path: root/gnu/usr.bin/perl/pod/buildtoc
diff options
authorTodd C. Miller <>2003-12-03 03:12:06 +0000
committerTodd C. Miller <>2003-12-03 03:12:06 +0000
commit087c2ac8d40ebd7e317e1caa0b3fc2f61c1ab5d6 (patch)
tree365bf3a1c899b6f771c99dfd51372b3a3e110512 /gnu/usr.bin/perl/pod/buildtoc
parent7cb9748cd6c63f43935c870f350f02af1d3ec9ad (diff)
Add back these dead files for 5.8.2
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin/perl/pod/buildtoc')
1 files changed, 668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/pod/buildtoc b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/pod/buildtoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f9e6849b46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/pod/buildtoc
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use vars qw($masterpodfile %Build %Targets $Verbose $Up %Ignore
+ @Master %Readmes %Pods %Aux %Readmepods %Pragmata %Modules);
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Find;
+use FindBin;
+use Text::Tabs;
+use Text::Wrap;
+use Getopt::Long;
+no locale;
+$Up = File::Spec->updir;
+$masterpodfile = File::Spec->catdir($Up, "pod.lst");
+# Generate any/all of these files
+# --verbose gives slightly more output
+# --build-all tries to build everything
+# --build-foo updates foo as follows
+# --showfiles shows the files to be changed
+ = (
+ toc => "perltoc.pod",
+ manifest => File::Spec->catdir($Up, "MANIFEST"),
+ perlpod => "perl.pod",
+ vms => File::Spec->catdir($Up, "vms", "descrip_mms.template"),
+ nmake => File::Spec->catdir($Up, "win32", "Makefile"),
+ dmake => File::Spec->catdir($Up, "win32", ""),
+ podmak => File::Spec->catdir($Up, "win32", "pod.mak"),
+ # plan9 => File::Spec->catdir($Up, "plan9", "mkfile"),
+ );
+ my @files = keys %Targets;
+ my $filesopts = join(" | ", map { "--build-$_" } "all", sort @files);
+ my $showfiles;
+ die <<__USAGE__
+$0: Usage: $0 [--verbose] [--showfiles] $filesopts
+ unless @ARGV
+ && GetOptions (verbose => \$Verbose,
+ showfiles => \$showfiles,
+ map {+"build-$_", \$Build{$_}} @files, 'all');
+ # Set them all to true
+ @Build{@files} = @files if ($Build{all});
+ if ($showfiles) {
+ print
+ join(" ",
+ sort { lc $a cmp lc $b }
+ map {
+ my ($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($_);
+ my @d;
+ @d = defined $d ? File::Spec->splitdir($d) : ();
+ shift @d if @d;
+ File::Spec->catfile(@d ?
+ (@d == 1 && $d[0] eq '' ? () : @d)
+ : "pod", $f);
+ } @Targets{grep { $_ ne 'all' && $Build{$_} } keys %Build}),
+ "\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+# Don't copy these top level READMEs
+ = (
+ Y2K => 1,
+ micro => 1,
+# vms => 1,
+ );
+if ($Verbose) {
+ print "I'm building $_\n" foreach grep {$Build{$_}} keys %Build;
+chdir $FindBin::Bin or die "$0: Can't chdir $FindBin::Bin: $!";
+open MASTER, $masterpodfile or die "$0: Can't open $masterpodfile: $!";
+foreach (<MASTER>) {
+ next if /^\#/;
+ # At least one upper case letter somewhere in the first group
+ if (/^(\S+)\s(.*)/ && $1 =~ tr/A-Z//) {
+ # it's a heading
+ my $flags = $1;
+ my %flags = (header => 1);
+ $flags{toc_omit} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/O//d;
+ $flags{include} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/I//d;
+ $flags{aux} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/A//d;
+ die "$0: Unknown flag found in heading line: $_" if length $flags;
+ push @Master, [\%flags, $2];
+ } elsif (/^(\S*)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/) {
+ # it's a section
+ my ($flags, $filename, $desc) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ my %flags = (indent => 0);
+ $flags{indent} = $1 if $flags =~ s/(\d+)//;
+ $flags{toc_omit} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/o//d;
+ $flags{aux} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/a//d;
+ if ($flags =~ tr/r//d) {
+ my $readme = $filename;
+ $readme =~ s/^perl//;
+ $Readmepods{$filename} = $Readmes{$readme} = $desc;
+ $flags{readme} = 1;
+ } elsif ($flags{aux}) {
+ $Aux{$filename} = $desc;
+ } else {
+ $Pods{$filename} = $desc;
+ }
+ die "$0: Unknown flag found in section line: $_" if length $flags;
+ push @Master, [\%flags, $filename, $desc];
+ } elsif (/^$/) {
+ push @Master, undef;
+ } else {
+ die "$0: Malformed line: $_" if $1 =~ tr/A-Z//;
+ }
+close MASTER;
+# Sanity cross check
+ my (%disk_pods, @disk_pods);
+ my (@manipods, %manipods);
+ my (@manireadmes, %manireadmes);
+ my (@perlpods, %perlpods);
+ my (%our_pods);
+ # Convert these to a list of filenames.
