path: root/gnu/usr.bin/perl/ext/Storable/t/attach_singleton.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin/perl/ext/Storable/t/attach_singleton.t')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/ext/Storable/t/attach_singleton.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/ext/Storable/t/attach_singleton.t
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..475204f0b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/ext/Storable/t/attach_singleton.t
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+#!./perl -w
+# Copyright 2005, Adam Kennedy.
+# You may redistribute only under the same terms as Perl 5, as specified
+# in the README file that comes with the distribution.
+# Tests freezing/thawing structures containing Singleton objects,
+# which should see both structs pointing to the same object.
+sub BEGIN {
+ if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}){
+ chdir('t') if -d 't';
+ @INC = ('.', '../lib');
+ } else {
+ unshift @INC, 't';
+ }
+ require Config; import Config;
+ if ($ENV{PERL_CORE} and $Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bStorable\b/) {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: Storable was not built\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+use Test::More tests => 11;
+use Storable ();
+# Get the singleton
+my $object = My::Singleton->new;
+isa_ok( $object, 'My::Singleton' );
+# Confirm (for the record) that the class is actually a Singleton
+my $object2 = My::Singleton->new;
+isa_ok( $object2, 'My::Singleton' );
+is( "$object", "$object2", 'Class is a singleton' );
+# Main Tests
+my $struct = [ 1, $object, 3 ];
+# Freeze the struct
+my $frozen = Storable::freeze( $struct );
+ok( (defined($frozen) and ! ref($frozen) and length($frozen)), 'freeze returns a string' );
+# Thaw the struct
+my $thawed = Storable::thaw( $frozen );
+# Now it should look exactly like the original
+is_deeply( $struct, $thawed, 'Struct superficially looks like the original' );
+# ... EXCEPT that the Singleton should be the same instance of the object
+is( "$struct->[1]", "$thawed->[1]", 'Singleton thaws correctly' );
+# We can also test this empirically
+$struct->[1]->{value} = 'Goodbye cruel world!';
+is_deeply( $struct, $thawed, 'Empiric testing corfirms correct behaviour' );
+# End Tests
+package My::Singleton;
+my $SINGLETON = undef;
+sub new {
+ $SINGLETON = bless { value => 'Hello World!' }, $_[0];
+sub STORABLE_freeze {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # We don't actually need to return anything, but provide a null string
+ # to avoid the null-list-return behaviour.
+ return ('foo');
+sub STORABLE_attach {
+ my ($class, $clone, $string) = @_;
+ Test::More::ok( ! ref $class, 'STORABLE_attach passed class, and not an object' );
+ Test::More::is( $class, 'My::Singleton', 'STORABLE_attach is passed the correct class name' );
+ Test::More::is( $clone, 0, 'We are not in a dclone' );
+ Test::More::is( $string, 'foo', 'STORABLE_attach gets the string back' );
+ # Get the Singleton object and return it
+ return $class->new;