/* * Copyright © Microsoft Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.  IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "d3d12_pipeline_state.h" #include "d3d12_compiler.h" #include "d3d12_context.h" #include "d3d12_screen.h" #include "util/hash_table.h" #include "util/set.h" #include "util/u_memory.h" #include "util/u_prim.h" #include struct d3d12_pso_entry { struct d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state key; ID3D12PipelineState *pso; }; static const char *slot_to_varying[] = { "VARYINGAA", "VARYINGAB", "VARYINGAC", "VARYINGAD", "VARYINGAE", "VARYINGAF", "VARYINGAG", "VARYINGAH", "VARYINGAI", "VARYINGAJ", "VARYINGAK", "VARYINGAL", "VARYINGAM", "VARYINGAN", "VARYINGAO", "VARYINGAP", "VARYINGBA", "VARYINGBB", "VARYINGBC", "VARYINGBD", "VARYINGBE", "VARYINGBF", "VARYINGBG", "VARYINGBH", "VARYINGBI", "VARYINGBJ", "VARYINGBK", "VARYINGBL", "VARYINGBM", "VARYINGBN", "VARYINGBO", "VARYINGBP", "VARYINGCA", "VARYINGCB", "VARYINGCC", "VARYINGCD", "VARYINGCE", "VARYINGCF", "VARYINGCG", "VARYINGCH", "VARYINGCI", "VARYINGCJ", "VARYINGCK", "VARYINGCL", "VARYINGCM", "VARYINGCN", "VARYINGCO", "VARYINGCP", "VARYINGDA", "VARYINGDB", "VARYINGDC", "VARYINGDD", "VARYINGDE", "VARYINGDF", "VARYINGDG", "VARYINGDH", "VARYINGDI", "VARYINGDJ", "VARYINGDK", "VARYINGDL", "VARYINGDM", "VARYINGDN", "VARYINGDO", "VARYINGDP", }; static const char * get_semantic_name(int slot, unsigned *index) { *index = 0; /* Default index */ switch (slot) { case VARYING_SLOT_POS: return "SV_Position"; case VARYING_SLOT_FACE: return "SV_IsFrontFace"; case VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST1: *index = 1; FALLTHROUGH; case VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST0: return "SV_ClipDistance"; case VARYING_SLOT_PRIMITIVE_ID: return "SV_PrimitiveID"; default: { int index = slot - VARYING_SLOT_POS; return slot_to_varying[index]; } } } static void fill_so_declaration(const struct pipe_stream_output_info *info, D3D12_SO_DECLARATION_ENTRY *entries, UINT *num_entries, UINT *strides, UINT *num_strides) { int next_offset[MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS] = { 0 }; *num_entries = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < info->num_outputs; i++) { const struct pipe_stream_output *output = &info->output[i]; const int buffer = output->output_buffer; unsigned index; /* Mesa doesn't store entries for gl_SkipComponents in the Outputs[] * array. Instead, it simply increments DstOffset for the following * input by the number of components that should be skipped. * * DirectX12 requires that we create gap entries. */ int skip_components = output->dst_offset - next_offset[buffer]; if (skip_components > 0) { entries[*num_entries].Stream = output->stream; entries[*num_entries].SemanticName = NULL; entries[*num_entries].ComponentCount = skip_components; entries[*num_entries].OutputSlot = buffer; (*num_entries)++; } next_offset[buffer] = output->dst_offset + output->num_components; entries[*num_entries].Stream = output->stream; entries[*num_entries].SemanticName = get_semantic_name(output->register_index, &index); entries[*num_entries].SemanticIndex = index; entries[*num_entries].StartComponent = output->start_component; entries[*num_entries].ComponentCount = output->num_components; entries[*num_entries].OutputSlot = buffer; (*num_entries)++; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS; i++) strides[i] = info->stride[i] * 4; *num_strides = MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS; } static bool depth_bias(struct d3d12_rasterizer_state *state, enum pipe_prim_type reduced_prim) { /* glPolygonOffset is supposed to be only enabled when rendering polygons. * In d3d12 case, all polygons (and quads) are lowered to triangles */ if (reduced_prim != PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLES) return false; unsigned fill_mode = state->base.cull_face == PIPE_FACE_FRONT ? state->base.fill_back : state->base.fill_front; switch (fill_mode) { case PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_FILL: return state->base.offset_tri; case PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_LINE: return state->base.offset_line; case PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_POINT: return state->base.offset_point; default: unreachable("unexpected fill mode"); } } static D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE topology_type(enum pipe_prim_type reduced_prim) { switch (reduced_prim) { case PIPE_PRIM_POINTS: return D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_POINT; case PIPE_PRIM_LINES: return D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_LINE; case PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLES: return D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_TRIANGLE; case PIPE_PRIM_PATCHES: return D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_PATCH; default: debug_printf("pipe_prim_type: %s\n", u_prim_name(reduced_prim)); unreachable("unexpected enum pipe_prim_type"); } } DXGI_FORMAT d3d12_rtv_format(struct d3d12_context *ctx, unsigned index) { DXGI_FORMAT fmt = ctx->gfx_pipeline_state.rtv_formats[index]; if (ctx->gfx_pipeline_state.blend->desc.RenderTarget[0].LogicOpEnable && !ctx->gfx_pipeline_state.has_float_rtv) { switch (fmt) { case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM: return DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT; default: unreachable("unsupported logic-op format"); } } return fmt; } static ID3D12PipelineState * create_gfx_pipeline_state(struct d3d12_context *ctx) { struct d3d12_screen *screen = d3d12_screen(ctx->base.screen); struct d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state *state = &ctx->gfx_pipeline_state; enum pipe_prim_type reduced_prim = u_reduced_prim(state->prim_type); D3D12_SO_DECLARATION_ENTRY entries[PIPE_MAX_SO_OUTPUTS] = {}; UINT strides[PIPE_MAX_SO_OUTPUTS] = { 0 }; UINT num_entries = 0, num_strides = 0; D3D12_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_STATE_DESC pso_desc = { 0 }; pso_desc.pRootSignature = state->root_signature; bool last_vertex_stage_writes_pos = false; if (state->stages[PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX]) { auto shader = state->stages[PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX]; pso_desc.VS.BytecodeLength = shader->bytecode_length; pso_desc.VS.pShaderBytecode = shader->bytecode; last_vertex_stage_writes_pos = (shader->nir->info.outputs_written & VARYING_BIT_POS) != 0; } if (state->stages[PIPE_SHADER_GEOMETRY]) { auto shader = state->stages[PIPE_SHADER_GEOMETRY]; pso_desc.GS.BytecodeLength = shader->bytecode_length; pso_desc.GS.pShaderBytecode = shader->bytecode; last_vertex_stage_writes_pos = (shader->nir->info.outputs_written & VARYING_BIT_POS) != 0; } if (last_vertex_stage_writes_pos && state->stages[PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT] && !state->rast->base.rasterizer_discard) { auto shader = state->stages[PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT]; pso_desc.PS.BytecodeLength = shader->bytecode_length; pso_desc.PS.pShaderBytecode = shader->bytecode; } if (state->num_so_targets) fill_so_declaration(&state->so_info, entries, &num_entries, strides, &num_strides); pso_desc.StreamOutput.NumEntries = num_entries; pso_desc.StreamOutput.pSODeclaration = entries; pso_desc.StreamOutput.RasterizedStream = state->rast->base.rasterizer_discard ? D3D12_SO_NO_RASTERIZED_STREAM : 0; pso_desc.StreamOutput.NumStrides = num_strides; pso_desc.StreamOutput.pBufferStrides = strides; pso_desc.BlendState = state->blend->desc; if (state->has_float_rtv) pso_desc.BlendState.RenderTarget[0].LogicOpEnable = FALSE; pso_desc.DepthStencilState = state->zsa->desc; pso_desc.SampleMask = state->sample_mask; pso_desc.RasterizerState = state->rast->desc; if (reduced_prim != PIPE_PRIM_TRIANGLES) pso_desc.RasterizerState.CullMode = D3D12_CULL_MODE_NONE; if (depth_bias(state->rast, reduced_prim)) { pso_desc.RasterizerState.DepthBias = state->rast->base.offset_units * 2; pso_desc.RasterizerState.DepthBiasClamp = state->rast->base.offset_clamp; pso_desc.RasterizerState.SlopeScaledDepthBias = state->rast->base.offset_scale; } pso_desc.InputLayout.pInputElementDescs = state->ves->elements; pso_desc.InputLayout.NumElements = state->ves->num_elements; pso_desc.IBStripCutValue = state->ib_strip_cut_value; pso_desc.PrimitiveTopologyType = topology_type(reduced_prim); pso_desc.NumRenderTargets = state->num_cbufs; for (unsigned i = 0; i < state->num_cbufs; ++i) pso_desc.RTVFormats[i] = d3d12_rtv_format(ctx, i); pso_desc.DSVFormat = state->dsv_format; pso_desc.SampleDesc.Count = state->samples; pso_desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; pso_desc.NodeMask = 0; pso_desc.CachedPSO.pCachedBlob = NULL; pso_desc.CachedPSO.CachedBlobSizeInBytes = 0; pso_desc.Flags = D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_FLAG_NONE; ID3D12PipelineState *ret; if (FAILED(screen->dev->CreateGraphicsPipelineState(&pso_desc, IID_PPV_ARGS(&ret)))) { debug_printf("D3D12: CreateGraphicsPipelineState failed!\n"); return NULL; } return ret; } static uint32_t hash_gfx_pipeline_state(const void *key) { return _mesa_hash_data(key, sizeof(struct d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state)); } static bool equals_gfx_pipeline_state(const void *a, const void *b) { return memcmp(a, b, sizeof(struct d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state)) == 0; } ID3D12PipelineState * d3d12_get_gfx_pipeline_state(struct d3d12_context *ctx) { uint32_t hash = hash_gfx_pipeline_state(&ctx->gfx_pipeline_state); struct hash_entry *entry = _mesa_hash_table_search_pre_hashed(ctx->pso_cache, hash, &ctx->gfx_pipeline_state); if (!entry) { struct d3d12_pso_entry *data = (struct d3d12_pso_entry *)MALLOC(sizeof(struct d3d12_pso_entry)); if (!data) return NULL; data->key = ctx->gfx_pipeline_state; data->pso = create_gfx_pipeline_state(ctx); if (!data->pso) { FREE(data); return NULL; } entry = _mesa_hash_table_insert_pre_hashed(ctx->pso_cache, hash, &data->key, data); assert(entry); } return ((struct d3d12_pso_entry *)(entry->data))->pso; } void d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state_cache_init(struct d3d12_context *ctx) { ctx->pso_cache = _mesa_hash_table_create(NULL, NULL, equals_gfx_pipeline_state); } static void delete_entry(struct hash_entry *entry) { struct d3d12_pso_entry *data = (struct d3d12_pso_entry *)entry->data; data->pso->Release(); FREE(data); } static void remove_entry(struct d3d12_context *ctx, struct hash_entry *entry) { struct d3d12_pso_entry *data = (struct d3d12_pso_entry *)entry->data; if (ctx->current_pso == data->pso) ctx->current_pso = NULL; _mesa_hash_table_remove(ctx->pso_cache, entry); delete_entry(entry); } void d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state_cache_destroy(struct d3d12_context *ctx) { _mesa_hash_table_destroy(ctx->pso_cache, delete_entry); } void d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state_cache_invalidate(struct d3d12_context *ctx, const void *state) { hash_table_foreach(ctx->pso_cache, entry) { const struct d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state *key = (struct d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state *)entry->key; if (key->blend == state || key->zsa == state || key->rast == state) remove_entry(ctx, entry); } } void d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state_cache_invalidate_shader(struct d3d12_context *ctx, enum pipe_shader_type stage, struct d3d12_shader_selector *selector) { struct d3d12_shader *shader = selector->first; while (shader) { hash_table_foreach(ctx->pso_cache, entry) { const struct d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state *key = (struct d3d12_gfx_pipeline_state *)entry->key; if (key->stages[stage] == shader) remove_entry(ctx, entry); } shader = shader->next_variant; } }