+ foreach (keys %Pods, keys %Readmepods) {
+ $our_pods{"$_.pod"}++;
+ }
+ # None of these filenames will be boolean false
+ @disk_pods = glob("*.pod");
+ @disk_pods{@disk_pods} = @disk_pods;
+ open(MANI, "../MANIFEST") || die "$0: opening ../MANIFEST failed: $!";
+ while (<MANI>) {
+ if (m!^pod/([^.]+\.pod)\s+!i) {
+ push @manipods, $1;
+ } elsif (m!^README\.(\S+)\s+!i) {
+ next if $Ignore{$1};
+ push @manireadmes, "perl$1.pod";
+ }
+ }
+ close(MANI);
+ @manipods{@manipods} = @manipods;
+ @manireadmes{@manireadmes} = @manireadmes;
+ open(PERLPOD, "perl.pod") || die "$0: opening perl.pod failed: $!\n";
+ while (<PERLPOD>) {
+ if (/^For ease of access, /../^\(If you're intending /) {
+ if (/^\s+(perl\S*)\s+\w/) {
+ push @perlpods, "$1.pod";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(PERLPOD);
+ die "$0: could not find the pod listing of perl.pod\n"
+ unless @perlpods;
+ @perlpods{@perlpods} = @perlpods;
+ foreach my $i (sort keys %disk_pods) {
+ warn "$0: $i exists but is unknown by buildtoc\n"
+ unless $our_pods{$i};
+ warn "$0: $i exists but is unknown by ../MANIFEST\n"
+ if !$manipods{$i} && !$manireadmes{$i};
+ warn "$0: $i exists but is unknown by perl.pod\n"
+ unless $perlpods{$i};
+ }
+ foreach my $i (sort keys %our_pods) {
+ warn "$0: $i is known by buildtoc but does not exist\n"
+ unless $disk_pods{$i};
+ }
+ foreach my $i (sort keys %manipods) {
+ warn "$0: $i is known by ../MANIFEST but does not exist\n"
+ unless $disk_pods{$i};
+ }
+ foreach my $i (sort keys %perlpods) {
+ warn "$0: $i is known by perl.pod but does not exist\n"
+ unless $disk_pods{$i};
+ }
+# Find all the mdoules
+ my @modpods;
+ find \&getpods => qw(../lib ../ext);
+ sub getpods {
+ if (/\.p(od|m)$/) {
+ my $file = $File::Find::name;
+ return if $file eq '../lib/Pod/'; # Used only by pod itself
+ return if $file =~ m!(?:^|/)t/!;
+ return if $file =~ m!lib/Attribute/Handlers/demo/!;
+ return if $file =~ m!lib/Net/FTP/.+\.pm!; # Hi, Graham! :-)
+ return if $file =~ m!lib/Math/BigInt/t/!;
+ return if $file =~ m!/Devel/PPPort/[Hh]arness|lib/Devel/Harness!i;
+ return if $file =~ m!XS/(?:APItest|Typemap)!;
+ my $pod = $file;
+ return if $pod =~ s/pm$/pod/ && -e $pod;
+ die "$0: tut $File::Find::name" if $file =~ /TUT/;
+ unless (open (F, "< $_\0")) {
+ warn "$0: bogus <$file>: $!";
+ system "ls", "-l", $file;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $line;
+ while ($line = <F>) {
+ if ($line =~ /^=head1\s+NAME\b/) {
+ push @modpods, $file;
+ #warn "GOOD $file\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ warn "$0: $file: cannot find =head1 NAME\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ die "$0: no pods" unless @modpods;
+ my %done;
+ for (@modpods) {
+ #($name) = /(\w+)\.p(m|od)$/;
+ my $name = path2modname($_);
+ if ($name =~ /^[a-z]/) {
+ $Pragmata{$name} = $_;
+ } else {
+ if ($done{$name}++) {
+ # warn "already did $_\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $Modules{$name} = $_;
+ }
+ }
+# OK. Now a lot of ancillay function definitions follow
+# Main program returns at "Do stuff"
+sub path2modname {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ s/\.p(m|od)$//;
+ s-.*?/(lib|ext)/--;
+ s-/-::-g;
+ s/(\w+)::\1/$1/;
+ return $_;
+sub output ($);
+sub output_perltoc {
+ open(OUT, ">perltoc.pod") || die "$0: creating perltoc.pod failed: $!";
+ $/ = '';
+ ($_= <<"EOPOD2B") =~ s/^\t//gm && output($_);
+ # !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!!
