: on
*VT100*colorBD: white

! Uncomment this to use the bold/underline colors in preference to other colors
!*VT100*colorAttrMode: on

! These are the 8 ANSI colors and their bright equivalents.  Depending on
! other resource settings, xterm may use the bright colors when displaying
! bold text (see the boldColors resource).
*VT100*color0: black
*VT100*color1: red3
*VT100*color2: green3
*VT100*color3: yellow3
*VT100*color4: blue2
*VT100*color5: magenta3
*VT100*color6: cyan3
*VT100*color7: gray90
*VT100*color8: gray50
*VT100*color9: red
*VT100*color10: green
*VT100*color11: yellow
*VT100*color12: rgb:5c/5c/ff
*VT100*color13: magenta
*VT100*color14: cyan
*VT100*color15: white

! Disclaimer: there are no standard colors used in terminal emulation.
! The choice for color4 and color12 is a tradeoff between contrast, depending
! on whether they are used for text or backgrounds.  Note that either color4 or
! color12 would be used for text, while only color4 would be used for a
! background.  These are treated specially, since the luminosity of blue is
! only about half that of red/green, and is typically not accounted for in the
! RGB scheme.
! Blue text on a black background should be readable.
! Blue backgrounds should not be "too" bright.
! Originally color4/color12 were set to the names blue3/blue
!*VT100*color4: blue3
!*VT100*color12: blue
! They are from rgb.txt respectively:
!  0   0 205		blue3
!  0   0 255		blue
! However, blue3 is not readable on a black background.
! Another choice was from the Debian settings:
!*VT100*color4: DodgerBlue1
!*VT100*color12: SteelBlue1
! From rgb.txt:
! 30 144 255		DodgerBlue1
! 99 184 255		SteelBlue1
! Some users object to this choice because the background (color4) is brighter
! than they are accustomed.  Others point out that the different weights for
! the red/green components make it appear to be not really blue.  Finally, it
! provides poor contrast against color13 and color14.
! The current choice uses equal weights for red/green (effectively adding a
! gray to the result).  It is brighter than the original choice, and provides
! more contrast between color12 and color13, color14 than SteelBlue1 did.
! Contrast of color4 against black is slightly improved over the original.
! Some refinement is certainly possible (you are welcome to try) -TD

#if PLANES > 8
! Color the popup menus and the menubar to match:
*SimpleMenu*background: AntiqueWhite
*SimpleMenu*foreground: gray15

! Color the menubar to match:
*Form.menubar.background: AntiqueWhite
*Form.menubar*background: AntiqueWhite
*Form.menubar.foreground: gray15
*Form.menubar*foreground: gray15
*Form.background: AntiqueWhite
*form.background: AntiqueWhite

! The following two sections take advantage of new features in version 7
! of the Athena widget library.  Comment them out if you have a shallow
! color depth.
!*SimpleMenu*backgroundPixmap:   gradient:vertical?dimension=350&start=gray90&end=gray60
!*SimpleMenu*foreground:         gray15

!*VT100.scrollbar.thumb:         vlines2
!*VT100.scrollbar.width:         14
!*VT100.scrollbar.background:    gray60
!*VT100.scrollbar.foreground:    rgb:a/5/5
!*VT100.scrollbar.borderWidth:   0
!foreground      gray90;\
!lines           1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1;\
!foreground      gray60;\
!lines           -1,0,0,0,0,-1