path: root/app/fvwm/extras/FvwmConfig/WinBase.C
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/fvwm/extras/FvwmConfig/WinBase.C')
1 files changed, 1006 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/fvwm/extras/FvwmConfig/WinBase.C b/app/fvwm/extras/FvwmConfig/WinBase.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..129a33cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/fvwm/extras/FvwmConfig/WinBase.C
@@ -0,0 +1,1006 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <X11/X.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <X11/Xresource.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "WinBase.h"
+char *def_geom_string = NULL;
+char *def_fg_string = DEFAULT_FORECOLOR;
+char *def_bg_string = DEFAULT_BACKCOLOR;
+char *def_font = DEFAULT_FONT;
+char *def_bw = DEFAULT_BEVEL;
+char *def_resname = "XThing";
+char *def_display = NULL;
+char **orig_argv = NULL;
+int orig_argc = 0;
+ * ReapChildren - wait() for all dead child processes
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#define ReapChildren() while ((waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG)) > 0);
+#define ReapChildren() while ((wait3(NULL, WNOHANG, NULL)) > 0);
+int GetFdWidth(void)
+ return sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
+ return getdtablesize();
+int My_XNextEvent(Display *dpy, XEvent *event);
+static int MyXAllocColor(Display *dpy,Colormap cmap,int screen, XColor *color);
+ *
+ * Standard options
+ *
+ *************************************************************************/
+struct res_list
+ char **dataptr;
+ char *keyword;
+struct res_list string_resource_list[] =
+ {&def_geom_string, "geometry"},
+ {&def_geom_string, "geom"},
+ {&def_fg_string, "foreground"},
+ {&def_fg_string, "fg"},
+ {&def_bg_string, "background"},
+ {&def_bg_string, "bg"},
+ {&def_font, "font"},
+ {&def_bw, "bevelwidth"},
+ {&def_bw, "bw"},
+ {0, NULL}
+ *
+ * Declarations for static members of WinBase
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+Display *WinBase::dpy = 0;
+Window WinBase::Root = None;
+int WinBase::Screen;
+GC WinBase::DefaultReliefGC;
+GC WinBase::DefaultShadowGC;
+GC WinBase::DefaultForeGC;
+XFontStruct *WinBase::DefaultFont;
+Pixel WinBase::DefaultBackColor;
+Pixel WinBase::DefaultReliefColor;
+Pixel WinBase::DefaultShadowColor;
+Pixel WinBase::DefaultForeColor;
+Colormap WinBase::cmap;
+static Atom wm_del_win;
+static int fd_width;
+static int x_fd;
+struct iodesc
+ int fd;
+ void (*func)(int);
+struct iodesc *wininputdesc;
+struct iodesc *winoutputdesc;
+static int wininputcount;
+static int winoutputcount;
+void WinInitialize(char **argv, int argc)
+ int i = 0,j,done;
+ char *tmp;
+ orig_argv = argv;
+ orig_argc = argc;
+ for(i=1;i<argc;i++)
+ {
+ if(strcmp(argv[i],"-display")==0)
+ def_display = argv[i+1];
+ }
+ WinBase::dpy = XOpenDisplay(def_display);
+ if(WinBase::dpy == 0)
+ {
+ cerr <<"Can't open display\n";
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ fd_width = GetFdWidth();
+ wininputdesc = new struct iodesc[fd_width];
+ winoutputdesc = new struct iodesc[fd_width];
+ wininputcount = 0;
+ winoutputcount = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<fd_width;i++)