+ # This file is autogenerated by buildtoc from all the other pods.
+ # Edit those files and run buildtoc --build-toc to effect changes.
+ =head1 NAME
+ perltoc - perl documentation table of contents
+ This page provides a brief table of contents for the rest of the Perl
+ documentation set. It is meant to be scanned quickly or grepped
+ through to locate the proper section you're looking for.
+#' make emacs happy
+ # All the things in the master list that happen to be pod filenames
+ podset(map {"$_->[1].pod"} grep {defined $_ && @$_ == 3 && !$_->[0]{toc_omit}} @Master);
+ ($_= <<"EOPOD2B") =~ s/^\t//gm && output($_);
+ podset(sort values %Pragmata);
+ ($_= <<"EOPOD2B") =~ s/^\t//gm && output($_);
+ podset( @Modules{ sort keys %Modules } );
+ $_= <<"EOPOD2B";
+ Here should be listed all the extra programs' documentation, but they
+ don't all have manual pages yet:
+ =over 4
+ $_ .= join "\n", map {"\t=item $_\n"} sort keys %Aux;
+ $_ .= <<"EOPOD2B" ;
+ =back
+ =head1 AUTHOR
+ Larry Wall <F<larry\>>, with the help of oodles
+ of other folks.
+ s/^\t//gm;
+ output $_;
+ output "\n"; # flush $LINE
+# Below are all the auxiliary routines for generating perltoc.pod
+my ($inhead1, $inhead2, $initem);
+sub podset {
+ local @ARGV = @_;
+ my $pod;
+ while(<>) {
+ tr/\015//d;
+ if (s/^=head1 (NAME)\s*/=head2 /) {
+ $pod = path2modname($ARGV);
+ unhead1();
+ output "\n \n\n=head2 ";
+ $_ = <>;
+ if ( /^\s*$pod\b/ ) {
+ s/$pod\.pm/$pod/; # '.pm' in NAME !?
+ output $_;
+ } else {
+ s/^/$pod, /;
+ output $_;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if (s/^=head1 (.*)/=item $1/) {
+ unhead2();
+ output "=over 4\n\n" unless $inhead1;
+ $inhead1 = 1;
+ output $_; nl(); next;
+ }
+ if (s/^=head2 (.*)/=item $1/) {
+ unitem();
+ output "=over 4\n\n" unless $inhead2;
+ $inhead2 = 1;
+ output $_; nl(); next;
+ }
+ if (s/^=item ([^=].*)/$1/) {
+ next if $pod eq 'perldiag';
+ s/^\s*\*\s*$// && next;
+ s/^\s*\*\s*//;
+ s/\n/ /g;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ next if /^[\d.]+$/;
+ next if $pod eq 'perlmodlib' && /^ftp:/;
+ ##print "=over 4\n\n" unless $initem;
+ output ", " if $initem;
+ $initem = 1;
+ s/\.$//;
+ s/^-X\b/-I<X>/;
+ output $_; next;
+ }
+ if (s/^=cut\s*\n//) {
+ unhead1();
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+sub unhead1 {
+ unhead2();
+ if ($inhead1) {
+ output "\n\n=back\n\n";
+ }
+ $inhead1 = 0;
+sub unhead2 {
+ unitem();
+ if ($inhead2) {
+ output "\n\n=back\n\n";
+ }
+ $inhead2 = 0;
+sub unitem {
+ if ($initem) {
+ output "\n\n";
+ ##print "\n\n=back\n\n";
+ }
+ $initem = 0;
+sub nl {
+ output "\n";
+my $NEWLINE = 0; # how many newlines have we seen recently
+my $LINE; # what remains to be printed
+sub output ($) {
+ for (split /(\n)/, shift) {
+ if ($_ eq "\n") {
+ if ($LINE) {
+ print OUT wrap('', '', $LINE);
+ $LINE = '';
+ }
+ if (($NEWLINE) < 2) {
+ print OUT;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/\S/ && length) {
+ $LINE .= $_;
+ $NEWLINE = 0;
+ }
+ }
+# End of original buildtoc. From here on are routines to generate new sections
+# for and inplace edit other files
+sub generate_perlpod {
+ my @output;
+ my $maxlength = 0;
+ foreach (@Master) {
