/* * SiSUSB driver option evaluation * * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 by Thomas Winischhofer, Vienna, Austria * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3) The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Author: Thomas Winischhofer * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "sisusb.h" #include "xf86str.h" #include "xf86Cursor.h" typedef enum { OPTION_NOACCEL, OPTION_SW_CURSOR, OPTION_HW_CURSOR, OPTION_NOXVIDEO, OPTION_NOINTERNALMODES, OPTION_USERGBCURSOR, OPTION_RESTOREBYSET, OPTION_CRT1GAMMA, OPTION_XVGAMMA, OPTION_XVDEFCONTRAST, OPTION_XVDEFBRIGHTNESS, OPTION_XVDEFHUE, OPTION_XVDEFSATURATION, OPTION_XVDEFDISABLEGFX, OPTION_XVDEFDISABLEGFXLR, OPTION_XVUSECHROMAKEY, OPTION_XVCHROMAMIN, OPTION_XVCHROMAMAX, OPTION_XVDISABLECOLORKEY, OPTION_XVINSIDECHROMAKEY, OPTION_XVYUVCHROMAKEY, OPTION_ENABLESISCTRL, OPTION_STOREDBRI, OPTION_NEWSTOREDBRI, OPTION_NEWSTOREDCON, OPTION_DISCONNTIMEOUT, OPTION_PSEUDO } SISUSBOpts; static const OptionInfoRec SISUSBOptions[] = { { OPTION_DISCONNTIMEOUT, "DisconnectTimeout", OPTV_INTEGER, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_ENABLESISCTRL, "EnableSiSCtrl", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_SW_CURSOR, "SWCursor", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_HW_CURSOR, "HWCursor", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_USERGBCURSOR, "UseColorHWCursor", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_NOINTERNALMODES, "NoInternalModes", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_RESTOREBYSET, "RestoreBySetMode", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_CRT1GAMMA, "CRT1Gamma", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_STOREDBRI, "GammaBrightness", OPTV_STRING, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_STOREDBRI, "StoredGammaBrightness", OPTV_STRING, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_NEWSTOREDBRI, "Brightness", OPTV_STRING, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_NEWSTOREDBRI, "NewGammaBrightness", OPTV_STRING, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_NEWSTOREDCON, "Contrast", OPTV_STRING, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_NEWSTOREDCON, "NewGammaContrast", OPTV_STRING, {0}, FALSE }, #ifdef SIS_GLOBAL_ENABLEXV { OPTION_NOXVIDEO, "NoXvideo", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVGAMMA, "XvGamma", OPTV_STRING, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVDEFCONTRAST, "XvDefaultContrast", OPTV_INTEGER, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVDEFBRIGHTNESS, "XvDefaultBrightness", OPTV_INTEGER, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVDEFHUE, "XvDefaultHue", OPTV_INTEGER, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVDEFSATURATION, "XvDefaultSaturation", OPTV_INTEGER, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVDEFDISABLEGFX, "XvDefaultDisableGfx", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVDEFDISABLEGFXLR, "XvDefaultDisableGfxLR", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVCHROMAMIN, "XvChromaMin", OPTV_INTEGER, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVCHROMAMAX, "XvChromaMax", OPTV_INTEGER, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVUSECHROMAKEY, "XvUseChromaKey", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVINSIDECHROMAKEY, "XvInsideChromaKey", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVYUVCHROMAKEY, "XvYUVChromaKey", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, { OPTION_XVDISABLECOLORKEY, "XvDisableColorKey", OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE }, #endif { -1, NULL, OPTV_NONE, {0}, FALSE } }; static int SiSUSB_FIFT(const OptionInfoRec *options, int token) { /* Find index from token */ int i = 0; while(options[i].token >= 0) { if(options[i].token == token) return i; i++; } return 0; /* Should not happen */ } #ifdef SIS_GLOBAL_ENABLEXV static void SiSUSB_PrintIlRange(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int token, int min, int max, UChar showhex) { SISUSBPtr pSiSUSB = SISUSBPTR(pScrn); static const char *ilparmd = "Invalid parameter for \"%s\". Valid range is %d - %d\n"; static const char *ilparmh = "Invalid parameter for \"%s\". Valid range is 0x%x - 0x%x\n"; xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, showhex ? ilparmh : ilparmd, pSiSUSB->Options[SiSUSB_FIFT(pSiSUSB->Options, token)].name, min, max); } static Bool SiSUSB_StrIsBoolOff(char *strptr) { if( (!xf86NameCmp(strptr,"off")) || (!xf86NameCmp(strptr,"false")) || (!xf86NameCmp(strptr,"no")) || (!xf86NameCmp(strptr,"0")) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static Bool SiSUSB_StrIsBoolOn(char *strptr) { if( (!xf86NameCmp(strptr,"on")) || (!xf86NameCmp(strptr,"true")) || (!xf86NameCmp(strptr,"yes")) || (!xf86NameCmp(strptr,"1")) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } #endif static Bool SiSUSB_EvalOneOrThreeFloats(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int token, const char *myerror, char *strptr, int *v1, int *v2, int *v3) { SISUSBPtr pSiSUSB = SISUSBPTR(pScrn); float val1 = 0.0, val2 = 0.0, val3 = 0.0; Bool valid = FALSE; int result = sscanf(strptr, "%f %f %f", &val1, &val2, &val3); if(result == 1) { if((val1 >= 0.1) && (val1 <= 10.0)) { valid = TRUE; *v1 = *v2 = *v3 = (int)(val1 * 1000); } } else if(result == 3) { if((val1 >= 0.1) && (val1 <= 10.0) && (val2 >= 0.1) && (val2 <= 10.0) && (val3 >= 0.1) && (val3 <= 10.0)) { valid = TRUE; *v1 = (int)(val1 * 1000); *v2 = (int)(val2 * 1000); *v3 = (int)(val3 * 1000); } } if(!valid) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, myerror, pSiSUSB->Options[SiSUSB_FIFT(pSiSUSB->Options, token)].name); } return (valid); } static Bool SiSUSB_EvalOneOrThreeFloats2(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int token, const char *myerror, char *strptr, float *v1, float *v2, float *v3) { SISUSBPtr pSiSUSB = SISUSBPTR(pScrn); float val1 = 0.0, val2 = 0.0, val3 = 0.0; Bool valid = FALSE; int result = sscanf(strptr, "%f %f %f", &val1, &val2, &val3); if(result == 1) { if((val1 >= -1.0) && (val1 <= 1.0)) { valid = TRUE; *v1 = *v2 = *v3 = val1; } } else if(result == 3) { if((val1 >= -1.0) && (val1 <= 1.0) && (val2 >= -1.0) && (val2 <= 1.0) && (val3 >= -1.0) && (val3 <= 1.0)) { valid = TRUE; *v1 = val1; *v2 = val2; *v3 = val3; } } if(!valid) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, myerror, pSiSUSB->Options[SiSUSB_FIFT(pSiSUSB->Options, token)].name); } return (valid); } void SiSUSBOptions(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn) { SISUSBPtr pSiSUSB = SISUSBPTR(pScrn); MessageType from; char *strptr; int ival; static const char *disabledstr= "disabled"; static const char *enabledstr = "enabled"; #ifdef SIS_GLOBAL_ENABLEXV static const char *gammaopt = "%s expects either a boolean, or 1 or 3 real numbers (0.1 - 10.0)\n"; #endif static const char *briopt = "%s expects one or three real numbers (0.1 - 10.0)\n"; static const char *newbriopt = "%s expects one or three real numbers (-1.0 - 1.0)\n"; Bool val; /* Collect all of the relevant option flags (fill in pScrn->options) */ xf86CollectOptions(pScrn, NULL); /* Process the options */ if(!