+ {
+ wininputdesc[i].fd = -1;
+ winoutputdesc[i].fd = -1;
+ }
+ x_fd = XConnectionNumber(WinBase::dpy);
+ if(argv[0] !=0)
+ def_resname = argv[0];
+ /* Check for defaults in .Xdefaults. */
+ i=0;
+ while(string_resource_list[i].keyword != NULL)
+ {
+ if((tmp = XGetDefault(WinBase::dpy,def_resname,
+ string_resource_list[i].keyword)) != (char *)0)
+ {
+ *string_resource_list[i].dataptr = tmp;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ /* Check for command line options */
+ for(i=1;i<argc;i++)
+ {
+ if(argv[i][0] == '-')
+ {
+ j=0;
+ done = 0;
+ while((string_resource_list[j].keyword != NULL)&&(!done))
+ {
+ if(strcmp(&argv[i][1],string_resource_list[j].keyword)==0)
+ {
+ *string_resource_list[j].dataptr = &argv[i+1][0];
+ i++;
+ done = 1;
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int WinAddInput(int fd, void (*readfunc)(int))
+ if(wininputcount < fd_width)
+ {
+ wininputdesc[wininputcount].func = readfunc;
+ wininputdesc[wininputcount].fd = fd;
+ wininputcount++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ return 1;
+int WinAddOutput(int fd, void (*writefunc)(int))
+ if(winoutputcount < fd_width)
+ {
+ winoutputdesc[winoutputcount].func = writefunc;
+ winoutputdesc[winoutputcount].fd = fd;
+ winoutputcount++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ return 1;
+WinBase::WinBase(WinBase* ParentW, int width,int height,int x_loc, int y_loc)
+ Window pwindow;
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ XSetWindowAttributes attributes; /* attributes for creating window */
+ unsigned long mask;
+ int create_defaults = 0;
+ Parent = ParentW;
+ if(Root == None)
+ {
+ /* This is the first window opened. */
+ create_defaults = 1;
+ /* Open X connection */
+ if(dpy == 0)
+ {
+ dpy = XOpenDisplay(def_display);
+ if(dpy == 0)
+ {
+ cerr <<"Can't open display\n";
+ if(def_display != NULL)
+ cerr <<def_display;
+ cerr <<"\n";
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ Screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
+ Root = RootWindow(dpy,Screen);
+ }
+ if(create_defaults)
+ {
+ cmap = DefaultColormap(dpy,Screen);
+ DefaultBackColor = GetColor(def_bg_string,dpy,cmap,Screen);
+ GetColor("black",dpy,cmap,Screen);
+ GetColor("white",dpy,cmap,Screen);
+ if(DefaultBackColor == 0xffffffff)
+ DefaultBackColor = WhitePixel(dpy,Screen);
+ DefaultReliefColor = GetHilite(DefaultBackColor,dpy,Screen, cmap);
+ DefaultShadowColor = GetShadow(DefaultBackColor,dpy,Screen, cmap);
+ DefaultForeColor = GetColor(def_fg_string,dpy,cmap,Screen);
+ if(DefaultForeColor == 0xffffffff)
+ DefaultForeColor = BlackPixel(dpy,Screen);
+ }
+ if(Parent == NULL)
+ pwindow = Root;
+ else
+ pwindow = Parent->win;
+ x = x_loc;
+ y = y_loc;
+ w = width;
+ h = height;
+ if(Parent == NULL)
+ {
+ BackColor = DefaultBackColor;
+ ForeColor = DefaultForeColor;
+ ReliefColor = DefaultReliefColor;
+ ShadowColor = DefaultShadowColor;
+ bw = atoi(def_bw);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BackColor = Parent->BackColor;
+ ForeColor = Parent->ForeColor;
+ ReliefColor = Parent->ReliefColor;
+ ShadowColor = Parent->ShadowColor;
+ bw = Parent->bw;
+ }
+ popped_out = 1;
+ name_set = 0;
+ icon_name_set = 0;