+ my $flags = $_->[0];
+ next if $flags->{aux};
+ if (@$_ == 2) {
+ # Heading
+ push @output, "=head2 $_->[1]\n";
+ } elsif (@$_ == 3) {
+ # Section
+ my $start = " " x (4 + $flags->{indent}) . $_->[1];
+ $maxlength = length $start if length ($start) > $maxlength;
+ push @output, [$start, $_->[2]];
+ } elsif (@$_ == 0) {
+ # blank line
+ push @output, "\n";
+ } else {
+ die "$0: Illegal length " . scalar @$_;
+ }
+ }
+ # want at least 2 spaces padding
+ $maxlength += 2;
+ $maxlength = ($maxlength + 3) & ~3;
+ # sprintf gives $1.....$2 where ... are spaces:
+ return unexpand (map {ref $_ ? sprintf "%-${maxlength}s%s\n", @$_ : $_}
+ @output);
+sub generate_manifest {
+ # Annyoingly unexpand doesn't consider it good form to replace a single
+ # space before a tab with a tab
+ # Annoyingly (2) it returns read only values.
+ my @temp = unexpand (map {sprintf "%-32s%s\n", @$_} @_);
+ map {s/ \t/\t\t/g; $_} @temp;
+sub generate_manifest_pod {
+ generate_manifest map {["pod/$_.pod", $Pods{$_}]} sort keys %Pods;
+sub generate_manifest_readme {
+ generate_manifest map {["README.$_", $Readmes{$_}]} sort keys %Readmes;
+sub generate_roffitall {
+ (map ({"\t\$maindir/$_.1\t\\"}sort keys %Pods),
+ "\t\t\\",
+ map ({"\t\$maindir/$_.1\t\\"}sort keys %Aux),
+ "\t\t\\",
+ map ({"\t\$libdir/$_.3\t\\"}sort keys %Pragmata),
+ "\t\t\\",
+ map ({"\t\$libdir/$_.3\t\\"}sort keys %Modules),
+ )
+sub generate_descrip_mms_1 {
+ local $Text::Wrap::columns = 150;
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @lines = map {"pod" . $count++ . " = $_"}
+ split /\n/, wrap('', '', join " ", map "[.lib.pod]$_.pod",
+ sort keys %Pods, keys %Readmepods);
+ @lines, "pod = " . join ' ', map {"\$(pod$_)"} 0 .. $count - 1;
+sub generate_descrip_mms_2 {
+ map {sprintf <<'SNIP', $_, $_ eq 'perlvms' ? 'vms' : 'pod', $_}
+[.lib.pod]%s.pod : [.%s]%s.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ Copy/NoConfirm/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) [.lib.pod]
+ sort keys %Pods, keys %Readmepods;
+sub generate_nmake_1 {
+ map {sprintf "\tcopy ..\\README.%-8s .\\perl$_.pod\n", $_}
+ sort keys %Readmes;
+# This doesn't have a trailing newline
+sub generate_nmake_2 {
+ # Spot the special case
+ local $Text::Wrap::columns = 76;
+ my $line = wrap ("\t ", "\t ",
+ join " ", sort map {"perl$_.pod"} "vms", keys %Readmes);
+ $line =~ s/$/ \\/mg;
+ $line;
+sub generate_pod_mak {
+ my $variable = shift;
+ my @lines;
+ my $line = join "\\\n", "\U$variable = ",
+ map {"\t$_.$variable\t"} sort keys %Pods;
+ # Special case
+ $line =~ s/.*perltoc.html.*\n//m;
+ $line;
+sub do_manifest {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my @manifest =
+ grep {! m!^pod/[^.]+\.pod.*\n!}
+ grep {! m!^README\.(\S+)! || $Ignore{$1}} @_;
+ # Dictionary order - fold and handle non-word chars as nothing
+ map { $_->[0] }
+ sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] || $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] }
+ map { my $f = lc $_; $f =~ s/[^a-z0-9\s]//g; [ $_, $f ] }
+ @manifest,
+ &generate_manifest_pod(),
+ &generate_manifest_readme();
+sub do_nmake {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $makefile = join '', @_;