(pSiSUSB->Options = xalloc(sizeof(SISUSBOptions)))) return; memcpy(pSiSUSB->Options, SISUSBOptions, sizeof(SISUSBOptions)); xf86ProcessOptions(pScrn->scrnIndex, pScrn->options, pSiSUSB->Options); /* Set defaults */ #ifdef SISVRAMQ /* TODO: Option (315 series VRAM command queue) */ /* But beware: sisusbfb does not know about this!!! */ pSiSUSB->cmdQueueSize = 512*1024; #endif pSiSUSB->HWCursor = TRUE; pSiSUSB->NoAccel = TRUE; /* ! */ pSiSUSB->ShadowFB = TRUE; /* ! */ pSiSUSB->timeout = 0; pSiSUSB->VESA = -1; #ifdef SIS_GLOBAL_ENABLEXV pSiSUSB->NoXvideo = FALSE; #else pSiSUSB->NoXvideo = TRUE; #endif pSiSUSB->maxxfbmem = 0; pSiSUSB->DSTN = FALSE; pSiSUSB->FSTN = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvOnCRT2 = FALSE; pSiSUSB->noInternalModes = FALSE; pSiSUSB->restorebyset = TRUE; pSiSUSB->CRT1gamma = TRUE; pSiSUSB->CRT1gammaGiven = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvGamma = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvGammaGiven = FALSE; pSiSUSB->enablesisctrl = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvDefBri = 10; pSiSUSB->XvDefCon = 2; pSiSUSB->XvDefHue = 0; pSiSUSB->XvDefSat = 0; pSiSUSB->XvDefDisableGfx = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvDefDisableGfxLR = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvUseChromaKey = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvDisableColorKey = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvInsideChromaKey = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvYUVChromaKey = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvChromaMin = 0x000101fe; pSiSUSB->XvChromaMax = 0x000101ff; pSiSUSB->XvGammaRed = pSiSUSB->XvGammaGreen = pSiSUSB->XvGammaBlue = pSiSUSB->XvGammaRedDef = pSiSUSB->XvGammaGreenDef = pSiSUSB->XvGammaBlueDef = 1000; pSiSUSB->GammaBriR = pSiSUSB->GammaBriG = pSiSUSB->GammaBriB = 1000; pSiSUSB->NewGammaBriR = pSiSUSB->NewGammaBriG = pSiSUSB->NewGammaBriB = 0.0; pSiSUSB->NewGammaConR = pSiSUSB->NewGammaConG = pSiSUSB->NewGammaConB = 0.0; pSiSUSB->HideHWCursor = FALSE; pSiSUSB->HWCursorIsVisible = FALSE; #if XF86_VERSION_CURRENT < XF86_VERSION_NUMERIC(4,2,99,0) pSiSUSB->OptUseColorCursor = 0; #else pSiSUSB->OptUseColorCursor = 1; #endif /* Collect the options */ /* DisconnectTimeout * * 0 = forever, -1 = abort server immediately * otherwise: re-probe for n seconds * */ from = X_DEFAULT; if(xf86GetOptValInteger(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_DISCONNTIMEOUT, &ival)) { if(ival < 0) pSiSUSB->timeout = -1; else pSiSUSB->timeout = (ival > 32768) ? 32768 : ival; from = X_CONFIG; } switch(pSiSUSB->timeout) { case -1: xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, from, "Device disconnection will abort X server\n"); break; case 0: xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, from, "Device will be re-probed forever after disconnection\n"); break; default: xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, from, "Device will be re-probed for %d seconds after disconnection\n", pSiSUSB->timeout); break; } /* SWCursor, HWCursor * Chooses whether to use the hardware or software cursor */ from = X_DEFAULT; if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_HW_CURSOR, &pSiSUSB->HWCursor)) { from = X_CONFIG; } if(xf86ReturnOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_SW_CURSOR, FALSE)) { from = X_CONFIG; pSiSUSB->HWCursor = FALSE; pSiSUSB->OptUseColorCursor = 0; } xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, from, "Using %s cursor\n", pSiSUSB->HWCursor ? "HW" : "SW"); /* * UseColorHWCursor * Enable/disable color hardware cursor * */ #if XF86_VERSION_CURRENT >= XF86_VERSION_NUMERIC(4,2,99,0) #ifdef ARGB_CURSOR #ifdef SIS_ARGB_CURSOR if(pSiSUSB->HWCursor) { from = X_DEFAULT; if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_USERGBCURSOR, &pSiSUSB->OptUseColorCursor)) { from = X_CONFIG; } xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, from, "Color HW cursor is %s\n", pSiSUSB->OptUseColorCursor ? enabledstr : disabledstr); } #endif #endif #endif /* RestoreBySetMode * Set this to force the driver to set the old mode instead of restoring * the register contents. This can be used to overcome problems with * LCD panels and video bridges. */ if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_RESTOREBYSET, &val)) { pSiSUSB->restorebyset = val ? TRUE : FALSE; } /* EnableSiSCtrl */ /* Allow sisctrl tool to change driver settings */ from = X_DEFAULT; if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_ENABLESISCTRL, &val)) { if(val) pSiSUSB->enablesisctrl = TRUE; from = X_CONFIG; } xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, from, "SiSCtrl utility interface is %s\n", pSiSUSB->enablesisctrl ? enabledstr : disabledstr); /* CRT1Gamma - enable/disable gamma correction for CRT1 */ if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_CRT1GAMMA, &val)) { pSiSUSB->CRT1gamma = val; pSiSUSB->CRT1gammaGiven = TRUE; } /* NoInternalModes (300/315/330 series only) * Don't use that. */ if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_NOINTERNALMODES, &pSiSUSB->noInternalModes)) { if(pSiSUSB->noInternalModes) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_CONFIG, "Usage of built-in modes is %s\n", disabledstr); } } /* NoXVideo * Set this to TRUE to disable Xv hardware video acceleration */ #ifdef SIS_GLOBAL_ENABLEXV if(!pSiSUSB->NoXvideo) { if(xf86ReturnOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_NOXVIDEO, FALSE)) { pSiSUSB->NoXvideo = TRUE; xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_CONFIG, "XVideo extension (Xv) disabled\n"); } if(!pSiSUSB->NoXvideo) { /* Some Xv properties' defaults can be set by options */ if(xf86GetOptValInteger(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVDEFCONTRAST, &ival)) { if((ival >= 0) && (ival <= 7)) pSiSUSB->XvDefCon = ival; else SiSUSB_PrintIlRange(pScrn, OPTION_XVDEFCONTRAST, 0, 7, 0); } if(xf86GetOptValInteger(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVDEFBRIGHTNESS, &ival)) { if((ival >= -128) && (ival <= 127)) pSiSUSB->XvDefBri = ival; else SiSUSB_PrintIlRange(pScrn, OPTION_XVDEFBRIGHTNESS, -128, 127, 0); } if(xf86GetOptValInteger(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVDEFHUE, &ival)) { if((ival >= -8) && (ival <= 7)) pSiSUSB->XvDefHue = ival; else SiSUSB_PrintIlRange(pScrn, OPTION_XVDEFHUE, -8, 7, 0); } if(xf86GetOptValInteger(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVDEFSATURATION, &ival)) { if((ival >= -7) && (ival <= 7)) pSiSUSB->XvDefSat = ival; else SiSUSB_PrintIlRange(pScrn, OPTION_XVDEFSATURATION, -7, 7, 0); } if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVDEFDISABLEGFX, &val)) { if(val) pSiSUSB->XvDefDisableGfx = TRUE; xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_CONFIG, "Graphics display will be %s during Xv usage\n", val ? disabledstr : enabledstr); } if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVDEFDISABLEGFXLR, &val)) { if(val) pSiSUSB->XvDefDisableGfxLR = TRUE; xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_CONFIG, "Graphics display left/right of overlay will be %s during Xv usage\n", val ? disabledstr : enabledstr); } if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVDISABLECOLORKEY, &val)) { if(val) pSiSUSB->XvDisableColorKey = TRUE; xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_CONFIG, "Xv Color key is %s\n", val ? disabledstr : enabledstr); } if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVUSECHROMAKEY, &val)) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_CONFIG, "Xv Chroma-keying is %s\n", val ? enabledstr : disabledstr); if(val) pSiSUSB->XvUseChromaKey = TRUE; } if(xf86GetOptValBool(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVINSIDECHROMAKEY, &val)) { xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_CONFIG, "Xv: Video is transparent if %s chroma key range\n", val ? "inside" : "outside"); if(val) pSiSUSB->XvInsideChromaKey = TRUE; } if(xf86GetOptValInteger(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVCHROMAMIN, &ival)) { if((ival >= 0) && (ival <= 0xffffff)) pSiSUSB->XvChromaMin = ival; else SiSUSB_PrintIlRange(pScrn, OPTION_XVCHROMAMIN, 0, 0xffffff, 1); } if(xf86GetOptValInteger(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVCHROMAMAX, &ival)) { if((ival >= 0) && (ival <= 0xffffff)) pSiSUSB->XvChromaMax = ival; else SiSUSB_PrintIlRange(pScrn, OPTION_XVCHROMAMAX, 0, 0xffffff, 1); } /* XvGamma - enable/disable gamma correction for Xv * Supported for CRT1 only */ if((strptr = (char *)xf86GetOptValString(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_XVGAMMA))) { if(SiSUSB_StrIsBoolOff(strptr)) { pSiSUSB->XvGamma = FALSE; pSiSUSB->XvGammaGiven = TRUE; } else if(SiSUSB_StrIsBoolOn(strptr)) { pSiSUSB->XvGamma = pSiSUSB->XvGammaGiven = TRUE; } else { if(SiSUSB_EvalOneOrThreeFloats(pScrn, OPTION_XVGAMMA, gammaopt, strptr, &pSiSUSB->XvGammaRed, &pSiSUSB->XvGammaGreen, &pSiSUSB->XvGammaBlue)) { pSiSUSB->XvGamma = pSiSUSB->XvGammaGiven = TRUE; pSiSUSB->XvGammaRedDef = pSiSUSB->XvGammaRed; pSiSUSB->XvGammaGreenDef = pSiSUSB->XvGammaGreen; pSiSUSB->XvGammaBlue = pSiSUSB->XvGammaBlue; } } } } } #endif { Bool GotNewBri = FALSE; if((strptr = (char *)xf86GetOptValString(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_NEWSTOREDCON))) { SiSUSB_EvalOneOrThreeFloats2(pScrn, OPTION_NEWSTOREDCON, newbriopt, strptr, &pSiSUSB->NewGammaConR, &pSiSUSB->NewGammaConG, &pSiSUSB->NewGammaConB); GotNewBri = TRUE; } if((strptr = (char *)xf86GetOptValString(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_NEWSTOREDBRI))) { SiSUSB_EvalOneOrThreeFloats2(pScrn, OPTION_NEWSTOREDBRI, newbriopt, strptr, &pSiSUSB->NewGammaBriR, &pSiSUSB->NewGammaBriG, &pSiSUSB->NewGammaBriB); GotNewBri = TRUE; } if(!GotNewBri) { if((strptr = (char *)xf86GetOptValString(pSiSUSB->Options, OPTION_STOREDBRI))) { SiSUSB_EvalOneOrThreeFloats(pScrn, OPTION_STOREDBRI, briopt, strptr, &pSiSUSB->GammaBriR, &pSiSUSB->GammaBriG, &pSiSUSB->GammaBriB); pSiSUSB->SiS_SD3_Flags |= SiS_SD3_OLDGAMMAINUSE; } } } } const OptionInfoRec * SISUSBAvailableOptions(int chipid, int busid) { return SISUSBOptions; }