+ CloseWindowAction = NULL;
+ mask = CWBackPixel | CWEventMask;
+ attributes.background_pixel = BackColor;
+ attributes.event_mask =
+ ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|
+ StructureNotifyMask;
+ win = XCreateWindow(dpy,pwindow,x_loc,y_loc,width,height,0,
+ CopyFromParent,InputOutput,CopyFromParent,
+ mask,&attributes);
+ if(create_defaults)
+ {
+ DefaultFont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, def_font);
+ if(DefaultFont == NULL)
+ {
+ cerr <<"Can't load font "<<def_font<<"\n";
+ DefaultFont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "fixed");
+ }
+ if(DefaultFont == NULL)
+ {
+ cerr <<"Giving up\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ mask = GCFunction|GCPlaneMask|GCGraphicsExposures|GCLineWidth|
+ GCForeground|GCBackground| GCFont;
+ gcv.background = DefaultBackColor;
+ gcv.line_width = 0;
+ gcv.function = GXcopy;
+ gcv.font = DefaultFont->fid;
+ gcv.plane_mask = AllPlanes;
+ gcv.graphics_exposures = False;
+ gcv.foreground = DefaultReliefColor;
+ DefaultReliefGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ gcv.foreground = DefaultShadowColor;
+ DefaultShadowGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ gcv.foreground = DefaultForeColor;
+ DefaultForeGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ }
+ if(Parent == NULL)
+ {
+ XClassHint classhints;
+ XWMHints wmhints;
+ XSizeHints normal_hints;
+ XTextProperty name;
+ main_window = this;
+ ReliefGC = DefaultReliefGC;
+ ShadowGC = DefaultShadowGC;
+ ForeGC = DefaultForeGC;
+ Font = DefaultFont;
+ normal_hints.flags = PWinGravity|PMinSize|PResizeInc;
+ normal_hints.width_inc = 1;
+ normal_hints.height_inc = 1;
+ normal_hints.min_width = 1;
+ normal_hints.min_height = 1;
+ normal_hints.win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
+ wmhints.input = True;
+ wmhints.initial_state = NormalState;
+ wmhints.flags = InputHint|StateHint;
+ classhints.res_name = def_resname;
+ classhints.res_class = def_resname;
+ if (XStringListToTextProperty(&def_resname,1,&name) == 0)
+ {
+ cerr <<"cannot allocate window name";
+ return;
+ }
+ XSetWMProperties(dpy,win, &name, &name,orig_argv,
+ orig_argc, &normal_hints,&wmhints,&classhints);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ main_window = Parent->main_window;
+ mask = GCFunction|GCPlaneMask|GCGraphicsExposures|GCLineWidth|
+ GCForeground|GCBackground| GCFont;
+ if(Parent->ReliefGC == DefaultReliefGC)
+ ReliefGC = DefaultReliefGC;
+ else
+ {
+ XGetGCValues(dpy,Parent->ReliefGC,mask,&gcv);
+ ReliefGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ }
+ if(Parent->ShadowGC == DefaultShadowGC)
+ ShadowGC = DefaultShadowGC;
+ else
+ {
+ XGetGCValues(dpy,Parent->ShadowGC,mask,&gcv);
+ ShadowGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ }
+ if(Parent->ForeGC == DefaultForeGC)
+ ForeGC = DefaultForeGC;
+ else
+ {
+ XGetGCValues(dpy,Parent->ForeGC,mask,&gcv);
+ ForeGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ }
+ Font = Parent->DefaultFont;
+ }
+ RegisterWindow(win,this);
+ if(wm_del_win == 0)
+ wm_del_win = XInternAtom(dpy,"WM_DELETE_WINDOW",False);
+ XSetWMProtocols(dpy,win,&wm_del_win,1);
+ XDestroyWindow(dpy,win);