+ die "$0: $name contains NUL bytes" if $makefile =~ /\0/;
+ $makefile =~ s/^\tcopy \.\.\\README.*\n/\0/gm;
+ my $sections = () = $makefile =~ m/\0+/g;
+ die "$0: $name contains no README copies" if $sections < 1;
+ die "$0: $name contains discontiguous README copies" if $sections > 1;
+ $makefile =~ s/\0+/join "", &generate_nmake_1/se;
+ $makefile =~ s{(cd \$\(PODDIR\) && del /f [^\n]+).*?(pod2html)}
+ {"$1\n" . &generate_nmake_2."\n\t $2"}se;
+ $makefile;
+# shut up used only once warning
+*do_dmake = *do_dmake = \&do_nmake;
+sub do_perlpod {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $pod = join '', @_;
+ unless ($pod =~ s{(For\ ease\ of\ access,\ .*\n)
+ (?:\s+[a-z]{4,}.*\n # fooo
+ |=head.*\n # =head foo
+ |\s*\n # blank line
+ )+
+ }
+ {$1 . join "", &generate_perlpod}mxe) {
+ die "$0: Failed to insert ammendments in do_perlpod";
+ }
+ $pod;
+sub do_podmak {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $body = join '', @_;
+ foreach my $variable qw(pod man html tex) {
+ die "$0: could not find $variable in $name"
+ unless $body =~ s{\n\U$variable\E = (?:[^\n]*\\\n)*[^\n]*}
+ {"\n" . generate_pod_mak ($variable)}se;
+ }
+ $body;
+sub do_vms {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $makefile = join '', @_;
+ die "$0: $name contains NUL bytes" if $makefile =~ /\0/;
+ $makefile =~ s/\npod\d* =[^\n]*/\0/gs;
+ my $sections = () = $makefile =~ m/\0+/g;
+ die "$0: $name contains no pod assignments" if $sections < 1;
+ die "$0: $name contains $sections discontigous pod assignments"
+ if $sections > 1;
+ $makefile =~ s/\0+/join "\n", '', &generate_descrip_mms_1/se;
+ die "$0: $name contains NUL bytes" if $makefile =~ /\0/;
+# Looking for rules like this
+# [.lib.pod]perl.pod : [.pod]perl.pod
+# @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+# Copy/NoConfirm/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) [.lib.pod]
+ $makefile =~ s/\n\Q[.lib.pod]\Eperl[^\n\.]*\.pod[^\n]+\n
+ [^\n]+\n # Another line
+ [^\n]+\Q[.lib.pod]\E\n # ends [.lib.pod]
+ /\0/gsx;
+ $sections = () = $makefile =~ m/\0+/g;
+ die "$0: $name contains no copy rules" if $sections < 1;
+ die "$0: $name contains $sections discontigous copy rules"
+ if $sections > 1;
+ $makefile =~ s/\0+/join "\n", '', &generate_descrip_mms_2/se;
+ $makefile;
+# Do stuff
+my $built;
+while (my ($target, $name) = each %Targets) {
+ next unless $Build{$target};
+ $built++;
+ if ($target eq "toc") {
+ &output_perltoc;
+ next;
+ }
+ print "Now processing $name\n" if $Verbose;
+ open THING, $name or die "Can't open $name: $!";
+ my @orig = <THING>;
+ my $orig = join '', @orig;
+ close THING;
+ my @new = do {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ &{"do_$target"}($target, @orig);
+ };
+ my $new = join '', @new;
+ if ($new eq $orig) {
+ print "Was not modified\n" if $Verbose;
+ next;
+ }
+ rename $name, "$name.old" or die "$0: Can't rename $name to $name.old: $!";
+ open THING, ">$name" or die "$0: Can't open $name for writing: $!";
+ print THING $new or die "$0: print to $name failed: $!";
+ close THING or die die "$0: close $name failed: $!";
+warn "$0: was not instructed to build anything\n" unless $built;