/* * Copyright (c) 2002 by The XFree86 Project, Inc. * Author: Ivan Pascal. * * Based on the code from lnx_io.c which is * Copyright 1992 by Orest Zborowski * Copyright 1993 by David Dawes * * Portions based on kbdrate.c from util-linux 2.9t, which is * Copyright 1992 Rickard E. Faith. Distributed under the GPL. * This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "compiler.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86Priv.h" #include "xf86_OSlib.h" #include "xf86Xinput.h" #include "xf86OSKbd.h" #include "atKeynames.h" #include "lnx_kbd.h" #define KBC_TIMEOUT 250 /* Timeout in ms for sending to keyboard controller */ static KbdProtocolRec protocols[] = { {"standard", PROT_STD }, { NULL, PROT_UNKNOWN_KBD } }; static void SoundBell(InputInfoPtr pInfo, int loudness, int pitch, int duration) { if (loudness && pitch) { ioctl(pInfo->fd, KDMKTONE, ((1193190 / pitch) & 0xffff) | (((unsigned long)duration * loudness / 50) << 16)); } } static void SetKbdLeds(InputInfoPtr pInfo, int leds) { int real_leds = 0; #ifdef LED_CAP if (leds & XLED1) real_leds |= LED_CAP; if (leds & XLED2) real_leds |= LED_NUM; if (leds & XLED3) real_leds |= LED_SCR; #ifdef LED_COMP if (leds & XLED4) real_leds |= LED_COMP; #else if (leds & XLED4) real_leds |= LED_SCR; #endif #endif ioctl(pInfo->fd, KDSETLED, real_leds); } static int GetKbdLeds(InputInfoPtr pInfo) { char real_leds; int leds = 0; ioctl(pInfo->fd, KDGETLED, &real_leds); if (real_leds & LED_CAP) leds |= XLED1; if (real_leds & LED_NUM) leds |= XLED2; if (real_leds & LED_SCR) leds |= XLED3; return(leds); } typedef struct { int kbdtrans; struct termios kbdtty; } LnxKbdPrivRec, *LnxKbdPrivPtr; static int KbdInit(InputInfoPtr pInfo, int what) { KbdDevPtr pKbd = (KbdDevPtr) pInfo->private; LnxKbdPrivPtr priv = (LnxKbdPrivPtr) pKbd->private; if (pKbd->isConsole) { ioctl (pInfo->fd, KDGKBMODE, &(priv->kbdtrans)); tcgetattr (pInfo->fd, &(priv->kbdtty)); } if (!pKbd->CustomKeycodes) { pKbd->RemapScanCode = ATScancode; } return Success; } static int KbdOn(InputInfoPtr pInfo, int what) { KbdDevPtr pKbd = (KbdDevPtr) pInfo->private; LnxKbdPrivPtr priv = (LnxKbdPrivPtr) pKbd->private; struct termios nTty; if (pKbd->isConsole) { if (pKbd->CustomKeycodes) ioctl(pInfo->fd, KDSKBMODE, K_MEDIUMRAW); else ioctl(pInfo->fd, KDSKBMODE, K_RAW); nTty = priv->kbdtty; nTty.c_iflag = (IGNPAR | IGNBRK) & (~PARMRK) & (~ISTRIP); nTty.c_oflag = 0; nTty.c_cflag = CREAD | CS8; nTty.c_lflag = 0; nTty.c_cc[VTIME]=0; nTty.c_cc[VMIN]=1; cfsetispeed(&nTty, 9600); cfsetospeed(&nTty, 9600); tcsetattr(pInfo->fd, TCSANOW, &nTty); } return Success; } static int KbdOff(InputInfoPtr pInfo, int what) { KbdDevPtr pKbd = (KbdDevPtr) pInfo->private; LnxKbdPrivPtr priv = (LnxKbdPrivPtr) pKbd->private; if (pKbd->isConsole) { ioctl(pInfo->fd, KDSKBMODE, priv->kbdtrans); tcsetattr(pInfo->fd, TCSANOW, &(priv->kbdtty)); } return Success; } static void stdReadInput(InputInfoPtr pInfo) { KbdDevPtr pKbd = (KbdDevPtr) pInfo->private; unsigned char rBuf[64]; int nBytes, i; if ((nBytes = read( pInfo->fd, (char *)rBuf, sizeof(rBuf))) > 0) { for (i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) pKbd->PostEvent(pInfo, rBuf[i] & 0x7f, rBuf[i] & 0x80 ? FALSE : TRUE); } } static Bool OpenKeyboard(InputInfoPtr pInfo) { KbdDevPtr pKbd = (KbdDevPtr) pInfo->private; int i; KbdProtocolId prot = PROT_UNKNOWN_KBD; char *s; s = xf86SetStrOption(pInfo->options, "Protocol", NULL); for (i = 0; protocols[i].name; i++) { if (xf86NameCmp(s, protocols[i].name) == 0) { prot = protocols[i].id; break; } } switch (prot) { case PROT_STD: pInfo->read_input = stdReadInput; break; default: xf86Msg(X_ERROR,"\"%s\" is not a valid keyboard protocol name\n", s); free(s); return FALSE; } free(s); s = xf86SetStrOption(pInfo->options, "Device", NULL); if (s == NULL) { pInfo->fd = xf86Info.consoleFd; pKbd->isConsole = TRUE; } else { pInfo->fd = open(s, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_EXCL); if (pInfo->fd == -1) { xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "%s: cannot open \"%s\"\n", pInfo->name, s); free(s); return FALSE; } pKbd->isConsole = FALSE; free(s); } return TRUE; } _X_EXPORT Bool xf86OSKbdPreInit(InputInfoPtr pInfo) { KbdDevPtr pKbd = pInfo->private; pKbd->KbdInit = KbdInit; pKbd->KbdOn = KbdOn; pKbd->KbdOff = KbdOff; pKbd->Bell = SoundBell; pKbd->SetLeds = SetKbdLeds; pKbd->GetLeds = GetKbdLeds; pKbd->KbdGetMapping = KbdGetMapping; pKbd->RemapScanCode = NULL; pKbd->OpenKeyboard = OpenKeyboard; pKbd->private = calloc(sizeof(LnxKbdPrivRec), 1); if (pKbd->private == NULL) { xf86Msg(X_ERROR,"can't allocate keyboard OS private data\n"); return FALSE; } #if defined(__powerpc__) { FILE *f; f = fopen("/proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes","r"); if (f) { if (fgetc(f) == '0') xf86ReplaceBoolOption(pInfo->options, "CustomKeycodes", TRUE); fclose(f); } } #endif return TRUE; }