+ UnregisterWindow(this);
+void WinBase::Map()
+ XMapSubwindows(dpy,win);
+ XMapRaised(dpy,win);
+ XSync(dpy,0);
+void WinBase::RedrawWindow(int clear)
+ if(clear)
+ XClearWindow(dpy,win);
+ DrawCallback(NULL);
+void WinBase::DrawCallback(XEvent *event)
+ int i;
+ GC gc1;
+ GC gc2;
+ if((!event)||(event->xexpose.count == 0))
+ {
+ if(popped_out)
+ {
+ gc1 = ShadowGC;
+ gc2 = ReliefGC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gc2 = ShadowGC;
+ gc1 = ReliefGC;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<bw;i++)
+ {
+ XDrawLine(dpy,win,gc1,i,h-1-i,w-1-i,h-1-i);
+ XDrawLine(dpy,win,gc1,w-1-i,i,w-1-i,h-1-i);
+ XDrawLine(dpy,win,gc2,i,i,w-1-i,i);
+ XDrawLine(dpy,win,gc2,i,i,i,h-1-i);
+ }
+ }
+void WinBase::BPressCallback(XEvent *event)
+void WinBase::KPressCallback(XEvent *event)
+void WinBase::BReleaseCallback(XEvent *event)
+void WinBase::ResizeCallback(int new_w, int new_h, XEvent *event)
+ w = new_w;
+ h = new_h;
+ RedrawWindow(1);
+void WinBase::MotionCallback(XEvent *event)
+void WinBase::SetSize(int new_w, int new_h)
+ XResizeWindow(dpy,win,new_w,new_h);
+ w = new_w;
+ h = new_h;
+void WinBase::SetPosition(int new_x, int new_y)
+ XMoveWindow(dpy,win,new_x,new_y);
+ x = new_x;
+ y = new_y;
+void WinBase::SetGeometry(int new_x, int new_y, int new_w, int new_h,
+ int min_width, int min_height,
+ int max_width, int max_height,
+ int resize_inc_w, int resize_inc_h,
+ int base_width, int base_height,
+ int gravity)
+ XSizeHints normal_hints;
+ normal_hints.flags = USPosition|USSize|
+ PMinSize|PMaxSize|PResizeInc|PBaseSize|PWinGravity;
+ normal_hints.x = new_x;
+ normal_hints.y = new_y;
+ normal_hints.width = new_w;
+ normal_hints.height = new_h;
+ normal_hints.min_width = min_width;
+ normal_hints.min_height = min_height;
+ normal_hints.max_width = max_width;
+ normal_hints.max_height = max_height;
+ normal_hints.width_inc = resize_inc_w;
+ normal_hints.height_inc = resize_inc_h;
+ normal_hints.base_width = base_width;
+ normal_hints.base_height = base_height;
+ normal_hints.win_gravity = gravity;
+ XSetWMNormalHints(dpy,win, &normal_hints);
+ SetPosition(new_x,new_y);
+ SetSize(new_w, new_h);
+void WinBase::SetCloseWindowAction(void (*NewAction)(WinBase *which))
+ CloseWindowAction = NewAction;
+void WinBase::SetBackColor(char *newcolor = DEFAULT_BACKCOLOR)
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ XSetWindowAttributes attributes; /* attributes for creating window */
+ unsigned long mask;
+ BackColor = GetColor(newcolor,dpy,cmap,Screen);
+ if(BackColor == 0xffffffff)
+ BackColor = DefaultBackColor;
+ ReliefColor = GetHilite(BackColor,dpy,Screen, cmap);
+ ShadowColor = GetShadow(BackColor,dpy,Screen, cmap);
+ if(ForeGC != DefaultForeGC)
+ {
+ XFreeGC(dpy,ForeGC);
+ }
+ if(ShadowGC != DefaultShadowGC)
+ {
+ XFreeGC(dpy,ShadowGC);
+ }
+ if(ReliefGC != DefaultReliefGC)
+ {
+ XFreeGC(dpy,ReliefGC);
+ }
+ mask = GCFunction|GCPlaneMask|GCGraphicsExposures|GCLineWidth|
+ GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont;
+ gcv.background = BackColor;
+ gcv.line_width = 0;
+ gcv.function = GXcopy;
+ gcv.plane_mask = AllPlanes;
+ gcv.font = Font->fid;
+ gcv.graphics_exposures = False;
+ gcv.foreground = ReliefColor;
+ ReliefGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ gcv.foreground = ShadowColor;
+ ShadowGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ gcv.foreground = ForeColor;
+ ForeGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ mask = CWBackPixel;
+ attributes.background_pixel = BackColor;
+ XChangeWindowAttributes(dpy,win, mask,&attributes);
+ XClearWindow(dpy,win);
+void WinBase::SetBevelWidth(int new_bw)
+ bw = new_bw;
+void WinBase::PushIn()
+ popped_out = 0;
+void WinBase::PopOut()
+ popped_out = 1;
+void WinBase::MakeTransient(WinBase *TransientFor)
+ XSetTransientForHint(dpy,win,TransientFor->win);
+void WinBase::SetForeColor(char *newcolor = DEFAULT_FORECOLOR)
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ unsigned long mask;
+ ForeColor = GetColor(newcolor,dpy,cmap,Screen);
+ if(ForeColor == 0xffffffff)
+ ForeColor = DefaultForeColor;
+ if(ForeGC!= DefaultForeGC)
+ XFreeGC(dpy,ShadowGC);
+ mask = GCFunction|GCPlaneMask|GCGraphicsExposures|GCLineWidth|
+ GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont;
+ gcv.background = BackColor;
+ gcv.line_width = 0;
+ gcv.function = GXcopy;
+ gcv.plane_mask = AllPlanes;
+ gcv.graphics_exposures = False;
+ gcv.foreground = DefaultForeColor;
+ gcv.font = Font->fid;
+ ForeGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+void WinBase::SetFont(char *newfont=DEFAULT_FONT)
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ unsigned long mask;
+ Font = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, newfont);
+ if(Font == NULL)
+ Font = DefaultFont;
+ if(ForeGC != DefaultForeGC)
+ {
+ XFreeGC(dpy,ForeGC);
+ }
+ if(ShadowGC != DefaultShadowGC)
+ {
+ XFreeGC(dpy,ShadowGC);
+ }
+ if(ReliefGC != DefaultReliefGC)
+ {
+ XFreeGC(dpy,ReliefGC);
+ }
+ mask = GCFunction|GCPlaneMask|GCGraphicsExposures|GCLineWidth|
+ GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont;
+ gcv.background = BackColor;
+ gcv.line_width = 0;
+ gcv.function = GXcopy;
+ gcv.plane_mask = AllPlanes;
+ gcv.font = Font->fid;
+ gcv.graphics_exposures = False;
+ gcv.foreground = ReliefColor;
+ ReliefGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ gcv.foreground = ShadowColor;
+ ShadowGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+ gcv.foreground = ForeColor;
+ ForeGC = XCreateGC(dpy,win,mask,&gcv);
+void WinBase::SetWindowName(char *new_name)
+ XTextProperty name;
+ if (XStringListToTextProperty(&new_name,1,&name) == 0)
+ {
+ cerr <<"cannot allocate window name";
+ return;
+ }
+ XSetWMName(dpy,win,&name);
+ XFree(name.value);
+ if(icon_name_set == 0)
+ {
+ SetIconName(new_name);
+ icon_name_set = 0;
+ }
+ name_set = 1;
+void WinBase::SetIconName(char *new_name)
+ XTextProperty name;
+ if (XStringListToTextProperty(&new_name,1,&name) == 0)
+ {
+ cerr<<"cannot allocate icon name";
+ return;
+ }
+ XSetWMIconName(dpy,win,&name);
+ XFree(name.value);
+ icon_name_set = 1;
+void WinBase::SetWindowClass(char *resclass)
+ XClassHint class_hint;
+ class_hint.res_name = def_resname;
+ class_hint.res_class = resclass;
+ XSetClassHint(dpy,win,&class_hint);
+ *
+ * This routine computes the shadow color from the background color
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+Pixel GetShadow(Pixel background, Display *dpy, int Screen, Colormap cmap)
+ XColor bg_color, white_p;
+ bg_color.pixel = background;
+ XQueryColor(dpy,cmap,&bg_color);
+ white_p.pixel = WhitePixel(dpy,Screen);
+ XQueryColor(dpy,cmap,&white_p);
+ if(( <
+ ( <
+ ( <
+ {
+ =;
+ =;
+ =;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ = (*50)/100;
+ = (*50)/100;
+ = (*50)/100;
+ }
+ if(!MyXAllocColor(dpy,cmap,Screen,&bg_color))
+ {
+ cout <<"Can't allocate shadow color\n";
+ bg_color.pixel = BlackPixel(dpy,Screen);
+ }
+ return bg_color.pixel;
+ *
+ * This routine computes the hilight color from the background color
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+Pixel GetHilite(Pixel background, Display *dpy, int Screen, Colormap cmap)
+ XColor bg_color, white_p;
+ int r,g,b;
+ bg_color.pixel = background;
+ XQueryColor(dpy,cmap,&bg_color);
+ white_p.pixel = WhitePixel(dpy,Screen);
+ XQueryColor(dpy,cmap,&white_p);
+ if(( > 2*
+ ( > 2*
+ ( > 2*
+ {
+ r =*3/4;
+ g =*3/4;
+ b =*3/4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = + ( -;
+ g = + ( -;
+ b = + ( -;
+ }
+ if(r >
+ =;
+ else
+ = r;
+ if(g >
+ =;
+ else
+ = g;
+ if(b >
+ =;
+ else
+ = b;
+ if(!MyXAllocColor(dpy,cmap,Screen,&bg_color))
+ {
+ cout <<"Can't allocate highlight color\n";
+ bg_color.pixel = WhitePixel(dpy,Screen);;
+ }
+ return bg_color.pixel;
+ *
+ * Loads a single color
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+Pixel GetColor(char *name, Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, int Screen)
+ XColor color;
+ color.pixel = 0xffffffff;
+ if (!XParseColor (dpy, cmap, name, &color))
+ {
+ cerr<< "Can't parse color "<<name<<"\n";
+ }
+ else if(!MyXAllocColor (dpy, cmap, Screen,&color))
+ {
+ cerr<< "Can't allocate color "<<name<<"\n";
+ }
+ return color.pixel;
+static int MyXAllocColor(Display *dpy,Colormap cmap,int screen, XColor *color)
+ XColor *allcolors;
+ int ncolors,i;
+ int bestpixel = 0;
+ float rdist, bdist, gdist, distance,bestdistance = 2e10;
+ if(XAllocColor (dpy, cmap, color))
+ return 1;
+ ncolors = DisplayCells(dpy,screen);
+ allcolors = new XColor[ncolors];
+ for(i=0;i<ncolors;i++)
+ allcolors[i].pixel = i;
+ XQueryColors(dpy,cmap,allcolors,ncolors);
+ for(i=0;i<ncolors;i++)
+ {
+ rdist = color->red- allcolors[i].red;
+ bdist = color->blue- allcolors[i].blue;
+ gdist = color->green- allcolors[i].green;
+ distance = rdist*rdist+bdist*bdist+gdist*gdist;
+ if(distance < bestdistance)
+ {
+ bestdistance = distance;
+ bestpixel = i;
+ }
+ }
+ color->red = allcolors[bestpixel].red;
+ color->green = allcolors[bestpixel].green;
+ color->blue = allcolors[bestpixel].blue;
+ if(XAllocColor (dpy, cmap, color))
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+struct registered
+ Window win;
+ WinBase *thing;
+ int occupied;
+static struct registered thinglist[100];
+void RegisterWindow(Window win, WinBase *a)
+ static int firsttime = 1;
+ int i;
+ if(firsttime)
+ {
+ firsttime = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<100;i++)
+ {
+ thinglist[i].occupied = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<100;i++)
+ {
+ if(thinglist[i].occupied == 0)
+ {
+ thinglist[i].occupied = 1;
+ thinglist[i].win = win;
+ thinglist[i].thing = a;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ cout <<"Too many windows\n";
+ exit(-1);
+void UnregisterWindow(WinBase *thing)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<100;i++)
+ {
+ if((thinglist[i].occupied ==1)&&
+ (thinglist[i].thing == thing))
+ {
+ thinglist[i].occupied = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void WinLoop()
+ XEvent event;
+ int i;
+ Display *dpy;
+ i=0;
+ while((thinglist[i].occupied == 0)&&(i<100))
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ if(i<100)
+ dpy = thinglist[i].thing->dpy;
+ else
+ return;
+ while(!My_XNextEvent(dpy,&event));
+ for(i=0;i<100;i++)
+ {
+ if((thinglist[i].occupied)&&(event.xany.window == thinglist[i].win))
+ {
+ switch(event.type)
+ {
+ case Expose:
+ case GraphicsExpose:
+ thinglist[i].thing->DrawCallback(&event);
+ break;
+ case ButtonPress:
+ thinglist[i].thing->BPressCallback(&event);
+ break;
+ case ButtonRelease:
+ thinglist[i].thing->BReleaseCallback(&event);
+ break;
+ case KeyPress:
+ thinglist[i].thing->KPressCallback(&event);
+ break;
+ case ConfigureNotify:
+ if((thinglist[i].thing->w!= event.xconfigure.width)||
+ (thinglist[i].thing->h!= event.xconfigure.height))
+ thinglist[i].thing->ResizeCallback(event.xconfigure.width,
+ event.xconfigure.height,&event);
+ break;
+ case ClientMessage:
+ if (event.xclient.format == 32 &&[0] == wm_del_win)
+ {
+ if(thinglist[i].thing->CloseWindowAction == NULL)
+ exit(0);
+ else
+ thinglist[i].thing->CloseWindowAction(thinglist[i].thing);
+ }
+ break;
+ case MotionNotify:
+ thinglist[i].thing->MotionCallback(&event);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * Waits for next X event, or for an auto-raise timeout.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+int My_XNextEvent(Display *dpy, XEvent *event)
+ fd_set in_fdset,out_fdset;
+ Window child;
+ Window targetWindow;
+ int i,count;
+ int retval;
+ FD_ZERO(&in_fdset);
+ FD_SET(x_fd,&in_fdset);
+ FD_ZERO(&out_fdset);
+ for(i=0; i<wininputcount; i++)
+ {
+ FD_SET(wininputdesc[i].fd, &in_fdset);
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<winoutputcount; i++)
+ {
+ FD_SET(winoutputdesc[i].fd, &out_fdset);
+ }
+ /* Do this IMMEDIATELY prior to select, to prevent any nasty
+ * queued up X events from just hanging around waiting to be
+ * flushed */
+ XFlush(dpy);
+ if(XPending(dpy))
+ {
+ XNextEvent(dpy,event);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Zap all those zombies! */
+ /* If we get to here, then there are no X events waiting to be processed.
+ * Just take a moment to check for dead children. */
+ ReapChildren();
+ XFlush(dpy);
+#ifdef __hpux
+ retval=select(fd_width,(int *)&in_fdset, (int *)&out_fdset,0, NULL);
+ retval=select(fd_width,&in_fdset, &out_fdset, 0, NULL);
+ /* Check for module input. */
+ for(i=0;i<fd_width;i++)
+ {
+ if((wininputdesc[i].fd >= 0)&&(FD_ISSET(wininputdesc[i].fd, &in_fdset)))
+ {
+ wininputdesc[i].func(wininputdesc[i].fd);
+ }
+ if((winoutputdesc[i].fd>=0)&&(FD_ISSET(winoutputdesc[i].fd, &out_fdset)))
+ {
+ winoutputdesc[i].func(winoutputdesc[i].fd);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;